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College graduates are having a challenging time attaining jobs upon graduation as most companies require years of experience. There are resources available online, however they are targeting different aspects. Forming a solution to this problem is an idea, Crove, a

College graduates are having a challenging time attaining jobs upon graduation as most companies require years of experience. There are resources available online, however they are targeting different aspects. Forming a solution to this problem is an idea, Crove, a website tool that can be used by students applying to companies as well as recruiters searching for the right candidate. As Crove becomes the mediator between employers and employees, it will formulate a smooth form of interaction among the two parties. With Crove, students have the ability to display their resumes with skills in addition to their non-job related skills, such as hobbies, Spotify playlist, etc. This will help recruiters truly understand the potential employee outside of technical skills. Furthermore, the student will have the opportunity to upload a short video about themselves; this can help recruiters get a sense of the candidate's personality and in some cases, help with the behavioral part of the interview process. This unique platform benefits both employers and employees with its distinctive features.

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    • Career Grove
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