Question Based Learning: A Pedagogical Approach for Improving Hypothesis Generation in Active Learning

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Science education faces a distinct challenge in the transition to active learning: how can teachers ensure students reach accurate understandings during the exploration and self-discovery phase of a lesson? Research in hypothesis generation demonstrates human's vulnerabilities to specific biases based

Science education faces a distinct challenge in the transition to active learning: how can teachers ensure students reach accurate understandings during the exploration and self-discovery phase of a lesson? Research in hypothesis generation demonstrates human's vulnerabilities to specific biases based on prior knowledge, selective memory retrieval, and failure to consider alternative explanations. This is further complicated in science education, where content standards are abstract. As such, it is imperative to implement a proactive intervention to curb misconceptions from forming during active learning in science lessons. In this work, a new a model of instruction, Question-Based Learning (QBL) is designed and tested against current learning paradigms. The study aims to investigate whether providing constraint-seeking questions is an effective intervention leading to improved mastery of learning targets during active learning. Participants were randomly assigned to one of three conditions to learn a scientific concept: a blended learning condition, a guided-inquiry condition, or a QBL condition. Mastery was measured at the end of the task using a 12-question assessment. The same measure was also administered one week after subjects completed the study to see whether delayed recall significantly differs between condition groups. Results indicate the QBL model is at least as effective two existing forms of pedagogy at teaching a scientific principle, increasing depth of knowledge regarding that scientific principle, and sustaining knowledge over time.
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Phoneme Discrimination Between Native Mandarin and Native English Speakers

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Anecdotally, native Mandarin speakers have difficulty distinguishing between the “s” (as in sink) and the “th” (as in think) sounds as well as between the “a” (as in dad) and “ea” (as in dead) sounds. Here, 29 native English speakers,

Anecdotally, native Mandarin speakers have difficulty distinguishing between the “s” (as in sink) and the “th” (as in think) sounds as well as between the “a” (as in dad) and “ea” (as in dead) sounds. Here, 29 native English speakers, 52 native Mandarin speakers who live in China, and 34 native Mandarin speakers who have been living in an English language dominant environment were recruited to serve as participants. To assess the phoneme contrasts that may occur in native Mandarin speakers in China, and possible improvement in native Mandarin speakers living in an English environment, relative to Native English speakers living in America, a phoneme discrimination test was administered, three paired phonemes were used in the current study: /b/ paired with /p/ as a control pair, /æ/ paired with /ɛ/, and /θ/ paired with /s/. The results showed that native English speakers have significantly higher accuracy rates for the three paired phoneme discrimination tasks than the native Mandarin speakers who live in China. But there was no significant difference between the native English speakers and native Mandarin speakers who have lived in an English environment on the phonemes or words discriminations tasks.
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Experts Screening Experts: Are Courts Effectively Gatekeeping Psychological Assessment Evidence?

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The United States Supreme Court’s 1993 Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals case established criteria for admitting scientific evidence in federal courts. It holds that scientific evidence must be valid, reliable, and relevant, and judges are required to be “gatekeepers” of

The United States Supreme Court’s 1993 Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals case established criteria for admitting scientific evidence in federal courts. It holds that scientific evidence must be valid, reliable, and relevant, and judges are required to be “gatekeepers” of evidence by screening out evidence that has not been empirically tested or vetted through the academic community. Yet, little is known about whether psychological assessment tools are subjected to scrutiny through the standards courts are supposed to apply. In three different studies, from the perspectives of judges, attorneys, and forensic mental health experts, the authors investigate whether psychological assessment evidence is being challenged. Information was collected on participants’ experiences with challenges to psychological assessments. Judges and lawyers completed a series of experimental case vignettes to assess their decision-making about legal admissibility of different qualities of psychological assessments. It was hypothesized they would not distinguish between low- and high-quality psychological assessments in admissibility. Bayesian model selection methods did not support the null hypothesis, however. It was found attorneys differentiate between the conditions. The rates in which legal professionals and forensic mental health evaluators experienced challenges were also higher than was expected. These positive findings show there is some degree of gatekeeping psychological assessment evidence in the courts.
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Experiences Within Gender: An Analysis of Political Efficacy

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The goal of this paper is to add to our knowledge on women’s political efficacy and learn new ways to motivate and encourage women to be more active in politics. This study will answer the question: What types

The goal of this paper is to add to our knowledge on women’s political efficacy and learn new ways to motivate and encourage women to be more active in politics. This study will answer the question: What types of encouragement cause women to have a higher level of political efficacy? This study uses a 2x2 between-subjects survey experiment to address this question. The forms of encouragement (treatments) include two images and two statements making up our four treatment groups. It is expected for women to have a greater sense of political efficacy when
presented with a statement about how women have been very active in politics compared to a statement describing that many women do not run or are uninterested in politics, regardless of the image shown. The findings suggest that the pairs in which information is presented to men and women affects them differently, in which women were more influenced by a completely different pair of stimulus and encouragement than men.
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Socially motivated economic attitudes?: examining the impact of status desire on economic and social political attitudes

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Although recent research has suggested that motivations such as disease avoidance and self-protection are associated with increased social conservatism, less is known about the impact of other fundamental motivations on political attitudes. This is particularly important given that the currently

Although recent research has suggested that motivations such as disease avoidance and self-protection are associated with increased social conservatism, less is known about the impact of other fundamental motivations on political attitudes. This is particularly important given that the currently studied motivations do not consistently push around economic attitudes, which are an important determinant of voting. The current study investigated the impact of a different motivation, status desire, on both economic and social attitudes in a sample of undergraduate students at a large southwestern university. Participants first reported their overall, economic, and social ideology one month before participating in a lab study. Then, in the lab, they were presented either with a vignette designed to elicit status desire, or a closely matched control, before responding to a series of items about economic and social political attitudes. It was predicted that economic conservatives and liberals in the status desire condition would report more economically conservative attitudes relative to their counterparts in the control condition. By contrast, it was predicted that social conservatives in the status desire condition would report more socially conservative attitudes, whereas social liberals in the status desire condition would report more socially liberal attitudes, relative to their counterparts in the control condition. However, the use of hierarchical linear regressions showed no significant effects of motive activation condition, or interactions of motive activation condition with relevant pre-screen political ideology, in predicting either economic or social political attitudes. Implications of these results for future research are discussed.
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The Role of Mental State Language on Young Children's Introspective Ability

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A cornerstone of children’s socio-cognitive development is understanding that others can have knowledge, thoughts, and perceptions that differ from one’s own. Preschool-aged children often have difficulty with this kind of social understanding, i.e., they lack an explicit theory of mind.

A cornerstone of children’s socio-cognitive development is understanding that others can have knowledge, thoughts, and perceptions that differ from one’s own. Preschool-aged children often have difficulty with this kind of social understanding, i.e., they lack an explicit theory of mind. The goal of this dissertation was to examine the role mental state language as a developmental mechanism of children’s early understanding of their own mental states (i.e., their introspective ability). Specifically, it was hypothesized that (1) parents’ ability to recognize and appropriately label their children’s mental states and (2) children’s linguistic ability to distinguish between their mental states shapes the development of children’s introspective ability. An initial prediction of the first hypothesis is that parents should recognized differences in the development of children’s self- and other-understanding in order to better help their children’s introspective development. In support of this prediction, parents (N = 400, Mage = 58 months, Range = 28-93 months) reported that children’s understanding of their own knowledge was greater than children’s understanding of others’ knowledge. A prediction of the second hypothesis is that children’s linguistic ability to distinguish between and appropriately label their own mental states should determine their ability to make fined grained judgments of mental states like certainty. In support of this prediction, children’s (N = 197, Mage = 56 months, Range = 36-82 months) ability to distinguish between their own knowledge and ignorance states was associated children’s ability to engage in uncertainty monitoring. Together, these findings provide support for the association between children’s linguistic environment and ability and their introspective development.
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Measuring Attention Control Abilities with a Gaze Following Antisaccade Paradigm

Social gaze-following consists of both reflexive and volitional control mechanisms of saccades, similar to those evaluated in the antisaccade task. This similarity makes gaze-following an ideal medium for studying attention in a social context. The present study seeks to utilize

Social gaze-following consists of both reflexive and volitional control mechanisms of saccades, similar to those evaluated in the antisaccade task. This similarity makes gaze-following an ideal medium for studying attention in a social context. The present study seeks to utilize reflexive gaze-following to develop a social paradigm for measuring attention control. Two gaze-following variations of the antisaccade task are evaluated. In version one, participants are cued with still images of a social partner looking either left or right. In version two, participants are cued with videos of a social partner shifting their gaze to the left or right. As with the traditional antisaccade task, participants are required to look in the opposite direction of the target stimuli (i.e., gaze cues). Performance on the new gaze-following antisaccade tasks is compared to the traditional antisaccade task as well as the highly related ability of working memory.
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