A Trait-Based Risk Assessment for Ranking Relative Vulnerabilities of Marine Mammal Populations to Macroplastic Entanglement and Ingestion

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Plastic pollution poses a threat to the health and well-being of marine mammals across the globe. This paper takes a previously developed trait-based risk assessment framework and applies it to all 118 species of marine mammals worldwide, to help create

Plastic pollution poses a threat to the health and well-being of marine mammals across the globe. This paper takes a previously developed trait-based risk assessment framework and applies it to all 118 species of marine mammals worldwide, to help create a relative ranking of vulnerability of species to plastic ingestion and entanglement. After extensive data collection on 13 traits related to each species’ relative likelihood of exposure to plastics, species sensitivity to plastic ingestion and entanglement, and overall population resiliency, the initial trait framework was adapted and scored to calculate the relative vulnerability of marine mammals to marine microplastic pollution. Results indicate that the Hawaiian Monk Seal has one of the highest relative vulnerabilities to macroplastic pollution among all marine mammals. Furthermore, this exercise highlighted several areas where future research is needed, including expanding the framework to microplastics, applying the framework to coastal human populations, and further investigation of unknown life history traits of various marine mammals.
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Role of Microplastics as Anthropogenic Pollutants of Global Ecosystems

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Plastic pollution has become a global threat to ecosystems worldwide, with microplastics now representing contaminants reported to occur in ambient air, fresh water, seawater, soils, fauna and people. Over time, larger macro-plastics are subject to weathering and fragmentation, resulting in

Plastic pollution has become a global threat to ecosystems worldwide, with microplastics now representing contaminants reported to occur in ambient air, fresh water, seawater, soils, fauna and people. Over time, larger macro-plastics are subject to weathering and fragmentation, resulting in smaller particles, termed ‘microplastics’ (measuring < 5 mm in diameter), which have been found to pollute virtually every marine and terrestrial ecosystem on the planet. This thesis explored the transfer of plastic pollutants from consumer products into the built water environment and ultimately into global aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.

A literature review demonstrated that municipal sewage sludge produced by wastewater treatment plants around the world contains detectable quantities of microplastics. Application of sewage sludge on land was shown to represent a mechanism for transfer of microplastics from wastewater into terrestrial environments, with some countries reporting as high as 113 ± 57 microplastic particles per gram of dry sludge.

To address the notable shortcoming of inconsistent reporting practices for microplastic pollution, this thesis introduced a novel, online calculator that converts the number of plastic particles into the unambiguous metric of mass, thereby making global studies on microplastic pollution directly comparable.

This thesis concludes with an investigation of a previously unexplored and more personal source of plastic pollution, namely the disposal of single-use contact lenses and an assessment of the magnitude of this emerging source of environmental pollution. Using an online survey aimed at quantifying trends with the disposal of lenses in the US, it was discovered that 20 ± 0.8% of contact lens wearers flushed their used lenses down the drain, amounting to 44,000 ± 1,700 kg y-1 of lens dry mass discharged into US wastewater.

From the results it is concluded that conventional and medical microplastics represent a significant global source of pollution and a long-term threat to ecosystems around the world. Recommendations are provided on how to limit the entry of medical microplastics into the built water environment to limit damage to ecosystems worldwide.
Date Created

A Review of Marine Mammal Digestion with Applications for Plastic Ingestion

In an industrialized world that relies heavily on low cost production and packaging produced without a viable end-of-life strategy, the accumulation of non-biodegradable plastics in the environment and particularly the oceans today is an urgent problem of global proportions. Plastics

In an industrialized world that relies heavily on low cost production and packaging produced without a viable end-of-life strategy, the accumulation of non-biodegradable plastics in the environment and particularly the oceans today is an urgent problem of global proportions. Plastics pose a significant threat to marine mammals due to mistaken ingestion as well as potential release of plasticizers and other chemicals. However, the interactions and consequences of ingestion of oceanic plastics by marine mammals have not been thoroughly studied. In this literature review, information regarding plastic ingestion by marine mammals was compiled to estimate the magnitude of adverse impacts and identify major knowledge gaps. Using comprehensive Boolean search terms in Web of Science of literature published between 1960 and 2020, it was determined that there were large discrepancies in the amount of research conducted among 10 different categories of marine mammals, with cetaceans being the primary focus group of most studies (70.3). In addition, different areas of the world, such as southern Africa, were found to have a disproportionately small number of studies on plastic impacts on marine mammalian life in their surrounding marine waters. Differences were found in the amount of plastics ingested by marine animals and a hypothesis of explaining these observations was formulated, attributing potential ingestion of plastic to the debris resembling different food sources in the mammals’ diets as well as different feeding mechanisms.
Date Created

Movement of Marine-Based Microplastics from Seabird Guano to Terrestrial Ecosystems

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Microplastics are defined as small pieces of plastics that are less than five millimeters in size. These microplastics can vary in their appearance, are known to be harmful to aquatic life and can threaten life cycles of marine organisms because

Microplastics are defined as small pieces of plastics that are less than five millimeters in size. These microplastics can vary in their appearance, are known to be harmful to aquatic life and can threaten life cycles of marine organisms because of their chemical make-up and the toxic additives used in their manufacture. Although small in size, it is hypothesized that microplastics can serve as an example of how human activities can alter ecosystems near and far. To investigate the implications and determine the potential impact of microplastics on a protected atoll’s ecosystems, red-footed booby (Sula sula) guano samples from six locations on Palmyra Atoll were acquired from North Carolina State University via The Nature Conservancy and were inspected for the presence of microplastics. Each of the guano samples were weighed and prepared via wet oxidation. Microplastic fibers were detected via stereoscope microscopy and analyzed for chemical composition via Raman spectroscopy. All six sampling locations within Palmyra Atoll contained microplastic fibers identified as polyethylene terephthalate, with North-South Causeway and Eastern Island having the highest average number of microplastic fibers found per gram of guano sample (n = 0.611). These data provide evidence that seabirds can serve as vectors for the spread of microplastic pollution. This research lends context to the widespread impact of plastic pollution and states possible implications of its presence in delicate ecosystems.
Date Created