Designing Telerobotic Untethered Encapsulated Soft GI Bots for Liquid Cargo Delivery

Microbial dysbiosis is a condition where one’s gut bacteria colonies and species are imbalanced due to infection, antibiotics, and diet. Dysbiosis can lead to chronic illnesses like inflammatory bowel disease where current clinical treatments, such as probiotics and fecal matter

Microbial dysbiosis is a condition where one’s gut bacteria colonies and species are imbalanced due to infection, antibiotics, and diet. Dysbiosis can lead to chronic illnesses like inflammatory bowel disease where current clinical treatments, such as probiotics and fecal matter transplant, have limitations from precisely delivering the right bacteria species in the right location in the gastrointestinal tract. With recent developments of magnetically actuated endoscopy bots which are precisely controlled and less invasive, magnetically-controlled robotic solutions can be applied to solving microbial dysbiosis. Two GI bot designs were developed, an accordion and concertina design, which differ in geometry. These designs involved a soft Ecoflex body, four ring magnets that are made of NdFeB and Ecoflex (in a 4:1 weight ratio) and magnetically actuated in the same direction, and a 3D-printed plastic capsule. The design rationale involved introducing the GI bot to external magnetic fields to deliver a payload, i.e. bacteria, for an application in solving microbial dysbiosis. First, the design was optimized. Tensile and compression testing were used to determine an optimal Ecoflex coating combination with Ecoflex 00-10 making the first layer and Ecoflex 00-50 making the second layer. Afterward, two main functions were tested for in the robot: (1) precise magnetic control of the robot’s movement and direction and (2) magnetic control of the GI bot’s compression to trigger a payload release. Orientation control of the GI bot was demonstrated with a robot arm introducing a magnetic field of 4.08 mT. The test demonstrated proper control of the robot for five degrees of freedom. Lastly, delivery capabilities for the designs were established under a 173 mT external magnetic field with the accordion and concertina having dyed water (payload) release efficiencies of 35.33% and 40.16% respectively. From these results, a GI bot in the gut is achievable, and the accordion or concertina models provide a basis for further exploring and optimizing the safety and efficiency of this clinical robotic and magnetic solution. Moreover, the results showcase that magnetic actuation can be used for both orientation and delivery control as they are decoupled based on the external magnetic field strength.
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Design and Modeling of Soft Curved Reconfigurable Anisotropic Mechanisms

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This dissertation introduces and examines Soft Curved Reconfigurable Anisotropic Mechanisms (SCRAMs) as a solution to address actuation, manufacturing, and modeling challenges in the field of soft robotics, with the aim of facilitating the broader implementation of soft robots in various

This dissertation introduces and examines Soft Curved Reconfigurable Anisotropic Mechanisms (SCRAMs) as a solution to address actuation, manufacturing, and modeling challenges in the field of soft robotics, with the aim of facilitating the broader implementation of soft robots in various industries. SCRAM systems utilize the curved geometry of thin elastic structures to tackle these challenges in soft robots. SCRAM devices can modify their dynamic behavior by incorporating reconfigurable anisotropic stiffness, thereby enabling tailored locomotion patterns for specific tasks. This approach simplifies the actuation of robots, resulting in lighter, more flexible, cost-effective, and safer soft robotic systems. This dissertation demonstrates the potential of SCRAM devices through several case studies. These studies investigate virtual joints and shape change propagation in tubes, as well as anisotropic dynamic behavior in vibrational soft twisted beams, effectively demonstrating interesting locomotion patterns that are achievable using simple actuation mechanisms. The dissertation also addresses modeling and simulation challenges by introducing a reduced-order modeling approach. This approach enables fast and accurate simulations of soft robots and is compatible with existing rigid body simulators. Additionally, this dissertation investigates the prototyping processes of SCRAM devices and offers a comprehensive framework for the development of these devices. Overall, this dissertation demonstrates the potential of SCRAM devices to overcome actuation, modeling, and manufacturing challenges in soft robotics. The innovative concepts and approaches presented have implications for various industries that require cost-effective, adaptable, and safe robotic systems. SCRAM devices pave the way for the widespread application of soft robots in diverse domains.
Date Created

Polymer/Coal Composites from Ink-based Additive Manufacturing

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For the past two centuries, coal has played a vital role as the primary carbon source, fueling industries and enabling the production of essential carbon-rich materials, including carbon nanotubes, graphite, and diamond. However, the global transition towards sustainable energy production

For the past two centuries, coal has played a vital role as the primary carbon source, fueling industries and enabling the production of essential carbon-rich materials, including carbon nanotubes, graphite, and diamond. However, the global transition towards sustainable energy production has resulted in a decline in coal usage for energy purposes, with the United States alone witnessing a substantial 50% reduction over the past decade. This shift aligns with the UN’s 2030 sustainability goals, which emphasize the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the promotion of cleaner energy sources. Despite the decreased use in energy production, the abundance of coal has sparked interest in exploring its potential for other sustainable and valuable applications.In this context, Direct Ink Writing (DIW) has emerged as a promising additive manufacturing technique that employs liquid or gel-like resins to construct three-dimensional structures. DIW offers a unique advantage by allowing the incorporation of particulate reinforcements, which enhance the properties and functionalities of the materials. This study focuses on evaluating the viability of coal as a sustainable and cost-effective substitute for other carbon-based reinforcements, such as graphite or carbon nanotubes. The research utilizes a thermosetting resin based on phenol-formaldehyde (commercially known as Bakelite) as the matrix, while pulverized coal (250 µm) and carbon black (CB) function as the reinforcements. The DIW ink is meticulously formulated to exhibit shear-thinning behavior, facilitating uniform and continuous printing of structures. Mechanical property testing of the printed structures was conducted following ASTM standards. Interestingly, the study reveals that incorporating a 2 wt% concentration of coal in the resin yields the most significant improvements in tensile modulus and flexural strength, with enhancements of 35% and 12.5% respectively. These findings underscore the promising potential of coal as a sustainable and environmentally friendly reinforcement material in additive manufacturing applications. By harnessing the unique properties of coal, this research opens new avenues for its utilization in the pursuit of greener and more efficient manufacturing processes.
Date Created

Model-Predictive Optimal Control of Ferrofluid Droplet Microrobots

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Ferrofluidic microrobots have emerged as promising tools for minimally invasive medical procedures, leveraging their unique properties to navigate through complex fluids and reach otherwise inaccessible regions of the human body, thereby enabling new applications in areas such as targeted drug

Ferrofluidic microrobots have emerged as promising tools for minimally invasive medical procedures, leveraging their unique properties to navigate through complex fluids and reach otherwise inaccessible regions of the human body, thereby enabling new applications in areas such as targeted drug delivery, tissue engineering, and diagnostics. This dissertation develops a model-predictive controller for the external magnetic manipulation of ferrofluid microrobots. Several experiments are performed to illustrate the adaptability and generalizability of the control algorithm to changes in system parameters, including the three-dimensional reference trajectory, the velocity of the workspace fluid, and the size, orientation, deformation, and velocity of the microrobotic droplet. A linear time-invariant control system governing the dynamics of locomotion is derived and used as the constraints of a least squares optimal control algorithm to minimize the projected error between the actual trajectory and the desired trajectory of the microrobot. The optimal control problem is implemented after time discretization using quadratic programming. In addition to demonstrating generalizability and adaptability, the accuracy of the control algorithm is analyzed for several different types of experiments. The experiments are performed in a workspace with a static surrounding fluid and extended to a workspace with fluid flowing through it. The results suggest that the proposed control algorithm could enable new capabilities for ferrofluidic microrobots, opening up new opportunities for applications in minimally invasive medical procedures, lab-on-a-chip, and microfluidics.
Date Created

Bio-inspired Dual-auger Self-burrowing Robots in Granular Media

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It has been found that certain biological organisms, such as Erodium seeds and Scincus scincus, are capable of effectively and efficiently burying themselves in soil. Biological Organisms employ various locomotion modes, including coiling and uncoiling motions, asymmetric body twisting, and

It has been found that certain biological organisms, such as Erodium seeds and Scincus scincus, are capable of effectively and efficiently burying themselves in soil. Biological Organisms employ various locomotion modes, including coiling and uncoiling motions, asymmetric body twisting, and undulating movements that generate motion waves. The coiling-uncoiling motion drives a seed awn to bury itself like a corkscrew, while sandfish skinks use undulatory swimming, which can be thought of as a 2D version of helical motion. Studying burrowing behavior aims to understand how animals navigate underground, whether in their natural burrows or underground habitats, and to implement this knowledge in solving geotechnical penetration problems. Underground horizontal burrowing is challenging due to overcoming the resistance of interaction forces of granular media to move forward. Inspired by the burrowing behavior of seed-awn and sandfish skink, a horizontal self-burrowing robot is developed. The robot is driven by two augers and stabilized by a fin structure. The robot’s burrowing behavior is studied in a laboratory setting. It is found that rotation and propulsive motion along the axis of the auger’s helical shape significantly reduce granular media’s resistance against horizontal penetration by breaking kinematic symmetry or granular media boundary. Additional thrusting and dragging tests were performed to examine the propulsive and resistive forces and unify the observed burrowing behaviors. The tests revealed that the rotation of an auger not only reduces the resistive force and generates a propulsive force, which is influenced by the auger geometry, rotational speed, and direction. As a result, the burrowing behavior of the robot can be predicted using the geometry-rotation-force relations.
Date Created

Set Membership Overapproximation of Hybrid Systems with Applications to System Analysis and Estimator and Controller Design

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The introduction of assistive/autonomous features in cyber-physical systems, e.g., self-driving vehicles, have paved the way to a relatively new field of system analysis for safety-critical applications, along with the topic of controlling systems with performance and safety guarantees. The different

The introduction of assistive/autonomous features in cyber-physical systems, e.g., self-driving vehicles, have paved the way to a relatively new field of system analysis for safety-critical applications, along with the topic of controlling systems with performance and safety guarantees. The different works in this thesis explore and design methodologies that focus on the analysis of nonlinear dynamical systems via set-membership approximations, as well as the development of controllers and estimators that can give worst-case performance guarantees, especially when the sensor data containing information on system outputs is prone to data drops and delays. For analyzing the distinguishability of nonlinear systems, building upon the idea of set membership over-approximation of the nonlinear systems, a novel optimization-based method for multi-model affine abstraction (i.e., simultaneous set-membership over-approximation of multiple models) is designed. This work solves for the existence of set-membership over-approximations of a pair of different nonlinear models such that the different systems can be distinguished/discriminated within a guaranteed detection time under worst-case uncertainties and approximation errors. Specifically, by combining mesh-based affine abstraction methods with T-distinguishability analysis in the literature yields a bilevel bilinear optimization problem, whereby leveraging robust optimization techniques and a suitable change of variables result in a sufficient linear program that can obtain a tractable solution with T-distinguishability guarantees. Moreover, the thesis studied the designs of controllers and estimators with performance guarantees, and specifically, path-dependent feedback controllers and bounded-error estimators for time-varying affine systems are proposed that are subject to delayed observations or missing data. To model the delayed/missing data, two approaches are explored; a fixed-length language and an automaton-based model. Furthermore, controllers/estimators that satisfy the equalized recovery property (a weaker form of invariance with time-varying finite bounds) are synthesized whose feedback gains can be adapted based on the observed path, i.e., the history of observed data patterns up to the latest available time step. Finally, a robust kinodynamic motion planning algorithm is also developed with collision avoidance and probabilistic completeness guarantees. In particular, methods based on fixed and flexible invariant tubes are designed such that the planned motion/trajectories can reject bounded disturbances using noisy observations.
Date Created

Optimization of a Lizard-Inspired Tube Inspection Robot


All civilization requires some sort of infrastructure to provide an essential service. Roads, bridges, pipelines, railroads, etc. are all critical in maintaining our society, but when they fail, they pose a serious threat to the economy, public safety, and environment.

All civilization requires some sort of infrastructure to provide an essential service. Roads, bridges, pipelines, railroads, etc. are all critical in maintaining our society, but when they fail, they pose a serious threat to the economy, public safety, and environment. This is why it has become increasingly important to invest in and research the field of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) to ensure the safety and reliability of our infrastructure. This research paper delves into the optimization of a Lizard-inspired Tube Inspection (LTI) robot, with the primary focus on the inspection side of SHM through the use of Electro Magnetic Acoustic Transducer (EMAT), a Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) method. The robot is designed to inspect power plants piping for damage or defects, and its ability to detect issues early, results in improved plant efficiency, enhanced structural data collection, and increased safety. An iterative, reliable design was constructed by reducing the weight and addressing previous design flaws and then tested. Solidworks was used to calculate theoretical weight, applied stress, and displacements for the design modifications.. The overall reduction in weight was around 12.4% of the previous design. While this research successfully reduced the robot's weight and resolved issues in its design, further optimization is still necessary. Future studies should investigate the finger and friction pad design, robot control, and ways to reduce the reliance on commercial off-the-shelf parts. This will expand the robot’s inspection capabilities, making it applicable in other industries where NDT is critical to ensure structural integrity and safety, such as the pipes in oil and gas refineries, water treatment plants, and chemical processing plants, innovating the way infrastructure is monitored and maintained.

Date Created

Decentralized Motion Planning for Autonomous Multi-Agent Systems: Multi-Segment Manipulators and Mobile Robot Collectives

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Multi-segment manipulators and mobile robot collectives are examples of multi-agent robotic systems, in which each segment or robot can be considered an agent. Fundamental motion control problems for such systems include the stabilization of one or more agents to target

Multi-segment manipulators and mobile robot collectives are examples of multi-agent robotic systems, in which each segment or robot can be considered an agent. Fundamental motion control problems for such systems include the stabilization of one or more agents to target configurations or trajectories while preventing inter-agent collisions, agent collisions with obstacles, and deadlocks. Despite extensive research on these control problems, there are still challenges in designing controllers that (1) are scalable with the number of agents; (2) have theoretical guarantees on collision-free agent navigation; and (3) can be used when the states of the agents and the environment are only partially observable. Existing centralized and distributed control architectures have limited scalability due to their computational complexity and communication requirements, while decentralized control architectures are often effective only under impractical assumptions that do not hold in real-world implementations. The main objective of this dissertation is to develop and evaluate decentralized approaches for multi-agent motion control that enable agents to use their onboard sensors and computational resources to decide how to move through their environment, with limited or absent inter-agent communication and external supervision. Specifically, control approaches are designed for multi-segment manipulators and mobile robot collectives to achieve position and pose (position and orientation) stabilization, trajectory tracking, and collision and deadlock avoidance. These control approaches are validated in both simulations and physical experiments to show that they can be implemented in real-time while remaining computationally tractable. First, kinematic controllers are proposed for position stabilization and trajectory tracking control of two- or three-dimensional hyper-redundant multi-segment manipulators. Next, robust and gradient-based feedback controllers are presented for individual holonomic and nonholonomic mobile robots that achieve position stabilization, trajectory tracking control, and obstacle avoidance. Then, nonlinear Model Predictive Control methods are developed for collision-free, deadlock-free pose stabilization and trajectory tracking control of multiple nonholonomic mobile robots in known and unknown environments with obstacles, both static and dynamic. Finally, a feedforward proportional-derivative controller is defined for collision-free velocity tracking of a moving ground target by multiple unmanned aerial vehicles.
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