Inclusive Physical Therapy Exercise Instruction Cards for Children with Disabilities

Many children with disabilities need physical therapy treatment but it can be difficult to instruct patients with restricted or limited communication. Most exercise cards and depictions used in communicating instruction to pediatric special needs patients are not representative of children

Many children with disabilities need physical therapy treatment but it can be difficult to instruct patients with restricted or limited communication. Most exercise cards and depictions used in communicating instruction to pediatric special needs patients are not representative of children with disabilities. This project aimed to create inclusive physical therapy exercise cards depicting children with disabilities. The goal of these cards was to help communicate instructions and motivate children to perform their exercises in clinical settings. The exercise selection was based on observations from working with children with disabilities in a pediatric physical therapy clinic. As a result, photos of children with developmental disabilities were taken performing exercises and subsequently made into cards and provided to physical therapists (PT). The PT’s used the cards for at least a week and reported on their functionality. The feedback from PT’s regarding the use of exercise cards in therapy sessions was overwhelmingly positive. With the positive feedback from the PT’s, the cards will be published and donated to pediatric physical therapy clinics in Arizona.
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Advancements in Stem Cell Research: The Promise and Potential of a Regenerative Future


In the western medicine, there are many forms of medicines and therapies that have not yet been formally recognized by major government health organizations like the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These therapies are also considered quite controversial by health-care

In the western medicine, there are many forms of medicines and therapies that have not yet been formally recognized by major government health organizations like the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These therapies are also considered quite controversial by health-care workers within our western society. As such, the implications of these medicines from a health/economics view show that insurance agencies have not formally added them to policies. In this documentary, we will explain and analyze the function and purpose of stem cell therapy (STT) injections and the use of biologics, which is defined as the medication produced from our own blood and proteins. We will fill in the gaps with knowledge regarding regenerative medicine, such as the functions and properties of stem cells and its lack of standardization in therapeutics. After providing further knowledge on these topics, we will transition into the health/economic perspective encompassing insurance coverage, government funding, FDA regulation and its potential future.

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Advancements in Stem Cell Research: The Promise and Potential of a Regenerative Future


In the western medicine, there are many forms of medicines and therapies that have not yet been formally recognized by major government health organizations like the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These therapies are also considered quite controversial by health-care

In the western medicine, there are many forms of medicines and therapies that have not yet been formally recognized by major government health organizations like the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These therapies are also considered quite controversial by health-care workers within our western society. As such, the implications of these medicines from a health/economics view show that insurance agencies have not formally added them to policies. In this documentary, we will explain and analyze the function and purpose of stem cell therapy (STT) injections and the use of biologics, which is defined as the medication produced from our own blood and proteins. We will fill in the gaps with knowledge regarding regenerative medicine, such as the functions and properties of stem cells and its lack of standardization in therapeutics. After providing further knowledge on these topics, we will transition into the health/economic perspective encompassing insurance coverage, government funding, FDA regulation and its potential future.

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Let's Get Physical: Determinants to Adolescent Engagement in Physical Activity

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The purpose of this study was to use the tenets discussed in the Self-Determination Theory to explore how adolescents are motivated to engage in physical activity and examine the reasons for their participation - or lack thereof - in order

The purpose of this study was to use the tenets discussed in the Self-Determination Theory to explore how adolescents are motivated to engage in physical activity and examine the reasons for their participation - or lack thereof - in order to determine the influence of motives on physical activity behaviors in an adolescent population. The relative autonomy continuum of the Self-Determination Theory includes amotivation, external regulation, introjected regulation, identified regulation, integrated regulation, and intrinsic motivation. These different levels will be assessed. Participants were seventh grade students at a middle school in the Phoenix metropolitan area (n=70). The adolescents’ relative autonomy levels were assessed with a modified version of the Behavioral Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire. Individual motivational factors were measured from a modified version of the Exercise Motivations Inventory. The adolescents’ locus of causality was then measured using the Locus of Causality for Exercise Scale. Participants were asked to answer two additional questions assessing their perceived time barrier and frequency of physical activity participation. The data were scored using the scoring guidelines provided by each questionnaire after collection through a Google Form and analysis on Google Sheets. Results showed that adolescents with higher levels of identified regulation (3.88), intrinsic motivation (4.22), and locus of causality (4.67) were more likely to also engage in higher levels of physical activity. These findings could be used for future research that focuses on school-based interventions for physical activity through enjoyment so as to increase identified regulation and intrinsic motivation while shifting to a more internal locus of causality in order to increase their overall leisure-time physical activity as a way to combat the increasing rates of childhood overweight and obesity in the United States.
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Creating a Card-Based Game for Learning Muscles, Origin and Insertion, and Joint Actions

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The goal of this creative project was to create a card-based game relevant to a functional anatomy course. This game would facilitate learning of the muscles, their origins and insertions, and the joint actions to which they strongly contribute. In

The goal of this creative project was to create a card-based game relevant to a functional anatomy course. This game would facilitate learning of the muscles, their origins and insertions, and the joint actions to which they strongly contribute. In order to create an effective study tool for memorization and retention, we utilized aspects of cognitive load theory, as well as emotional design principles, including gamification. We focused on the three types of cognitive load: (1) intrinsic cognitive load (the inherent complexity of the learning material), (2) germane cognitive load (the capacity of working memory to create cognitive schema), and (3) extraneous cognitive load (aspects of a learning task that do not contribute to the learning goal). Our goals for effective game design were to increase germane load, decrease intrinsic load, and decrease extraneous load. Additionally, emotional design principles and gamification were used to elicit positive emotions regarding the learning material to increase the amount of working memory load dedicated to learning, rather than extraneous processing.

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The Effects of Physical Activity Prescriptions on Psychological Outcomes

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Research on the correlation between exercise and mental health outcomes has been a growing field for the past few decades. It is of specific interest to look at how physical activity affects psychological outcomes and it’s efficacy for treating

Research on the correlation between exercise and mental health outcomes has been a growing field for the past few decades. It is of specific interest to look at how physical activity affects psychological outcomes and it’s efficacy for treating mental health disorders. The current treatment options for depression and anxiety are not suitable for everyone and therefore there is a need for a more accessible and cost-effective form of treatment, like exercise. Furthermore, exercise as a treatment is also linked with many more health benefits. Indeed a wealth of studies have explored the relationships between exercise and depression as well as exercise and anxiety, showing exercise to be a positive predictor of mental health. The following paper will serve to: define depressive and anxiety disorders, explore the research on the effects of physical activity prescriptions on the outcomes of such disorders, create evidence-based applied recommendations for different disorders, and explore the mechanisms by which exercise mitigates symptoms to ultimately accredit the prescription of exercise as a form of treatment for mental health disorders.
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Muscle Recovery; Review of Cold-Water Immersion Therapy

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Athletes often train consecutive days in a row without a period of rest long enough to fully
recover before the next training session. Regular muscle soreness usually resolves in a week, but rarely do athletes get that time to recover. While

Athletes often train consecutive days in a row without a period of rest long enough to fully
recover before the next training session. Regular muscle soreness usually resolves in a week, but rarely do athletes get that time to recover. While muscle recovery is important for optimizing daily functioning, it is also of growing importance for athletes to optimize their athletic performance. Cold water immersion is a common technique used to improve muscle recovery. Whether CWI improves the body’s physiological recovery response or impacts the individual’s psychological recovery is unknown, but research has shown that cold water immersion performed at 10-15 degrees Celsius and immersion times between 5 and 15 minutes are better for muscle recovery than passive recovery.
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Optimize Your Resistance Training

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Resistance training is a modality of exercise that has grown in popularity over the past two decades, particularly for its role in improving muscular fitness by increasing muscular strength, power, and hypertrophy. Due to this increase in demand, more and

Resistance training is a modality of exercise that has grown in popularity over the past two decades, particularly for its role in improving muscular fitness by increasing muscular strength, power, and hypertrophy. Due to this increase in demand, more and more people are entering the gym for their first time and eager to learn about the ways to get bigger and stronger as fast as possible. The aim of this summary is to provide evidence-based information that resistance trainers or fitness personnel can use to design an effective training program. In order to optimize your resistance training protocol there are three main areas to focus on: increasing volume, managing intensity, and active recovery.
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