The Implications of Filipino Nursing in America: A Historical Review


The Philippines is one of the largest exporters of nurses across the world, yet continues to suffer disproportionately from nursing shortages domestically. The purpose of this paper is to examine the historical context of Filipino nurses in America, regarding the

The Philippines is one of the largest exporters of nurses across the world, yet continues to suffer disproportionately from nursing shortages domestically. The purpose of this paper is to examine the historical context of Filipino nurses in America, regarding the policies of migration and the current context for Filipino nursing labor in the United States. While the United States is just one of the countries to receive imported Filipino laborers, this paper will focus on the continued relationship between the United States and the Philippines to export labor for economical gain on both ends. Upon reviewing the history and policies of Filipino nursing migration to America, the aim is to explore the consequences of this export, relating to healthcare outcomes, emotional distress, and economic stability. This historical review examines the future needs on ethnic studies integration, continued research on the contribution of Filipino nurses to America, policies surrounding exported labor, and the need for changes in the United States clinical nursing practice.

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Implementing a Student-Led Holistic Nurses Chapter


The purpose of this project was to develop a student-led holistic nurses chapter as a space where students can learn to apply mind-body based modalities into their routine, accommodating their unique lifestyle. This paper aims to discuss the process of

The purpose of this project was to develop a student-led holistic nurses chapter as a space where students can learn to apply mind-body based modalities into their routine, accommodating their unique lifestyle. This paper aims to discuss the process of implementing a student-led holistic chapter. From this project further discussion can be completed in regards to policy, practice, research, and inclusion. Policy can be developed in regards to student-driven processes and procedures of the new chapter. This experience can translate to nurses who develop policy in the practice setting. Practice focus can be implemented within the chapter as self-care application and how to bring knowledge to patients in the clinical setting. Research studies can measure the effectiveness of the chapter in regards to student stress levels and academic improvement. Inclusion is a unique part of this initiative as the goal is to grow the student-led organization by inviting nursing students from all schools in the state. Inclusion of leaders from the American Holistic Nurses Association in mentoring and supporting the initiatives is critical.

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Lack of Access to Healthcare resources for Rural Namibians: How Mobile Healthcare Can Make a Difference in Childhood Mortality

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This thesis address the disparities seen in access to quality healthcare between rural and urban Namibian mothers. This thesis design also delves into the effectiveness of recent initiatives, such as mobile clinics, and their ability to diminish these barriers and

This thesis address the disparities seen in access to quality healthcare between rural and urban Namibian mothers. This thesis design also delves into the effectiveness of recent initiatives, such as mobile clinics, and their ability to diminish these barriers and overall impact childhood mortality rates. The methods of this research included a literature review that identified and analyzed the socioeconomic barriers these mothers face, interviews with health care professionals in Namibia, and an application of the H.M. Becker Health Belief Model. This design determined that barriers to care included, income, education, transportation, and employment attainability. Through the analysis of the Health Belief Model, it was determined that the benefits of receiving care outweigh the barriers to quality care and mobile clinics do accurately identify and diminish these barriers.

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Nature Made Candles


The concept of Nature Made Candles was to “educate candle lovers on the importance of knowing what is in the candle. Everyone should know what they are matter how nice (or not) it smells. Earth needed a candle for

The concept of Nature Made Candles was to “educate candle lovers on the importance of knowing what is in the candle. Everyone should know what they are matter how nice (or not) it smells. Earth needed a candle for enjoying scents and sights without hindering health, so we made one.” The objective evolved into educating the student population of Arizona State University (ASU) about what ingredients go into commercial candles, with a particular focus on the wax and scent, as well as giving students a free candle that emulated the holistic ingredients they were educated on. This project was designed to be a quality improvement and health promotion project with an emphasis on the ASU student population. The purpose of the project was to find a type of candle that was friendly to the lungs of all individuals who wanted candles in their household.

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Nature Made Candles


The concept of Nature Made Candles was to “educate candle lovers on the importance of knowing what is in the candle. Everyone should know what they are matter how nice (or not) it smells. Earth needed a candle for

The concept of Nature Made Candles was to “educate candle lovers on the importance of knowing what is in the candle. Everyone should know what they are matter how nice (or not) it smells. Earth needed a candle for enjoying scents and sights without hindering health, so we made one.” The objective evolved into educating the student population of Arizona State University (ASU) about what ingredients go into commercial candles, with a particular focus on the wax and scent, as well as giving students a free candle that emulated the holistic ingredients they were educated on. This project was designed to be a quality improvement and health promotion project with an emphasis on the ASU student population. The purpose of the project was to find a type of candle that was friendly to the lungs of all individuals who wanted candles in their household.

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Coping Mechanisms Utilized in School Nurses: A Qualitative Pilot Study

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The purpose of this pilot study is to explore the coping mechanisms utilized by school nurses in response to stress encountered working in the high school setting. One aim of this research is to identify both positive and negative coping

The purpose of this pilot study is to explore the coping mechanisms utilized by school nurses in response to stress encountered working in the high school setting. One aim of this research is to identify both positive and negative coping strategies by school nurses. A secondary objective is to determine some of the stressors these nurses experience in the workplace. This paper also seeks to find missing information in school nursing literature in order to identify areas of research that could be further explored as a result of this pilot study. This study consisted of five singular, phone interviews to a total of five high school nurses working in a singular school district in the state of Arizona. These interviews consisted of qualitative questions focused on stressful experiences and actions taken by the nurse as a response. Demographic data was also collected in an additional survey after the interviews. Additional literature was reviewed and patterns between literature and interview data were analyzed, as it was determined the data collected from interviews was not enough to reach data saturation. Thematic analysis was performed on the collected data to determine key concepts relating to coping by school nurses. The results of this analysis indicated number of factors relating to stress levels in the school healthcare setting and different coping methods. Themes often used in coping mechanisms included learning from experience, preventative teaching, communication, faith & self- reflection, sense of purpose, positivity, self-care versus neglect, and depersonalization. Due to the limited setting and results of this pilot study, additional research is indicated in the area of coping and stress in school nursing literature.
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Implications of School Nurses' Self-Care Practices

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Self-care is essential to the well-being of nurses and the safety of their patients. Current literature is lacking research in regard to the self-care practices of school nurses. School nurses are susceptible to burnout and compassion fatigue, which is a

Self-care is essential to the well-being of nurses and the safety of their patients. Current literature is lacking research in regard to the self-care practices of school nurses. School nurses are susceptible to burnout and compassion fatigue, which is a form of burnout, from the many stressors they face. Self-care is needed to reduce the occurrence of burnout and improve the safety of those under their care. The purpose of this research is to assess the current self-care practices of school nurses so further research and interventions can take place. The theoretical framework used is Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring, which has a core concept of cultivating spiritual practices toward a wholeness of one’s mind, body and spirit and a core principal of changing oneself, others, and surrounding environments through care. The research questions this study investigates are, “What are the most common self-care practices of school-nurses?” and, “What are the least common self-care practices of school nurses?” The 40-item Self-Care Questionnaire, from The Institute for Functional Medicine, was used. It uses a Likert-type scale, with response options ranging from 0 (never) to 5 (always). This questionnaire includes four domains—physical, mental/emotional/spiritual, professional life/work/career, and social life/family/relationships—each containing 10 items. Survey results of 82 research participants were uploaded to SPSS 25. Results show that school nurses most frequently engage in professional self-care and least frequently engage in physical self-care. It is strongly recommended that the data from this study be made available to school nurses and that further research be conducted to deeply assess how the self-care practices of school nurses can be improved.
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