Quantum Physics and the Double-Slit Experiment

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Our work explores a fascinating experiment in physics and science, the Double-Slit Experiment. We cover the mystery of this experiment, representing the wave and particle nature of photons, electrons, and quantum elements. We recount the history of quantum physics, an

Our work explores a fascinating experiment in physics and science, the Double-Slit Experiment. We cover the mystery of this experiment, representing the wave and particle nature of photons, electrons, and quantum elements. We recount the history of quantum physics, an unknown field for most people due to its detachment from the world we see. Finally, we explore the capability of the human eye to detect light in its quantum state, closing the gap between us and quantum physics.

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Relationships Between Place and Language Creation: Analysis and Synthesis

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Numerous writers construct original languages for creative or experimental purposes. Language construction can function as a tool for philological study: a way to apply and experiment with theoretical potential. In terms of fictional settings, language construction offers another outlet for

Numerous writers construct original languages for creative or experimental purposes. Language construction can function as a tool for philological study: a way to apply and experiment with theoretical potential. In terms of fictional settings, language construction offers another outlet for expression through writing. It also creates an additional level of detail that authors can use to further enrich the world they are writing about. The goal of this project is to analyze existing constructed languages, followed by my own version of language creation, in order to better understand the process and motivations related to them. A survey of existing “conlang” examples, featuring the languages of J.R.R. Tolkien and Suzette Haden Elgin, highlights the variety of approaches and purposes for language creation. Their perspectives combine an academic background in linguistics with fictional writing, offering a unique way to study the roles of language. Heavily influenced by Tolkien’s work, my own constructed language is outlined in the final section. Considering the languages created by others, I explain my process and reasoning in order to illustrate a personal approach to the described concepts. This is followed by a series of vignettes that place the language in a philological context, featuring relevant lexical elements and history. The goal is to demonstrate how my constructed language adds to a sense of place.
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Wave-Particle Duality of Light

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Wave-particle duality is concerned with the dual nature of light. Specifically, the particle and wave nature of light. The particle nature of light is the little packages of photons that make up light, and the wave nature of light is

Wave-particle duality is concerned with the dual nature of light. Specifically, the particle and wave nature of light. The particle nature of light is the little packages of photons that make up light, and the wave nature of light is the wave pattern that light follows. An example of a way that light behaves like a particle is that it can’t go through walls like sound can. Light also can behave like a wave when we observe the interference pattern of light. This dual nature of light is important because nothing else known in the universe behaves and can be described in the way that light is. Getting to the consensus that light is both a particle and a wave has been a heated debate for decades, and to this day imagining what light truly is, is not humanly possible due to our lack of experience with a wave-particle nature. This thesis explores the history of the debates on the nature of light, and how the modern view was accomplished.

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An Inquiry on the Philosophical Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful and their Applications in the Quantum World

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In 1757 Edmund Burke published A Philosophical Enquiry into the Sublime and Beautiful. I will be extending his analysis of the sublime and beautiful, and using it to dissect quantum mechanics. Using Burke’s template on the sublime and beautiful, I

In 1757 Edmund Burke published A Philosophical Enquiry into the Sublime and Beautiful. I will be extending his analysis of the sublime and beautiful, and using it to dissect quantum mechanics. Using Burke’s template on the sublime and beautiful, I can evaluate experiments in quantum mechanics, and explore a new side of Burke’s aesthetic theory. For the reader, I have outlined Burke’s aesthetic theory on the sublime and beautiful. I then used this analysis to explore quantum mechanics and assess the components of quantum mechanics that are beautiful and sublime.

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Examining the Mathematical Formalism of Quantum Mechanics

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This is a primer on the mathematic foundation of quantum mechanics. It seeks to introduce the topic in such a way that it is useful to both mathematicians and physicists by providing an extended example of abstract math concepts to

This is a primer on the mathematic foundation of quantum mechanics. It seeks to introduce the topic in such a way that it is useful to both mathematicians and physicists by providing an extended example of abstract math concepts to work through and by going more in-depth in the math formalism than would normally be covered in a quantum mechanics class. The thesis begins by investigating functional analysis topics such as the Hilbert space and operators acting on them. Then it goes on to the postulates of quantum mechanics which extends the math formalism covered before to physics and works as the foundation for the rest of quantum mechanics.

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FTP: Defining and Flipping the White Savior Film In Contemporary Cinema

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This paper will analyze the two films Mississippi Burning and BlacKkKlansman, as well as some of the historical contexts surrounding them, in order to unpack the various aspects of police brutality, protest culture, and ideals of reform shown within.

This paper will analyze the two films Mississippi Burning and BlacKkKlansman, as well as some of the historical contexts surrounding them, in order to unpack the various aspects of police brutality, protest culture, and ideals of reform shown within. Furthermore, it will investigate the impact of diverging from history on the perception of policing units, and the importance of more accurate narratives like BlacKkKlansman in popular culture. <br/> To find evidence that BlacKkKlansman is a much more accurate narrative regarding law enforcement and the effects that sentiments seen in Mississippi Burning have on modern day events, a comprehensive research analysis was conducted. Both films were watched multiple times and analyzed thoroughly, and further research was done to understand not only the narrative elements of the plot, but how the visual aspects strengthen the arguments both films try to make. Scholarly articles on contexts surrounding the subjects of the film were also analyzed, including topics on the FBI, Martin Luther King Jr, and police brutality. Through this, it became evident that Mississippi Burning overlooked most of the reality of the events the film is loosely based upon in order to present a white savior story, whereas BlacKkKlansman addresses the existing prejudices head on while also showing the relation the events have to a more modern context, specifically surrounding the Trump administration.

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Formally Conformed: Examining Nonconformity and Success


This podcast discusses three nonconformists from throughout history and analyzes what made them successful, as well as how we can apply lessons learned from them to our own lives.

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The History and Importance of the Double-Slit Experiment: From Classical to Quantum Physics

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This paper analyzes the history and impact of the double-slit experiment on the world of physics. The experiment was initially created by Thomas Young in the early nineteenth century to prove that light behaved as a wave, and the experiment’s

This paper analyzes the history and impact of the double-slit experiment on the world of physics. The experiment was initially created by Thomas Young in the early nineteenth century to prove that light behaved as a wave, and the experiment’s findings ended up being foundational to the classical wave theory of light. Decades later, the experiment was replicated once more with electrons instead of light and shockingly demonstrated that electrons possessed a dual nature of behavior in that they acted in some instances as particles and in others as waves. Despite numerous modifications and replications, the dual behavior of electrons has never been definitively explained. Numerous interpretations of quantum mechanics all offer their own explanations of the double-slit experiment’s results. Notably, the Copenhagen Interpretation states that an observer measuring a quantum system, such as the double-slit experiment, causes the electrons to behave classically (i.e. as a particle.) The Many Worlds Interpretation offers that multiple branching worlds come into existence to represent the physical occurrence of all probable outcomes of the double-slit experiment. In these and other interpretations, explanations of the double-slit experiment are key to proving their respective dogmas. The double-slit experiment has historically been very important to the worlds of both classical and quantum physics and is still being modified and replicated to this day. It is clear that it will continue to remain relevant even in the future of physics.

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Early Voting: Examining Its Impact on U.S. Election Integrity

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In light of the 2020 Presidential election, accusations regarding early voting methods have risen as a topic of debate among active voters. In order to ensure the voter’s trust in voting methods, it is important to analyze whether such accusations

In light of the 2020 Presidential election, accusations regarding early voting methods have risen as a topic of debate among active voters. In order to ensure the voter’s trust in voting methods, it is important to analyze whether such accusations are truthful or just dramatized speculation. Do early voting methods negatively infringe on the integrity the U.S. election process? Using gathered voter statistics and conducted partisan research within recent elections, this defense examines the impact early voting has had through the analysis of two of its most controversial claims. The author finds that there exists little to no reasonable support to conclude existence of infringement to the integrity of the election process, and the reasons that explain this topic’s rise in popularity lies in the failure to accept defeat and the notion of fear.

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Arizona Justices of the Peace: Representation and the use of Non-Attorney Judges.

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Descriptive representation is important to building and maintaining a fair court system, especially within a context of historical oppression by race or gender. Using official government biographies, voter rolls, news articles, and press releases, I collected demographic information on the

Descriptive representation is important to building and maintaining a fair court system, especially within a context of historical oppression by race or gender. Using official government biographies, voter rolls, news articles, and press releases, I collected demographic information on the judges of Arizona and compared it to Census data, to show how under representative the state courts of Arizona currently are. Through the use of non-attorney judges, the Justice Court of Arizona has become the most representative level of the state court. Almost all of the BIPOC judges of the Justice Court are not attorneys. Allowing non-attorney Justices of the Peace has made it possible for the court to be more representative of Arizonans. However, even though it is the most representative state court, the Justice Court vastly under represents women and BIPOC as judges. As racial tension and movements for fairness under the law increase, it is important to challenge how the courts could better serve Arizona.

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