Of Locality, Causality, and the Unseen: Delving Into J.S. Bell's Inequality

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This research endeavor explores the 1964 reasoning of Irish physicist John Bell and how it pertains to the provoking Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox. It is necessary to establish the machinations of formalisms ranging from conservation laws to quantum mechanical principles. The notion

This research endeavor explores the 1964 reasoning of Irish physicist John Bell and how it pertains to the provoking Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox. It is necessary to establish the machinations of formalisms ranging from conservation laws to quantum mechanical principles. The notion that locality is unable to be reconciled with the quantum paradigm is upheld through analysis and the subsequent Aspect experiments in the years 1980-1982. No matter the complexity, any local hidden variable theory is incompatible with the formulation of standard quantum mechanics. A number of strikingly ambiguous and abstract concepts are addressed in this pursuit to deduce quantum's validity, including separability and reality. `Elements of reality' characteristic of unique spaces are defined using basis terminology and logic from EPR. The discussion draws directly from Bell's succinct 1964 Physics 1 paper as well as numerous other useful sources. The fundamental principle and insight gleaned is that quantum physics is indeed nonlocal; the door into its metaphysical and philosophical implications has long since been opened. Yet the nexus of information pertaining to Bell's inequality and EPR logic does nothing but assert the impeccable success of quantum physics' ability to describe nature.

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Reinterpreting William Blake's The Marriage of Heaven and Hell Using Entropic Brain Theory

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William Blake posits that without contraries, there will be no progress. The concepts of Heaven and Hell are originally used to represent the contrary of reason and energy, but it is also appropriate to represent Heaven and Hell in terms

William Blake posits that without contraries, there will be no progress. The concepts of Heaven and Hell are originally used to represent the contrary of reason and energy, but it is also appropriate to represent Heaven and Hell in terms of order and entropy. This newly proposed contrary relies on the application of entropic brain theory, which states that normal, waking consciousness (secondary consciousness) has decreased entropy relative to primary consciousness. It is argued that Blake uses the concept of Hell to promote the use of psychedelics in order to progress human life by informing the surrounding world that the body limits human perception of the surroundings. This indirectly advocates for an increase in entropy in the brain because psychedelics induce a higher repertoire of functional connectivity motifs that allow for the dissolution of the “self” to help remove the doors of perception and reveal the infinite. Additionally, it is determined that Blake uses the contrary of entropy and order, which is representative of Hell and Heaven, to predict the impending wave of liberty/revolution (progress) in England.

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Applied Quantum Mechanics: Quantum Computing

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This work describes the fundamentals of quantum mechanics in relation to quantum computing, as well as the architecture of quantum computing.

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Branching Worlds: Quantum Mechanics and Hugh Everett's Many-Worlds Interpretation

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This thesis attempts to explain Everettian quantum mechanics from the ground up, such that those with little to no experience in quantum physics can understand it. First, we introduce the history of quantum theory, and some concepts that make u

This thesis attempts to explain Everettian quantum mechanics from the ground up, such that those with little to no experience in quantum physics can understand it. First, we introduce the history of quantum theory, and some concepts that make up the framework of quantum physics. Through these concepts, we reveal why interpretations are necessary to map the quantum world onto our classical world. We then introduce the Copenhagen interpretation, and how many-worlds differs from it. From there, we dive into the concepts of entanglement and decoherence, explaining how worlds branch in an Everettian universe, and how an Everettian universe can appear as our classical observed world. From there, we attempt to answer common questions about many-worlds and discuss whether there are philosophical ramifications to believing such a theory. Finally, we look at whether the many-worlds interpretation can be proven, and why one might choose to believe it.

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Cultural, Social and Political Factors of the COVID-19 Pandemic in the U.S. and South Korea: Why We Have Failed

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The COVID-19 pandemic has had an international impact since the novel coronavirus first surfaced in late 2019. Since then, different countries have taken different approaches to try and limit transmissions and deaths. While this is seemingly unprecedented in modern day

The COVID-19 pandemic has had an international impact since the novel coronavirus first surfaced in late 2019. Since then, different countries have taken different approaches to try and limit transmissions and deaths. While this is seemingly unprecedented in modern day times, many pandemics, or plagues, have happened relatively frequently in history. This paper examines three historical plagues through the lens of social psychologist Geert Hofstede’s six cultural dimensions to distinguish between cultures: power distance, individualism versus collectivism, masculinity versus femininity, uncertainty avoidance, long term orientation and indulgence versus restraint. This paper then applies these dimensions to the modern day U.S. and South Korea, two countries who have had different success in handling the COVID-19 pandemic. Through these dimensions, this paper aims to explain a factor in why South Korea has had better results than the U.S. It also recognizes that Hofstede’s cultural dimensions are not the only factor to affect the pandemic, and explores political influences in America through the lens of Henry David Thoreau and John Dewey. Overall, this paper argues that the U.S. has been unsuccessful in taming the pandemic because of certain cultural dimensions, such as more an individualist and indulgent culture, and its unstable and divisive political climate. Given this, the United States has a hopeful, yet arduous path moving forward with COVID-19 and future pandemics.

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Entanglement, Locality, and Hidden Variables

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The purpose of this paper is to provide an analysis of entanglement and the particular problems it poses for some physicists. In addition to looking at the history of entanglement and non-locality, this paper will use the Bell Test as

The purpose of this paper is to provide an analysis of entanglement and the particular problems it poses for some physicists. In addition to looking at the history of entanglement and non-locality, this paper will use the Bell Test as a means for demonstrating how entanglement works, which measures the behavior of electrons whose combined internal angular momentum is zero. This paper will go over Dr. Bell's famous inequality, which shows why the process of entanglement cannot be explained by traditional means of local processes. Entanglement will be viewed initially through the Copenhagen Interpretation, but this paper will also look at two particular models of quantum mechanics, de-Broglie Bohm theory and Everett's Many-Worlds Interpretation, and observe how they explain the behavior of spin and entangled particles compared to the Copenhagen Interpretation.

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Three-dimensional Supernova Models Provide New Insights into the Origins of Stardust

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We present the isotope yields of two post-explosion, three-dimensional 15 M_sol core-collapse supernova models, 15S and 15A, and compare them to the carbon, nitrogen, silicon, aluminum, sulfur, calcium, titanium, iron, and nickel isotopic compositions of presolar SiC stardust. We find

We present the isotope yields of two post-explosion, three-dimensional 15 M_sol core-collapse supernova models, 15S and 15A, and compare them to the carbon, nitrogen, silicon, aluminum, sulfur, calcium, titanium, iron, and nickel isotopic compositions of presolar SiC stardust. We find that material from the interior of a core-collapse supernova can form a rare subset of SiC stardust, called SiC D grains, characterized by enrichments of the isotopes 13C and 15N. The innermost material of these core-collapse supernovae is operating in the neutrino-driven regime and undergoes rapid proton capture early in the explosion, providing these isotopes which are not present in such large abundances in other stardust grains of supernova origin.

Date Created

The Representation of the Prison Industrial Complex in the Show Orange is the New Black: the Implications of Representation of Fictional Media on Viewers

This thesis explores the accuracy and relevance of the representation of the prison industrial complex in the show Orange is the New Black and the potential impact it has on viewers. The data is collected from the show as well

This thesis explores the accuracy and relevance of the representation of the prison industrial complex in the show Orange is the New Black and the potential impact it has on viewers. The data is collected from the show as well as relevant news stories. The conclusion is not a stamp of “accurate” or “inaccurate”, rather it is a discussion on the different impacts the show could have on viewers that have different exposure to the prison industrial complex. Finally, there are suggestions for further study and a call to action for television and film executives.
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Time Travel: A People's History

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Time travel is closely associated with futuristic science fiction, but it is a concept that dates back to ancient times. Over many generations it has been developed and explored narratively and scientifically. This paper aims to document and analyze the

Time travel is closely associated with futuristic science fiction, but it is a concept that dates back to ancient times. Over many generations it has been developed and explored narratively and scientifically. This paper aims to document and analyze the history of the time travel concept and the important role fiction had in its development.
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Cryptopoly: Using Ethereum State Channels for Decentralized Game Applications

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All modern multiplayer games are administered by having players connect to a remote server which is used to provide the ground truth for game state and player actions. This use of a central server provides a simple and intuitive way

All modern multiplayer games are administered by having players connect to a remote server which is used to provide the ground truth for game state and player actions. This use of a central server provides a simple and intuitive way to administer game servers but also provides a single point of failure, as each server must be able to process all actions coming in and make a decision on whether the action is allowed or not, and how to update the game state accordingly. In cases where the server is under significant load, either from a very popular game release or from a deliberate attack, the game slows down or completely crashes. When there is a server action backlog, this can allow malicious actors to perform previously impossible actions. By instead using a decentralized platform, we can build a robust system that allows playing games through a P2P manner, filling in the need for central servers with consensus algorithms that provide the security on the part of a central authority. This project aims to show that a decentralized solution can be used to create a transparent, fully playable game of Monopoly with complex features that would be more scalable, reliable, and cost-effective compared to a centralized solution; meaning that games could be produced that costs pennies to publish and modify, taking seconds to propagate changes globally, and most importantly, cost nothing for upkeep. The codebase is available here: https://github.com/SirNeural/monopoly
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