Controllability and Stabilization of Kolmogorov Forward Equations for Robotic Swarms

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Numerous works have addressed the control of multi-robot systems for coverage, mapping, navigation, and task allocation problems. In addition to classical microscopic approaches to multi-robot problems, which model the actions and decisions of individual robots, lately, there has been a

Numerous works have addressed the control of multi-robot systems for coverage, mapping, navigation, and task allocation problems. In addition to classical microscopic approaches to multi-robot problems, which model the actions and decisions of individual robots, lately, there has been a focus on macroscopic or Eulerian approaches. In these approaches, the population of robots is represented as a continuum that evolves according to a mean-field model, which is directly designed such that the corresponding robot control policies produce target collective behaviours.

This dissertation presents a control-theoretic analysis of three types of mean-field models proposed in the literature for modelling and control of large-scale multi-agent systems, including robotic swarms. These mean-field models are Kolmogorov forward equations of stochastic processes, and their analysis is motivated by the fact that as the number of agents tends to infinity, the empirical measure associated with the agents converges to the solution of these models. Hence, the problem of transporting a swarm of agents from one distribution to another can be posed as a control problem for the forward equation of the process that determines the time evolution of the swarm density.

First, this thesis considers the case in which the agents' states evolve on a finite state space according to a continuous-time Markov chain (CTMC), and the forward equation is an ordinary differential equation (ODE). Defining the agents' task transition rates as the control parameters, the finite-time controllability, asymptotic controllability, and stabilization of the forward equation are investigated. Second, the controllability and stabilization problem for systems of advection-diffusion-reaction partial differential equations (PDEs) is studied in the case where the control parameters include the agents' velocity as well as transition rates. Third, this thesis considers a controllability and optimal control problem for the forward equation in the more general case where the agent dynamics are given by a nonlinear discrete-time control system. Beyond these theoretical results, this thesis also considers numerical optimal transport for control-affine systems. It is shown that finite-volume approximations of the associated PDEs lead to well-posed transport problems on graphs as long as the control system is controllable everywhere.
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Hybrid Subgroups of Complex Hyperbolic Lattices

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In the 1980's, Gromov and Piatetski-Shapiro introduced a technique called "hybridization'' which allowed them to produce non-arithmetic hyperbolic lattices from two non-commensurable arithmetic lattices. It has been asked whether an analogous hybridization technique exists for complex hyperbolic lattices, because certain

In the 1980's, Gromov and Piatetski-Shapiro introduced a technique called "hybridization'' which allowed them to produce non-arithmetic hyperbolic lattices from two non-commensurable arithmetic lattices. It has been asked whether an analogous hybridization technique exists for complex hyperbolic lattices, because certain geometric obstructions make it unclear how to adapt this technique. This thesis explores one possible construction (originally due to Hunt) in depth and uses it to produce arithmetic lattices, non-arithmetic lattices, and thin subgroups in SU(2,1).
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Cuntz-Pimsner algebras of twisted tensor products of correspondences

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This dissertation contains three main results. First, a generalization of Ionescu's theorem is proven. Ionescu's theorem describes an unexpected connection between graph C*-algebras and fractal geometry. In this

This dissertation contains three main results. First, a generalization of Ionescu's theorem is proven. Ionescu's theorem describes an unexpected connection between graph C*-algebras and fractal geometry. In this work, this theorem is extended from ordinary directed graphs to higher-rank graphs. Second, a characterization is given of the Cuntz-Pimsner algebra associated to a tensor product of C*-correspondences. This is a generalization of a result by Kumjian about graphs algebras. This second result is applied to several important special cases of Cuntz-Pimsner algebras including topological graph algebras, crossed products by the integers and crossed products by completely positive maps. The result has meaningful interpretations in each context. The third result is an extension of the second result from an ordinary tensor product to a special case of Woronowicz's twisted tensor product. This result simultaneously characterizes Cuntz-Pimsner algebras of ordinary and graded tensor products and Cuntz-Pimsner algebras of crossed products by actions and coactions of discrete groups, the latter partially recovering earlier results of Hao and Ng and of Kaliszewski, Quigg and Robertson.
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A chemostat model of bacteriophage-bacteria interaction with infinite distributed delays

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Bacteriophage (phage) are viruses that infect bacteria. Typical laboratory experiments show that in a chemostat containing phage and susceptible bacteria species, a mutant bacteria species will evolve. This mutant species is usually resistant to the phage infection and less competitive

Bacteriophage (phage) are viruses that infect bacteria. Typical laboratory experiments show that in a chemostat containing phage and susceptible bacteria species, a mutant bacteria species will evolve. This mutant species is usually resistant to the phage infection and less competitive compared to the susceptible bacteria species. In some experiments, both susceptible and resistant bacteria species, as well as phage, can coexist at an equilibrium for hundreds of hours. The current research is inspired by these observations, and the goal is to establish a mathematical model and explore sufficient and necessary conditions for the coexistence. In this dissertation a model with infinite distributed delay terms based on some existing work is established. A rigorous analysis of the well-posedness of this model is provided, and it is proved that the susceptible bacteria persist. To study the persistence of phage species, a "Phage Reproduction Number" (PRN) is defined. The mathematical analysis shows phage persist if PRN > 1 and vanish if PRN < 1. A sufficient condition and a necessary condition for persistence of resistant bacteria are given. The persistence of the phage is essential for the persistence of resistant bacteria. Also, the resistant bacteria persist if its fitness is the same as the susceptible bacteria and if PRN > 1. A special case of the general model leads to a system of ordinary differential equations, for which numerical simulation results are presented.
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Non-linear system identification using compressed sensing

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This thesis describes an approach to system identification based on compressive sensing and demonstrates its efficacy on a challenging classical benchmark single-input, multiple output (SIMO) mechanical system consisting of an inverted pendulum on a cart. Due to its inherent non-linearity

This thesis describes an approach to system identification based on compressive sensing and demonstrates its efficacy on a challenging classical benchmark single-input, multiple output (SIMO) mechanical system consisting of an inverted pendulum on a cart. Due to its inherent non-linearity and unstable behavior, very few techniques currently exist that are capable of identifying this system. The challenge in identification also lies in the coupled behavior of the system and in the difficulty of obtaining the full-range dynamics. The differential equations describing the system dynamics are determined from measurements of the system's input-output behavior. These equations are assumed to consist of the superposition, with unknown weights, of a small number of terms drawn from a large library of nonlinear terms. Under this assumption, compressed sensing allows the constituent library elements and their corresponding weights to be identified by decomposing a time-series signal of the system's outputs into a sparse superposition of corresponding time-series signals produced by the library components. The most popular techniques for non-linear system identification entail the use of ANN's (Artificial Neural Networks), which require a large number of measurements of the input and output data at high sampling frequencies. The method developed in this project requires very few samples and the accuracy of reconstruction is extremely high. Furthermore, this method yields the Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) of the system explicitly. This is in contrast to some ANN approaches that produce only a trained network which might lose fidelity with change of initial conditions or if facing an input that wasn't used during its training. This technique is expected to be of value in system identification of complex dynamic systems encountered in diverse fields such as Biology, Computation, Statistics, Mechanics and Electrical Engineering.
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C*-correspondences and topological dynamical systems associated to generalizations of directed graphs

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In this thesis, I investigate the C*-algebras and related constructions that arise from combinatorial structures such as directed graphs and their generalizations. I give a complete characterization of the C*-correspondences associated to directed graphs as well as results about obstructions

In this thesis, I investigate the C*-algebras and related constructions that arise from combinatorial structures such as directed graphs and their generalizations. I give a complete characterization of the C*-correspondences associated to directed graphs as well as results about obstructions to a similar characterization of these objects for generalizations of directed graphs. Viewing the higher-dimensional analogues of directed graphs through the lens of product systems, I give a rigorous proof that topological k-graphs are essentially product systems over N^k of topological graphs. I introduce a "compactly aligned" condition for such product systems of graphs and show that this coincides with the similarly-named conditions for topological k-graphs and for the associated product systems over N^k of C*-correspondences. Finally I consider the constructions arising from topological dynamical systems consisting of a locally compact Hausdorff space and k commuting local homeomorphisms. I show that in this case, the associated topological k-graph correspondence is isomorphic to the product system over N^k of C*-correspondences arising from a related Exel-Larsen system. Moreover, I show that the topological k-graph C*-algebra has a crossed product structure in the sense of Larsen.
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