Analysis and Creation of Accessible, Replicable, and Applicable Virtual Crime Scene Materials in Online Education

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As Arizona State University moves toward virtual classroom accessibility and the fortification of education for all students around the globe (ASU Online), we must continue to develop and cultivate creative resources to bring STEM laboratory activities to those who do

As Arizona State University moves toward virtual classroom accessibility and the fortification of education for all students around the globe (ASU Online), we must continue to develop and cultivate creative resources to bring STEM laboratory activities to those who do not have access to the resources found in many classrooms. Online science degree programs face a particular challenge, as laboratory activities must be reformatted and rethought for virtual application. ASU has recently launched an online Forensic Science major, and the ability to identify and analyze evidence at a crime scene is one of the most important skills a student-investigator can learn. The development of creative ways to address instruction in a virtual crime scene is essential to the success of this and similar programs. Through the process of identifying evidence, students can hone their critical thinking skills, as they are required to assess scenarios and decide which evidence is pertinent to a given case. By making decisions regarding the packaging of identified evidence, students learn important steps in any forensic job, such as chain of custody, the effects of material packaging on evidence preservation, and the ramifications of incorrect evidence handling. Currently, there are several virtual crime scene programs available for purchase (Crime Scenes Meet Virtual Reality | St. Edward’s University in Austin, Texas). These programs offer activities such as those described above, yet they present a financial hurdle and are not customizable for specific courses or environments. Through the use of Google Slides, this project yielded an accessible and easily replicable interactive learning experience. The project resulted in a virtual crime scene that was both intuitive and integrative of generally novice technological resources such as Google Enterprise. Clickable photo slides were constructed using the linked shape imagery tools on Google Slides in order to provide an immersive learning experience.

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The Earth in Our Hands: Hermeneutics and the Practice of Ecology


There is no possibility for an ecological crisis without someone to be in crisis. The environment is not in danger as such, humanity’s ability to persist in it with well-being is. Thus, the ecological crisis is a human crisis, a

There is no possibility for an ecological crisis without someone to be in crisis. The environment is not in danger as such, humanity’s ability to persist in it with well-being is. Thus, the ecological crisis is a human crisis, a crisis of meaning. Although ecology is required to understand and address these problems, we must understand the human condition if we wish to address them with any amount of seriousness or hope for success. We will be concerned with the relevance of hermeneutic practices in the study and practice of ecology. By hermeneutic practices, I mean the practices central to the human condition of world-building through perpetual interpretation and re-interpretation informed by one’s facticity. By the study and practice of ecology, I mean the education of ecology’s concepts within a scholastic, primarily university, setting and the usage of said concepts for the purpose of research or societal development respectively. I will argue that the study and practice of ecology would benefit from an inclusion of hermeneutics into its study in the scholastic system by way of developing nuanced understandings of oneself and their relation to the environment, thereby revealing new horizons of possibility in decision-making in society regarding the environment and oneself. To do this, I begin by using hermeneutic strategies in a reading of Gilgamesh to draw comparisons between Gilgamesh’s journey and the development of human society’s relationship to progress. Juxtaposing the concerns posited by the hermeneutic reading of Gilgamesh with Neil Postman’s claim that our contemporary understanding of the world is helpfully understood as what he calls a “Technopoly,” I argue technology has altered our orientation towards the environment in a way that falsely suggests hermeneutics has no place in ecology or any science. Exploring passages from Martin Heidegger, I then argue how humans’ fundamental relationship to interpretation makes hermeneutics the ground from which ecology is able to rise from. Further exploring passages from Heidegger’s work and exploring the etymology of the words “preserve” and “beforehand,” I argue that not only does hermeneutics allow for the study of ecology, but by studying ecology without it we are left in a state prime for mis-handling the Earth, thus making hermeneutics a crucial part of an education in ecology. I close by providing an example of using hermeneutic practices on two essays by Ralph Waldo Emerson to display how these hermeneutic practices could be used in conjunction with an education in ecology and illustrate the benefits therein.

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Planting for Murder: Plants in Arizona That Are Dangerous to You and Your Pets and How They Pertain to Forensic Science


When it comes to murder, there are many ways to go about it. From blunt force trauma to gunshot wounds to strangulation. However, there is one way that can be very effective and can even look accidental. This is through

When it comes to murder, there are many ways to go about it. From blunt force trauma to gunshot wounds to strangulation. However, there is one way that can be very effective and can even look accidental. This is through poisoning, more specifically, using plants as a weapon. Now there are many plant poisoning cases throughout the state of Arizona, most being accidental and dealing with animals, but there is also malicious intent behind some. The plants Nerium oleander L. (Oleander), Cycas revoluta Thunb. (Sago Palm), Ricinus communis L. (Castor Bean), Datura stramonium L. (Jimsonweed), and Cicuta virosa L. (Water Hemlock) are known to be poisonous and they are utilized by both murderers and those that wish to attempt suicide. These are also killers of many animals whether that be livestock or the family dog who got into something they should not have. The toxin in these plants breaks down on its own and over time can become untraceable. Most of them will also cause death if not treated within a few hours of ingestion, making them the perfect weapon to use to get away with murder.

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Data Science Exploration


I have challenged myself to learn Python. I did this because I wanted to improve myself and my mindset around coding. My view on coding has changed immensely. I was intimidated by the social stigmas around coding, but I have

I have challenged myself to learn Python. I did this because I wanted to improve myself and my mindset around coding. My view on coding has changed immensely. I was intimidated by the social stigmas around coding, but I have become more comfortable with it. There were times when I thought that I would never understand something, but it became familiar. Through constant exposure, such as completing modules in DataCamp and Kaggle, I better understood the basics and uses of different models. The concepts I had learned before became clearer by completing a project I was genuinely interested in. I could search for a solution or ask my thesis director if I had an error. I enjoyed working with my thesis professor and failing many times. I have learned that I do not have to be a master within the year but must remain consistent with my practice. I will continue to practice and learn more about coding now with more confidence.

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Eel Farming: A Theoretical Research Design on Improving the Success of Eel Reproduction in Captivity


This thesis’s goal was to design a theoretical research study based on a literature review on improving the aquaculture of European eels. Aquaculture is the farming of aquatic species such as fish. The European eel is a critically endangered catadromous

This thesis’s goal was to design a theoretical research study based on a literature review on improving the aquaculture of European eels. Aquaculture is the farming of aquatic species such as fish. The European eel is a critically endangered catadromous fish species that faces a continuous decline in wild populations over the years due to pollution, climate change, industrial development, and overfishing. The replenishing of the fishery stock of European eels relies heavily on the wild population since there is no sustainable way of creating a generational captive population. The reason for this is that the lifecycle and environmental triggers of freshwater eels are relatively unknown due to their long lifespan, migratory lifestyle, metamorphoses, and sex differentiation timing. The primary focus of the design was to use different hormonal regiments and compared their effects on hatch rate, clutch size, survival rate, and lifespan of the juvenile eels. From this, it was concluded that the mother eel’s lipid storage impacts the quality of yolk sacs which in turn impacts the survival of leptocephali (eel larvae). The primary focus on eel population recovery should be habitat restoration and research on the leptocephalus stage since they both have the most evidence of success in eel population recovery.

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Ecological Survey of Southwest Regions Using DNA Gathered From Flies


The field of forensic science has been growing and changing with improvements in DNA analysis. One field affected is forensic entomology, which is exploring many ways in which DNA can increase the application of insects in forensic science. One application

The field of forensic science has been growing and changing with improvements in DNA analysis. One field affected is forensic entomology, which is exploring many ways in which DNA can increase the application of insects in forensic science. One application being explored is the use of insects as a source of human DNA in a criminal investigation. Using flies as a source of foreign DNA can also be utilized in ecological research to conduct surveys on the various species present in different environments. This experiment intends to determine if flies can act as a viable source of alternate DNA. This will be accomplished by an ecological survey of DNA extracted from flies. DNA extractions were performed on flies gathered from parts of the greater Phoenix area. The DNA was then amplified with primers targeting different animal species and examined to observe what animals the flies had come in contact with. Several samples had contamination due to human error and were not able to be evaluated. One DNA extraction out of fifteen yielded pig DNA, indicating flies can be used as a source of DNA. Future experiments should use different animal primers and amplify sections of DNA that can determine the different species consumed by flies. Further research into flies as a DNA source can increase the amount of information available to forensic scientists as well as improve ecologist’s observation of an environment’s biodiversity.

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Evaluation of Novel Therapeutics for Cancer and Alzheimer's Disease


The ever-increasing importance of cancer and neurodegenerative diseases continues to grow as populations across the world are affected by death and aging. The vitamin A (RXR) and vitamin D (VDR) receptor pathways offer promising potential to aid in treatment of

The ever-increasing importance of cancer and neurodegenerative diseases continues to grow as populations across the world are affected by death and aging. The vitamin A (RXR) and vitamin D (VDR) receptor pathways offer promising potential to aid in treatment of cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. This thesis discusses the potential application of novel analogs of Bexarotene (RXR agonist), MeTC7 (a new potent VDR antagonist), and vitamin D as possible therapeutics for cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.

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Pollution in the Sonoran Desert


Pollution causes many health problems in the modern world and the desert climates struggle with pollution in unique ways. In the Sonoran Desert, the research was conducted with the purpose of expanding the knowledge of the topic in this area.

Pollution causes many health problems in the modern world and the desert climates struggle with pollution in unique ways. In the Sonoran Desert, the research was conducted with the purpose of expanding the knowledge of the topic in this area. A literature review was conducted based on air, soil and noise pollution in the region. The Sonoran Desert has high levels of carcinogenic elements along with other pollutants due to the main industries of mining, agriculture and manufacturing. Overall, these findings show people in desert climates deal with high levels of pollutants.

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Modeling Colony-Level Effects of Seasonality & Pesticides on Honey bee Population Dynamics


Studying the effects of viruses and toxins on honey bees is important in order to understand the danger these important pollinators are exposed to. Hives exist in various environments, and different colonies are exposed to varying environmental conditions and dangers.

Studying the effects of viruses and toxins on honey bees is important in order to understand the danger these important pollinators are exposed to. Hives exist in various environments, and different colonies are exposed to varying environmental conditions and dangers. To properly study the changes and effects of seasonality and pesticides on the population dynamics of honey bees, the presence of each of these threats must be considered. This study aims to analyze how infected colonies grapple more deeply with changing, seasonal environments, and how toxins in pesticides affect population dynamics. Thus, it addresses the following questions: How do viruses within a colony affect honey bee population dynamics when the environment is seasonal? How can the effects of pesticides be modeled to better understand the spread of toxins? This project is a continuation of my own undergraduate work in a previous class, MAT 350: Techniques and Applications of Applied Mathematics, with Dr. Yun Kang, and also utilizes previous research conducted by graduate students. Original research focused on the population dynamics of honey bee disease interactions (without considering seasonality), and a mathematical modeling approach to analyze the effects of pesticides on honey bees. In order to pursue answers to the main research questions, the model for honey bee virus interaction was adapted to account for seasonality. The adaptation of this model allowed the new model to account for the effects of seasonality on infected colony population dynamics. After adapting the model, simulations with arbitrary data were run using RStudio in order to gain insight into the specific ways in which seasonality affected the interaction between a honey bee colony and viruses. The second portion of this project examines a system of ordinary differential equations that represent the effect of pesticides on honey bee population dynamics, and explores the process of this model’s formulation. Both systems of equations used as the basis for each model’s research question are from previous research reports. This project aims to further that research, and explore the applications of applied mathematics to biological issues.

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Modeling Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Wastewater Treatment Plants


This outlines a mathematical model created in MATLAB for the purposes of predicting nitrous oxide emissions from wastewater treatment plants with updated an updated understanding of AOB metabolic pathway.

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