Pollution in the Sonoran Desert


Pollution causes many health problems in the modern world and the desert climates struggle with pollution in unique ways. In the Sonoran Desert, the research was conducted with the purpose of expanding the knowledge of the topic in this area.

Pollution causes many health problems in the modern world and the desert climates struggle with pollution in unique ways. In the Sonoran Desert, the research was conducted with the purpose of expanding the knowledge of the topic in this area. A literature review was conducted based on air, soil and noise pollution in the region. The Sonoran Desert has high levels of carcinogenic elements along with other pollutants due to the main industries of mining, agriculture and manufacturing. Overall, these findings show people in desert climates deal with high levels of pollutants.

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An In-Depth Paleoart Study of Coelophysis bauri


Coelophysis (see-luh-fai-suhs) was an early theropod dinosaur that lived during the Triassic Period over 200 million years ago. Coelophysis has often been depicted as a creature that was scaly and lizard-like in appearance. However, recent paleontological evidence paints a different

Coelophysis (see-luh-fai-suhs) was an early theropod dinosaur that lived during the Triassic Period over 200 million years ago. Coelophysis has often been depicted as a creature that was scaly and lizard-like in appearance. However, recent paleontological evidence paints a different picture of this early dinosaur. This sculptural rendition of Coelophysis includes round pupils, feathered insulation, and even varied color patterns, all based on possibilities generated from current scientific findings. This hypothetical model was created to stretch popular assumptions about the appearance of early dinosaurs.

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The Effect of the Punjabi Diet on Oral Health

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Oral health is influenced by many factors, including diet (Alpert, 2017). However, the assumption arises that unique and ever-changing diets have varying effects on oral health. This project aimed to determine the effect of the Punjabi diet on oral health.

Oral health is influenced by many factors, including diet (Alpert, 2017). However, the assumption arises that unique and ever-changing diets have varying effects on oral health. This project aimed to determine the effect of the Punjabi diet on oral health. Specific goals included understanding components of a general Punjabi diet, as well as the current oral health status for individuals of the Punjabi community, to ultimately determine the correlations between the two variables. It was hypothesized that a diet consisting of foods primarily under the Punjabi diet would have fewer oral health concerns because healthier food items would be consumed. By researching relevant background information to create appropriate survey questions, survey questionnaires were sent to members of the Punjabi population (not just limited to the Punjab geographical region) for completion. From this data, analysis depicts that there is no relationship between the oral health of individuals with the diet they consumed, thus rejecting the initial hypothesis. Similarly, a lack of a relationship was found between the oral health of individuals and their respective oral hygiene habits. These results suggest that the current Punjabi diet may not be as healthy as initially assumed and that there are likely other factors that influence an individual’s oral health, such as genetics, environmental factors such as stress (Kapila, 2021), or other unexplored dietary variables, such as diets high in sugar.
Date Created

Seed Beetle Abundance and Diversity in Urban and Rural Sites

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The spread of urbanization leads to habitat fragmentation and deterioration and changes the composition of ecosystems for species all over the world. Different groups of organisms are impacted differently, and insects have experienced loss in diversity and abundance due to

The spread of urbanization leads to habitat fragmentation and deterioration and changes the composition of ecosystems for species all over the world. Different groups of organisms are impacted differently, and insects have experienced loss in diversity and abundance due to changing environmental factors. Here, I collected seed beetles across 12 urban and rural sites in Phoenix, Arizona, to analyze the effects of urbanization and habitat variation on beetle diversity and abundance. I found that urbanization, host tree origin, and environmental factors such as tree diversity and density had no impact on overall beetle diversity and abundance. Beetles were found to have higher density on hosts with a higher density of pods. In assessing individual beetle species, some beetles exhibited higher density in rural sites with native trees, and some were found more commonly on nonnative tree species. The observed differences in beetle density demonstrate the range of effects urbanization and environmental features can have on insect species. By studying ecosystem interactions alongside changing environments, we can better predict the role urbanization and human development can have on different organisms.
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