My Roommate's Closet

Completed through Founders Lab, we started a business where college students are able to donate, rent, or buy clothing items that they can use for a variety of occasions. We wanted to redefine thrifting, with a focus specifically tailored to

Completed through Founders Lab, we started a business where college students are able to donate, rent, or buy clothing items that they can use for a variety of occasions. We wanted to redefine thrifting, with a focus specifically tailored to the needs and preferences of college students at an affordable cost.
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The Impact of Rapid Growth during the Pandemic on Innovation at Amazon


This research explores Amazons growth amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and how it impacted its innovation initiatives. It examines the strategies employed by Amazon to drive innovation, explores the challenges encountered during this period of expansion, and identifies opportunities for innovation

This research explores Amazons growth amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and how it impacted its innovation initiatives. It examines the strategies employed by Amazon to drive innovation, explores the challenges encountered during this period of expansion, and identifies opportunities for innovation in a post-pandemic era. Additionally, this study offers insights and recommendations for organizations navigating similar circumstances.

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User Inspired Engineering for Patients in Children's Hospitals

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Children's hospitals can be a scary place for children and their parents. Patients are stressed and anxious because they are in a space that is unfamiliar to them, and being forced to be in a confined space feels like a

Children's hospitals can be a scary place for children and their parents. Patients are stressed and anxious because they are in a space that is unfamiliar to them, and being forced to be in a confined space feels like a punishment. Parents accompanying their children in hospitals are also emotionally stressed due to the overwhelming parental and financial responsibilities. There is a product opportunity gap which allows the patients to interact with the environment to make it more familiar to them and interact with the people around them to alleviate stress anxiety. This project aims to use the user-inspired engineering process to close that product opportunity gap.
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Founders Lab: Dough, a Financial Literacy Platform for Young Adults

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The goal of Dough is to create financial content that educates college students and young adults in areas of financial literacy. College students and young adults generally have debt from student loans, and typically don’t have much time to work

The goal of Dough is to create financial content that educates college students and young adults in areas of financial literacy. College students and young adults generally have debt from student loans, and typically don’t have much time to work as they focus on school and earn their degree. Financial literacy can make the lives of young adults much easier, however this is typically not a resource that is easily available to them. Our proposed solution to fight the lack of financial literacy is to create educational content including videos, articles, and a website that educates students and young adults on how to acquire good financial habits.
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Contract Year's Effects on NBA Salary Caps and What Statistics Can Identify These Players

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The National Basketball Association is one of the most popular and most profitable sports leagues in the entire world, and with stars like Giannis Antetokounmpo, Nikola Jokić, and Luka Dončić, it continues to expand its international reach. In the past

The National Basketball Association is one of the most popular and most profitable sports leagues in the entire world, and with stars like Giannis Antetokounmpo, Nikola Jokić, and Luka Dončić, it continues to expand its international reach. In the past decade this has meant that the salary cap has continued to increase considerably. From 2013 to 2017 the salary cap increased by about $40.5 million from around $58.5 million to $99 million meaning there was an extra $1.2 billion worth of cap space to fill. All this new cap space created a perfect storm for numerous players to be overpaid. Many saw the performance of these overpaid players as a part of the contract year phenomenon where a player performs better before a new contract and then after receiving their new contract, their performance deteriorates. The purpose of this research is twofold. First, it looks at whether the contract year phenomenon has been present in the NBA since 2015. After that it looks to find what statistics are the best predictors for performance based on their positions. This was done through various statistical analysis techniques such as T-tests and piecewise regression. Box score statistics like point, rebounds, and assists as well as advanced metrics like player efficiency rating, usage percentage, and true shooting percentage were utilized in this study. The results indicated that the concept of the contract year phenomenon was present in the players sampled. However, rather than contract year only being for players who increased their performance in the previous year, it is a more general phenomenon. Also, there was major differences in the statistics that predicted performance. The biggest of these was the importance of usage percentage rather than points and that centers had the least predictors, most likely due to the evolution in the play of centers.

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Norse Mythology in Skyrim: Dragons, the Undead, and Place in the Viking Age

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The aim of my thesis is to expand the placemaking analysis strategies that I learned in my previous thesis pathway course, HON 493: Placemaking in Middle Earth and Earthsea to my favorite fantasy setting, the land of Skyrim in the

The aim of my thesis is to expand the placemaking analysis strategies that I learned in my previous thesis pathway course, HON 493: Placemaking in Middle Earth and Earthsea to my favorite fantasy setting, the land of Skyrim in the Elder Scrolls Universe. During the course, the class was encouraged to consider how historical texts, archaeological findings, and anthropological research served as the inspiration behind the worlds that J.R.R. Tolkien and Ursula Le Guin created along with the relationships that their fictional cultures had within those worlds. As the course drew to a close, I couldn’t help but start wondering what inspired the developers of Skyrim, the video game. One of Skyrim’s strongest features is its atmosphere and landscape. An analysis of the creation of place in Skyrim can teach future game developers how to create a land with stories rich enough to lose yourself in for years. I specifically wanted to focus on the burial practices and culture of the Nordic people, since most of the game is spent interacting with them and admittedly raiding the tombs of their ancestors in search of shiny trinkets and powerful artifacts. By delving into the inspirations behind Nordic burials, I hope to gain appreciation for the art of placemaking, and to broaden my knowledge of Nordic history, both fantasy and real. My research initially entailed finding stories about typical Norse burials, but since Skyrim’s burial grounds tend to be filled with the Nordic undead, known as the Draugr, I homed in on how the Norse believed that improper or disturbed burials could result in the rise of the dead. I also shifted attention to the importance of dragons in Norse culture, since they play a vital part in the existence of the Draugr in Skyrim, and I was curious if dragons perhaps played a similar role for the Norse people in the Viking Age. I found academic and historical studies about Viking myths about the origins of dragons and the undead and also studies on how these myths relate to the creation of place in Northern Europe. Lastly, I considered how the dragons and draugr in Skyrim depart from Norse mythology and how the inspirations and departures from Norse mythology deepen our sense of place in the land of Skyrim. This analysis made me realize how essential the Poetic Edda was to Norse mythology, since it’s one of the only written collections of Old Norse poems. The Norse people relied mostly on oral storytelling, which makes it extremely difficult to find any first-hand texts about their culture and lifestyles. After this project, or if I had more time, I think a read-through of the Poetic Edda would be an excellent way of educating myself on the breadth of Norse culture, as opposed to trying to find stories related to what I’ve experienced in Skyrim. I think there’s a limitless way of approaching an analysis of Old Norse culture in modern media and creative works, to the point that I felt I had to narrow my analysis to something simple, but fun, which was homing in on the dragons and draugr that I’ve had to battle thousands of with little previous thought as to their creative origins. The Norse people of the Viking Age may not have had access to our current understanding of the universe, but their speculations led to many fascinating beliefs about the unknown, like tales of dragons and draugar. Their mythology provided them with a unified sense of place and morals in a mercenary culture with loose collective cohesion. When their sense of place is brought into Skyrim and the dragons and draugar are brought to life, it’s easy to lose yourself in a depiction of their world. Skyrim was, and still is, a prime example of the importance of environmental storytelling in open-world games. Long after the graphics and gameplay become outdated, if the environment provides a living, breathing sense of place, then any fantasy game can stand the test of time. For those who aren’t convinced, I encourage them to try out Skyrim and experience their escape into another world with the iconic line, “Hey you, you’re finally awake”.

Date Created

Experience and Research the Complete Project Life Cycle of a Conceptual User Initiative (an Idea) Becoming a Real-Life System

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The goal of the ACC / CSE thesis project is to create a product that can help simplify and minimize complicated decisions when carrying out financial reporting transactions. Instead of relying on the expertise of external consultants, the product strives

The goal of the ACC / CSE thesis project is to create a product that can help simplify and minimize complicated decisions when carrying out financial reporting transactions. Instead of relying on the expertise of external consultants, the product strives to provide users with an educational and practical experience that enables accountants to carry out financial reporting in accordance with IFRS and GAAP standards that are used around the world.

Date Created

The Effects of Board Diversity on Overall Firm Performance

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This thesis analyzes the relationship between diversity within U. S. boards of directors and overall firm performance. In the summer of 2020, various political and social movements erupted, fighting against police brutality and racial violence. These events were followed by

This thesis analyzes the relationship between diversity within U. S. boards of directors and overall firm performance. In the summer of 2020, various political and social movements erupted, fighting against police brutality and racial violence. These events were followed by an influx of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) frameworks across corporate America. It was becoming increasingly clear that diversity within company leadership was lacking. A company’s board of directors, who is responsible for creating value for shareholders, was not an accurate representation of the people it served. First, I will begin by discussing the current state of diversity in corporate boards by discussing reasons firms diversify, benefits and risks of a diverse board, and major barriers to diversification efforts. A main goal of directors is to maximize shareholder return, which prompts the question: is there a financial benefit to having directors of different backgrounds, skills, and perspectives? In the second part of my thesis, I explore the correlation of board compositions and the company’s financial performance through a study of 45 Fortune 500 companies. Previous studies have mixed results; some studies concluded that there is a positive correlation, some found a negative correlation, and others were inconclusive. While the results of my study did not demonstrate that a relationship between firm performance and diversity exists, I want to emphasize that it does not mean that diverse boards do not contribute at all to the success of the board. There are various factors that contributed to my results, but regardless of my findings, I believe that further research of this topic is necessary and will be beneficial for those in corporate governance.

Date Created

Getting Credit for What You Know: An Analysis of Financial Illiteracy in Young Adults Due to Limited Preparation in Secondary and Higher Education

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Debt is at a record high level among young adults ages 18 to 29. Aside from college tuition and prices of other necessary expenditures being on the rise, another causation for the high levels of debt is a majority of

Debt is at a record high level among young adults ages 18 to 29. Aside from college tuition and prices of other necessary expenditures being on the rise, another causation for the high levels of debt is a majority of young adults do not possess the knowledge or the necessary skill set to manage their own personal finances. Through preliminary research, it was found that twenty-one states in the United States claim to require a personal finance course; however, each personal finance “course requirement” varies on definition and application by state. Only ten states require a one semester non-substitutable (not replaceable with a similar course) personal finance course in order to graduate. In addition to this, no colleges/universities were found to require a personal finance course before the completion of an undergraduate degree program. Since these educational intuitions are deemed responsible for “preparing the youth and young adults for the adult world,” research was conducted to determine how financially literate current young adults are and where the source of their knowledge stems from. A quantitative survey of one-hundred-and-thirty-three anonymous young adults (18-25 years old) was conducted to inquire on confidence levels, knowledge of financial terminology, and the application of that terminology to common life situations. Results showed that individuals were familiar with terminology but not its application. The survey also revealed that young adults are not confident with handling large financial decisions, nor do most young adults practice healthy financial habits (i.e., budgeting). In addition to the survey, personal interviews of ten individuals were conducted in order to evaluate more expansive results. The interviewed participants also did not budget and gave various reasons for it: not necessary, do not have major expenses, and/or have an inconsistent income. In the survey and the interview, it was concluded that young adults primarily give credit to their parents versus formal education in the schools they attended/currently attend for their financial knowledge. Therefore, based on the preliminary research and the survey and interviews conducted, this paper further explains the rationale for and benefits of implementing a non-substitutable personal finance course within secondary and higher educational institutions and challenges associated with doing so.
Date Created

Theoretical Reasons Why Individuals Commit Financial Fraud

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I conducted research on the three tenants of the Fraud Triangle and the theories that were built from it, allowing me to identify the common reasons why people violate ethical standards and commit fraud. Having evaluated different theories for understanding

I conducted research on the three tenants of the Fraud Triangle and the theories that were built from it, allowing me to identify the common reasons why people violate ethical standards and commit fraud. Having evaluated different theories for understanding fraudulent motivations and rationalizations, witnessing current practices in the field of forensic accounting, and analyzing input from peers, I have been able to identify the behind-the-scenes rationales of why people commit financial fraud. My research proves the importance of teaching individuals behavioral ethics to prevent themselves from entering situations that could lead them to commit fraud. This is an ongoing education that needs to be taught as technology changes and fraud techniques improve. Employees need to be constantly reminded of these key issues. Unfortunately, if individuals never learn to prevent themselves from acting on unknown biases, they could instead be learning the serious legal and financial consequences of their ignorance in behavioral ethics.
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