Aisha Comfortable Coliving: AI Chatbot


Coliving is a concept that has many benefits towards society and sustainability. This is due to the resources saved economically and environmentally when living with other people. Aisha Comfortable Coliving, a company based in Canada, provides a service where they

Coliving is a concept that has many benefits towards society and sustainability. This is due to the resources saved economically and environmentally when living with other people. Aisha Comfortable Coliving, a company based in Canada, provides a service where they help women find Coliving communities. A lack of knowledge pertaining to this service could slow down or halt the growth of Aisha ElSherbiny’s Aisha Comfortable Coliving company. This thesis was an extension of a broader project, “Web App for Aisha Comfortable Coliving Inc.,” which focused on transitioning from their current website platform into a web application. As an extension of this main project, this thesis is focused on the engine component design portion surrounding AI chatbots to determine which implementation would provide the best results for a small company in reaching their target audience and helping inform them through an interactive chatbot. The ability to present 24/7 support for Aisha Comfortable Coliving brings value to the company and the methods used in this chatbot can be reproduced in order to create similarly effective chatbots. This thesis delves into the various approaches and implementations researched to determine how to optimize the backend of a chatbot to provide speed, reliability, and expandability for companies aiming to create a chatbot for their users to interact with. It also discusses the methods used when implementing a chatbot called AishaBot using the IBM Watson Assistant’s platform that includes the development of Intents, Entities, Dialog Tree structure, and its WebHook functions. Overall, satisfaction pertaining to the designed chatbot engine within IBM Watson Assistant was discovered to be positive through user trials. Limitations have been discovered, feedback for future improvements have been noted, and lessons learned about the thoroughness of training data have been discussed.

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University Responses to Sexual Assault: An Argument for Survivor-Informed Recommendations

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The purpose of this thesis is to propose and make a case for conducting a study at Arizona State University examining survivors’ perceptions and recommendations for the University’s response to sexual assault. The first part of this thesis provides a

The purpose of this thesis is to propose and make a case for conducting a study at Arizona State University examining survivors’ perceptions and recommendations for the University’s response to sexual assault. The first part of this thesis provides a comprehensive review of existing research and literature related to sexual assault in college, survivors’ help-seeking decisions, available support resources and services, and universities’ responses to sexual assault. The second part of this thesis presents a proposed research study that uses qualitative research methods to examine ASU student-survivors’ views and perceptions of ASU’s sexual assault response and its effectiveness in order to develop survivor-informed recommendations for improving the University’s response to sexual assault. The second part of this thesis includes the methodology, recruitment materials, informed consent form for study participants, survey questions, semi-structured interview questions, general project timeline, and estimated project budget for the proposed study. This proposed study has two primary aims. The first aim is to examine how ASU students, who have had an unwanted sexual experience, view campus support resources and their effectiveness and how they decide whether or not to utilize them. The second aim is to better understand survivors’ needs and help-seeking experiences in the aftermath of sexual assault to address ways the University’s response and resources can be improved based on survivor-informed recommendations.
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Isle Aliquo: Improving Aural Rehabilitation for Individuals With Hearing Impairment Through Immersive Spatial Audio


Computer-based auditory training programs (CBATPs) are used as an at-home aural rehabilitation solution in individuals with hearing impairment, most commonly in recipients of cochlear implants or hearing aids. However, recent advancements in spatial audio and immersive gameplay have not seen

Computer-based auditory training programs (CBATPs) are used as an at-home aural rehabilitation solution in individuals with hearing impairment, most commonly in recipients of cochlear implants or hearing aids. However, recent advancements in spatial audio and immersive gameplay have not seen inclusion in these programs. Isle Aliquo, a virtual-reality CBATP, is designed to reformat traditional rehabilitation exercises into virtual 3D space. The program explores how the aural exercise outcomes of detection, discrimination, direction, and identification can be improved with the incorporation of directional spatial audio, as well as how the experience can be made more engaging to improve adherence to training routines. Fundamentals of professional aural rehabilitation and current CBATP design inform the structure of the exercise modules found in Isle Aliquo.

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Closing the Gap: Developing a Mobile App to Help Combat Health and Education Disparities Among Refugee Populations

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Navigating different systems in the United States can be challenging, especially for those who migrate here and have to start their lives from scratch. This thesis project attempts to alleviate the challenges faced by refugees who arrive in the Arizona.

Navigating different systems in the United States can be challenging, especially for those who migrate here and have to start their lives from scratch. This thesis project attempts to alleviate the challenges faced by refugees who arrive in the Arizona. A mobile app containing resources for government, healthcare, and well-being assistance was built to provide refugees with access to resources in these three areas. Through the use of a simple, user-friendly platform, the app is built to offer easy navigation to a wide range of resources that can be especially used for recently arrived refugees.
Date Created

Never Fully What It Is: Transfeminine Experience Through Digital Sound

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Never Fully What It Is is an electronic/pop music performance constructed with the intent of exploring the interplay between digital sound and gender in the context of my own transition throughout the past year. Thematically, the project focuses on issues

Never Fully What It Is is an electronic/pop music performance constructed with the intent of exploring the interplay between digital sound and gender in the context of my own transition throughout the past year. Thematically, the project focuses on issues of emergence and authenticity in the contexts of trans identity and queer feminism, drawing from literature regarding debates about queer assimilation and gendered associations within systems of genre. It aims not to encapsulate the whole of my transition, but rather to focus on the forces shaping it. From a sonic perspective, the techniques used are largely drawn from hyperpop and other experimental and/or queer genres. The resultant performance is an attempt to understand itself, as a digital body and as an encapsulation of how it feels to be young, transgender, and online.
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