Digital Culture Capstone Chrononaut Canyon


In accordance with the practices of Digital Culture, Chrononaut Canyon is an interactive art experience that demonstrates how digital design practices can influence change, and innovative solutions to global problems. Digital Culture is defined as the arts, tools, customs, and

In accordance with the practices of Digital Culture, Chrononaut Canyon is an interactive art experience that demonstrates how digital design practices can influence change, and innovative solutions to global problems. Digital Culture is defined as the arts, tools, customs, and values of the digital world and how they interact and overlap with the physical world. As computerization and technological innovations rapidly increase and permeate into everyday life and the physical world, the need to understand the role of digital tools becomes imperative in designing solutions to global problems. This includes using digital technology and design as communication tools to aid in the awareness of global problems, such as climate change and environmental degradation, in order to create sustainable solutions whilst embracing the twenty-first century’s digital culture.

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Interactive Lighting and Sound Design Controlled by Baton Twirling


In this thesis, I combine my passion for baton twirling choreography, improvisation, and performance with my passion for theatre lighting and sound design technology. I developed a performance system centered around a baton which has been augmented with sensors, capturing

In this thesis, I combine my passion for baton twirling choreography, improvisation, and performance with my passion for theatre lighting and sound design technology. I developed a performance system centered around a baton which has been augmented with sensors, capturing its movements; these sensors send data via WiFi to a computer connected to a lighting network and a generative sound composition software, changing music and theatrical lighting looks based on the real-time movements of the baton. To demonstrate my work, I design and present a public performance to showcase the capabilities of the baton. Future work includes creating a flexible, scalable version of the system to be portable for multiple venues and to include more advanced lighting responses such as controlling motorized, moving lights, and collaborating with audio and media artists to generate more performances with different sound and media.

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Flow Web Prototype IV_PDF.pdf


Finding Flow was inspired by a previous research project, Zen and the Art of STEAM. The concept of flow was developed by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and can be described as "being in the zone." The previous research project focused on digital

Finding Flow was inspired by a previous research project, Zen and the Art of STEAM. The concept of flow was developed by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and can be described as "being in the zone." The previous research project focused on digital culture students and whether they could find states of flow within their coursework. This thesis project aimed to develop a website prototype that could be used to help students who struggled to find flow.

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Finding Flow was inspired by a previous research project, Zen and the Art of STEAM. The concept of flow was developed by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and can be described as "being in the zone." The previous research project focused on digital

Finding Flow was inspired by a previous research project, Zen and the Art of STEAM. The concept of flow was developed by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and can be described as "being in the zone." The previous research project focused on digital culture students and whether they could find states of flow within their coursework. This thesis project aimed to develop a website prototype that could be used to help students who struggled to find flow.

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Finding Flow: Crafting a Website to Help Students Overcome Blocks

Finding Flow was inspired by a previous research project, Zen and the Art of STEAM. The concept of flow was developed by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and can be described as "being in the zone." The previous research project focused on digital

Finding Flow was inspired by a previous research project, Zen and the Art of STEAM. The concept of flow was developed by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and can be described as "being in the zone." The previous research project focused on digital culture students and whether they could find states of flow within their coursework. This thesis project aimed to develop a website prototype that could be used to help students who struggled to find flow.
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%22Expose%22ing Myself.pdf

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“Expose”ing Myself: An Exploration of iOS Development and My Revelations in
Building My Own Piece of Digital Culture


A friend of mine once told me that coding is like doing magic, and frankly, I am inclined to agree. With a keyboard, a development environment, and a little bit of language skill, you can build an entire world. Despite

A friend of mine once told me that coding is like doing magic, and frankly, I am inclined to agree. With a keyboard, a development environment, and a little bit of language skill, you can build an entire world. Despite being heavily rooted in logic, math, and science, there is a certain mystery to it, a sense of illusion and wizardry. The sense of pride and power that comes from successfully finishing an app, program, or website is like no other. I recently watched the film Ex Machina (Alex Garland, 2014) for the first time, and I was struck by one of the lines. In thinking about the success of his creation and what that means for the world, he says, “I’m not a man, I’m God.” And although I wouldn’t say that is exactly how I feel when I turn in a coding assignment, I understand the sentiment. This thesis is going to be a bit different than the one I thought I was going to write. When I started this, I thought it would be about an amazing coding project I had completed. I would write about all the beautiful code and the nitty gritty of the technical aspects. But, the project that I intended to create is not the project I ended up with, and I couldn’t be happier. I finished with something a lot more meaningful, a lot more interdisciplinary, and a lot more me. In this essay and the accompanying coding project, I aim to take you on the journey of building my own piece of digital culture, an app titled “Exposed.” I begin by discussing how the motivation to create Exposed came from the desire to stop using an app made by an internet celebrity and how the values of Gen Z and their relationship with technology influenced and guided the creation of the app. Then I examine the relationship between code and the coder, and how external factors such as being a woman in technology impacts project development. Then I explain the results of the coding process and outline how Exposed turned out. Finally, I consider the meaning of digital culture and how it functions in the creation of Exposed. Along the way this project became extremely personal. I found that the deeper I dove into making the code work, the more I learned about myself and my relationship to technology. If I promise to be honest with you, will you promise to listen to what I have to say?

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Aisha Comfortable Coliving Inc. - Creating a Positive User Experience Through an Artificially Intelligent Chatbot

Society is developing at an exponential rate and engineers have become the pioneers of great technical breakthroughs; however, these revolutionary products can only become usable for the public if it is designed with the users in mind. User experience (UX)

Society is developing at an exponential rate and engineers have become the pioneers of great technical breakthroughs; however, these revolutionary products can only become usable for the public if it is designed with the users in mind. User experience (UX) is the pinnacle of creating value for the user and an emphasis on UX can greatly increase company accessibility and legacy. One way to do this is through interactive chatbots that are available at all hours. Chatbots are becoming more mainstream for businesses' websites to improve the user experience by giving instantaneous relief to customers with pressing questions. Especially for new initiatives, providing chatbots that are constantly available to educate potential users on the company will drive more traffic. The motivation behind this project was to create the best fitting chatbot, namely AishaBot, for the start-up Aisha Comfortable Coliving Inc. whose fun personality and educational tone speaks to the company demographic. After understanding the demographic, dialogues were written for the chatbot with a specific tone and sentiment to engage the users. In order to assess the effectiveness of the dialogue, 15 female participants were recruited to partake in the study, assessing their overall experience with the purpose of gaining feedback and refining the chatbot. Participants were asked to complete 5 tasks and the majority completed 95% of the tasks successfully, resulting in an overall positive user experience. The participants communicated with and received the tone of the dialogues very well from AishaBot. Along with this, a better understanding was gained on how to alter key words and how the participants from different age ranges went about asking their questions.
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