Aisha Comfortable Coliving Inc. - Creating a Positive User Experience Through an Artificially Intelligent Chatbot

Society is developing at an exponential rate and engineers have become the pioneers of great technical breakthroughs; however, these revolutionary products can only become usable for the public if it is designed with the users in mind. User experience (UX)

Society is developing at an exponential rate and engineers have become the pioneers of great technical breakthroughs; however, these revolutionary products can only become usable for the public if it is designed with the users in mind. User experience (UX) is the pinnacle of creating value for the user and an emphasis on UX can greatly increase company accessibility and legacy. One way to do this is through interactive chatbots that are available at all hours. Chatbots are becoming more mainstream for businesses' websites to improve the user experience by giving instantaneous relief to customers with pressing questions. Especially for new initiatives, providing chatbots that are constantly available to educate potential users on the company will drive more traffic. The motivation behind this project was to create the best fitting chatbot, namely AishaBot, for the start-up Aisha Comfortable Coliving Inc. whose fun personality and educational tone speaks to the company demographic. After understanding the demographic, dialogues were written for the chatbot with a specific tone and sentiment to engage the users. In order to assess the effectiveness of the dialogue, 15 female participants were recruited to partake in the study, assessing their overall experience with the purpose of gaining feedback and refining the chatbot. Participants were asked to complete 5 tasks and the majority completed 95% of the tasks successfully, resulting in an overall positive user experience. The participants communicated with and received the tone of the dialogues very well from AishaBot. Along with this, a better understanding was gained on how to alter key words and how the participants from different age ranges went about asking their questions.
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Aisha Comfortable Coliving: AI Chatbot


Coliving is a concept that has many benefits towards society and sustainability. This is due to the resources saved economically and environmentally when living with other people. Aisha Comfortable Coliving, a company based in Canada, provides a service where they

Coliving is a concept that has many benefits towards society and sustainability. This is due to the resources saved economically and environmentally when living with other people. Aisha Comfortable Coliving, a company based in Canada, provides a service where they help women find Coliving communities. A lack of knowledge pertaining to this service could slow down or halt the growth of Aisha ElSherbiny’s Aisha Comfortable Coliving company. This thesis was an extension of a broader project, “Web App for Aisha Comfortable Coliving Inc.,” which focused on transitioning from their current website platform into a web application. As an extension of this main project, this thesis is focused on the engine component design portion surrounding AI chatbots to determine which implementation would provide the best results for a small company in reaching their target audience and helping inform them through an interactive chatbot. The ability to present 24/7 support for Aisha Comfortable Coliving brings value to the company and the methods used in this chatbot can be reproduced in order to create similarly effective chatbots. This thesis delves into the various approaches and implementations researched to determine how to optimize the backend of a chatbot to provide speed, reliability, and expandability for companies aiming to create a chatbot for their users to interact with. It also discusses the methods used when implementing a chatbot called AishaBot using the IBM Watson Assistant’s platform that includes the development of Intents, Entities, Dialog Tree structure, and its WebHook functions. Overall, satisfaction pertaining to the designed chatbot engine within IBM Watson Assistant was discovered to be positive through user trials. Limitations have been discovered, feedback for future improvements have been noted, and lessons learned about the thoroughness of training data have been discussed.

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