Interactive Lighting and Sound Design Controlled by Baton Twirling


In this thesis, I combine my passion for baton twirling choreography, improvisation, and performance with my passion for theatre lighting and sound design technology. I developed a performance system centered around a baton which has been augmented with sensors, capturing

In this thesis, I combine my passion for baton twirling choreography, improvisation, and performance with my passion for theatre lighting and sound design technology. I developed a performance system centered around a baton which has been augmented with sensors, capturing its movements; these sensors send data via WiFi to a computer connected to a lighting network and a generative sound composition software, changing music and theatrical lighting looks based on the real-time movements of the baton. To demonstrate my work, I design and present a public performance to showcase the capabilities of the baton. Future work includes creating a flexible, scalable version of the system to be portable for multiple venues and to include more advanced lighting responses such as controlling motorized, moving lights, and collaborating with audio and media artists to generate more performances with different sound and media.

Date Created

leARn: Supplementing Proven Teaching Techniques with AR Tools

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Augmented Reality (AR) is a tool increasingly available to young learners and educators. This paper documents and analyzes the creation of an AR app used as a tool to teach fractions to young learners and enhance their engagement in the

Augmented Reality (AR) is a tool increasingly available to young learners and educators. This paper documents and analyzes the creation of an AR app used as a tool to teach fractions to young learners and enhance their engagement in the classroom. As an emerging technology reaching diffusion into the general populace, AR presents a unique opportunity to engage users in the digital and real world. Additionally, AR can be enabled on most modern phones and tablets; therefore, it is extremely accessible and has a low barrier to entry. To integrate AR into the classroom in an affordable way, I created leARn, an AR application intended to help young learners understand fractions. leARn is an application intended to be used alongside traditional teaching methods, in order to enhance the engagement of students in the classroom. Throughout the development of the product, I not only considered usability and design, but also the effectiveness of the app in the classroom. Moreover, due to collaboration with Arizona State University Research Enterprises, I tested the application in a classroom with sixth, seventh and eighth grade students. This paper presents the findings from that testing period and analysis of the educational effectiveness of the concept based on data received from students.
Date Created