Studying biomolecular structures and their interaction using atomic force microscopy

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Atomic force microscopy (AFM) has become an important tool to characterize and image surfaces with nanoscale resolution. AFM imaging technique has been utilized to study a wide range of substances such as DNA, proteins, cells, silicon surfaces, nanowires etc. Hence

Atomic force microscopy (AFM) has become an important tool to characterize and image surfaces with nanoscale resolution. AFM imaging technique has been utilized to study a wide range of substances such as DNA, proteins, cells, silicon surfaces, nanowires etc. Hence AFM has become extremely important in the field of biochemistry, cell biology and material science. Functionalizing the AFM tip made it possible to detect molecules and their interaction using recognition imaging at single molecule level. Also the unbinding force of two molecules can be investigated based on AFM based single molecule force spectroscopy.

In the first study, a new chemical approach to functionalize the AFM tip in a simple and user-friendly way has been described. Copper-free click chemistry and a vinyl sulfone PEG linker have been utilized during the process. Using this technique, human thrombin and integrin were detected in separate experiments. Then a novel tri-arm linker with two recognition molecules on it was designed and two proteins (human thrombin and integrin) were detected simultaneously in the same experiment using recognition imaging. This technique can be applied to understand many multivalent interactions taking place in nature. Using the same tri-arm linker functionalized with two biotin molecules, the interaction of streptavidin with mono-biotin and bis-biotin ligands were investigated. The thermal stability of streptavidin-biotin complex was also studied using SDS-PAGE analysis.

In the final study, structure of native chromatin extracted from normal and cancer cell lines were analyzed using AFM imaging and agarose gel electrophoresis. Different salt fractions were used to extract chromatin region depending on their solubility. Mnase sensitivity of the chromatin sample was used to understand the open and closed structures of chromatin from different sources. The amount of chromatin in different salt fractions could act as an indicator of amount of open and condensed chromatin in normal and cancer cells. Eventually this ratio of closed and open structure of chromatin could be an indicator of tumorigenic nature of particular cell lines.
Date Created

Solution-state conformation and stoichiometry of yeast Sir3 heterochromatin fibres

Heterochromatin is a repressive chromatin compartment essential for maintaining genomic integrity. A hallmark of heterochromatin is the presence of specialized nonhistone proteins that alter chromatin structure to inhibit transcription and recombination. It is generally assumed that heterochromatin is highly condensed.

Heterochromatin is a repressive chromatin compartment essential for maintaining genomic integrity. A hallmark of heterochromatin is the presence of specialized nonhistone proteins that alter chromatin structure to inhibit transcription and recombination. It is generally assumed that heterochromatin is highly condensed. However, surprisingly little is known about the structure of heterochromatin or its dynamics in solution. In budding yeast, formation of heterochromatin at telomeres and the homothallic silent mating type loci require the Sir3 protein. Here, we use a combination of sedimentation velocity, atomic force microscopy and nucleosomal array capture to characterize the stoichiometry and conformation of Sir3 nucleosomal arrays. The results indicate that Sir3 interacts with nucleosomal arrays with a stoichiometry of two Sir3 monomers per nucleosome. We also find that Sir3 fibres are less compact than canonical magnesium-induced 30 nm fibres. We suggest that heterochromatin proteins promote silencing by ‘coating’ nucleosomal arrays, stabilizing interactions between nucleosomal histones and DNA.
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