Impact of Analytical Conditions on Biospecimen Sulfate, Sulfide, Sulfite, and Thiosulfate
Ion Chromatography Quantification

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) currently lacks a biological diagnostic test, ongoing research is being conducted to develop a urine biomarker test for autism. Researchers are investigating possible anions, such as sulfur-based anions, as a biomarker for autism. Although studies have

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) currently lacks a biological diagnostic test, ongoing research is being conducted to develop a urine biomarker test for autism. Researchers are investigating possible anions, such as sulfur-based anions, as a biomarker for autism. Although studies have not measured the quantification of sulfate-based anions within a biospecimen while using Ion Chromatography (IC) for a 24-hour period. Research studies on autism biomarker development could greatly benefit by investigating and quantifying sulfur-based anions such as sulfate, sulfide, sulfite, or thiosulfate. Our research investigated the quantifications of anions through the analysis of biospecimens across 24-hours in an IC. The results of our research indicate that sulfate fluctuates the least and was consistently read by the IC at each time point across 24 hours whereas the other anions of interest presented greater fluctuations and were not detected at each time point across the 24 hours under the conditions tested.
Date Created

Graphite Nanomaterial Fertilizer Additives Reduce Nitrate Leaching through Agricultural Soil

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Nitrate leaching from agricultural systems poses a threat to ecosystems and human health. Integrating 2D carbon-based graphite nano additive (GNA) soil amendments previously demonstrated potential in mitigating nitrate loss, yet the responsible mechanism was unclear. To clarify the causal mechanism,

Nitrate leaching from agricultural systems poses a threat to ecosystems and human health. Integrating 2D carbon-based graphite nano additive (GNA) soil amendments previously demonstrated potential in mitigating nitrate loss, yet the responsible mechanism was unclear. To clarify the causal mechanism, this dissertation aimed to identify and understand mechanisms of how addition of graphite nano-additive (GNA) soil amendment reduces N leaching through agricultural soil by sequential investigation employing laboratory soil incubation tests, batch adsorption experiments, soil column experiments, and greenhouse pot study. Soil incubation tests were conducted with four commercially available graphene nanomaterials to establish that soil microbial activity indicated by respiration was significantly enhanced when soil was amended with graphene (e.g., GNA). Additionally, gene abundance assessment from the same incubation tests indicated a potentially slowed soil nitrification (ammonium to nitrate conversion) by GNA. Separate batch absorption tests indicated that GNA was unlikely to retain nitrate through adsorption. Soil column experiments were designed to probe the dependency of N retention in GNA-amended soil primarily due to altered microbial activity from assessing the impact of temperature, soil saturation, sterility, hydraulic retention time, GNA dose, and soil organic carbon. Finally, a greenhouse plant growth study was designed to assess how GNA impacts soil biology. Enzyme activity indicated GNA could stimulate soil carbon mineralization and improve soil bioavailable carbon. Gene abundance assessment showed total bacterial community size was unimpacted but selected and suppressed certain bacterial groups (e.g., suppressed bacterial amoA gene abundance).16S bacterial community sequencing showed that GNA significantly altered the bulk and rhizosphere soil microbiome composition. GNA-induced selection of certain bacterial classes (e.g., Bacilli) holds significant implications in aspects of plant growth and nutrient acquisition. This dissertation revealed mechanisms behind GNA-induced decrease of nitrate leaching in agricultural soil, aiding progress to its integration into conventional agriculture to improve nitrogen fertilizer efficiency for a food-secure future.
Date Created

Anticipatory Life Cycle Assessment of Phosphorus Recovery from Human Urine and Application in Agricultural Food Systems

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The escalating global demand for food production underscores the urgent need for sustainable agricultural innovations. This research contributes new insights into the environmental benefits of using urine-derived phosphorus (P) fertilizers by closing the nutrient loop and applying the technology to

The escalating global demand for food production underscores the urgent need for sustainable agricultural innovations. This research contributes new insights into the environmental benefits of using urine-derived phosphorus (P) fertilizers by closing the nutrient loop and applying the technology to agricultural food systems. Anticipatory life cycle assessment was used to quantify the environmental impacts of replacing conventionally mined P fertilizer with recovered urine-derived P fertilizer within the production of beef and plant-based burgers. Results shows that implementing recovered P fertilizer provides greater environmental benefits for all environmental impact categories, with global warming, eutrophication, and water consumption being the main impact categories examined in this study. Urine-derived P fertilizer use in beef burger production led to a 4% reduction in global warming impacts (3% for plant-based), 15% reduction in eutrophication (2% for plant-based), and 42% reduction in water consumption (46% for plant-based). Uncertainty in the results was accounted for using Monte Carlo simulation with 10,000 runs to rank the four burger production scenarios (e.g., conventional and urine-derived beef burger and conventional and urine-derived plant-based burger) based on their environmental impact on global warming, eutrophication, and water use under conditions of baseline, realistic, and maximum uncertainty. Under conditions of realistic uncertainty, implementing urine-derived P fertilizer for beef burger production was considered beneficial for global warming, eutrophication, and water consumption, with 78%, 99%, and 89% of the runs showing environmental benefits, respectively. Due to the lower P fertilizer requirements in plant-based burger production, uncertainty assessment under realistic conditions showed that a reduction in water use was the only expected benefit of implementing recovered P fertilizer, with 71% of the runs providing water use benefits. These results show that closing the nutrient loop by implementing urine-derived P fertilizers can be beneficial when applied to the correct agricultural food system (e.g., beef burger production) and is expected to have the most pronounced benefits with regard to water savings.
Date Created

Manufacturable and Physically Flexible UV-C Side-emitting Optical Fibers for Biofilm Inhibition in Pressurized Water Systems

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Bacterial biofilms exist on surfaces within pressurized water systems, posing threats to water quality and causing fouling or microbial induced corrosion. Germicidal UV irradiation has shown promise in deactivating planktonic pathogens in water but challenges in delivering light to surfaces

Bacterial biofilms exist on surfaces within pressurized water systems, posing threats to water quality and causing fouling or microbial induced corrosion. Germicidal UV irradiation has shown promise in deactivating planktonic pathogens in water but challenges in delivering light to surfaces where biofilms exist have limited advancement in understanding biofilm response to UV-C light. This dissertation aims to overcome the limitation of delivering UV-C light through use of side-emitting optical fibers (SEOFs), advance capabilities to produce SEOFs and understand if a minimum UV-C irradiance can prevent biofilm formation. Two scalable manufacturing approaches were developed for producing kilometer lengths of thin (≤500-µm) and physically flexible SEOFs. One strategy involved dip-coating amine-functionalized SiO2 nanoparticles (NPs) on bare optical fiber, followed by a coating of UV-C transparent polymer (CyTop). I showed that NPs closer to the surface achieved with higher ionic strength solutions increased side-scattering of UV-C light. This phenomenon was primarily attributed to the interaction between NPs and evanescent wave energy. The second strategy omitted NPs but utilized a post-treatment to the UV-C transparent polymer that increased surface roughness on the outer fiber surface. This modification maintained the physical flexibility of the fiber while promoting side-emission of UV-C light. The side emission was due to the enhancement of refracted light energy. Both methods were successfully scaled up for potential commercial production. Experimental platforms were created to study biofilm responses to UV light on metal or flexible plastic pipe (1/4” ID) surfaces. Delivering UV-C light via SEOFs with irradiances >8 µW/cm2 inhibited biofilm accumulation. Neither UV-A nor UV-B light inhibited biofilm growth. At very low UV-C irradiance (<3 µW/cm2), biofilms were not inhibited. Functional genomic analysis revealed that biofilms irradiated by insufficient UV-C irradiance upregulated various essential genes related to DNA repair, energy metabolism, quorum sensing, mobility, and EPS synthesis. When net UV-C biofilm inactivation rates exceeded the biofilm growth rate, biofilms were inhibited. Insights gained from this dissertation work shed light on the prospective applications of UV-C technology in addressing biofilm challenges within water infrastructure across multiple sectors, from potable water to healthcare applications.
Date Created

Advancing the Technology Readiness of Membrane Catalyst-film Reactors for Nitrate Removal

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Due to the use of fertilizers, concentrations of harmful nitrate have increased in groundwater and surface waters globally in the last century. Water treatment plants primarily use separation techniques for nitrate treatment, but these technologies create a high nitrate concentration

Due to the use of fertilizers, concentrations of harmful nitrate have increased in groundwater and surface waters globally in the last century. Water treatment plants primarily use separation techniques for nitrate treatment, but these technologies create a high nitrate concentration brine that is costly to dispose of. This dissertation focuses on catalytic hydrogenation, an emerging technology capable of reducing nitrate to nitrogen gas using hydrogen gas (H2). This technology reduces nitrate at rates >95% and is an improvement over technologies used at water treatment plants, because the nitrate is chemically transformed with harmless byproducts and no nitrate brine. The goal of this dissertation is to upgrade the maturity of catalytic nitrate hydrogenation systems by overcoming several barriers hindering the scale-up of this technology. Objective 1 is to compare different methods of attaching the bimetallic catalyst to a hollow-fiber membrane surface to find a method that results in 1) minimized catalyst loss, and 2) repeatable nitrate removal over several cycles. Results showed that the In-Situ MCfR-H2 deposition was successful in reducing nitrate at a rate of 1.1 min-1gPd-1 and lost less than 0.05% of attached Pd and In cumulatively over three nitrate treatment cycles. Objective 2 is to synthesize catalyst-films with varied In3+ precursor decorated over a Pd0 surface to show the technology can 1) reliably synthesize In-Pd catalyst-films with varied bimetallic ratios, and 2) optimize nitrate removal activity by varying In-Pd ratio. Results showed that nitrate removal activity was optimized with a rate constant of 0.190 mg*min-1L-1 using a catalyst-film with a 0.045 In-Pd ratio. Objective 3 is to perform nitrate reduction in a continuous flow reactor for two months to determine if nitrate removal activity can be sustained over extended operation and identify methods to overcome catalyst deactivation. Results showed that a combination of increased hydraulic residence time and reduced pH was successful in increasing the nitrate removal and decreasing harmful nitrite byproduct selectivity to 0%. These objectives increased the technology readiness of this technology by enabling the reuse of the catalyst, maximizing nitrate reduction activity, and achieving long-term nitrate removal.
Date Created

Assessing Exposure and Evaluating the Efficiency of Filters and Masks in Capturing Airborne Nanoparticles

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The prevalence and unique properties of airborne nanoparticles have raised concerns regarding their potential adverse health effects. Despite their significance, the understanding of nanoparticle generation, transport, and exposure remains incomplete. This study first aimed to assess nanoparticle exposure in indoor

The prevalence and unique properties of airborne nanoparticles have raised concerns regarding their potential adverse health effects. Despite their significance, the understanding of nanoparticle generation, transport, and exposure remains incomplete. This study first aimed to assess nanoparticle exposure in indoor workplace environments, in the semiconductor manufacturing industry. On-site observations during tool preventive maintenance revealed a significant release of particles smaller than 30 nm, which subsequent instrumental analysis confirmed as predominantly composed of transition metals. Although the measured mass concentration levels did not exceed current federal limits, it prompted concerns regarding how well filter-based air sampling methods would capture the particles for exposure assessment and how well common personal protective equipment would protect from exposure. To address these concerns, this study evaluated the capture efficiency of filters and masks. When challenged by aerosolized engineered nanomaterials, common filters used in industrial hygiene sampling exhibited capture efficiencies of over 60%. Filtering Facepiece Respirators, such as the N95 mask, exhibited a capture efficiency of over 98%. In contrast, simple surgical masks showed a capture efficiency of approximately 70%. The experiments showed that face velocity and ambient humidity influence capture performance and mostly identified the critical role of mask and particle surface charge in capturing nanoparticles. Masks with higher surface potential exhibited higher capture efficiency towards nanoparticles. Eliminating their surface charge resulted in a significantly diminished capture efficiency, up to 43%. Finally, this study characterized outdoor nanoparticle concentrations in the Phoenix metropolitan area, revealing typical concentrations on the order of 10^4 #/cm3 consistent with other urban environments. During the North American monsoon season, in dust storms, with elevated number concentrations of large particles, particularly in the size range of 1-10 μm, the number concentration of nanoparticles in the size range of 30-100 nm was substantially lower by approximately 55%. These findings provide valuable insights for future assessments of nanoparticle exposure risks and filter capture mechanisms associated with airborne nanoparticles.
Date Created

Understanding Influence of Nanoparticles Loading and Pore Structure on Adsorption: A Case of Study of Titanium Dioxide Nano-impregnated Fibers for Arsenate Removal

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Generally, porous structures are nano-enabled with a high loading of nanoparticles (NPs) to enhance adsorption capacity, but pore blockage plays a determinant role in kinetics in this approach. The goal of this study is to investigate the effect of NPs

Generally, porous structures are nano-enabled with a high loading of nanoparticles (NPs) to enhance adsorption capacity, but pore blockage plays a determinant role in kinetics in this approach. The goal of this study is to investigate the effect of NPs loading on the adsorption kinetics and capacity of titanium dioxide (TiO2). To accomplish this, side-emitting optical fibers impregnated with different mass loadings of TiO2 (Ti-NIFs) were developed and characterized. Additionally, taking advantage of the use of optical fibers, the potential influence of ultraviolet light (UV) irradiation in arsenate adsorption over TiO2 was studied. The adsorption kinetics and capacity of Ti-NIFs were compared with slurry TiO2 nanoparticles in batch reactors. Arsenate adsorption was evaluated under both UV irradiation and dark conditions. The Ti-NIF with the lowest TiO2 loading showed comparable adsorption rate to NPs in suspension. Higher loadings resulted in high mass-transfer limitations. Interestingly, the normalized adsorption capacity of the produced Ti-NIFs maintained the adsorption capacity similar as they were freely dispersed. The experiments showed that UV has no influence in arsenate adsorption onto TiO2, contrary to previous literature indicating a positive effect, which was likely due to pH drift. Overall, this study shows that loadings of nanoparticles below 1% effectively enhance nano-enabled surfaces' performance.
Date Created

Flexible Nanocomposite Electrodes: Synthesis, Characterization and Electrochemical Applications

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Electrochemical technologies emerge as a feasible solution to monitor and treat pollutants. Although electrochemical technologies have garnered widespread attention, their commercial applications are still constrained by the use of expensive electrocatalysts, and the bulky and rigid plate design of electrodes

Electrochemical technologies emerge as a feasible solution to monitor and treat pollutants. Although electrochemical technologies have garnered widespread attention, their commercial applications are still constrained by the use of expensive electrocatalysts, and the bulky and rigid plate design of electrodes that restricts electrochemical reactor design to systems with poor electrode surface/ volume treated ratios. By making electrodes flexible, more compact designs that maximize electrode surface per volume treated might become a reality. This dissertation encompasses the successful fabrication of flexible nanocomposite electrodes for electrocatalysis and electroanalysis applications.First, nano boron-doped diamond electrodes (BDD) were prepared as an inexpensive alternative to commercial boron-doped diamond electrodes. Comparative detailed surface and electrochemical characterization was conducted. Empirical study showed that replacing commercial BDD electrodes with nano-BDD electrodes can result in a cost reduction of roughly 1000x while maintaining the same electrochemical performance. Next, self-standing electrodes were fabricated through the electropolymerization of conducing polymer, polypyrrole. Surface characterizations, such as SEM, FTIR and XPS proved the successful fabrication of these self-standing electrodes. High mechanical stability and bending flexibility demonstrated the ability to use these electrodes in different designs, such as roll-to-roll membranes. Electrochemical nitrite reduction was employed to demonstrate the viability of using self-standing nanocomposite electrodes for electrocatalytic applications reducing hazardous nitrogen oxyanions (i.e., nitrite) towards innocuous species such as nitrogen gas. A high faradaic efficiency of 78% was achieved, with high selectivity of 91% towards nitrogen gas. To further enhance the conductivity and charge transfer properties of self-standing polypyrrole electrodes, three different nanoparticles, including copper (Cu), gold (Au), and platinum (Pt), were incorporated in the polypyrrole matrix. Effect of nanoparticle wt% and interaction between metal nanoparticles and polypyrrole matrix was investigated for electroanalytical applications, specifically dopamine sensing. Flexible nanocomposite electrodes showed outstanding performance as electrochemical sensors with PPy-Cu 120s exhibiting a low limit of detection (LOD) of 1.19 µM and PPy-Au 120s exhibiting a high linear range of 5 µM - 300 µM. This dissertation outlines a method of fabricating self-standing electrodes and provides a pathway of using self-standing electrodes based on polypyrrole and polypyrrole-metal nanocomposites for various applications in wastewater treatment and electroanalytical sensing.
Date Created

Advancing Material Discovery for Selective Adsorption and Catalysis of Toxic Oxo-Anion Pollutants in Aqueous Phase - An Ab-Initio Study

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Anthropogenic processes have increased the concentration of toxic Se, As and N in water. Oxo-anions of these species are poisonous to aquatic and terrestrial life. Current remediation techniques have low selectivity towards their removal. Understanding the chemistry and physics which

Anthropogenic processes have increased the concentration of toxic Se, As and N in water. Oxo-anions of these species are poisonous to aquatic and terrestrial life. Current remediation techniques have low selectivity towards their removal. Understanding the chemistry and physics which control oxo-anion adsorption on metal oxide and the catalytic nitrate reduction to inform improved remediation technologies can be done using Density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The adsorption of selenate, selenite, and arsenate was investigated on the alumina and hematite to inform sorbent design strategies. Adsorption energies were calculated as a function of surface structure, composition, binding motif, and pH within a hybrid implicit-explicit solvation strategy. Correlations between surface property descriptors including water network structure, cationic species identity, and facet and the adsorption energies of the ions show that the surface water network controls the adsorption energy more than any other, including the cationic species of the metal-oxide. Additionally, to achieve selectivity for selenate over sulphate, differences in their electronic structure must be exploited, for example by the reduction of selenate to selenite by Ti3+ cations. Thermochemical or electrochemical reduction pathways to convert NO3- to N2 or NH3, which are benign or value-added products, respectively are examined over single-atom electrocatalysts (SAC) in Cu. The activity and selectivity for nitrate reduction are compared with the competitive hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). Cu suppresses HER but produces toxic NO2- because of a high activation barrier for cleaving the second N-O bond. SACs provide secondary sites for reaction and break traditional linear scaling relationships. Ru-SACs selectively produce NH3 because N-O bond scission is facile, and the resulting N remains isolated on SAC sites; reacting with H+ from solvating H2O to form ammonia. Conversely, Pd-SAC forms N2 because the reduced N* atoms migrate to the Cu surface, which has a low H availability, allowing N atoms to combine to N2. This relation between N* binding preference and reduction product is demonstrated across an array of SAC elements. Hence, the solvation effects on the surface critically alter the activity of adsorption and catalysis and the removal of toxic pollutants can be improved by altering the surface water network.
Date Created

Sunscreen in a World of Sustainability, Healthcare Disparities, and Media Platforms


As educational tactics circulate globally, so too does the prospect of understanding sustainability amongst informed individuals and what it means for our society. Just in the past few decades, the environmental movement has changed the way in which people think

As educational tactics circulate globally, so too does the prospect of understanding sustainability amongst informed individuals and what it means for our society. Just in the past few decades, the environmental movement has changed the way in which people think about their own impact upon the planet. It is becoming a facet of common knowledge for society to realize the potential detriment of their actions, and for this, we should be grateful. However, there is much work to be done regarding all aspects of sustainability and environmental crises. This paper offers a look into the world of sustainable sunscreen usage, something that is not often thought about as an aspect of sustainable consideration. The task of this research opportunity was to examine a sample of survey respondents and connect their responses from 15 questions to different hypotheses. Alongside the discussion of sunscreen filters damaging sensitive ocean ecosystems, this research also looks into the overall importance of sunscreen for one’s health and the ways in which it can be used safely. My hope is that readers will realize the value of using sunscreen on a daily basis and become better informed of sustainability challenges and healthcare disparities.

Date Created