Developing a novel method for rapid assessment of blood flow changes in vivo

A reliable method for real-time blood flow monitoring in vivo is critical for several medical applications, including monitoring cardiovascular diseases, evaluating interventional procedures and surgeries, and increasing the safety and efficacy of neuromodulation procedures. High-speed methods are particularly necessary for

A reliable method for real-time blood flow monitoring in vivo is critical for several medical applications, including monitoring cardiovascular diseases, evaluating interventional procedures and surgeries, and increasing the safety and efficacy of neuromodulation procedures. High-speed methods are particularly necessary for neural monitoring, due to the brain's heightened sensitivity to hypoxic and ischemic conditions. High-speed CBF monitoring methods may also provide a useful biomarker for the development of a closed-loop deep brain stimulation (DBS) system. Current methods such as laser Doppler, bold fMRI, and positron emission tomography (PET) often involve cumbersome instrumentation and are therefore not well- suited for chronic microvasculature monitoring. The purpose of this study is to develop a method for real-time measurement of blood flow changes using electrochemical impedance spectra (EIS). Utilizing EIS to measure CBF has the potential to be included in a chronic, closed-loop DBS system that is modulated by fluctuations in CBF, using minimal additional instrumentation. Five experiments in rodents were conducted, with the objective of 1) determining whether electrochemical impedance spectra showed impedance changes correlated with changes in blood flow, assessing the sensitivity, specificity, and limitations of detection of this method, and 2) determining whether cyclic voltammetry-based method could be used to produce EIS more rapidly than current methods. The experimental set-up included electrodes in the femoral artery with the administration of endothelin (ET-1) to induce blood flow changes (N=1), electrodes in the motor cortex using isoflurane variation to induce blood flow changes (N=3), and electrodes in the femoral artery with the administration of nitroglycerin (NTG) to induce blood flow changes (N=1). Preliminary results suggest that impedance changes in the higher frequencies (over 160 Hz) demonstrated higher sensitivity to blood flow changes in the femoral artery model compared to <100 Hz frequencies, with inconclusive results in the motor cortex model. Future in vivo experiments will be conducted using endothelin-1 to further establish the relationship between impedance and cerebral blood flow in the brain.
Date Created

A Mixed Reality Platform for Systematic Investigation of the Neural Mechanisms of Multisensory Integration During Motor Planning

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Multisensory integration is the process by which information from different sensory modalities is integrated by the nervous system. This process is important not only from a basic science perspective but also for translational reasons, e.g., for the development of closed-loo

Multisensory integration is the process by which information from different sensory modalities is integrated by the nervous system. This process is important not only from a basic science perspective but also for translational reasons, e.g., for the development of closed-loop neural prosthetic systems. A mixed virtual reality platform was developed to study the neural mechanisms of multisensory integration for the upper limb during motor planning. The platform allows for selection of different arms and manipulation of the locations of physical and virtual target cues in the environment. The system was tested with two non-human primates (NHP) trained to reach to multiple virtual targets. Arm kinematic data as well as neural spiking data from primary motor (M1) and dorsal premotor cortex (PMd) were collected. The task involved manipulating visual information about initial arm position by rendering the virtual avatar arm in either its actual position (veridical (V) condition) or in a different shifted (e.g., small vs large shifts) position (perturbed (P) condition) prior to movement. Tactile feedback was modulated in blocks by placing or removing the physical start cue on the table (tactile (T), and no-tactile (NT) conditions, respectively). Behaviorally, errors in initial movement direction were larger when the physical start cue was absent. Slightly larger directional errors were found in the P condition compared to the V condition for some movement directions. Both effects were consistent with the idea that erroneous or reduced information about initial hand location led to movement direction-dependent reach planning errors. Neural correlates of these behavioral effects were probed using population decoding techniques. For small shifts in the visual position of the arm, no differences in decoding accuracy between the T and NT conditions were observed in either M1 or PMd. However, for larger visual shifts, decoding accuracy decreased in the NT condition, but only in PMd. Thus, activity in PMd, but not M1, may reflect the uncertainty in reach planning that results when sensory cues regarding initial hand position are erroneous or absent.
Date Created

EEG Power as a Potential Biomarker for Migraine


With millions of people living with a disease as restraining as migraines, there are no ways to diagnose them before they occur. In this study, a migraine model using nitroglycerin is used in rats to study the awake brain activity

With millions of people living with a disease as restraining as migraines, there are no ways to diagnose them before they occur. In this study, a migraine model using nitroglycerin is used in rats to study the awake brain activity during the migraine state. In an attempt to search for a biomarker for the migraine state, we found multiple deviations in EEG brain activity across different bands. Firstly, there was a clear decrease in power in the delta, beta, alpha, and theta bands. A slight increase in power in the gamma and high frequency bands was also found, which is consistent with other pain-related studies12. Additionally, we searched for a decreased pain threshold in this deviation, in which we concluded that more data analysis is needed to eliminate the multiple potential noise influxes throughout each dataset. However, with this study we did find a clear change in brain activity, but a more detailed analysis will narrow down what this change could mean and how it impacts the migraine state.

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A Study of Factors Affecting the Safety and Efficacy of Neuromodulation Devices

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Safety and efficacy of neuromodulation are influenced by abiotic factors like failure of implants, biotic factors like tissue damage, and molecular and cellular mechanisms of neuromodulation. Accelerated lifetime test (ALT) predict lifetime of implants by accelerating failure modes in controlled

Safety and efficacy of neuromodulation are influenced by abiotic factors like failure of implants, biotic factors like tissue damage, and molecular and cellular mechanisms of neuromodulation. Accelerated lifetime test (ALT) predict lifetime of implants by accelerating failure modes in controlled bench-top conditions. Current ALT models do not capture failure modes involving biological mechanisms. First part of this dissertation is focused on developing ALTs for predicting failure of chronically implanted tungsten stimulation electrodes. Three factors used in ALT are temperature, H2O2 concentration, and amount of charge delivered through electrode to develop a predictive model of lifetime for stimulation electrodes. Second part of this dissertation is focused on developing a novel method for evaluating tissue response to implants and electrical stimulation. Current methods to evaluate tissue damage in the brain require invasive and terminal procedures that have poor clinical translation. I report a novel non-invasive method that sampled peripheral blood monocytes (PBMCs) and used enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA) to assess level of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) expression and fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) to quantify number of GFAP expressing PBMCs. Using this method, I was able to detect and quantify GFAP expression in PBMCs. However, there was no statistically significant difference in GFAP expression between stimulatory and non-stimulatory implants. Final part of this dissertation assessed molecular and cellular mechanisms of non-invasive ultrasound neuromodulation approach. Unlike electrical stimulation, cellular mechanisms of ultrasound-based neuromodulation are not fully known. Final part of this dissertation assessed role of mechanosensitive ion channels and neuronal nitric oxide production in cell cultures under ultrasound excitation. I used fluorescent imaging to quantify expression of nitric oxide in neuronal cell cultures in response to ultrasound stimulation. Results from these experiments indicate that neuronal nitric oxide production increased in response to ultrasound stimulation compared to control and decreased when mechanosensitive ion channels were suppressed. Two novel methods developed in this dissertation enable assessment of lifetime and safety of neuromodulation techniques that use electrical stimulation through implants. The final part of this dissertation concludes that non-invasive ultrasound neuromodulation may be mediated through neuronal nitric oxide even in absence of activation of mechanosensitive ion channels.
Date Created

Micro-Scale In Vivo Human Electrophysiological Functional Connectivity During Simple Language Production and Parkinson’s Disease

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Information processing in the brain is mediated by network interactions between anatomically distant (centimeters apart) regions of cortex and network action is fundamental to human behavior. Disruptive activity of these networks may allow a variety of diseases to develop. Degradation

Information processing in the brain is mediated by network interactions between anatomically distant (centimeters apart) regions of cortex and network action is fundamental to human behavior. Disruptive activity of these networks may allow a variety of diseases to develop. Degradation or loss of network function in the brain can affect many aspects of the human experience; motor disorder, language difficulties, memory loss, mood swings, and more. The cortico-basal ganglia loop is a system of networks in the brain between the cortex, basal ganglia, the thalamus, and back to the cortex. It is not one singular circuit, but rather a series of parallel circuits that are relevant towards motor output, motor planning, and motivation and reward. Studying the relationship between basal ganglia neurons and cortical local field potentials may lead to insights about neurodegenerative diseases and how these diseases change the cortico-basal ganglia circuit. Speech and language are uniquely human and require the coactivation of several brain regions. The various aspects of language are spread over the temporal lobe and parts of the occipital, parietal, and frontal lobe. However, the core network for speech production involves collaboration between phonologic retrieval (encoding ideas into syllabic representations) from Wernicke’s area, and phonemic encoding (translating syllables into motor articulations) from Broca’s area. Studying the coactivation of these brain regions during a repetitive speech production task may lead to a greater understanding of their electrophysiological functional connectivity. The primary purpose of the work presented in this document is to validate the use of subdural microelectrodes in electrophysiological functional connectivity research as these devices best match the spatial and temporal scales of brain activity. Neuron populations in the cortex are organized into functional units called cortical columns. These cortical columns operate on the sub-millisecond temporal and millimeter spatial scale. The study of brain networks, both in healthy and unwell individuals, may reveal new methodologies of treatment or management for disease and injury, as well as contribute to our scientific understanding of how the brain works.
Date Created

Model of Lidocaine Diffusion Through Cervix
Improving Patient Experiences During Routine Gynecological Procedures


Intrauterine devices, or IUDs, are long-lasting forms of birth control that have effectiveness comparable to sterilization, while they can be removed at any time. However, the insertion process can be very painful, especially for individuals who have never given vaginal

Intrauterine devices, or IUDs, are long-lasting forms of birth control that have effectiveness comparable to sterilization, while they can be removed at any time. However, the insertion process can be very painful, especially for individuals who have never given vaginal birth. The most common form of pain management for this procedure is having the patient take an ibuprofen an hour or so before the procedure, but this only helps with cramping afterwards, not the acute pain caused by insertion. Pain, and anxiety and fear regarding potential pain, serve as a barrier between users and this highly effective form of birth control. This report uses COMSOL to model lidocaine diffusion from 4% topical hydrogel into the cervix (the main site of acute pain during IUD insertion) over 180 minutes. The cervix was modeled axisymmetrically, using average experimental values for cervix size. Concentration at four specific probe points were measured over time and compared at different concentrations. A sensitivity analysis was performed by adjusting the diffusion coefficient of the epithelial layer. This model was developed to serve as a predictor for future drug applications across the cervix, to determine in advance whether a novel formulation of drug would be effective to significantly reduce pain. This model may be refined further with experimental values for the constants, and with further testing of different lidocaine concentrations.

Date Created

Transcranial Focused Ultrasound for Modulation of Attention Networks in Humans

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Transcranial focused ultrasound (tFUS) is a unique neurostimulation modality with potential to develop into a highly sophisticated and effective tool. Unlike any other noninvasive neurostimulation technique, tFUS has a high spatial resolution (on the order of millimeters) and can penetrate

Transcranial focused ultrasound (tFUS) is a unique neurostimulation modality with potential to develop into a highly sophisticated and effective tool. Unlike any other noninvasive neurostimulation technique, tFUS has a high spatial resolution (on the order of millimeters) and can penetrate across the skull, deep into the brain. Sub-thermal tFUS has been shown to induce changes in EEG and fMRI, as well as perception and mood. This study investigates the possibility of using tFUS to modulate brain networks involved in attention and cognitive control.Three different brain areas linked to saliency, cognitive control, and emotion within the cingulo-opercular network were stimulated with tFUS while subjects performed behavioral paradigms. The first study targeted the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC), which is associated with performance on cognitive attention tasks, conflict, error, and, emotion. Subjects performed a variant of the Erikson Flanker task in which emotional faces (fear, neutral or scrambled) were displayed in the background as distractors. tFUS significantly reduced the reaction time (RT) delay induced by faces; there were significant differences between tFUS and Sham groups in event related potentials (ERP), event related spectral perturbation (ERSP), conflict and error processing, and heart rate variability (HRV).
The second study used the same behavioral paradigm, but targeted tFUS to the right anterior insula/frontal operculum (aIns/fO). The aIns/fO is implicated in saliency, cognitive control, interoceptive awareness, autonomic function, and emotion. tFUS was found to significantly alter ERP, ERSP, conflict and error processing, and HRV responses.
The third study targeted tFUS to the right inferior frontal gyrus (rIFG), employing the Stop Signal task to study inhibition. tFUS affected ERPs and improved stopping speed. Using network modeling, causal evidence is presented for rIFG influence on subcortical nodes in stopping.
This work provides preliminarily evidence that tFUS can be used to modulate broader network function through a single node, affecting neurophysiological processing, physiologic responses, and behavioral performance. Additionally it can be used as a tool to elucidate network function. These studies suggest tFUS has the potential to affect cognitive function as a clinical tool, and perhaps even enhance wellbeing and expand conscious awareness.
Date Created

Neural Activity Mapping Using Electromagnetic Fields: An In Vivo Preliminary Functional Magnetic Resonance Electrical Impedance Tomography (fMREIT) Study

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Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) generated by biologically active neural tissue are critical in the diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases. Biological EMFs are characterized by electromagnetic properties such as electrical conductivity, permittivity and magnetic susceptibility. The electrical conductivity of active

Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) generated by biologically active neural tissue are critical in the diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases. Biological EMFs are characterized by electromagnetic properties such as electrical conductivity, permittivity and magnetic susceptibility. The electrical conductivity of active tissue has been shown to serve as a biomarker for the direct detection of neural activity, and the diagnosis, staging and prognosis of disease states such as cancer. Magnetic resonance electrical impedance tomography (MREIT) was developed to map the cross-sectional conductivity distribution of electrically conductive objects using externally applied electrical currents. Simulation and in vitro studies of invertebrate neural tissue complexes demonstrated the correlation of membrane conductivity variations with neural activation levels using the MREIT technique, therefore laying the foundation for functional MREIT (fMREIT) to detect neural activity, and future in vivo fMREIT studies.

The development of fMREIT for the direct detection of neural activity using conductivity contrast in in vivo settings has been the focus of the research work presented here. An in vivo animal model was developed to detect neural activity initiated changes in neuronal membrane conductivities under external electrical current stimulation. Neural activity was induced in somatosensory areas I (SAI) and II (SAII) by applying electrical currents between the second and fourth digits of the rodent forepaw. The in vivo animal model involved the use of forepaw stimulation to evoke somatosensory neural activations along with hippocampal fMREIT imaging currents contemporaneously applied under magnetic field strengths of 7 Tesla. Three distinct types of fMREIT current waveforms were applied as imaging currents under two inhalants – air and carbogen. Active regions in the somatosensory cortex showed significant apparent conductivity changes as variations in fMREIT phase (φ_d and ∇^2 φ_d) signals represented by fMREIT activation maps (F-tests, p <0.05). Consistent changes in the standard deviation of φ_d and ∇^2 φ_d in cortical voxels contralateral to forepaw stimulation were observed across imaging sessions. These preliminary findings show that fMREIT may have the potential to detect conductivity changes correlated with neural activity.
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