Developing a Framework for the in-situ Analysis of Artists’ Prints and Paintings via Hyperspectral Imaging

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Hyperspectral imaging is a novel technology which allows for the collection of reflectance spectra of a sample in-situ and at a distance. A rapidly developing technology, hyperspectral imaging has been of particular interest in the field of art characterization, authentication,

Hyperspectral imaging is a novel technology which allows for the collection of reflectance spectra of a sample in-situ and at a distance. A rapidly developing technology, hyperspectral imaging has been of particular interest in the field of art characterization, authentication, and conservation as it avoids the pitfalls of traditional characterization techniques and allows for the rapid and wide collection of data never before possible. It is hypothesized that by combining the power of hyperspectral imaging with machine learning, a new framework for the in-situ and automated characterization and authentication of artworks can be developed. This project, using the CMYK set of inks, began the preliminary development of such a framework. It was found that hyperspectral imaging and machine learning as a combination show significant potential as an avenue for art authentication, though further progress and research is needed to match the reliability of status quo techniques.
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Nanoscale Electronic Properties in GaN Based Structures for Power Electronics Using Electron Microscopy

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The availability of bulk gallium nitride (GaN) substrates has generated great interest in the development of vertical GaN-on-GaN power devices. The vertical devices made of GaN have not been able to reach their true potential due to material growth related

The availability of bulk gallium nitride (GaN) substrates has generated great interest in the development of vertical GaN-on-GaN power devices. The vertical devices made of GaN have not been able to reach their true potential due to material growth related issues. Power devices typically have patterned p-n, and p-i junctions in lateral, and vertical direction relative to the substrate. Identifying the variations from the intended layer design is crucial for failure analysis of the devices. A most commonly used dopant profiling technique, secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS), does not have the spatial resolution to identify the dopant distribution in patterned devices. The possibility of quantitative dopant profiling at a sub-micron scale for GaN in a scanning electron microscope (SEM) is discussed. The total electron yield in an SEM is shown to be a function of dopant concentration which can potentially be used for quantitative dopant profiling.

Etch-and-regrowth is a commonly employed strategy to generate the desired patterned p-n and p-i junctions. The devices involving etch-and-regrowth have poor performance characteristics like high leakage currents, and lower breakdown voltages. This is due to damage induced by the dry etching process, and the nature of the regrowth interface, which is important to understand in order to address the key issue of leakage currents in etched and regrown devices. Electron holography is used for electrostatic potential profiling across the regrowth interfaces to identify the charges introduced by the etching process. SIMS is used to identify the impurities introduced at the interfaces due to etch-and-regrowth process.
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Fabrication of Superconducting Tunnel Junction via Double Angle Evaporation

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This thesis explores the possibility of fabricating superconducting tunnel junctions (STJ) using double angle evaporation using an E-beam system. The traditional method of making STJs use a shadow mask to deposit two films requires the breaking of the vacuum of

This thesis explores the possibility of fabricating superconducting tunnel junctions (STJ) using double angle evaporation using an E-beam system. The traditional method of making STJs use a shadow mask to deposit two films requires the breaking of the vacuum of the main chamber. This technique has given bad results and proven to be a tedious process. To improve on this technique, the E-beam system was modified by adding a load lock and transfer line to perform the multi-angle deposition and in situ oxidation in the load lock without breaking the vacuum of the main chamber. Bilayer photolithography process was used to prepare a pattern for double angle deposition for the STJ. The overlap length could be easily controlled by varying the deposition angles. The low-temperature resistivity measurement and scanning electron microscope (SEM) characterization showed that the deposited films were good. However, I-V measurement for tunnel junction did not give expected results for the quality of the fabricated STJs. The main objective of modifying the E-beam system for multiple angle deposition was achieved. It can be used for any application that requires angular deposition. The motivation for the project was to set up a system that can fabricate a device that can be used as a phonon spectrometer for phononic crystals. Future work will include improving the quality of the STJ and fabricating an STJs on both sides of a silicon substrate using a 4-angle deposition.
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Direct Electrolysis of Lithium on Copper

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Lithium metal is a promising anode for the next generation lithium batteries owing to its high capacity (3860 mAh g-1) and the lowest negative reduction potential (-3.04 V). Commercial produced lithium anodes have a native rough surface which deteriorates the

Lithium metal is a promising anode for the next generation lithium batteries owing to its high capacity (3860 mAh g-1) and the lowest negative reduction potential (-3.04 V). Commercial produced lithium anodes have a native rough surface which deteriorates the cycling performance of the battery. Here, an attempt has been made to deposit lithium on copper from an electrolytic cell consisting of simple electrolyte of pyridine and lithium chloride at room temperature. Water is known to react aggressively with the lithium metal, however in the electrochemical plating process, it has a significant beneficial effect in catalyzing the electrochemical reactions. The effect of trace amounts of water was investigated in air as well as in controlled atmosphere of argon, nitrogen, breathing grade dry air and ultra-zero dry air. The electrochemical products examined by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy revealed the deposition might require the reduction of pyridine to facilitate the reduction of the lithium salt. Purity of the lithium film was determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry.
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Theoretical investigation of transport across superconductor/ferromagnetic interfaces

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Attaining a sufficiently large critical current density (Jc) in magnetic-barrier Josephson junctions has been one of the greatest challenges to the development of dense low-power superconductor memories. Many experimentalists have used various combinations of superconductor (S) and ferromagnetic (F) materials,

Attaining a sufficiently large critical current density (Jc) in magnetic-barrier Josephson junctions has been one of the greatest challenges to the development of dense low-power superconductor memories. Many experimentalists have used various combinations of superconductor (S) and ferromagnetic (F) materials, with limited success towards the goal of attaining a useful Jc. This trial-and-error process is expensive and time consuming. An improvement in the fundamental understanding of transport through the ferromagnetic layers and across the superconductor-ferromagnetic interface could potentially give fast, accurate predictions of the transport properties in devices and help guide the experimental studies.

In this thesis, parameters calculated using density functional methods are used to model transport across Nb/0.8 nm Fe/Nb/Nb and Nb/3.8 nm Ni /Nb/Nb Josephson junctions. The model simulates the following transport processes using realistic parameters from density functional theory within the generalized gradient approximation: (a) For the first electron of the Cooper pair in the superconductor to cross the interface- conservation of energy and crystal momentum parallel to the interface (kll). (b) For the second electron to be transmitted coherently- satisfying the Andreev reflection interfacial boundary conditions and crossing within a coherence time, (c) For transmission of the coherent pair through the ferromagnetic layer- the influence of the exchange field on the electrons’ wavefunction and (d) For transport through the bulk and across the interfaces- the role of pair-breaking from spin-flip scattering of the electrons. Our model shows the utility of using realistic electronic-structure band properties of the materials used, rather the mean-field exchange energy and empirical bulk and interfacial material parameters used by earlier workers. [Kontos et al. Phys. Rev Lett, 93(13), 137001. (2004); Demler et al. Phys. Rev. B, 55(22), 15174. (1997)].

The critical current densities obtained from out model for Nb/0.8 nm Fe/Nb is 104 A/cm2 and for Nb/3.8 nm Ni/Nb is 7.1*104 A/cm2. These values fall very close to those observed experimentally- i.e. for Nb/0.8 nm Fe/Nb is 8*103 A/cm2 [Robinson et al" Phys. Rev. B 76, no. 9, 094522. (2007)] and for Nb/3.8 nm of Ni/Nb is 3*104 A/cm2 [Blum et al Physical review letters 89, no. 18, 187004. (2002). This indicates that our approach could potentially be useful in optimizing the properties of ferromagnetic-barrier structures for use in low-energy superconducting memories.
Date Created

Characterization of electrically active defects at Nb/Si interface using current transport and transient capacitance measurements

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In this project, current-voltage (I-V) and Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy (DLTS) measurements are used to (a) characterize the electrical properties of Nb/p-type Si Schottky barriers, (b) identify the concentration and physical character of the electrically active defects present in the

In this project, current-voltage (I-V) and Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy (DLTS) measurements are used to (a) characterize the electrical properties of Nb/p-type Si Schottky barriers, (b) identify the concentration and physical character of the electrically active defects present in the depletion region, and (c) use thermal processing to reduce the concentration or eliminate the defects. Barrier height determinations using temperature-dependent I-V measurements indicate that the barrier height decreases from 0.50 eV to 0.48 eV for anneals above 200 C. The electrically-active defect concentration measured using DLTS (deep level transient spectroscopy) drops markedly after anneals at 250 C.

A significant increase in leakage currents is almost always observed in near-ideal devices upon annealing. In contrast, non-ideal devices dominated by leakage currents annealed at 150 C to 250 C exhibit a significant decrease in such currents.
Date Created

Development of superconducting nanowire single photon detector technologies for advanced applications

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Measurements of the response of superconducting nanowire single photon detector (SNSPD) devices to changes in various forms of input power can be used for characterization of the devices and for probing device-level physics. Two niobium nitride (NbN) superconducting nanowires developed

Measurements of the response of superconducting nanowire single photon detector (SNSPD) devices to changes in various forms of input power can be used for characterization of the devices and for probing device-level physics. Two niobium nitride (NbN) superconducting nanowires developed for use as SNSPD devices are embedded as the inductive (L) component in resonant inductor/capacitor (LC) circuits coupled to a microwave transmission line. The capacitors are low loss commercial chip capacitors which limit the internal quality factor of the resonators to approximately $Qi = 170$. The resonator quality factor, approximately $Qr = 23$, is dominated by the coupling to the feedline and limits the detection bandwidth to on the order of 1MHz. In our experiments with this first generation device, we measure the response of the SNSPD devices to changes in thermal and optical power in both the time domain and the frequency domain. Additionally, we explore the non-linear response of the devices to an applied bias current. For these nanowires, we find that the band-gap energy is $\Delta_0 \approx 1.1$meV and that the density of states at the Fermi energy is $N_0 \sim 10^{10}$/eV/$\mu$m$^3$.

We present the results of experimentation with a superconducting nanowire that can be operated in two detection modes: i) as a kinetic inductance detector (KID) or ii) as a single photon detector (SPD). When operated as a KID mode in linear mode, the detectors are AC-biased with tones at their resonant frequencies of 45.85 and 91.81MHz. When operated as an SPD in Geiger mode, the resonators are DC biased through cryogenic bias tees and each photon produces a sharp voltage step followed by a ringdown signal at the resonant frequency of the detector. We show that a high AC bias in KID mode is inferior for photon counting experiments compared to operation in a DC-biased SPD mode due to the small fraction of time spent near the critical current with an AC bias. We find a photon count rate of $\Gamma_{KID} = 150~$photons/s/mA in a critically biased KID mode and a photon count rate of $\Gamma_{SPD} = 10^6~$photons/s/mA in SPD mode.

This dissertation additionally presents simulations of a DC-biased, frequency-multiplexed readout of SNSPD devices in Advanced Design System (ADS), LTspice, and Sonnet. A multiplexing factor of 100 is achievable with a total count rate of $>5$MHz. This readout could enable a 10000-pixel array for astronomy or quantum communications. Finally, we present a prototype array design based on lumped element components. An early implementation of the array is presented with 16 pixels in the frequency range of 74.9 to 161MHz. We find good agreement between simulation and experimental data in both the time domain and the frequency domain and present modifications for future versions of the array.
Date Created

Study of doped magnetic systems

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Doping and alloying agents are commonly used to engineer the properties of magnetic materials. This study investigates the effects of doping manganese in thin films of Ni80Fe20 (permalloy) and Ni65Fe15Co20 magnetic systems for low power memory technologies, including those that

Doping and alloying agents are commonly used to engineer the properties of magnetic materials. This study investigates the effects of doping manganese in thin films of Ni80Fe20 (permalloy) and Ni65Fe15Co20 magnetic systems for low power memory technologies, including those that operate at low temperature.

Elemental manganese is anti-ferromagnetic with a Neel temperature of 100 K. When used as a dopant in a magnetic material, it is found to often align its moment in an antiferromagnetic direction. Thus, the addition of manganese might be expected to reduce the overall saturation magnetization (MS) of the magnetic system. In this study, we show that the use of manganese dopants in Ni80Fe20 (permalloy) and Ni65Fe15Co20 thin films can reduce their saturation magnetization and still retain excellent switching properties.

Magnetic properties and transport properties were determined using Vibrating Sample Magnetometer. A 19% decrease in the MS of (Ni80Fe20)1-xMnx thin films and a 36% decrease for (Ni65Fe15Co20)1-xMnx thin films for dopant levels of x = 30%. The impact of depositing a ruthenium (Ru) under-layer for (Ni65Fe15Co20)1-xMnx system was also studied.

The structural (lattice parameters and phases), surface (roughness and topography) and electrical properties (resistivity and mean free path) of the Mn-doped Ni65Fe15Co20 films were determined with X-Ray Diffraction, Atomic Force Microscopy and Four-Point probe technique respectively.

The properties were analyzed and Ni65Fe15Co20 system with Ru- under-layer with 20 at. % Mn content was found to exhibit the following low-field switching properties at 10 K; MS~700, easy axis coercivity ~10 Oe and hard axis coercivity ~5 Oe, easy axis squareness ~0.9 and anisotropy field ~12 Oe, that are deemed useful for low-power memory applications that could be used at cryogenic temperatures.

To determine the transport properties thought these magnetic layers for use in superconductor/ferromagnetic memory structures, a study of the oxidation conditions of Al films was performed in order to produce a reliable aluminum oxide tunnel barrier on top of these films. The production of N-I-F-S (Normal metal-Insulator-Ferromagnet-Superconductor) tunnel junctions will allow for the investigation of the tunneling density of states as a function of ferromagnetic layer thickness, allowing for the determination of important transport parameters relevant to magnetic barrier Josephson junction devices.
Date Created

Market Research for Titanium Rifle Barrel

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There is a growing market for lightweight firearm barrels. Currently this market is dominated by Aluminum and Carbon fiber barrels, however, Gunwright, LLC proposes an innovative new way to manufacture Titanium firearm barrels. This report offers insight into potential customers and existing competitors.
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Fabrication of Highly Spin-Polarized Co2FeAl0.5Si0.5 Thin-Films

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Ferromagnetic Heusler Co2FeAl0.5Si0.5 epitaxial thin-films have been fabricated in the L21 structure with saturation magnetizations over 1200 emu/cm3. Andreev reflection measurements show that the spin polarization is as high as 80% in samples sputtered on unheated MgO (100) substrates and

Ferromagnetic Heusler Co2FeAl0.5Si0.5 epitaxial thin-films have been fabricated in the L21 structure with saturation magnetizations over 1200 emu/cm3. Andreev reflection measurements show that the spin polarization is as high as 80% in samples sputtered on unheated MgO (100) substrates and annealed at high temperatures. However, the spin polarization is considerably smaller in samples deposited on heated substrates.

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