Development of the SmartPad System for Energy Expenditure Measurement: A Novel Internet of Things (IoT) Diagnostic Medical Device for Obesity Treatment and Physical Fitness

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Energy Expenditure (EE) (kcal/day) is a key parameter used to guide obesity treatment, and it is often measured from CO2 production, VCO2 (mL/min), and/or O2 consumption, VO2 (mL/min) through the principles of indirect calorimetry. Current EE measurement technologies are limited

Energy Expenditure (EE) (kcal/day) is a key parameter used to guide obesity treatment, and it is often measured from CO2 production, VCO2 (mL/min), and/or O2 consumption, VO2 (mL/min) through the principles of indirect calorimetry. Current EE measurement technologies are limited due to the requirement of wearable facial accessories, which can introduce errors as measurements are not taken under free-living conditions. A novel contactless system, the SmartPad, which measures EE via VCO2 from a room’s ambient CO2 concentration transients was evaluated. First, SmartPad accuracy was validated by comparing the SmartPad’s EE and VCO2 measurements with the measurements of a reference instrument, the MGC Ultima CPXTM, in a cross-sectional study consisting of 20 subjects. A high correlation between the SmartPad’s EE and VCO2 measurements and the MGC Ultima CPX’s EE and VCO2 measurements was found, and the Bland-Altman plots contained a low mean bias for EE and VCO2 measurements. Thus, the SmartPad was validated as being accurate for VCO2 and EE measurements. Next, resting EE (REE) and exercise VCO2 measurements were recorded using the SmartPad and the MGC Ultima CPXTM at different operating CO2 threshold ranges to investigate the influence of measurement duration on system accuracy in an effort to optimize the SmartPad system. The SmartPad displayed 90% accuracy (±1 SD) for 14–19 min of REE measurement and for 4.8–7.0 min of exercise, using a known room’s air exchange rate. Additionally, the SmartPad was validated by accurately measuring subjects’ REE across a wide range of body mass indexes (BMI = 18.8 to 31.4 kg/m^2) with REEs ranging from ~1200 to ~3000 kcal/day. Lastly, the SmartPad has been used to assess the physical fitness of subjects via the “Contactless Thermodynamic Efficiency Test” (CTET).

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Self-Sensing Polymer Composites for Precursor Damage Detection via Mechanochemistry

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While understanding of failure mechanisms for polymeric composites have improved vastly over recent decades, the ability to successfully monitor early failure and subsequent prevention has come of much interest in recent years. One such method to detect these failures involves

While understanding of failure mechanisms for polymeric composites have improved vastly over recent decades, the ability to successfully monitor early failure and subsequent prevention has come of much interest in recent years. One such method to detect these failures involves the use of mechanochemistry, a field of chemistry in which chemical reactions are initiated by deforming highly-strained bonds present in certain moieties. Mechanochemistry is utilized in polymeric composites as a means of stress-sensing, utilizing weak and force-responsive chemical bonds to activate signals when embedded in a composite material. These signals can then be detected to determine the amount of stress applied to a composite and subsequent potential damage that has occurred due to the stress. Among mechanophores, the cinnamoyl moiety is capable of stress response through fluorescent signal under mechanical load. The cinnamoyl group is fluorescent in its initial state and capable of undergoing photocycloaddition in the presence of ultraviolet (UV) light, followed by subsequent reversion when under mechanical load. Signal generation before the yield point of the material provides a form of damage precursor detection.This dissertation explores the implementation of mechanophores in novel approaches to overcome some of the many challenges within the mechanochemistry field. First, new methods of mechanophore detection were developed through utilization of Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy signals and in-situ stress sensing. Developing an in-situ testing method provided a two-fold advantage of higher resolution and more time efficiency over current methods involving image analysis with a fluorescent microscope. Second, bonding mechanophores covalently into the backbone of an epoxy matrix mitigated property loss due to mechanophore incorporation. This approach was accomplished through functionalizing either the resin or hardener component of the matrix. Finally, surface functionalization of fibers was performed and allowed for unaltered fabrication procedures of composite layups as well as provided increased adhesion at the fiber-matrix interphase. The developed materials could enable a simple, non-invasive, and non-detrimental structural health monitoring approach.
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A Smart Home Medical Device for Accurate Metabolic Assessment

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Energy Expenditure (EE), a key diagnostic measurement for treatment of obesity, is measured via indirect calorimetry method through breath biomarkers of CO2 production and/or O2 consumption rates (VCO2 and/or VO2, respectively). Current technologies are limited due to prevailing designs requiring

Energy Expenditure (EE), a key diagnostic measurement for treatment of obesity, is measured via indirect calorimetry method through breath biomarkers of CO2 production and/or O2 consumption rates (VCO2 and/or VO2, respectively). Current technologies are limited due to prevailing designs requiring wearable facial accessories that present accuracy, precision, and usability concerns with regards to free living measurement. A novel medical device and smart home system, named Smart Pad, has been developed, with the capability of energy expenditure assessment via VCO2 measured from a room’s CO2 concentration. The system has 3 distinct capabilities: contactless EE measurement, air quality optimization via actuation of room ventilation, and efficiency optimization via ventilation actuation of only human-occupied environments. The Smart Pad shows accuracy of 90% for 14-19 minutes of resting measurement and accuracy of 90% for 4.8-7.0 minutes of exercise measurement after calibrating for air exchange rate (λ [hour-1]) using a reference method. Without reference instrument calibration, the Smart Pad system shows average accuracy of nearly 100% with correlations of Y=1.02X, R=0.761 for high resolution measurements and Y=1.06X, R=0.937 for averaged measurements over 50-60 minutes. In addition, the Smart Pad validation for contactless EE measurement has been performed in different environments, including a vehicle, medical office, a private office, and an ambulatory enclosure with rooms, ranging in volume from 3.1 m3 to 18.8m3. It was concluded that contactless EE measurements can be accurately performed in all tested scenarios with both low and high air exchange environments with λ ranging from 1.5 Hours-1 to 10.0 Hours -1. The system represents a new way to assess EE of individuals under free-living conditions in an unobstructive, passive, and accurate manner, and it is comparable or better in single breath gas measurement accuracy (with comparisons sourced from FDA data) than other medical devices (e.g. Vyntus CPXTM, MasterScreen CPXTM, Oxycon ProTM, and MedGemTM) which were 510(k) cleared by the FDA for prescription use in metabolic/cardiopulmonary diagnostics.
Date Created

Self-contained System for Mitigation of Contaminated Aerosol Sources of SARS-CoV-2

Contaminated aerosols and micro droplets are easily generated by infected hosts through sneezing, coughing, speaking and breathing1-3 and harm humans’ health and the global economy. While most of the efforts are usually targeted towards protecting individuals from getting infected,4 eliminating

Contaminated aerosols and micro droplets are easily generated by infected hosts through sneezing, coughing, speaking and breathing1-3 and harm humans’ health and the global economy. While most of the efforts are usually targeted towards protecting individuals from getting infected,4 eliminating transmissions from infection sources is also important to prevent disease transmission. Supportive therapies for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS CoV-2) pneumonia such as oxygen supplementation, nebulizers and non-invasive mechanical ventilation all carry an increased risk for viral transmission via aerosol to healthcare workers.5-9 In this work, I study the efficacy of five methods for self-containing aerosols emitted from infected subjects undergoing nebulization therapies with a diverse spectrum on Non-Invasive Positive Pressure Ventilator (NIPPV) with oxygen delivery therapies. The work includes five study cases: Case I: Use of a Full-Face Mask with biofilter in bilevel positive airway pressure device (BiPAP) therapy, Case II: Use of surgical mask in High Flow Nasal Cannula (HFNC) therapy, Case III: Use of a modified silicone disposable mask in a HFNC therapy, Case IV: Use of a modified silicone disposable mask with a regular nebulizer and normal breathing, Case V: Use of a mitigation box with biofilter in a BiPAP. We demonstrate that while cases I, III and IV showed efficacies of 98-100%; cases II and V, which are the most commonly used, resulted with significantly lower efficacies of 10-24% to mitigate the dispersion of nebulization aerosols. Therefore, implementing cases I, III and IV in health care facilities may help battle the contaminations and infections via aerosol transmission during a pandemic.
Date Created

Novel Gas Sensor Solutions for Air Quality Monitoring

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Global industrialization and urbanization have led to increased levels of air pollution. The costs to society have come in the form of environmental damage, healthcare expenses, lost productivity, and premature mortality. Measuring pollutants is an important task for identifying its

Global industrialization and urbanization have led to increased levels of air pollution. The costs to society have come in the form of environmental damage, healthcare expenses, lost productivity, and premature mortality. Measuring pollutants is an important task for identifying its sources, warning individuals about dangerous exposure levels, and providing epidemiologists with data to link pollutants with diseases. Current methods for monitoring air pollution are inadequate though. They rely on expensive, complex instrumentation at limited fixed monitoring sites that do not capture the true spatial and temporal variation. Furthermore, the fixed outdoor monitoring sites cannot warn individuals about indoor air quality or exposure to chemicals at worksites. Recent advances in manufacturing and computing technology have allowed new classes of low-cost miniature gas sensor to emerge as possible alternatives. For these to be successful however, there must be innovations in the sensors themselves that improve reliability, operation, and their stability and selectivity in real environments. Three novel gas sensor solutions are presented. The first is the development of a wearable personal exposure monitor using all commercially available components, including two metal oxide semiconductor gas sensors. The device monitors known asthma triggers: ozone, total volatile organic compounds, temperature, humidity, and activity level. Primary focus is placed on the ozone sensor, which requires special circuits, heating algorithm, and calibration to remove temperature and humidity interferences. Eight devices are tested in multiple field tests. The second is the creation of a new compact optoelectronic gas sensing platform using colorimetric microdroplets printed on the surface of a complementary-metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) imager. The nonvolatile liquid microdroplets provide a homogeneous, uniform environment that is ideal for colorimetric reactions and lensless optical measurements. To demonstrate one type of possible indicating system gaseous ammonia is detected by complexation with Cu(II). The third project continues work on the CMOS imager optoelectronic platform and develops a more robust sensing system utilizing hydrophobic aerogel particles. Ammonia is detected colorimetrically by its reaction with a molecular dye, with additives and surface treatments enhancing uniformity of the printed films. Future work presented at the end describes a new biological particle sensing system using the CMOS imager.
Date Created

Wearable Devices for Non-Invasive Cardiorespiratory Monitoring

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Wearable technology has brought in a rapid shift in the areas of healthcare and lifestyle management. The recent development and usage of wearable devices like smart watches has created significant impact in areas like fitness management, exercise tracking, sleep quality

Wearable technology has brought in a rapid shift in the areas of healthcare and lifestyle management. The recent development and usage of wearable devices like smart watches has created significant impact in areas like fitness management, exercise tracking, sleep quality assessment and early diagnosis of diseases like asthma, sleep apnea etc. This thesis is dedicated to the development of wearable systems and algorithms to fulfill unmet needs in the area of cardiorespiratory monitoring.

First, a pneumotach based flow sensing technique has been developed and integrated into a face mask for respiratory profile tracking. Algorithms have been developed to convert the pressure profile into respiratory flow rate profile. Gyroscope-based correction is used to remove motion artifacts that arise from daily activities. By using Principal Component Analysis, the follow-up work established a unique respiratory signature for each subject based on the flow profile and lung parameters computed using the wearable mask system.

Next, wristwatch devices to track transcutaneous gases like oxygen (TcO2) and carbon dioxide (TcCO2), and oximetry (SpO2) have been developed. Two chemical sensing approaches have been explored. In the first approach, miniaturized low-cost commercial sensors have been integrated into the wristwatch for transcutaneous gas sensing. In the second approach, CMOS camera-based colorimetric sensors are integrated into the wristwatch, where a part of camera frame is used for photoplethysmography while the remaining part tracks the optical signal from colorimetric sensors.

Finally, the wireless connectivity using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) in wearable systems has been explored and a data transmission protocol between wearables and host for reliable transfer has been developed. To improve the transmission reliability, the host is designed to use queue-based re-request routine to notify the wearable device of the missing packets that should be re-transmitted. This approach avoids the issue of host dependent packet losses and ensures that all the necessary information is received.

The works in this thesis have provided technical solutions to address challenges in wearable technologies, ranging from chemical sensing, flow sensing, data analysis, to wireless data transmission. These works have demonstrated transformation of traditional bench-top medical equipment into non-invasive, unobtrusive, ergonomic & stand-alone healthcare devices.
Date Created

Improving the Sensing Performance of Semiconductor Metal Oxide Gas Sensors through Composition and Nanostructure Design

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There are increasing demands for gas sensors in air quality and human health monitoring applications. The qualifying sensor technology must be highly sensitive towards ppb level gases of interest, such as acetylene (C2H2), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), and volatile organic compounds.

There are increasing demands for gas sensors in air quality and human health monitoring applications. The qualifying sensor technology must be highly sensitive towards ppb level gases of interest, such as acetylene (C2H2), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), and volatile organic compounds. Among the commercially available sensor technologies, conductometric gas sensors with nanoparticles of oxide semiconductors as sensing materials hold significant advantages in cost, size, and cross-compatibility. However, semiconductor gas sensors must overcome some major challenges in thermal stability, sensitivity, humidity interference, and selectivity before potential widespread adoption in air quality and human health monitoring applications.

The focus of this dissertation is to tackle these issues by optimizing the composition and the morphology of the nanoparticles, and by innovating the structure of the sensing film assembled with the nanoparticles. From the nanoparticles perspective, the thermal stability of tin oxide nanoparticles with different Al dopant concentrations was studied, and the results indicate that within certain range of doping concentration, the dopants segregated at the grain surface can improve the thermal stability by stabilizing the grain boundaries.

From the sensing film perspective, a novel self-assembly approach was developed for copper oxide nanosheets and the sensor response towards H2S gas was revealed to decrease monotonically by more than 60% as the number of layers increase from 1 to 300 (thickness: 0.03-10 μm). Moreover, a sensing mechanism study on the humidity influence on H2S detection was performed to gain more understandings of the role of the hydroxyl group in the surface reaction, and humidity independent response was observed in the monolayer film at 325 ℃. With a more precise deposition tool (Langmuir-Blodgett trough), monolayer film of zinc oxide nanowires sensitized with gold catalyst was prepared, and highly sensitive and specific response to C2H2 in the ppb range was observed. Furthermore, the effect of surface topography of the monolayer film on stabilizing noble metal catalyst, and the sensitization mechanism of gold were investigated.

Lastly, a semiconductor sensor array was developed to analyze the composition of gases dissolved in transformer oil to demonstrate the industrial application of this sensor technology.
Date Created

Nanoplasmonic Sensing of Disease-associated Extracellular Vesicles - An Ultrasensitive Diagnosis and Prognosis Approach

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Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are membranous particles that are abundantly secreted in the circulation system by most cells and can be found in most biological fluids. Among different EV subtypes, exosomes are small particles (30 – 150 nm) that are generated

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are membranous particles that are abundantly secreted in the circulation system by most cells and can be found in most biological fluids. Among different EV subtypes, exosomes are small particles (30 – 150 nm) that are generated through the double invagination of the lipid bilayer membrane of cell. Therefore, they mirror the cell membrane proteins and contain proteins, RNAs, and DNAs that can represent the phenotypic state of their cell of origin, hence considered promising biomarker candidates. Importantly, in most pathological conditions, such as cancer and infection, diseased cells secrete more EVs and the disease associated exosomes have shown great potential to serve as biomarkers for early diagnosis, disease staging, and treatment monitoring. However, using EVs as diagnostic or prognostic tools in the clinic is hindered by the lack of a rapid, sensitive, purification-free technique for their isolation and characterization. Developing standardized assays that can translate the emerging academic EV biomarker discoveries to clinically relevant procedures is a bottleneck that have slowed down advancements in medical research. Integrating widely known immunoassays with plasmonic sensors has shown the promise to detect minute amounts of antigen present in biological sample, based on changes of ambient optical refractive index, and achieve ultra-sensitivity. Plasmonic sensors take advantage of the enhanced interaction of electromagnetic radiations with electron clouds of plasmonic materials at the dielectric-metal interface in tunable wavelengths.
Date Created

Point of Care Detection of Iron Metabolism Parameters Through Colorimetric Sensing

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Abnormally low or high blood iron levels are common health conditions worldwide and can seriously affect an individual’s overall well-being. A low-cost point-of-care technology that measures blood iron markers with a goal of both preventing and treating iron-related disorders represents

Abnormally low or high blood iron levels are common health conditions worldwide and can seriously affect an individual’s overall well-being. A low-cost point-of-care technology that measures blood iron markers with a goal of both preventing and treating iron-related disorders represents a significant advancement in medical care delivery systems. Methods: A novel assay equipped with an accurate, storable, and robust dry sensor strip, as well as a smartphone mount and (iPhone) app is used to measure total iron in human serum. The sensor strip has a vertical flow design and is based on an optimized chemical reaction. The reaction strips iron ions from blood-transport proteins, reduces Fe(III) to Fe(II), and chelates Fe(II) with ferene, with the change indicated by a blue color on the strip. The smartphone mount is robust and controls the light source of the color reading App, which is calibrated to obtain output iron concentration results. The real serum samples are then used to assess iron concentrations from the new assay and validated through intra-laboratory and inter-laboratory experiments. The intra-laboratory validation uses an optimized iron detection assay with multi-well plate spectrophotometry. The inter-laboratory validation method is performed in a commercial testing facility (LabCorp). Results: The novel assay with the dry sensor strip and smartphone mount, and App is seen to be sensitive to iron detection with a dynamic range of 50 - 300 µg/dL, sensitivity of 0.00049 µg/dL, coefficient of variation (CV) of 10.5%, and an estimated detection limit of ~15 µg/dL These analytical specifications are useful for predicting iron deficiency and overloads. The optimized reference method has a sensitivity of 0.00093 µg/dL and CV of 2.2%. The correlation of serum iron concentrations (N=20) between the optimized reference method and the novel assay renders a slope of 0.95, and a regression coefficient of 0.98, suggesting that the new assay is accurate. Lastly, a spectrophotometric study of the iron detection reaction kinetics is seen to reveal the reaction order for iron and chelating agent. Conclusion: The new assay is able to provide accurate results in intra- and inter- laboratory validations and has promising features of both mobility and low-cost.
Date Created

Multifunctional Soft Materials: Design, Development and Applications

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Soft materials are matters that can easily deform from their original shapes and structures under thermal or mechanical stresses, and they range across various groups of materials including liquids, foams, gels, colloids, polymers, and biological substances. Although soft materials already

Soft materials are matters that can easily deform from their original shapes and structures under thermal or mechanical stresses, and they range across various groups of materials including liquids, foams, gels, colloids, polymers, and biological substances. Although soft materials already have numerous applications with each of their unique characteristics, integrating materials to achieve complementary functionalities is still a growing need for designing advanced applications of complex requirements. This dissertation explores a unique approach of utilizing intermolecular interactions to accomplish not only the multifunctionality from combined materials but also their tailored properties designed for specific tasks. In this work, multifunctional soft materials are explored in two particular directions, ionic liquids (ILs)-based mixtures and interpenetrating polymer network (IPN).

First, ILs-based mixtures were studied to develop liquid electrolytes for molecular electronic transducers (MET) in planetary exploration. For space missions, it is challenging to operate any liquid electrolytes in an extremely low-temperature environment. By tuning intermolecular interactions, the results demonstrated a facile method that has successfully overcome the thermal and transport barriers of ILs-based mixtures at extremely low temperatures. Incorporation of both aqueous and organic solvents in ILs-based electrolyte systems with varying types of intermolecular interactions are investigated, respectively, to yield optimized material properties supporting not only MET sensors but also other electrochemical devices with iodide/triiodide redox couple targeting low temperatures.

Second, an environmentally responsive hydrogel was synthesized via interpenetrating two crosslinked polymer networks. The intermolecular interactions facilitated by such an IPN structure enables not only an upper critical solution temperature (UCST) transition but also a mechanical enhancement of the hydrogel. The incorporation of functional units validates a positive swelling response to visible light and also further improves the mechanical properties. This studied IPN system can serve as a promising route in developing “smart” hydrogels utilizing visible light as a simple, inexpensive, and remotely controllable stimulus.

Over two directions across from ILs to polymeric networks, this work demonstrates an effective strategy of utilizing intermolecular interactions to not only develop multifunctional soft materials for advanced applications but also discover new properties beyond their original boundaries.
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