Statistical models for prediction of mechanical property and manufacturing process parameters for gas pipeline steels

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Pipeline infrastructure forms a vital aspect of the United States economy and standard of living. A majority of the current pipeline systems were installed in the early 1900’s and often lack a reliable database reporting the mechanical properties, and information

Pipeline infrastructure forms a vital aspect of the United States economy and standard of living. A majority of the current pipeline systems were installed in the early 1900’s and often lack a reliable database reporting the mechanical properties, and information about manufacturing and installation, thereby raising a concern for their safety and integrity. Testing for the aging pipe strength and toughness estimation without interrupting the transmission and operations thus becomes important. The state-of-the-art techniques tend to focus on the single modality deterministic estimation of pipe strength and do not account for inhomogeneity and uncertainties, many others appear to rely on destructive means. These gaps provide an impetus for novel methods to better characterize the pipe material properties. The focus of this study is the design of a Bayesian Network information fusion model for the prediction of accurate probabilistic pipe strength and consequently the maximum allowable operating pressure. A multimodal diagnosis is performed by assessing the mechanical property variation within the pipe in terms of material property measurements, such as microstructure, composition, hardness and other mechanical properties through experimental analysis, which are then integrated with the Bayesian network model that uses a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm. Prototype testing is carried out for model verification, validation and demonstration and data training of the model is employed to obtain a more accurate measure of the probabilistic pipe strength. With a view of providing a holistic measure of material performance in service, the fatigue properties of the pipe steel are investigated. The variation in the fatigue crack growth rate (da/dN) along the direction of the pipe wall thickness is studied in relation to the microstructure and the material constants for the crack growth have been reported. A combination of imaging and composition analysis is incorporated to study the fracture surface of the fatigue specimen. Finally, some well-known statistical inference models are employed for prediction of manufacturing process parameters for steel pipelines. The adaptability of the small datasets for the accuracy of the prediction outcomes is discussed and the models are compared for their performance.
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Phase Change Materials in Infrastructural Concrete and Buildings: Material Design and Performance

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Phase change materials (PCMs) are combined sensible-and-latent thermal energy storage materials that can be used to store and dissipate energy in the form of heat. PCMs incorporated into wall-element systems have been well-studied with respect to energy efficiency of building

Phase change materials (PCMs) are combined sensible-and-latent thermal energy storage materials that can be used to store and dissipate energy in the form of heat. PCMs incorporated into wall-element systems have been well-studied with respect to energy efficiency of building envelopes. New applications of PCMs in infrastructural concrete, e.g., for mitigating early-age cracking and freeze-and-thaw induced damage, have also been proposed. Hence, the focus of this dissertation is to develop a detailed understanding of the physic-chemical and thermo-mechanical characteristics of cementitious systems and novel coating systems for wall-elements containing PCM. The initial phase of this work assesses the influence of interface properties and inter-inclusion interactions between microencapsulated PCM, macroencapsulated PCM, and the cementitious matrix. The fact that these inclusions within the composites are by themselves heterogeneous, and contain multiple components necessitate careful application of models to predict the thermal properties. The next phase observes the influence of PCM inclusions on the fracture and fatigue behavior of PCM-cementitious composites. The compliant nature of the inclusion creates less variability in the fatigue life for these composites subjected to cyclic loading. The incorporation of small amounts of PCM is found to slightly improve the fracture properties compared to PCM free cementitious composites. Inelastic deformations at the crack-tip in the direction of crack opening are influenced by the microscale PCM inclusions. After initial laboratory characterization of the microstructure and evaluation of the thermo-mechanical performance of these systems, field scale applicability and performance were evaluated. Wireless temperature and strain sensors for smart monitoring were embedded within a conventional portland cement concrete pavement (PCCP) and a thermal control smart concrete pavement (TCSCP) containing PCM. The TCSCP exhibited enhanced thermal performance over multiple heating and cooling cycles. PCCP showed significant shrinkage behavior as a result of compressive strains in the reinforcement that were twice that of the TCSCP. For building applications, novel PCM-composites coatings were developed to improve and extend the thermal efficiency. These coatings demonstrated a delay in temperature by up to four hours and were found to be more cost-effective than traditional building insulating materials.

The results of this work prove the feasibility of PCMs as a temperature-regulating technology. Not only do PCMs reduce and control the temperature within cementitious systems without affecting the rate of early property development but they can also be used as an auto-adaptive technology capable of improving the thermal performance of building envelopes.
Date Created

Characterization of Fatigue Damage in Aerospace Materials under Complex Multiaxial Loading

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Multiaxial mechanical fatigue of heterogeneous materials has been a significant cause of concern in the aerospace, civil and automobile industries for decades, limiting the service life of structural components while increasing time and costs associated with inspection and maintenance. Fiber

Multiaxial mechanical fatigue of heterogeneous materials has been a significant cause of concern in the aerospace, civil and automobile industries for decades, limiting the service life of structural components while increasing time and costs associated with inspection and maintenance. Fiber reinforced composites and light-weight aluminum alloys are widely used in aerospace structures that require high specific strength and fatigue resistance. However, studying the fundamental crack growth behavior at the micro- and macroscale as a function of loading history is essential to accurately predict the residual fatigue life of components and achieve damage tolerant designs. The issue of mechanical fatigue can be tackled by developing reliable in-situ damage quantification methodologies and by comprehensively understanding fatigue damage mechanisms under a variety of complex loading conditions. Although a multitude of uniaxial fatigue loading studies have been conducted on light-weight metallic materials and composites, many service failures occur from components being subjected to variable amplitude, mixed-mode multiaxial fatigue loadings. In this research, a systematic approach is undertaken to address the issue of fatigue damage evolution in aerospace materials by:

(i) Comprehensive investigation of micro- and macroscale crack growth behavior in aerospace grade Al 7075 T651 alloy under complex biaxial fatigue loading conditions. The effects of variable amplitude biaxial loading on crack growth characteristics such as crack acceleration and retardation were studied in detail by exclusively analyzing the influence of individual mode-I, mixed-mode and mode-II overload and underload fatigue cycles in an otherwise constant amplitude mode-I baseline load spectrum. The micromechanisms governing crack growth behavior under the complex biaxial loading conditions were identified and correlated with the crack growth behavior and fracture surface morphology through quantitative fractography.

(ii) Development of novel multifunctional nanocomposite materials with improved fatigue resistance and in-situ fatigue damage detection and quantification capabilities. A state-of-the-art processing method was developed for producing sizable carbon nanotube (CNT) membranes for multifunctional composites. The CNT membranes were embedded in glass fiber laminates and in-situ strain sensing and damage quantification was achieved by exploiting the piezoresistive property of the CNT membrane. In addition, improved resistance to fatigue crack growth was observed due to the embedded CNT membrane.
Date Created

Investigation on fatigue behavior of alloys by various approaches

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Fatigue is a degradation process of materials that would lead to failure when materials are subjected to cyclic loadings. During past centuries, various of approaches have been proposed and utilized to help researchers understand the underlying theories of fatigue behavior

Fatigue is a degradation process of materials that would lead to failure when materials are subjected to cyclic loadings. During past centuries, various of approaches have been proposed and utilized to help researchers understand the underlying theories of fatigue behavior of materials, as well as design engineering structures so that catastrophic disasters that arise from fatigue failure could be avoided. The stress-life approach is the most classical way that academia applies to analyze fatigue data, which correlates the fatigue lifetime with stress amplitudes during cyclic loadings. Fracture mechanics approach is another well-established way, by which people regard the cyclic stress intensity factor as the driving force during fatigue crack nucleation and propagation, and numerous models (such as the well-known Paris’ law) are developed by researchers.

The significant drawback of currently widely-used fatigue analysis approaches, nevertheless, is that they are all cycle-based, limiting researchers from digging into sub-cycle regime and acquiring real-time fatigue behavior data. The missing of such data further impedes academia from validating hypotheses that are related to real-time observations of fatigue crack nucleation and growth, thus the existence of various phenomena, such as crack closure, remains controversial.

In this thesis, both classical stress-life approach and fracture-mechanics-based approach are utilized to study the fatigue behavior of alloys. Distinctive material characterization instruments are harnessed to help collect and interpret key data during fatigue crack growth. Specifically, an investigation on the sub-cycle fatigue crack growth behavior is enabled by in-situ SEM mechanical testing, and a non-uniform growth mechanism within one loading cycle is confirmed by direct observation as well as image interpretation. Predictions based on proposed experimental procedure and observations show good match with cycle-based data from references, which indicates the credibility of proposed methodology and model, as well as their capability of being applied to a wide range of materials.
Date Created

Modeling Complex Material Systems Using Stochastic Reconstruction and Lattice Particle Simulation

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In this dissertation, three complex material systems including a novel class of hyperuniform composite materials, cellularized collagen gel and low melting point alloy (LMPA) composite are investigated, using statistical pattern characterization, stochastic microstructure reconstruction and micromechanical analysis. In Chapter 1,

In this dissertation, three complex material systems including a novel class of hyperuniform composite materials, cellularized collagen gel and low melting point alloy (LMPA) composite are investigated, using statistical pattern characterization, stochastic microstructure reconstruction and micromechanical analysis. In Chapter 1, an introduction of this report is provided, in which a brief review is made about these three material systems. In Chapter 2, detailed discussion of the statistical morphological descriptors and a stochastic optimization approach for microstructure reconstruction is presented. In Chapter 3, the lattice particle method for micromechanical analysis of complex heterogeneous materials is introduced. In Chapter 4, a new class of hyperuniform heterogeneous material with superior mechanical properties is investigated. In Chapter 5, a bio-material system, i.e., cellularized collagen gel is modeled using correlation functions and stochastic reconstruction to study the collective dynamic behavior of the embed tumor cells. In chapter 6, LMPA soft robotic system is generated by generalizing the correlation functions and the rigidity tunability of this smart composite is discussed. In Chapter 7, a future work plan is presented.
Date Created

Multiscale Modeling of Oxygen Impurity Effects on Macroscopic Deformation and Fatigue Behavior of Commercially Pure Titanium

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Interstitial impurity atoms can significantly alter the chemical and physical properties of the host material. Oxygen impurity in HCP titanium is known to have a considerable strengthening effect mainly through interactions with dislocations. To better understand such an effect, first

Interstitial impurity atoms can significantly alter the chemical and physical properties of the host material. Oxygen impurity in HCP titanium is known to have a considerable strengthening effect mainly through interactions with dislocations. To better understand such an effect, first the role of oxygen on various slip planes in titanium is examined using generalized stacking fault energies (GSFE) computed by the first principles calculations. It is shown that oxygen can significantly increase the energy barrier to dislocation motion on most of the studied slip planes. Then the Peierls-Nabbaro model is utilized in conjunction with the GSFE to estimate the Peierls stress ratios for different slip systems. Using such information along with a set of tension and compression experiments, the parameters of a continuum scale crystal plasticity model, namely CRSS values, are calibrated. Effect of oxygen content on the macroscopic stress-strain response is further investigated through experiments on oxygen-boosted samples at room temperature. It is demonstrated that the crystal plasticity model can very well capture the effect of oxygen content on the global response of the samples. It is also revealed that oxygen promotes the slip activity on the pyramidal planes.

The effect of oxygen impurity on titanium is further investigated under high cycle fatigue loading. For that purpose, a two-step hierarchical crystal plasticity for fatigue predictions is presented. Fatigue indicator parameter is used as the main driving force in an energy-based crack nucleation model. To calculate the FIPs, high-resolution full-field crystal plasticity simulations are carried out using a spectral solver. A nucleation model is proposed and calibrated by the fatigue experimental data for notched titanium samples with different oxygen contents and under two load ratios. Overall, it is shown that the presented approach is capable of predicting the high cycle fatigue nucleation time. Moreover, qualitative predictions of microstructurally small crack growth rates are provided. The multi-scale methodology presented here can be extended to other material systems to facilitate a better understanding of the fundamental deformation mechanisms, and to effectively implement such knowledge in mesoscale-macroscale investigations.
Date Created

Physics-Based Modeling of Material Behavior and Damage Initiation in Nanoengineered Composites

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Materials with unprecedented properties are necessary to make dramatic changes in current and future aerospace platforms. Hybrid materials and composites are increasingly being used in aircraft and spacecraft frames; however, future platforms will require an optimal design of novel materials

Materials with unprecedented properties are necessary to make dramatic changes in current and future aerospace platforms. Hybrid materials and composites are increasingly being used in aircraft and spacecraft frames; however, future platforms will require an optimal design of novel materials that enable operation in a variety of environments and produce known/predicted damage mechanisms. Nanocomposites and nanoengineered composites with CNTs have the potential to make significant improvements in strength, stiffness, fracture toughness, flame retardancy and resistance to corrosion. Therefore, these materials have generated tremendous scientific and technical interest over the past decade and various architectures are being explored for applications to light-weight airframe structures. However, the success of such materials with significantly improved performance metrics requires careful control of the parameters during synthesis and processing. Their implementation is also limited due to the lack of complete understanding of the effects the nanoparticles impart to the bulk properties of composites. It is common for computational methods to be applied to explain phenomena measured or observed experimentally. Frequently, a given phenomenon or material property is only considered to be fully understood when the associated physics has been identified through accompanying calculations or simulations.

The computationally and experimentally integrated research presented in this dissertation provides improved understanding of the mechanical behavior and response including damage and failure in CNT nanocomposites, enhancing confidence in their applications. The computations at the atomistic level helps to understand the underlying mechanochemistry and allow a systematic investigation of the complex CNT architectures and the material performance across a wide range of parameters. Simulation of the bond breakage phenomena and development of the interface to continuum scale damage captures the effects of applied loading and damage precursor and provides insight into the safety of nanoengineered composites under service loads. The validated modeling methodology is expected to be a step in the direction of computationally-assisted design and certification of novel materials, thus liberating the pace of their implementation in future applications.
Date Created

In situ SEM Testing for Fatigue Crack Growth: Mechanical Investigation of Titanium

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Widespread knowledge of fracture mechanics is mostly based on previous models that generalize crack growth in materials over several loading cycles. The objective of this project is to characterize crack growth that occurs in titanium alloys, specifically Grade 5 Ti-6Al-4V,

Widespread knowledge of fracture mechanics is mostly based on previous models that generalize crack growth in materials over several loading cycles. The objective of this project is to characterize crack growth that occurs in titanium alloys, specifically Grade 5 Ti-6Al-4V, at the sub-cycle scale, or within a single loading cycle. Using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), imaging analysis is performed to observe crack behavior at ten loading steps throughout the loading and unloading paths. Analysis involves measuring the incremental crack growth and crack tip opening displacement (CTOD) of specimens at loading ratios of 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5. This report defines the relationship between crack growth and the stress intensity factor, K, of the specimens, as well as the relationship between the R-ratio and stress opening level. The crack closure phenomena and effect of microcracks are discussed as they influence the crack growth behavior. This method has previously been used to characterize crack growth in Al 7075-T6. The results for Ti-6Al-4V are compared to these previous findings in order to strengthen conclusions about crack growth behavior.
Date Created

Big Data Analytics for Pipe Damage and Risk Identification

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In this thesis, Inception V3, a convolutional neural network model from Google, was partially retrained to categorize pipeline images based on their damage modes. The images for different damage modes of the pipeline were simulated through MATLAB to represent image

In this thesis, Inception V3, a convolutional neural network model from Google, was partially retrained to categorize pipeline images based on their damage modes. The images for different damage modes of the pipeline were simulated through MATLAB to represent image data collected from in-line pipe inspection. The final convolutional layer of the model was retrained with the simulated pipeline images using TensorFlow as the base platform. First, a small-scale retraining was done with real images and simulated images to compare the differences in performance. Then, using simulated images, a 2^5 full factorial design of experiment and individual parametric studies were performed on five different chosen parameters, including training steps, learning rate, batch size, training data size and image noise. The effect of each parameter on the performance of the model was evaluated and analyzed. It is crucial to understand that due to the nature of the experiment, the learnings may or may not apply to neural network models trained for other tasks. After analyzing the results, the effects and trade-offs for each parameter are discussed in detail. In addition, a method of predicting the training time was proposed. Based on the findings, an optimized model was proposed for this training exercise, with 1180 training steps, a learning rate of 0.01, a batch size of 100 and a training data set of 200 images. The optimized model reached 87.2% accuracy with a training time of 2 minutes and 6 seconds. This study will enhance our understanding in applying machine learning techniques in damage and risk identification.
Date Created

Corrosion and corrosion-fatigue behavior of 7075 aluminum alloys studied by in situ X-ray tomography

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7XXX Aluminum alloys have high strength to weight ratio and low cost. They are used in many critical structural applications including automotive and aerospace components. These applications frequently subject the alloys to static and cyclic loading in service. Additionally, the

7XXX Aluminum alloys have high strength to weight ratio and low cost. They are used in many critical structural applications including automotive and aerospace components. These applications frequently subject the alloys to static and cyclic loading in service. Additionally, the alloys are often subjected to aggressive corrosive environments such as saltwater spray. These chemical and mechanical exposures have been known to cause premature failure in critical applications. Hence, the microstructural behavior of the alloys under combined chemical attack and mechanical loading must be characterized further. Most studies to date have analyzed the microstructure of the 7XXX alloys using two dimensional (2D) techniques. While 2D studies yield valuable insights about the properties of the alloys, they do not provide sufficiently accurate results because the microstructure is three dimensional and hence its response to external stimuli is also three dimensional (3D). Relevant features of the alloys include the grains, subgrains, intermetallic inclusion particles, and intermetallic precipitate particles. The effects of microstructural features on corrosion pitting and corrosion fatigue of aluminum alloys has primarily been studied using 2D techniques such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM) surface analysis along with post-mortem SEM fracture surface analysis to estimate the corrosion pit size and fatigue crack initiation site. These studies often limited the corrosion-fatigue testing to samples in air or specialized solutions, because samples tested in NaCl solution typically have fracture surfaces covered in corrosion product. Recent technological advancements allow observation of the microstructure, corrosion and crack behavior of aluminum alloys in solution in three dimensions over time (4D). In situ synchrotron X-Ray microtomography was used to analyze the corrosion and cracking behavior of the alloy in four dimensions to elucidate crack initiation at corrosion pits for samples of multiple aging conditions and impurity concentrations. Additionally, chemical reactions between the 3.5 wt% NaCl solution and the crack surfaces were quantified by observing the evolution of hydrogen bubbles from the crack. The effects of the impurity particles and age-hardening particles on the corrosion and fatigue properties were examined in 4D.
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