Photosynthetic Agents of Carbonate Bioerosion in Endolithic Microbiomes

Cyanobacteria and algae living inside carbonate rocks (endoliths) have long been considered major contributors to bioerosion. Some bore into carbonates actively (euendoliths); others simply inhabit pre-existing pore spaces (cryptoendoliths). While naturalistic descriptions based on morphological identification have traditionally driven the

Cyanobacteria and algae living inside carbonate rocks (endoliths) have long been considered major contributors to bioerosion. Some bore into carbonates actively (euendoliths); others simply inhabit pre-existing pore spaces (cryptoendoliths). While naturalistic descriptions based on morphological identification have traditionally driven the field, modern microbial ecology has shown that this approach is insufficient to assess microbial diversity or make functional inferences. I examined endolithic microbiomes using 16S rRNA genes and lipid-soluble photosynthetic pigments as biomarkers, with the goal of reassessing endolith diversity by contrasting traditional and molecular approaches. This led to the unexpected finding that in all 41 littoral carbonate microbiomes investigated around Isla de Mona (Puerto Rico) and Menorca (Spain) populations of anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria (APBs) in the phyla Chloroflexi and Proteobacteria, were abundant, even sometimes dominant over cyanobacteria. This was not only novel, but it suggested that APBs may have been previously misidentified as morphologically similar cyanobacteria, and opened questions about their potential role as euendoliths. To test the euendolithic role of photosynthetic microbes, I set a time-course experiment exposing virgin non-porous carbonate substrate in situ, under the hypothesis that only euendoliths would be able to initially colonize it. This revealed that endolithic microbiomes, similar in biomass to those of mature natural communities, developed within nine months of exposure. And yet, APB populations were still marginal after this period, suggesting that they are secondary colonizers and not euendolithic. However, elucidating colonization dynamics to a sufficiently accurate level of molecular identification among cyanobacteria required the development of a curated cyanobacterial 16S rRNA gene reference database and web tool, Cydrasil. I could then detect that the pioneer euendoliths were in a novel cyanobacterial clade (named UBC), immediately followed by cyanobacteria assignable to known euendoliths. However, as bioerosion proceeded, a diverse set of likely cryptoendolithic cyanobacteria colonized the resulting pore spaces, displacing euendoliths. Endolithic colonization dynamics are thus swift but complex, and involve functionally diverse agents, only some of which are euendoliths. My work contributes a phylogenetically sound, functionally more defined understanding of the carbonate endolithic microbiome, and more specifically, Cydrasil provides a user-friendly framework to routinely move beyond morphology-based cyanobacterial systematics.
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The Influence of Solar Radiation, Temperature, Humidity and Water-Vapor Sorption on Microbial Degradation of Leaf Litter in the Sonoran Desert

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Decay of plant litter represents an enormous pathway for carbon (C) into the atmosphere but our understanding of the mechanisms driving this process is particularly limited in drylands. While microbes are a dominant driver of litter decay in most ecosystems,

Decay of plant litter represents an enormous pathway for carbon (C) into the atmosphere but our understanding of the mechanisms driving this process is particularly limited in drylands. While microbes are a dominant driver of litter decay in most ecosystems, their significance in drylands is not well understood and abiotic drivers such as photodegradation are commonly perceived to be more important. I assessed the significance of microbes to the decay of plant litter in the Sonoran Desert. I found that the variation in decay among 16 leaf litter types was correlated with microbial respiration rates (i.e. CO2 emission) from litter, and rates were strongly correlated with water-vapor sorption rates of litter. Water-vapor sorption during high-humidity periods activates microbes and subsequent respiration appears to be a significant decay mechanism. I also found that exposure to sunlight accelerated litter decay (i.e. photodegradation) and enhanced subsequent respiration rates of litter. The abundance of bacteria (but not fungi) on the surface of litter exposed to sunlight was strongly correlated with respiration rates, as well as litter decay, implying that exposure to sunlight facilitated activity of surface bacteria which were responsible for faster decay. I also assessed the response of respiration to temperature and moisture content (MC) of litter, as well as the relationship between relative humidity and MC. There was a peak in respiration rates between 35-40oC, and, unexpectedly, rates increased from 55 to 70oC with the highest peak at 70oC, suggesting the presence of thermophilic microbes or heat-tolerant enzymes. Respiration rates increased exponentially with MC, and MC was strongly correlated with relative humidity. I used these relationships, along with litter microclimate and C loss data to estimate the contribution of this pathway to litter C loss over 34 months. Respiration was responsible for 24% of the total C lost from litter – this represents a substantial pathway for C loss, over twice as large as the combination of thermal and photochemical abiotic emission. My findings elucidate two mechanisms that explain why microbial drivers were more significant than commonly assumed: activation of microbes via water-vapor sorption and high respiration rates at high temperatures.
Date Created

Characterization of Tropical Agricultural Soil Microbiomes After Biochar Amendment

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Modern agriculture faces multiple challenges: it must produce more food for a growing global population, adopt more efficient and sustainable management strategies, and adapt to climate change. One potential component of a sustainable management strategy is the application of biochar

Modern agriculture faces multiple challenges: it must produce more food for a growing global population, adopt more efficient and sustainable management strategies, and adapt to climate change. One potential component of a sustainable management strategy is the application of biochar to agricultural soils. Biochar is the carbon-rich product of biomass pyrolysis, which contains large proportions of aromatic compounds that influence its stability in soil. Concomitant with carbon sequestration, biochar has the potential to increase soil fertility through increasing soil pH, moisture and nutrient retention. Changes in the soil physical and chemical properties can result in shifts in the soil microbiome, which are the proximate drivers of soil processes. This dissertation aims to determine the compositional and functional changes in the soil microbial community in response to the addition of a low-volatile matter biochar. First, the impact of biochar on the bacterial community was investigated in two important agricultural soils (Oxisol and Mollisol) with contrasting fertility under two different cropping systems (conventional sweet corn and zero-tillage napiergrass) one month and one year after the initial addition. This study revealed that the effects of biochar on the bacterial community were most pronounced in the Oxisol under napiergrass cultivation, however soil type was the strongest determinant of the bacterial community. A follow-up study was conducted using shotgun metagenomics to probe the functional community of soil microcosms, which contained Oxisol soil under napiergrass two years after the initial addition of biochar. Biochar significantly increased total carbon in the soils but had little impact on other soil properties. Theses analyses showed that biochar-amended soil microcosms exhibited significant shifts in the functional community and key metabolic pathways related to carbon turnover and denitrification. Given the distinct alterations to the biochar-amended community, deoxyribose nucleic acid (DNA) stable isotope probing was used to target the active populations. These analyses revealed that biochar did not significantly shift the active community in soil microcosms. Overall, these results indicate that the impact of biochar on the active soil community is transient in nature. Yet, biochar may still be a promising strategy for long-term carbon sequestration in agricultural soils.
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An Investigation of the Activity of a Predatory Bacterium at Different Temperatures

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The experiments conducted in this report supported previous evidence (Bethany et al., 2019) that a newly identified predatory bacterium causes a higher rate of mortality in the biological soil crust cyanobacterium M. vaginatus when in hot soils than in cold

The experiments conducted in this report supported previous evidence (Bethany et al., 2019) that a newly identified predatory bacterium causes a higher rate of mortality in the biological soil crust cyanobacterium M. vaginatus when in hot soils than in cold soils. I predicted that the extracellular propagules of this predatory bacterium were inactivated at seasonally low temperatures, rendering them non-viable when introduced to M. vaginatus at room temperature. However, I found that the predatory bacterium became only transiently inactive at low temperatures, recovering its pathogenicity when later exposed to warmer temperatures. By contrast, inactivation of infectivity was complete by exposure in both liquid and dry conditions for five days at 40 °C. I also expected that its infectivity towards M. vaginatus was temperature dependent. Indeed, infection was hampered and did not cause high mortality when predator and prey were incubated at or below 10 °C, which could have been due to slowed metabolisms of M. vaginatus or to an inability of the predatory bacterium to attack in cold conditions. Above 10 °C, when M. vaginatus grew faster, time to full death of predator/prey incubations correlated with the rate of growth of healthy cultures.
The experiments in this study observed a correlation between the growth rate of uninfected cultures and the decay rate of infected cultures, meaning that temperatures that cultures that displayed a higher growth rate for uninfected M. vaginatus would die faster when infected with the predatory bacterium. Infected cultures that were incubated at temperatures 4 and 10 °C did not display death and this could have been due to lower activity of M. vaginatus at lower temperatures or the inability for the predatory bacterium to attack at lower temperatures.
Date Created

Enhanced Microbial Respiration of Photodegraded Leaf Litter at High Relative Humidity is Explained by Relative Water Content Rather Than Vapor Uptake Rate or Carbon Quality

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There is a growing consensus that photodegradation accelerates litter decomposition in drylands, but the mechanisms are not well understood. In a previous field study examining how exposure to solar radiation affects decomposition of 12 leaf litter types over 34 months

There is a growing consensus that photodegradation accelerates litter decomposition in drylands, but the mechanisms are not well understood. In a previous field study examining how exposure to solar radiation affects decomposition of 12 leaf litter types over 34 months in the Sonoran Desert, litter exposed to UV/blue wavebands of solar radiation decayed faster. The concentration of water-soluble compounds was higher in decayed litter than in new (recently senesced) litter, and higher in decayed litter exposed to solar radiation than other decayed litter. Microbial respiration of litter incubated in high relative humidity for 1 day was greater in decayed litter than new litter and greatest in decayed litter exposed to solar radiation. Respiration rates were strongly correlated with decay rates and water-soluble concentrations of litter. The objective of the current study was to determine why respiration rates were higher in decayed litter and why this effect was magnified in litter exposed to solar radiation. First, I evaluated whether photodegradation enhanced the quantity of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in litter by comparing DOC concentrations of photodegraded litter to new litter. Second, I evaluated whether photodegradation increased the quality of DOC for microbial utilization by measuring respiration of leachates with equal DOC concentrations after applying them to a soil inoculum. I hypothesized that water vapor sorption may explain differences in respiration among litter age or sunlight exposure treatments. Therefore, I assessed water vapor sorption of litter over an 8-day incubation in high relative humidity. Water vapor sorption rates over 1 and 8 days were slower in decayed than new litter and not faster in photodegraded than other decayed litter. However, I found that 49-78% of the variation in respiration could be explained by the relative amount of water litter absorbed over 1 day compared to 8 days, a measure referred to as relative water content. Decayed and photodegraded litter had higher relative water content after 1 day because it had a lower water-holding capacity. Higher respiration rates of decayed and photodegraded litter were attributed to faster microbial activation due to greater relative water content of that litter.
Date Created

Microbial restoration ecology of biological soil crusts

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Biological soil crusts (biocrusts) are topsoil communities of organisms that contribute to soil fertility and erosion resistance in drylands. Anthropogenic disturbances can quickly damage these communities and their natural recovery can take decades. With the development of accelerated restoration strategies

Biological soil crusts (biocrusts) are topsoil communities of organisms that contribute to soil fertility and erosion resistance in drylands. Anthropogenic disturbances can quickly damage these communities and their natural recovery can take decades. With the development of accelerated restoration strategies in mind, I studied physiological mechanisms controlling the establishment of cyanobacteria in biocrusts, since these photoautotrophs are not just the biocrust pioneer organisms, but also largely responsible for improving key soil attributes such as physical stability, nutrient content, water retention and albedo. I started by determining the cyanobacterial community composition of a variety of biocrust types from deserts in the Southwestern US. I then isolated a large number of cyanobacterial strains from these locations, pedigreed them based on their 16SrRNA gene sequences, and selective representatives that matched the most abundant cyanobacterial field populations. I then developed methodologies for large-scale growth of the selected isolates to produce location-specific and genetically autochthonous inoculum for restoration. I also developed and tested viable methodologies to physiologically harden this inoculum and improve its survival under harsh field conditions. My tests proved that in most cases good viability of the inoculum could be attained under field-like conditions. In parallel, I used molecular ecology approaches to show that the biocrust pioneer, Microcoleus vaginatus, shapes its surrounding heterotrophic microbiome, enriching for a compositionally-differentiated “cyanosphere” that concentrates the nitrogen-fixing function. I proposed that a mutualism based on carbon for nitrogen exchange between M. vaginatus and its cyanosphere creates a consortium that constitutes the true pioneer community enabling the colonization of nitrogen-poor, bare soils. Using the right mixture of photosynthetic and diazotrophic cultures will thus likely help in soil restoration. Additionally, using physiological assays and molecular meta-analyses, I demonstrated that the largest contributors to N2-fixation in late successional biocrusts (three genera of heterocystous cyanobacteria) partition their niche along temperature gradients, and that this can explain their geographic patterns of dominance within biocrusts worldwide. This finding can improve restoration strategies by incorporating climate-matched physiological types in inoculum formulations. In all, this dissertation resulted in the establishment of a comprehensive "cyanobacterial biocrust nursery", that includes a culture collection containing 101 strains, isolation and cultivation methods, inoculum design strategies as well as field conditioning protocols. It constitutes a new interdisciplinary application of microbiology in restoration ecology.
Date Created

Carbon Fixation From Mineral Carbonates

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Photoautotrophs assimilate oxidized carbon obtained from one of two sources: dissolved or atmospheric. Despite its size, the pool of lithospheric carbonate is not known to be a direct source for autotrophy. Yet, the mechanism that euendolithic cyanobacteria use to excavate

Photoautotrophs assimilate oxidized carbon obtained from one of two sources: dissolved or atmospheric. Despite its size, the pool of lithospheric carbonate is not known to be a direct source for autotrophy. Yet, the mechanism that euendolithic cyanobacteria use to excavate solid carbonates suggests that minerals could directly supply CO[subscript 2] for autotrophy. Here, we use stable isotopes and NanoSIMS to show that the cyanobacterium Mastigocoleus testarum derives most of its carbon from the mineral it excavates, growing preferentially as an endolith when lacking dissolved CO[subscript 2]. Furthermore, natural endolithic communities from intertidal marine carbonate outcrops present carbon isotopic signatures consistent with mineral-sourced autotrophy. These data demonstrate a direct geomicrobial link between mineral carbonate pools and reduced organic carbon, which, given the geographical extent of carbonate outcrops, is likely of global relevance. The ancient fossil record of euendolithic cyanobacteria suggests that biological fixation of solid carbonate could have been relevant since the mid-Proterozoic.

Date Created

Diversity and Mineral Substrate Preference in Endolithic Microbial Communities From Marine Intertidal Outcrops (Isla de Mona, Puerto Rico)

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Endolithic microbial communities are prominent features of intertidal marine habitats, where they colonize a variety of substrates, contributing to their erosion. Almost 2 centuries worth of naturalistic studies focused on a few true-boring (euendolithic) phototrophs, but substrate preference has received

Endolithic microbial communities are prominent features of intertidal marine habitats, where they colonize a variety of substrates, contributing to their erosion. Almost 2 centuries worth of naturalistic studies focused on a few true-boring (euendolithic) phototrophs, but substrate preference has received little attention. The Isla de Mona (Puerto Rico) intertidal zone offers a unique setting to investigate substrate specificity of endolithic communities since various phosphate rock, limestone and dolostone outcrops occur there. High-throughput 16S rDNA genetic sampling, enhanced by targeted cultivation, revealed that, while euendolithic cyanobacteria were dominant operational taxonomic units (OTUs), the communities were invariably of high diversity, well beyond that reported in traditional studies and implying an unexpected metabolic complexity potentially contributed by secondary colonizers. While the overall community composition did not show differences traceable to the nature of the mineral substrate, we detected specialization among particular euendolithic cyanobacterial clades towards the type of substrate they excavate but only at the OTU phylogenetic level, implying that close relatives have specialized recurrently into particular substrates. The cationic mineral component was determinant in this preference, suggesting the existence in nature of alternatives to the boring mechanism described in culture that is based exclusively on transcellular calcium transport.

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Comparative Genomic Analyses of the Cyanobacterium, Lyngbya Aestuarii BL J, a Powerful Hydrogen Producer

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The filamentous, non-heterocystous cyanobacterium Lyngbya aestuarii is an important contributor to marine intertidal microbial mats system worldwide. The recent isolate L. aestuarii BL J, is an unusually powerful hydrogen producer. Here we report a morphological, ultrastructural, and genomic characterization of

The filamentous, non-heterocystous cyanobacterium Lyngbya aestuarii is an important contributor to marine intertidal microbial mats system worldwide. The recent isolate L. aestuarii BL J, is an unusually powerful hydrogen producer. Here we report a morphological, ultrastructural, and genomic characterization of this strain to set the basis for future systems studies and applications of this organism. The filaments contain circa 17 μm wide trichomes, composed of stacked disk-like short cells (2 μm long), encased in a prominent, laminated exopolysaccharide sheath. Cellular division occurs by transversal centripetal growth of cross-walls, where several rounds of division proceed simultaneously. Filament division occurs by cell self-immolation of one or groups of cells (necridial cells) at the breakage point. Short, sheath-less, motile filaments (hormogonia) are also formed. Morphologically and phylogenetically L. aestuarii belongs to a clade of important cyanobacteria that include members of the marine Trichodesmiun and Hydrocoleum genera, as well as terrestrial Microcoleus vaginatus strains, and alkalyphilic strains of Arthrospira. A draft genome of strain BL J was compared to those of other cyanobacteria in order to ascertain some of its ecological constraints and biotechnological potential.

The genome had an average GC content of 41.1%. Of the 6.87 Mb sequenced, 6.44 Mb was present as large contigs (>10,000 bp). It contained 6515 putative protein-encoding genes, of which, 43% encode proteins of known functional role, 26% corresponded to proteins with domain or family assignments, 19.6% encode conserved hypothetical proteins, and 11.3% encode apparently unique hypothetical proteins. The strain's genome reveals its adaptations to a life of exposure to intense solar radiation and desiccation. It likely employs the storage compounds, glycogen, and cyanophycin but no polyhydroxyalkanoates, and can produce the osmolytes, trehalose, and glycine betaine. According to its genome, BL J strain also has the potential to produce a plethora of products of biotechnological interest such as Curacin A, Barbamide, Hemolysin-type calcium-binding toxin, the suncreens scytonemin, and mycosporines, as well as heptadecane and pentadecane alkanes. With respect to hydrogen production, initial comparisons of the genetic architecture and sequence of relevant genes and loci, and a comparative model of protein structure of the NiFe bidirectional hydrogenase, did not reveal conspicuous differences that could explain its unusual hydrogen producing capacity.

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Draft Genome Assembly of a Filamentous Euendolithic (True Boring) Cyanobacterium, Mastigocoleus Testarum Strain BC008

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Mastigocoleus testarum strain BC008 is a model organism used to study marine photoautotrophic carbonate dissolution. It is a multicellular, filamentous, diazotrophic, euendolithic cyanobacterium ubiquitously found in marine benthic environments. We present an accurate draft genome assembly of 172 contigs spanning

Mastigocoleus testarum strain BC008 is a model organism used to study marine photoautotrophic carbonate dissolution. It is a multicellular, filamentous, diazotrophic, euendolithic cyanobacterium ubiquitously found in marine benthic environments. We present an accurate draft genome assembly of 172 contigs spanning 12,700,239 bp with 9,131 annotated genes with an average G+C% of 37.3.

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