Laboratory Analysis of Ceres Analogue Minerals


During the Dawn mission, bright spots were discovered on the surface of the dwarf planet Ceres, which were determined to be evaporite deposits of sodium carbonate, ammonium carbonate, and hydrohalite. These deposits are significant because they indicate the presence of

During the Dawn mission, bright spots were discovered on the surface of the dwarf planet Ceres, which were determined to be evaporite deposits of sodium carbonate, ammonium carbonate, and hydrohalite. These deposits are significant because they indicate the presence of subsurface water and potential geologic activity on Ceres. These evaporites form from the brine-water mixture in the deep Ceres reservoir, which likely possesses the conditions ideal for forming complex organics. Here, we report the results of a suite of laboratory techniques (CHN Elemental Analyzer, Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, Gas Chromatography, and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller Analysis) for quantifying the likelihood of primordial carbon survival and distribution in analog materials found on Ceres, particularly in salt evaporates. We are specifically looking at if the amino acid glycine can be preserved in sodium chloride crystals. Our results conclude that if the Ceres brine reservoir is saturated with organics, and with the lower limits that we have for our instrumentation thus far, these techniques should be more than sufficient to measure glycine content should we ever receive samples from Ceres.

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