A Uniform Atmospheric Retrieval Analysis of Ultra-Cool Brown Dwarfs

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Brown dwarfs are a unique class of object which span the range between the lowest mass stars, and highest mass planets. New insights into the physics and chemistry of brown dwarfs comes from the comparison between spectroscopic observations, and theoretical

Brown dwarfs are a unique class of object which span the range between the lowest mass stars, and highest mass planets. New insights into the physics and chemistry of brown dwarfs comes from the comparison between spectroscopic observations, and theoretical atmospheric models. In this thesis, I present a uniform atmospheric retrieval analysis of the coolest Y, and late-T spectral type brown dwarfs using the CaltecH Inverse ModEling and Retrieval Algorithms (CHIMERA). In doing so, I develop a foundational dataset of retrieved atmospheric parameters including: molecular abundances, thermal structures, evolutionary parameters, and cloud properties for 61 different brown dwarfs. Comparisons to other modeling techniques and theoretical expectations from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) are made. Finally, I describe the techniques used to improve CHIMERA to run on Graphical Processing Units (GPUs), which directly enabled the creation of this large dataset.
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A Uniform Retrieval Analysis of Ultra-cool Dwarfs. IV. A Statistical Census from 50 Late T-dwarfs

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The spectra of brown dwarfs are key to exploring the chemistry and physics thattake place in their atmospheres. Late T dwarf (950 - 500 K) spectra are particularly
diagnostic due to their relatively cloud free atmospheres and deep molecular
bands. With the

The spectra of brown dwarfs are key to exploring the chemistry and physics thattake place in their atmospheres. Late T dwarf (950 - 500 K) spectra are particularly
diagnostic due to their relatively cloud free atmospheres and deep molecular
bands. With the use of powerful atmospheric retrieval tools, these properties permit
constraints on molecular/atomic abundances and temperature profiles. Building
upon previous analyses on T and Y dwarfs (Line et al. 2017; Zalesky et al. 2019),
I present a uniform retrieval analysis of 50 T dwarfs via their low-resolution near infrared
spectra. This analysis more than doubles the sample of T dwarfs with retrieved
properties. I present updates on current compositional trends and thermal
profile constraints amongst the T dwarf population. My analysis shows that my collection
of objects form trends that are consistent with solar grid model expectations
for water, ammonia, methane, and potassium. I also establish a consistency between
the thermal structures of my objects with those of grid models. Moreover, I explore
the origin of gravity-metallicity discrepancies that are observed in some of my brown
dwarf candidates.
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The detectability and constraints of biosignature gasses in the near & mid-infrared from transit transmission spectroscopy

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The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is expected to revolutionize the current understanding of Jovian worlds over the coming decade. However, as the field pushes towards characterizing cooler, smaller, “terrestrial-like” planets, dedicated next-generation facilities will be required to tease out

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is expected to revolutionize the current understanding of Jovian worlds over the coming decade. However, as the field pushes towards characterizing cooler, smaller, “terrestrial-like” planets, dedicated next-generation facilities will be required to tease out the small spectral signatures indicative of biological activity. Here, the feasibility of determining atmospheric properties, from near to mid-infrared transmission spectra, of transiting temperate terrestrial M-dwarf companions, has been evaluated. Specifically, atmospheric retrievals were utilized to explore the trade space between spectral resolution, wavelength coverage, and signal-to-noise on the ability to both detect molecular species and constrain their abundances. Increasing spectral resolution beyond R=100 for near-infrared wavelengths, shorter than 5um, proves to reduce the degeneracy between spectral features of different molecules and thus greatly benefits the abundance constraints. However, this benefit is greatly diminished beyond 5um as any overlap between broad features in the mid-infrared does not deconvolve with higher resolutions. Additionally, the inclusion of features beyond 11um did not meaningfully improve the detection significance nor abundance constraints results. The findings of this study indicate that an instrument with continuous wavelength coverage from approximately 2-11um and with a resolution of R~50-300, would be capable of detecting H2O, CO2, CH4, O3, and N2O in the atmosphere of an Earth-analog transiting an M-dwarf (magK=8.0) within 50 transits, and obtain better than an order-of-magnitude constraint on each of their abundances.

The Origins Space Telescope (Origins) is one of four flagship mission concepts, under review by the 2020 Decadal Survey, that may take the mantle of the next-generation space-based observatory. In conjunction with this research, a secondary trade space study was performed on behalf of the Origins Exoplanets Working Group. The primary purpose of this collaboration was to provide a scientific basis to the technical specifications for the mid-infrared detectors onboard the Mid-Infrared Spectrometer Camera Transit Spectrometer (MISC-T) instrument. The results of this work directly contributed to the alteration of the official technical specifications of the instrument design concept.
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Biochemical Networks Across Planets and Scales

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Biochemical reactions underlie all living processes. Their complex web of interactions is difficult to fully capture and quantify with simple mathematical objects. Applying network science to biology has advanced our understanding of the metabolisms of individual organisms and the organization

Biochemical reactions underlie all living processes. Their complex web of interactions is difficult to fully capture and quantify with simple mathematical objects. Applying network science to biology has advanced our understanding of the metabolisms of individual organisms and the organization of ecosystems, but has scarcely been applied to life at a planetary scale. To characterize planetary-scale biochemistry, I constructed biochemical networks using global databases of annotated genomes and metagenomes, and biochemical reactions. I uncover scaling laws governing biochemical diversity and network structure shared across levels of organization from individuals to ecosystems, to the biosphere as a whole. Comparing real biochemical reaction networks to random reaction networks reveals the observed biological scaling is not a product of chemistry alone, but instead emerges due to the particular structure of selected reactions commonly participating in living processes. I perform distinguishability tests across properties of individual and ecosystem-level biochemical networks to determine whether or not they share common structure, indicative of common generative mechanisms across levels. My results indicate there is no sharp transition in the organization of biochemistry across distinct levels of the biological hierarchy—a result that holds across different network projections.

Finally, I leverage these large biochemical datasets, in conjunction with planetary observations and computational tools, to provide a methodological foundation for the quantitative assessment of biology’s viability amongst other geospheres. Investigating a case study of alkaliphilic prokaryotes in the context of Enceladus, I find that the chemical compounds observed on Enceladus thus far would be insufficient to allow even these extremophiles to produce the compounds necessary to sustain a viable metabolism. The environmental precursors required by these organisms provides a reference for the compounds which should be prioritized for detection in future planetary exploration missions. The results of this framework have further consequences in the context of planetary protection, and hint that forward contamination may prove infeasible without meticulous intent. Taken together these results point to a deeper level of organization in biochemical networks than what has been understood so far, and suggests the existence of common organizing principles operating across different levels of biology and planetary chemistry.
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