Opting Out of Options: An IMT Approach to Choice Optimization

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The purpose for creating this thesis project is to discover the effects that options have on consumer behavior and satisfaction, and to determine whether or not more options are a good thing. In exploring these questions, Information Measurement Theory (IMT),

The purpose for creating this thesis project is to discover the effects that options have on consumer behavior and satisfaction, and to determine whether or not more options are a good thing. In exploring these questions, Information Measurement Theory (IMT), a theory founded by Dr. Dean Kashiwagi which relies on understanding natural laws to help minimize decision-making and risk, was utilized to draw conclusions. IMT illustrates that any given situation can only have one unique outcome, and minimizing decision-making in turn leads to reduced stress. The more information an individual has for the given situation, the better he/she can predict the outcome. The concepts of IMT, specifically the ideal that more decision-making leads to higher stress, were utilized to illustrate that more options naturally leads to more decisions and as a result more decision-makers will feel greater stress and less satisfaction. To conduct this research we explored two different segments of consumer markets. The first branch of our research was comprised of analyzing the differences in operations and menu structures of different fast food chains, most specifically In-N-Out and McDonald's and how these differences affect customer satisfaction. The other branch of our research involved reviewing phone case ratings based on Amazon reviews for a number of different phone types with varying popularity to gauge consumer satisfaction. Our results found that while both In-N-Out and McDonald's are successful companies, In-N-Out ranked consistently higher in customer satisfaction. Furthermore, a large portion of this satisfaction can be attributed to In-N-Out's simplistic menu structure which limits the amount of options and therefore decisions that a customer must make. Similarly, our study of phone cases found that for phone models where less case options are offered, customers rated their cases higher on a scale of 1-5 stars regardless of brand or the number of reviews. Through a combination of IMT and our research we were able to conclude that less options does indeed lead to higher consumer satisfaction.
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Improving the structure of a local non-profit clinic by implementing concepts from Information Measurement Theory (IMT).

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The Performance Based Studies Research Studies Group (PBSRG) at Arizona State University aims to evaluate and provide solutions to problems by using concepts derived from deductive logic. The research group identified that problems in most industries are due to the

The Performance Based Studies Research Studies Group (PBSRG) at Arizona State University aims to evaluate and provide solutions to problems by using concepts derived from deductive logic. The research group identified that problems in most industries are due to the traditional approach of management, direction and control, and offers a practical contrasting model. The author is a biological sciences major interested in the health care industry. As a volunteer at a local non-profit pregnancy clinic in Tempe, AZ, the author noticed characteristics of the clinic structure that resembled both the traditional approach of management, direction and control and the best value (BV) approach. Although the pregnancy clinic has existed for 30 years and has high patient satisfaction, it faces problems that jeopardize its long term sustainability. This study analyzes the stereotypical structure of non-profit health clinics through literature review and through a case study of a local non-profit pregnancy clinic in Tempe, Arizona. The study identified and analyzed the factors that contribute to inefficiency within non-profit health clinics. The conclusions of the research demonstrate that characteristics of non-profit health clinics that resemble the traditional model perform in a manner that is unsustainable. Recommendations were based on concepts derived from Information Measurement Theory (IMT) and aimed to improve efficiency and effectiveness. The study identifies sources of risks and examines the performance of such organizations; the study concludes that rejection of traditional models and adaptation of the new approach is preferable in improving performance and increasing patient, employee, and volunteer satisfaction.
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An Empirical Approach to Developing Leadership Skills: Engaging High School Students in Professional Education

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The Performance Based Studies Research Group (PBSRG) has developed industry-tested leadership and management techniques that have been proven to increase organizational performance. The Leadership Society of Arizona (LSA) has worked closely with PBSRG to develop an educational framework that introduces

The Performance Based Studies Research Group (PBSRG) has developed industry-tested leadership and management techniques that have been proven to increase organizational performance. The Leadership Society of Arizona (LSA) has worked closely with PBSRG to develop an educational framework that introduces these leadership concepts to college students. LSA is now endeavoring to make this curriculum more accessible for K-12 students and educators. As part of a thesis creative project, the author has developed a strategy to connect with and enable local high schools, teachers, and students to engage with the professional industry and higher education. This strategy will allow LSA to connect with up to 150 high school students over the summer of 2016. By making this education easily accessible, the author has accomplished a milestone in the larger effort encompassed by LSA. The course chosen to present to high school students is an abridged variation of the Barrett Honors College course "Deductive Logic: Leadership and Management Techniques". The class framework is designed to instantiate a self-sustaining program for future summer school courses. The summer school course will allow high school students to learn, understand, and apply college level concepts into their education, work, and personal lives. The development of the framework for the program encompasses networking/partnering efforts, marketing package creation, and the delivery of the summer school course over the months of June and July in 2016.
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How to Become Successful and Happy in Life

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There is a disconnect between the way people are taught to find success and happiness, and the results observed. Society teaches us that success will lead to happiness. Instead, it is argued that success is engrained in happiness. Case studies

There is a disconnect between the way people are taught to find success and happiness, and the results observed. Society teaches us that success will lead to happiness. Instead, it is argued that success is engrained in happiness. Case studies of four, established, successful people: Jack Ma, Elon Musk, Ricardo Semler, and William Gore, have been conducted in order to observe an apparent pattern. This data, coupled with the data from Michael Boehringer's story, is used to formulate a solution to the proposed problem. Each case study is designed to observe characteristics of the individuals that allow them to be successful and exhibit traits of happiness. Happiness will be analyzed in terms of passion and desire to perform consistently. Someone who does what they love, paired with the ability to perform on a regular basis, is considered to be a happy person. The data indicates that there is an observable pattern within the results. From this pattern, certain traits have been highlighted and used to formulate guidelines that will aid someone falling short of success and happiness in their lives. The results indicate that there are simple questions that can guide people to a happier life. Three basic questions are defined: is it something you love, can you see yourself doing this every day and does it add value? If someone can answer yes to all three requirements, the person will be able to find happiness, with success following. These guidelines can be taken and applied to those struggling with unhappiness and failure. By creating such a formula, the youth can be taught a new way of thinking that will help to eliminate these issues, that many people are facing.
Date Created


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Since 1994, the Performance Based Studies Research Group at Arizona State University has utilized an approach to industry called Best Value (BV). Since its origin, this approach has been used in 1860 tests creating $6.4 billion dollars of projects and

Since 1994, the Performance Based Studies Research Group at Arizona State University has utilized an approach to industry called Best Value (BV). Since its origin, this approach has been used in 1860 tests creating $6.4 billion dollars of projects and services delivered, at a customer satisfaction rating of 95%. Best Value (BV) is rooted in simplicity, and seeks to help organizations hire experts, plan ahead, minimize risk, optimize resources, and optimize resources. This is accomplished largely through the use of a tool the PBSRG calls the Kashiwagi Solution Model (KSM). Kashiwagi Solution Models can be used across every industry from construction to Wall Street to help achieve sustainable success in what is perhaps the most efficient and effective manner available today. Using Best Value (BV) and the Kashiwagi Solution Model (KSM), the author identified groups on Wall Street and throughout the world who deal in a unique entity called "Over-The-Counter (OTC) Derivatives". More specifically, this paper focuses on the current status and ramifications of derivative contracts that two parties enter with the sole intention of speculating. KSMs are used in Information Measurement Theory, which seeks to take seemingly complex subjects and simplify them into terms that everyone can understand. This document uses Information Measurement Theory to explain what OTC derivatives are in the simplest possible way, so that little prior knowledge of finance is required to understand the material. Through research and observation, KSMs can be used to identify the characteristics of groups who deal in OTC derivatives, which contributed to the financial crisis in 2008 and have grown in size and complexity. This document uses dominant information in order to see the potential problems within the OTC derivatives market from 30,000 feet, and offer solutions to those problems. Keywords: simplicity, best value approach, identify characteristics, dominant information
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Socks + Boxers: A Unique Shopping Experience for Men's Socks and Underwear

Socks + Boxers began as a simple idea on a trip through Victoria's Secret as a solution to the lack of choice in quality and affordable undergarments for men. Currently, there is no central hub for men's socks and underwear.

Socks + Boxers began as a simple idea on a trip through Victoria's Secret as a solution to the lack of choice in quality and affordable undergarments for men. Currently, there is no central hub for men's socks and underwear. Customers shopping for men's undergarments have few choices currently: purchase an inexpensive, average quality, predetermined pack of Hanes, Fruit of the Loom, or other common undergarment brand from a store like Walmart or Target; shop for individual pieces of expensive designer underwear at a high-end department store such as Nordstrom; or, finally, purchase slightly above average quality, but fairly expensive, brand name undergarments at physical stores such as American Eagle, Urban Outfitters, or Abercrombie & Fitch, or online stores such as MeUndies. Socks + Boxers seeks to combine the accessibility and reliability of common undergarment brands, the quality and luxury-feel of high-end undergarments, and the concept of choice provided by stores that sell men's undergarment lines into a single business. We also plan to tap into the booming subscription services industry and create a way for customers to easily update and replenish their undergarment wardrobe on a regular basis with exactly what they want. In order to start out on the right foot and begin developing this business plan from the ground up, we began researching and developing a Business Model Canvas, a tool that breaks out necessary pieces of a successful business plan into easy to understand blocks. We took a critical look at the problem at hand, its potential solutions, the value the solutions provide, how we plan to start, grow, and nourish our customer base, and much more. The different pieces of this business model puzzle all come together in the following pages.
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A Closer Look into the Best Value (BV) Approach to RFP Contract Negotiation

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With the help of some Information Measurement Theory (IMT), Kashiwagi Solutions Model (KSM), and deductive logic background, supply chain managers can start utilizing a new way to effectively and efficiently negotiate contracts. Developed by Dr. Dean Kashiwagi, the Best Value

With the help of some Information Measurement Theory (IMT), Kashiwagi Solutions Model (KSM), and deductive logic background, supply chain managers can start utilizing a new way to effectively and efficiently negotiate contracts. Developed by Dr. Dean Kashiwagi, the Best Value Approach has been 98% successful with over 1,800 projects for the past 20 years. The process gives vendors/suppliers the power to use their expertise. In return for not having to follow the rules set by the client/buyer, the vendor must show documentation and plans of risk management, value added processes, and metrics.
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Overcoming the Constraints of Biosimilar Legislation through Creating Transparency

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Biosimilar pharmaceuticals are new lower-cost drugs awaiting large-scale approval within the United States (U.S). Biosimilar pharmaceuticals or simply biosimilars, are complex, large-molecule, and biologically-derived drugs that are deemed molecularly similar to currently approved reference biologics. Biologics and biosimilars both treat

Biosimilar pharmaceuticals are new lower-cost drugs awaiting large-scale approval within the United States (U.S). Biosimilar pharmaceuticals or simply biosimilars, are complex, large-molecule, and biologically-derived drugs that are deemed molecularly similar to currently approved reference biologics. Biologics and biosimilars both treat a wide range of conditions with no clinically meaningful difference between them. However, numerous states, with help from large pharmaceutical companies lobbying, are passing legislation complicating the prescribing and dispensing process for biosimilars by mandating a "notification" or "communication" requirement. The notification requirement requires pharmacists to contact prescribers when dispensing an interchangeable biosimilar in place of its reference biologic. This type of mandate is not only unprecedented in current U.S. pharmaceutical law, but it also incentivizes pharmacists to dispense more expensive biologics in place of biosimilars. The notification or communication requirement also falsely gives consumers the appearance that biosimilars are more dangerous in comparison to other types of biological medicines. These two factors, pharmacist hesitation and consumer distrust, serve as barriers to successful biosimilar market entry. High research and development costs and forecasted poor sales inhibit biosimilar companies from making the investment in innovating new drugs. The lack of investment in research and development prevents new biosimilars from entering the market to compete with currently approved biologics. In turn, current biosimilar legislation is reducing pharmaceutical competition and increasing drug prices. Information Measurement Theory supports the notion that in climates without competition (caused by a lack of transparency) sparks low quality and high costs. Transparency and improved biosimilar market conditions can be achieved through repealing the large pharmaceutical company backed notification requirement.
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The Human Geode Project: An Inside Look At Suicide Loss Survivors

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The loss of a loved one through suicide is a traumatic life event that brings about considerable emotional turmoil. In the present study, the term suicide loss survivor refers to an individual who is a family member or a friend

The loss of a loved one through suicide is a traumatic life event that brings about considerable emotional turmoil. In the present study, the term suicide loss survivor refers to an individual who is a family member or a friend of a person who died by suicide. Through the three chosen methods of gathering data, which are online surveys, in person interviews, and photography sessions, researchers highlight the personal experience of thirty-three suicide loss survivors. Supported by these various methods of data collection are the unique issues that accompany the bereavement of a suicide loss. The areas of focus are the emotional trauma, social stigma, and postvention resources utilized or made available to suicide loss survivors. Throughout interviews with suicide loss survivors, some of whom also identified as Arizona State University students, an additional opportunity for research emerged. Participants identified that Arizona State University is not effectively providing suicide awareness and prevention materials and training to its community, including staff and students. Recommendations for how Arizona State University can improve their current processes are discussed in the conclusion. By implementing the recommendations of prevention and postvention care, it is possible to educate students and staff and, in turn, allow Arizona State University to foster a culture of empathy for existing suicide loss survivors, while working on decreasing the risk of future suicides. This creative project and narrative analysis was performed by two individuals who themselves are suicide loss survivors and have taken their personal experiences as a foundation for the project's need.
Date Created

Private Equity Real Estate: Market Analysis and Underwriting for Value-Add Commercial Multifamily Investments

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For this thesis, the authors would like to create a hypothetical Private Equity Real Estate Investment firm that focuses on creating value for partners by taking an opportunistic approach to acquiring under-performing urban multi-family properties with large upside potential for

For this thesis, the authors would like to create a hypothetical Private Equity Real Estate Investment firm that focuses on creating value for partners by taking an opportunistic approach to acquiring under-performing urban multi-family properties with large upside potential for investing. The project will focus on both the market analysis and financial modeling associated with investment strategy and transactions. There is a substantial amount of complexity within commercial real estate and this thesis seeks to offer an accurate and comprehensive documentary of the process, while simplifying it for everyday readers. Additionally, there are a significant amount of risk factors associated with investment decisions, so the best practices from the industry documented in this manuscript are valuable tools for successful investing in the future. To gain the most profound and reliable industry knowledge, the authors leveraged the experience of dozens of industry professionals through research and personal interviews. Through careful analysis, the authors were able to ascertain the current economic position in the real estate cycle and to create a plan for future investing. Additionally, they were able to identify and evaluate a specific asset for purchase. As a result, the authors found that multifamily properties are a sound investment for the next two years and that the company should slowly start to shift directions to office and retail in 2018.
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