Implementing Life Cycle Analysis: Promoting Resource Sustainability at the College of Lake County

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This thesis investigates the potential of life cycle analysis for more sustainable sourcing strategies in organizations. Using the example of the College of Lake County (CLC) in Illinois, I study how life-cycle analysis can help to improve the procurement of

This thesis investigates the potential of life cycle analysis for more sustainable sourcing strategies in organizations. Using the example of the College of Lake County (CLC) in Illinois, I study how life-cycle analysis can help to improve the procurement of products and services in higher education. Currently, CLC's purchasing team does not understand how sourcing affects operational and environmental performance. In addition, CLC's purchasing team does not communicate effectively with other departments from a product utilization standpoint. The objective of this research is to analyze CLC's current product procurement process and to assess the feasibility of implementing life cycle analysis tools. Further, I evaluate different life cycle analysis tools and provide recommendations to CLC about the applicability of these tools so that they may be implemented into the university in the future. First, I find that both the procurement and IT department at CLC are not familiar with life-cycle analysis tools and hence, do not know about the life cycle of their processes and services. Second, I identify professional life cycle analysis tools relevant for CLC. Two software options, GaBi and SimaPro, are discussed. Finally, I suggest six steps for a successful implementation of life cycle analysis at CLC: (1) form an interdisciplinary team, (2) analyze demand and collect additional data, (3) conduct a product life cycle analysis using a software tool, (4) define which products to analyze further, (5) conduct life cycle costing analysis with the same software tool, and (6) utilize these results for decisions and delegation of responsibility.
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The Perception of the Government and Private Sectors on the Procurement System Delivery Method in Saudi Arabia

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This paper is part of doctoral research to improve the current Saudi Arabian (SA) procurement system. SA has the largest construction market in the Middle East. However, the use of the traditional procurement system in SA has been identified as

This paper is part of doctoral research to improve the current Saudi Arabian (SA) procurement system. SA has the largest construction market in the Middle East. However, the use of the traditional procurement system in SA has been identified as one of the causes for poor performance in the delivery of construction. The system has been identified as a major risk to the SA government, due to consistent increased costs and delays of up to 70% on projects. A survey was conducted with 1396 participants including engineers, buyers, contractors, consultants, academics, and architects. The purpose of the survey was to identify the validity of the recent claims that the procurement system in SA is broken. The participants work in both the private and government sectors. The survey results showed that the procurement system is a major risk to projects, affects construction projects negatively, and is in need of improvement.

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Identifying the State of the Project Management Profession

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Project management has struggled with delivering low performing construction and information technology (IT or ICT) projects. Approximately 60% of construction projects are over budget, over schedule and have low customer satisfaction. The IT industry reports even worse performance for their

Project management has struggled with delivering low performing construction and information technology (IT or ICT) projects. Approximately 60% of construction projects are over budget, over schedule and have low customer satisfaction. The IT industry reports even worse performance for their projects. IT projects seem to be far less defined, leading to increased complexity. Documentation shows that companies do not have a successful methodology to track their performance and thus there is a lack of documented performance information to identify if their project management methodologies are delivering high quality and efficient projects. A literature research was performed on the most used Project Management (PM) methodologies worldwide. These PM methodologies were then compared based upon their characteristics and performance information to identify the most successful methodologies. The analysis of the results revealed that only one methodology had proven performance metrics on over 90% of its projects.

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The Current State of Research and Development Approach (R&D) in the Saudi Construction Industry

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For the past three decades, the Saudi construction industry (SCI) has exhibited poor performance. Many research efforts have tried to identify the problem and the potential causes but there have been few publications identifying ways to mitigate the problem and

For the past three decades, the Saudi construction industry (SCI) has exhibited poor performance. Many research efforts have tried to identify the problem and the potential causes but there have been few publications identifying ways to mitigate the problem and describing testing to validate the proposed solution. This paper examines the research and development (R&D) approach in the SCI. A literature research was performed identifying the impact that R&D has had on the SCI. A questionnaire was also created for surveying industry professionals and researchers. The results show evidence that the SCI practice and the academic research work exist in separate silos. This study recommends a change of mindset in both the public and private sector on their views on R&D since cooperation is required to create collaboration between the two sectors and improve the competitiveness of the country's economy.

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An Analysis of the Best Value Approach for the Delivery of Roofing Systems: How the Best Value Approach Differs from Best Value Procurement

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The overall purpose of this investigation is to examine the differences between the Best Value Approach and Best Value Procurement, and to test if the Best Value Approach can be used for the successful delivery of roofing systems. Best Value

The overall purpose of this investigation is to examine the differences between the Best Value Approach and Best Value Procurement, and to test if the Best Value Approach can be used for the successful delivery of roofing systems. Best Value Procurement has been run on delivering roofing services for many years. However, in the last three years, it was discovered that Best Value Procurement was not sustainable and filled with risk. To examine if the Best Value Approach can be used for the successful delivery of roofing systems, the researcher identified a client in need of a new 70,000 sq. ft. industrial roof installation at their facility in the Phoenix Metropolitan area. The client willingly agreed to test the Best Value Approach as the project delivery method. The results of the project were documented, and they show that the Best Value Approach can be successfully implemented on an industrial roofing project with high performance results. The Best Value Approach’s advantage over Best Value Procurement is it addresses risk using “level of expertise” and cost to select a vendor. This paper identifies the differences between the methodologies and shows how the Best Value Approach can be an optimal approach for other roofing projects.
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Keeping Things Simple

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Throughout my experience in college, I learned many different techniques to communicate effectively. Most professors emphasized the importance of speaking clearly, and the ability to influence others. Dr. Kashiwagi piqued my interest when he explained his thoughts on how he

Throughout my experience in college, I learned many different techniques to communicate effectively. Most professors emphasized the importance of speaking clearly, and the ability to influence others. Dr. Kashiwagi piqued my interest when he explained his thoughts on how he wanted us to communicate to him. The criteria were simple, speak to him in a way that he could easily understand, without having to think. If thinking took place for him in the conversation, he determined that the person spoke too complexly and that his understanding of the student was low. After hearing this in class, I thought back to past conversations with my managers. I then wondered if I explained things clearer or simplified my wording, would things have gone better? I was also curious about simplicity in communication through writing, and how different presentations of information affected understanding. To further analyze these issues, I explored multiple research reports on verbal communication. Furthermore, I set up an experiment to test two common types of visual communication. The research concludes that Dr. Kashiwagi's theory was indeed correct, simplicity in conversation reduces miscommunication. The effectiveness of simplicity in written communication was partially proven by the survey results. The results indicated that the time required to fully understand a given topic dropped significantly if the information was depicted in a simplified format (list format). The more complex paragraph (textbook format) did have a higher level of understanding. However, the participants rated the textbook format job objectives as more complex, and stressful. After gathering the research, and running the experiment it can be concluded that by simplifying verbal communication, there are negligible differences in understanding of the topic, but the time of understanding decreases significantly.
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Delivering Advancing Healthcare

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In the medical industry, there have been promising advances in the increase of new types of healthcare to the public. As of 2015, there was a 98% Premarket Approval rate, a 38% increase since 2010. In addition, there were 41

In the medical industry, there have been promising advances in the increase of new types of healthcare to the public. As of 2015, there was a 98% Premarket Approval rate, a 38% increase since 2010. In addition, there were 41 new novel drugs approved for clinical usage in 2014 where the average in the previous years from 2005-2013 was 25. However, the research process towards creating and delivering new healthcare to the public remains remarkably inefficient. It takes on average 15 years, over $900 million by one estimate, for a less than 12% success rate of discovering a novel drug for clinical usage. Medical devices do not fare much better. Between 2005-2009, there were over 700 recalls per year. In addition, it takes at minimum 3.25 years for a 510(k) exempt premarket approval. Plus, a time lag exists where it takes 17 years for only 14% of medical discoveries to be implemented clinically. Coupled with these inefficiencies, government funding for medical research has been decreasing since 2002 (2.5% of Gross Domestic Product) and is predicted to be 1.5% of Gross Domestic Product by 2019. Translational research, the conversion of bench-side discoveries to clinical usage for a simplistic definition, has been on the rise since the 1990s. This may be driving the increased premarket approvals and new novel drug approvals. At the very least, it is worth considering as translational research is directly related towards healthcare practices. In this paper, I propose to improve the outcomes of translational research in order to better deliver advancing healthcare to the public. I suggest Best Value Performance Information Procurement System (BV PIPS) should be adapted in the selection process of translational research projects to fund. BV PIPS has been shown to increase the efficiency and success rate of delivering projects and services. There has been over 17 years of research with $6.3 billion of projects and services delivered showing that BV PIPS has a 98% customer satisfaction, 90% minimized management effort, and utilizes 50% less manpower and effort. Using University of Michigan \u2014 Coulter Foundation Program's funding process as a baseline and standard in the current selection of translational research projects to fund, I offer changes to this process based on BV PIPS that may ameliorate it. As concepts implemented in this process are congruent with literature on successful translational research, it may suggest that this new model for selecting translational research projects to fund will reduce costs, increase efficiency, and increase success. This may then lead to more Premarket Approvals, more new novel drug approvals, quicker delivery time to the market, and lower recalls.
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Foundations of Modern Business Structure

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Industry is changing. Businesses are plagued with problems of inefficiency, ineffectiveness, and waste. Many of these issues arise from some common mistakes within established management structures; these issues include lack of expertise in leadership positions, lack of unity across the

Industry is changing. Businesses are plagued with problems of inefficiency, ineffectiveness, and waste. Many of these issues arise from some common mistakes within established management structures; these issues include lack of expertise in leadership positions, lack of unity across the organization, and imbalance within the business. Using Information Measurement Theory, the Kashiwagi Solution Model, and leadership theories, this thesis presents a simple approach to creating a business structure through explaining the basic tenets of a successful modern business. It was determined that the first and most important task of a business is to set realistic long-term goals for the organization. This thesis proposes that the basic needs of a successful business also includes having the right individuals, team formation, positive leadership, and the proper alignment of resources. It was found that it is best to hire individuals that exhibit some Type A characteristics because those individuals are likely to effectively carry out the goals of the business. Forming these individuals into small teams increases their processing speeds and encourages a balance of accountability, innovative solutions, and a network of learning. Furthermore, consistent, positive leadership that lives the company culture is a key element to successfully maintaining the business vision and maximizing associate effectiveness. It was also determined that aligning the organization to work towards the business vision can be performed through implementing a flat structure, placing individuals in roles that maximize effectiveness, and establishing the right business goals so that there is a consistent business vision at all levels of the organization. This thesis also provides guidance on how to implement these tenets in a simple, dominant way. Ultimately, the four proposed tenets working in unison towards business goals can lead to a successful and adaptable modern business.
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Place Your Bets

Sports gambling is an illegal multi-hundred-billion-dollar industry in the United States today. Due to the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act (PASPA), 46 states are denied the opportunity to offer state-sponsored sports gambling (Delaware, Montana, Nevada, and Oregon are exempt).

Sports gambling is an illegal multi-hundred-billion-dollar industry in the United States today. Due to the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act (PASPA), 46 states are denied the opportunity to offer state-sponsored sports gambling (Delaware, Montana, Nevada, and Oregon are exempt). The problem with this law is that sports gambling is still occurring over the internet and through bookies. The government's attempt to control the choices of the American people isn't stopping them from gambling on sports, rather it is pushing them to underground channels where regulation has no foothold. The American government is failing to take advantage of tax revenue that can be used to monitor the sports gambling world along with the sports themselves. This issue of control has had its place in American history and the government finds itself on the wrong side of it once again. This thesis explores the misconceptions in the government's perceived idea of "control" and proposes that PASPA be repealed because of the enormous tax revenue opportunity eliminated by outlawing sports gambling.
Date Created

Utilizing Information Measurement Theory as a Predictor for Successful Basketball Coaches

The author is interested in a variety of topics in the sector of sports, especially coaching. Growing up in a household with a father who was a high school basketball coach for 21 years, the author has always seen sports

The author is interested in a variety of topics in the sector of sports, especially coaching. Growing up in a household with a father who was a high school basketball coach for 21 years, the author has always seen sports in a different light, especially basketball. As a result, the author has been intrigued for quite some time by possible indicators and/or predictors for successful basketball coaches. Principles taken from Dr. Dean Kashiwagi's Infomation Measurement Theory and Kashiwagi Solution Model were utilized in the evaluation of current and former coaches in the National Basketball Association. 4 NBA coaches were researched in a manner that evaluated their overall success based on: longevity, wins/losses, and championships. While many of the key principles highlighted in IMT/KSM are applicable in this study, much of the emphasis was placed on evaluating Type A and Type C characteristics present in both successful and unsuccessful coaches.
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