Identifying the State of the Project Management Profession

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Project management has struggled with delivering low performing construction and information technology (IT or ICT) projects. Approximately 60% of construction projects are over budget, over schedule and have low customer satisfaction. The IT industry reports even worse performance for their

Project management has struggled with delivering low performing construction and information technology (IT or ICT) projects. Approximately 60% of construction projects are over budget, over schedule and have low customer satisfaction. The IT industry reports even worse performance for their projects. IT projects seem to be far less defined, leading to increased complexity. Documentation shows that companies do not have a successful methodology to track their performance and thus there is a lack of documented performance information to identify if their project management methodologies are delivering high quality and efficient projects. A literature research was performed on the most used Project Management (PM) methodologies worldwide. These PM methodologies were then compared based upon their characteristics and performance information to identify the most successful methodologies. The analysis of the results revealed that only one methodology had proven performance metrics on over 90% of its projects.

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Creating a New Project Management Model Through Research

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The principles of a new project management model have been tested for the past 20 years. This project management model utilizes expertise instead of the traditional management, direction, and control (MDC). This new project management model is a leadership-based model

The principles of a new project management model have been tested for the past 20 years. This project management model utilizes expertise instead of the traditional management, direction, and control (MDC). This new project management model is a leadership-based model instead of a management model. The practice of the new model requires a change in paradigm and project management structure. Some of the practices of this new paradigm include minimizing the flow of information and communications to and from the project manager [including meetings, emails and documents], eliminating technical communications, reducing client management, direction, and control of the vendor, and the hiring of vendors or personnel to do specific tasks. A vendors is hired only after they have clearly shown that they know what they are doing by showing past performance on similar projects, that they clearly understand how to create transparency to minimize risk that they do not control, and that they can clearly outline their project plan using a detailed milestone schedule including time, cost, and tasks all communicated in the language of metrics.

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Since 1994, the Performance Based Studies Research Group at Arizona State University has utilized an approach to industry called Best Value (BV). Since its origin, this approach has been used in 1860 tests creating $6.4 billion dollars of projects and

Since 1994, the Performance Based Studies Research Group at Arizona State University has utilized an approach to industry called Best Value (BV). Since its origin, this approach has been used in 1860 tests creating $6.4 billion dollars of projects and services delivered, at a customer satisfaction rating of 95%. Best Value (BV) is rooted in simplicity, and seeks to help organizations hire experts, plan ahead, minimize risk, optimize resources, and optimize resources. This is accomplished largely through the use of a tool the PBSRG calls the Kashiwagi Solution Model (KSM). Kashiwagi Solution Models can be used across every industry from construction to Wall Street to help achieve sustainable success in what is perhaps the most efficient and effective manner available today. Using Best Value (BV) and the Kashiwagi Solution Model (KSM), the author identified groups on Wall Street and throughout the world who deal in a unique entity called "Over-The-Counter (OTC) Derivatives". More specifically, this paper focuses on the current status and ramifications of derivative contracts that two parties enter with the sole intention of speculating. KSMs are used in Information Measurement Theory, which seeks to take seemingly complex subjects and simplify them into terms that everyone can understand. This document uses Information Measurement Theory to explain what OTC derivatives are in the simplest possible way, so that little prior knowledge of finance is required to understand the material. Through research and observation, KSMs can be used to identify the characteristics of groups who deal in OTC derivatives, which contributed to the financial crisis in 2008 and have grown in size and complexity. This document uses dominant information in order to see the potential problems within the OTC derivatives market from 30,000 feet, and offer solutions to those problems. Keywords: simplicity, best value approach, identify characteristics, dominant information
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A new honors class created at Arizona State University utilizes a new "thinking" paradigm. The new paradigm is a problem solution using deductive logic and natural laws to replace the traditional acquisition and usage of detailed knowledge. When utilizing deductive

A new honors class created at Arizona State University utilizes a new "thinking" paradigm. The new paradigm is a problem solution using deductive logic and natural laws to replace the traditional acquisition and usage of detailed knowledge. When utilizing deductive logic, less time is required for students to learn, and students are able to resolve unique issues with minimal amounts of information. Students use their logic and processing skills to replace the traditional need of collecting large amounts of detailed information. The concepts taught in the class have come from the industry success of the Best Value (BV) approach developed by a leading research group at Arizona State University over the last 17 years. The research group identified the source of the industry's problem is due to the traditional business approach of management, direction and control (MDC). With over 1500 tests conducted, delivering $5.7B of services, with results showing: 30% decrease in cost, 30% increase in value, and customer satisfaction improvement by up to 140%, the Best Value (BV) approach has been identified as more efficient and can deliver better quality services than the traditional MDC approach. Through the research group's implementation of the new paradigm in higher education, the author identified a windfall effect that was able to give students understanding and an increased ability to cope with stressful situations, disease and extraordinary complications. It also exposed students to potentially harmful practices in their lives and has helped them to change. The study tested in K-12 proved potential value in exposing the paradigm to K-12 students, and what impact it may have on future professionals. The author's results include satisfaction rating of 9.5 (out of 10), increased career alignment by up to 113%, increased understanding of self by up to 70%, and a reduction of stress by up to 71%. The author's K-12 case studies aligned with the successful results shown in the industry and college classes run by the leading research group. The pattern of the new paradigm shows as resistance to it decreases, productivity, efficiency, processing speed, understanding, and effectiveness all increase.
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When is Cheryl's Birthday?: A Proposal on Why Local K-8 Should Implement Singapore Math

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Education is a very sensitive topic when it comes to implementing the right policies. From professionals well-versed in the topic, to the very students who are being taught, feedback for reform is constantly being addressed. Nonetheless, there remains a large

Education is a very sensitive topic when it comes to implementing the right policies. From professionals well-versed in the topic, to the very students who are being taught, feedback for reform is constantly being addressed. Nonetheless, there remains a large gap between the performance of some of the most advanced countries in the world and the United States of America. As it stands today, USA is arguably the most technologically advanced country and the outright leader of the free market. For over a century this nation has been exceeding expectations in nearly every industry known to man and aiding the rest of the world in their endeavors for a higher standard of living. Yet, there seems to be something critically wrong with the way a large majority of the younger generation are growing up. How can a country so respected in the world fall so far behind in what is considered the basics of human education: math and science? The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) is a series of assessments taken by countries all around the world to determine the strength of their youth's knowledge. Since its inception in 1995, TIMSS has been conducted every four years with an increasing number of participating countries and students each time. In 1999 U.S. eighth-graders placed #19 in the world for mathematics and #18 for science (Appendix Fig. 1). In the years following, and further detailed in the thesis, the U.S. managed to improve the overall performance by a small margin but still remained a leg behind countries like Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, Russia, and more. Clearly these countries were doing something right as they consistently managed to rank in the top tier. Over the course of this paper we will observe and analyze why and how Singapore has topped the TIMSS list for both math and science nearly every time it has been administered over the last two decades. What is it that they are teaching their youth that enables them to perform exceptionally above the norm? Why is it that we cannot use their techniques as a guideline to increase the capabilities of our future generations? We look to uncover the teaching methods of what is known as Singapore Math and how it has helped students all over the world. By researching current U.S. schools that have already implemented the system and learning about their success stories, we hope to not only educate but also persuade the local school districts on why integrating Singapore Math into their curriculum will lead to the betterment of the lives of thousands of children and the educational threshold of this great nation.
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