Interface Properties of Dielectric and Doped Diamond Materials

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This paper begins with an introduction to the topics relevant to the research presented. Properties of diamond, diamond’s ability to be used in power electronics compared to other semiconducting materials, and a brief overview of field effect transistors are among

This paper begins with an introduction to the topics relevant to the research presented. Properties of diamond, diamond’s ability to be used in power electronics compared to other semiconducting materials, and a brief overview of field effect transistors are among the topics discussed. The remainder of the paper centers around research that has been conducted on seven diamond samples. Interface characterization was performed on two diamond samples, one with a high boron incorporation epitaxial layer and another with a low boron incorporation epitaxial layer. UPS He I analysis and UPS He II analysis were used to construct band alignments for the two samples, which revealed no significant differences between their measured properties. A Python program designed to optimize XPS loss peak and UPS He II graphical data analysis is also discussed in detail. Next, Hall effect measurements are examined. Hall effect measurements were carried out on seven diamond samples, two of which have high boron incorporation epitaxial layers, two of which have low boron incorporation epitaxial layers, one of which has a moderate boron incorporation epitaxial layer, and two of which have a phosphorus-doped epitaxial layer. Hall measurements of the boron-doped samples revealed no significant differences in measured parameters amongst the samples with varying boron incorporation epitaxial layers, with the exception of an expected difference in measured carrier concentration proportional to the amount of dopant incorporation in the layers. Some samples with boron-doped epitaxial layers produced measurements indicating n-type charge carriers, which is unexpected given the p-type charge carriers within these samples. The phosphorus-doped samples were unable to be measured due to overly high resistance following an oxygen termination step, and this effect was functionally reversed following hydrogen termination of the samples. It is hypothesized that Fermi pinning is responsible for this effect. The paper concludes with a summary of data discussed in previous sections and a suggested direction for future research on this topic.
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The Engineering of Charge Density Waves in Lanthanum Based Layered Tellurides Through Synthesis and Characterization

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In the Rare-earth-Tri-telluride family, (RTe3s) [R=La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy, Er, Ho, Tm] the emergence of Charge Density Waves, (CDW) has been under investigation for a long time due to broadly tunable properties by either chemical substitution or

In the Rare-earth-Tri-telluride family, (RTe3s) [R=La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy, Er, Ho, Tm] the emergence of Charge Density Waves, (CDW) has been under investigation for a long time due to broadly tunable properties by either chemical substitution or pressure application. These quasi 2D Layered materials RTe3s undergo Fermi Surface Nesting leading to CDW instability. CDWs are electronic instabilities found in low-dimensional materials with highly anisotropic electronic structures. Since the CDW is predominantly driven by Fermi-surface (FS) nesting, it is especially sensitive to pressure-induced changes in the electronic structure. The FS of RTe3s is a function of p-orbitals of Tellurium atoms, which are arranged in two adjacent planes in the crystal structure. Although the FS and electronic structure possess a nearly four-fold symmetry, RTe3s form an incommensurate CDW.This dissertation is structured as follows: Chapter 1 includes basic ideas of Quantum materials, followed by an introduction to CDW and RTe3s. In Chapter 2, there are fundamentals of crystal growth by Chemical Vapor Transport, including various precursors, transport agent, temperature gradient, and rate of the reaction. After the growth, the crystals were confirmed for lattice vibrations by Raman, for composition by Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy; crystal structure and orientation were confirmed by X-ray Diffraction; magnetic ordering was established by Vibrating sample measurement. Detailed CDW study was done on various RTe3s by Raman spectroscopy. The basic mechanism and instrumentations used in these characterizations are explained in Chapter 3. Chapter 4 includes experimental data for crystal growth and results of these characterizations for Parent RTe3s. Chapter 5 includes fundamental insights on Cationic alloying of RTe3s, along with one alloy system’s crystal growth and characterization. This work tries to explain the behavior of CDW by a Temperature-dependent Raman study of RTe3s established the CDW transition temperature accompanied by Phonon softening; Angle-resolved Raman data confirming the nearly four-fold symmetry; thickness-dependent Raman spectroscopy resulting in the conclusion that as thickness decreases CDW transition temperature increases. Also, CDW transition is analyzed as a function of alloying.
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