Examining Adolescent Sleep Within a Family Context: Evidence from Three Studies Spanning Early, Middle, and Late Adolescence

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This dissertation combines three first-author manuscripts that focused broadly on the study of adolescent sleep within a family context (Sasser et al., 2021; Sasser & Oshri, 2023; Sasser et al., 2023). First, Chapter 1 introduces the theoretical background and empirical

This dissertation combines three first-author manuscripts that focused broadly on the study of adolescent sleep within a family context (Sasser et al., 2021; Sasser & Oshri, 2023; Sasser et al., 2023). First, Chapter 1 introduces the theoretical background and empirical research that grounded the research questions and hypotheses explored across the studies. The first study (Chapter 2) examined the influence of family connection on actigraphy-measured sleep among Latinx late adolescents and explored family dynamics and cultural values as potential moderators. The second study (Chapter 3) investigated daily and average concordance between parent and youth actigraphy-measured sleep and how this varied as a function of family context (e.g., parenting, family functioning). The third study (Chapter 4) examined concordance in actigraphy sleep among parent-youth and sibling dyads and explored how relations differed across zygosity type and sleeping arrangements. The dissertation concludes with an immersive discussion (Chapter 5) that summarizes the key differences, similarities, and takeaways across studies and highlights future directions and implications for developmental science, public policy, and clinical interventions. Collectively, this dissertation contributes to the understanding of youth and adolescent sleep within a family context by identifying proximal (e.g., daily interactions with parents/siblings) and broader family-level factors (e.g., dynamics, culture) that may help promote more healthful sleep among both adolescents and their family members.
Date Created

Family and Peer Stress During Early Adolescence: Phenotypic and Genetic Moderation of Pubertal Development, Sleep and Internalizing Symptomatology

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Various physical and psychological forms of development take place during the transition from childhood to adolescence, including the onset of puberty, delayed sleep-wake behavior patterns, and increases in internalizing symptomatology. Theory suggests that pubertal processes influence the onset of internalizing

Various physical and psychological forms of development take place during the transition from childhood to adolescence, including the onset of puberty, delayed sleep-wake behavior patterns, and increases in internalizing symptomatology. Theory suggests that pubertal processes influence the onset of internalizing symptoms, and this association may differ between boys and girls. The contextual amplification hypothesis suggests that pubertal development interacts with contextual or dispositional factors to impact risk for psychopathology. Family stress and peer stress are two critical factors during early adolescence that have potential moderating effects on the association between pubertal development and internalizing symptoms. In line with the biopsychosocial framework, the current study examined various psychosocial (e.g., family stress, peer stress) and biological (e.g., sleep, genetics) factors that may have effects on the puberty-internalizing relation. Participants were a racially/ethnically and socioeconomically diverse sample of twins who were part of an ongoing longitudinal study (N=818 children; Arizona Twin Project; Lemery-Chalfant et al. 2019). The current study examined the association between puberty and internalizing symptoms, with stress (i.e., family, peer) as potential moderators, and sleep indicators (i.e., objective and self-reported sleep) as potential mediators. Behavior genetic analyses explored the moderated heritability of family stress on internalizing symptoms. Findings revealed that greater pubertal development predicted higher internalizing symptoms in boys, but not girls. For girls, peer stress interacted with pubertal development to predict internalizing symptoms, but simple slopes were not significant. Sleep indicators were not significant mediators between pubertal development and internalizing symptoms for boys or girls. Univariate twin models revealed environmental influences on internalizing symptoms, and both genetic and environmental influences on peer stress. Family stress did not significantly moderate the genetic and environmental influences of internalizing symptoms.
Date Created

Do Physical Activity and Sleep Health Predict Chronic Pain in Middle Childhood? An Examination of Direct and Moderated Effects of Health Behaviors

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Chronic pain is common during childhood and has negative immediate and long-term implications for physical and mental health. Prior research points to physical activity and sleep as protective health-promoting behaviors predicting lower chronic pain intensity and disability during adulthood. No

Chronic pain is common during childhood and has negative immediate and long-term implications for physical and mental health. Prior research points to physical activity and sleep as protective health-promoting behaviors predicting lower chronic pain intensity and disability during adulthood. No study has yet examined the interaction of physical activity and sleep parameters in prediction of chronic pain in a community sample of children. Guided by the biopsychosocial model of pediatric chronic pain, this study explored objectively assessed physical activity and sleep patterns at age 8 as predictors of childhood chronic pain at age 9 in a racially/ethnically and socioeconomically diverse sample of 896 twins participating in the longitudinal Arizona Twin Project. It was hypothesized that parameters of physical activity levels and sleep health would independently predict chronic pain one year later, and that sleep parameters would moderate the association between physical activity and chronic pain. Monthly chronic pain was common, with 57.1% of participants reporting at least one pain location. Headaches, stomachaches, and backaches were the most frequent chronic pain presentations. Participants exceeded physical activity guidelines but did not meet sleep recommendations for their age group. Multilevel modeling analyses revealed that physical activity and sleep parameters at age 8 did not predict chronic pain one year later, and that sleep parameters did not moderate the associations between physical activity and chronic pain. The present study provides evidence that the associations between objectively assessed physical activity and sleep and chronic pain are not yet evident during middle childhood in this community sample compared to patient samples who have existing pain, suggesting that these health behaviors may play distinct roles in pain development versus pain management. They also point to the need to pinpoint the time frame during which these health behaviors become relevant and potentially interact to predict chronic pain development and maintenance. Longitudinal research tracking these health behaviors and pain using both subjective and objective methods as children transition into and through adolescence can help to identify optimal developmental stages at which to target prevention and intervention efforts to promote long term health.
Date Created

Stress and Diurnal Cortisol Among Latino College Students: A Multi-Risk Model Approach

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The transition to college is a time of increased opportunity and stress that spans across multiple domains (e.g., social life, academic workload, finances). Adolescents who encounter significant stress during the transition to college may be vulnerable to adverse outcomes, due

The transition to college is a time of increased opportunity and stress that spans across multiple domains (e.g., social life, academic workload, finances). Adolescents who encounter significant stress during the transition to college may be vulnerable to adverse outcomes, due to a “wear and tear” of physiological systems, including the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. Latino students may be particularly at-risk for heightened stress exposure, as minority youth often experience both minority-specific stressors and general life stress. Despite this, the majority of research on Latino students is limited to the examination of singular forms of stress, and little is known regarding the cumulative impact of multiple forms of stress on Latino students’ HPA axis functioning. The present study employed a “multi-risk model approach” to examine the additive, common, and cumulative effects of multiple types of stress (general, academic, social, financial, bicultural, discrimination) on HPA axis functioning in Latino college students (N = 209; 64.4% female; Mage = 18.95). Results from three-level growth curve models indicated that, in the additive model, no stressors were associated with the CAR, but general stress was associated with a flatter diurnal cortisol slope (DCS) and bicultural stress was linked with a steeper DCS. In the common model, the college stress latent factor was related to a reduced cortisol awakening response (CAR), but not the DCS. In the cumulative model, cumulative risk was linked with a lower CAR, but not the DCS. These findings highlight the physiological correlates of various stressors experienced by Latino college students.
Date Created

Novel Measures of Culture and Their Relation to Self-regulation in Middle Childhood: A Genetically Informed Twin Study

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It has been theorized that cultural variation within the family shapes children’s self-regulatory competence, yet there is a dearth of research examining the relation between culture and self-regulation. Family orientation refers to the emphasis on providing support, respect, and obligation

It has been theorized that cultural variation within the family shapes children’s self-regulatory competence, yet there is a dearth of research examining the relation between culture and self-regulation. Family orientation refers to the emphasis on providing support, respect, and obligation to the family system, and is important for children’s functioning, yet existing literature on related constructs relies on parent-reported measures. Additionally, quantitative genetic research has neglected the role of culture in the genetic and environmental contributions on children’s self-regulation. There were three main aims of this study: 1) to propose novel coding schemes and factor analytic approaches to capture family orientation, 2) to examine the relation between family orientation and self-regulation in middle childhood, and 3) to examine whether family orientation moderates the genetic and environmental influences on self-regulation in middle childhood. The sample was drawn from the Arizona Twin Project (N=710) where children (49.1% female, 55.6% White, 28.3% Hispanic/Latino) were assessed at approximately eight years of age (Mage = 8.38 years, SD = 0.66). Family orientation values were indexed by parent-reported familism, whereas family orientation behaviors comprised coded measures of children’s family orientation and experimenter ratings of caregiver and child behavior. Outcome measures of self-regulation included the Continuous Performance Task, Flanker Task, Digit Span Backward, and parent- and teacher-reported effortful control (Temperament in Middle Childhood Questionnaire). Higher family orientation behaviors predicted positively predicted children’s self-regulation, with the exception of Digit Span Backward performance, and associations were not moderated by child sex, family SES, or race/ethnicity. Twin models revealed that differences in family orientation behaviors could be attributed to genetic, shared, and nonshared environmental influences, and additive genetic and nonshared environmental influences explained the variation across measures of self-regulation. Finally, there was no evidence that family orientation values nor behaviors moderated the genetic or environmental influences on children’s self-regulation. This study highlights the complex nature of cultural variation within the family and its importance for children’s self-regulatory abilities.
Date Created

Early Adversity and Latent Trait Cortisol: Ethnic Racial Identity as a Potential Source of Cultural Resilience

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The hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis is a primary neuroendocrine system posited to mediate the associations between early life stress and long-term deleterious psychological and physical health outcomes. The effects of early life adversity on HPA axis functioning have been

The hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis is a primary neuroendocrine system posited to mediate the associations between early life stress and long-term deleterious psychological and physical health outcomes. The effects of early life adversity on HPA axis functioning have been well-documented in primarily White samples, with statistical advances allowing researchers to isolate latent trait cortisol as a stable indicator of HPA axis functioning to account for day-to-day influences on diurnal cortisol patterns. However, directional associations have been mixed depending on developmental stage, demographic composition, and methodological differences across studies. The few studies of early adversity and HPA axis functioning in Hispanic/Latino/a/x samples demonstrate complex interactions between cultural processes and adversity in predicting HPA axis output. Further, nascent literature has isolated the cognitive, meaning-making, and prosocial skills involved in ethnic racial identity (ERI) and its subconstructs of exploration, resolution, and affirmation as promotive during the adolescent stage of development in Latinx youth. Such skills might better prepare youth for neurobiological stress regulation after adversity. To my knowledge, no study has examined whether ERI plays a protective role against the effects of early adversity on trait-level indicators of the HPA axis during adolescence, despite the particularly high rates of cumulative exposure to early life adversity in Latinx youth as compared to White counterparts. Guided by adaptive cultural resilience theories, this study of 197 socioeconomically diverse Latinx older-adolescents aimed to leverage recent findings of stable trait indicators of cortisol output to 1) identify consistent directional markers of the effects of early life adversity on latent trait cortisol in a Latinx sample and 2) elucidate the degree to which ERI might act as a promotive feature for HPA axis levels and protective factor against cumulative early life adversity. Confirmatory factor analyses identified a theory-driven model as an adequate measure of latent trait cortisol. Greater exposure to early adversity predicted lower latent trait cortisol, but ERI demonstrated neither protective nor promotive effects. The present study reifies that early adversity exposure has deleterious effects on trait-level HPA axis functioning, but identifying sources of cultural resilience among Latinx youth remains critical for the future of health equity.
Date Created

The Impact of Drinking History on Alcohol Response

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Alcohol use remains a major public health concern and economic burden. Extant literature suggests that young adulthood is a particularly high-risk developmental period for heavy drinking. Given this, it is imperative to understand possible risk and protective factors

Alcohol use remains a major public health concern and economic burden. Extant literature suggests that young adulthood is a particularly high-risk developmental period for heavy drinking. Given this, it is imperative to understand possible risk and protective factors for heavy drinking and related consequences during this risky developmental period. Prior research has shown that both drinking history and alcohol response (AR) are consistent predictors of future drinking outcomes. However, it is unclear how they may work together to confer this risk. The current study aimed to fill this gap in the literature by examining how alcohol use trajectories across adolescence and early adulthood impacted relations between AR after an alcohol challenge and drinking outcomes over a 2-year period in a sample of young adult moderate to heavy drinkers. Results showed that both drinking history and AR were independently predictive of alcohol outcomes at the 6-month follow-up such that a more extensive drinking history, greater high arousal positive effects, and lesser low arousal negative effects predicted greater drinking and alcohol-related problems 6-months later. However, drinking history and AR were largely not predictive of change in drinking outcomes over time. Finally, AR did not mediate the relationship between drinking history and later alcohol-related outcomes. This is the first study to address relations among drinking history, AR, and later drinking outcomes using a longitudinal alcohol challenge design with a full account of early drinking history. Future research would benefit from inclusion of a broad range of drinkers and longer follow-up assessments to better understand the complex pathways of risk from early drinking history and AR to future drinking outcomes. Such efforts may increase the understanding of who is at greatest risk and/or would benefit most from specific intervention programs.
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The Role of Social Media Use in Adolescent Alcohol Use Accounting for Peer Alcohol Use

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This study aimed to advance understanding of the relation between social media and adolescent alcohol use while accounting for offline peer alcohol use, exploring offline peer alcohol use separately as a covariate and as a moderator, with an additional exploratory

This study aimed to advance understanding of the relation between social media and adolescent alcohol use while accounting for offline peer alcohol use, exploring offline peer alcohol use separately as a covariate and as a moderator, with an additional exploratory analysis of the relation between social media and alcohol use without offline peer alcohol use in the model. A total of 868 students (55% female) in grade 7 (n = 468) and grade 8 (n = 400) at wave 1, self-reported on alcohol use, binge drinking, and social media use as well as nominated friends from their school and grade. Data from nominated peers who also completed the questionnaires were used for peer-report of alcohol use. Data were collected annually from students at grades 8, 9, 10, and 11 were used in analyses. Final structural models consisted of a cross-lagged panel design with saved factor scores for social media and peer alcohol use predicting a categorical alcohol use variable or a binary binge drinking variable. With offline peer alcohol use as a covariate in the model, social media did not prospectively relate to subsequent grade alcohol use or binge drinking. However, without offline peer alcohol use, the path from social media use to subsequent grade alcohol use was significant but not the path to binge drinking. Offline peer alcohol use did not significantly moderate the relation between social media and subsequent grade alcohol use or binge drinking.
Date Created

Are subjective effects more extreme with higher-potency cannabis?: a within-person comparison of the subjective effects of marijuana and butane hash oil

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Background: Hash oil, a cannabis preparation that contains ultra-high concentrations of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), is quickly gaining popularity in the United States. Some evidence suggests that hash oil might produce greater intoxication and more severe negative effects than marijuana. This study

Background: Hash oil, a cannabis preparation that contains ultra-high concentrations of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), is quickly gaining popularity in the United States. Some evidence suggests that hash oil might produce greater intoxication and more severe negative effects than marijuana. This study examined whether the subjective effects of hash oil are more extreme than the subjective effects of marijuana and whether frequency of hash oil use is associated with the subjective effects of marijuana and hash oil. Method: Past-year cannabis users (n = 1,268) were recruited online to complete a questionnaire about the subjective effects of cannabis. Participants who reported past-year use of both hash oil and marijuana (n = 574) rated subjective effects of each type of cannabis in the following positive and negative domains: positive affect, cognitive enhancement, negative affect, cognitive impairment, physiological effects, reduced consciousness, and psychotic-like experiences. Results: Results of within-person comparisons showed that hash oil was rated as producing lesser positive effects (Hash oil: M = 4.53, Marijuana: M = 5.55, t = 14.67, p < .001) than marijuana. Negative effects of hash oil were minimal for the full sample (n = 574) and for both frequent and infrequent hash oil users. In general, the frequency of hash oil use was not associated with the subjective effects of marijuana but more frequent hash oil use was associated with rating hash oil as producing greater positive effects ( = 0.28, t = 6.86, p < .001) and lesser negative effects ( = -0.16, t = -3.83, p < .001). Findings were unchanged after controlling for sex, medical cannabis use, and frequency of marijuana use.

Conclusions: Hash oil produced lesser positive effects than marijuana. Negative effects of hash oil were minimal, suggesting that extreme negative effects may be unlikely for experienced cannabis users.
Date Created

Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) American youth reports of their parenting experiences: associations with mental and physical health

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Scant research examines the associations between parenting behaviors and the psychological health of Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) American youth. Developmental research consistently demonstrates that an authoritarian parenting style (often characterized by rejecting and controlling behaviors, and a common

Scant research examines the associations between parenting behaviors and the psychological health of Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) American youth. Developmental research consistently demonstrates that an authoritarian parenting style (often characterized by rejecting and controlling behaviors, and a common style among MENA parents) is maladaptive for offspring health; however, no study has empirically tested the associations of these behaviors from mothers and fathers with the health of MENA American youth. Using survey data from 314 MENA American young adults (Mage = 20 years, range 18 – 25 years, 56% female), the current study tested the associations between commonly studied parenting behaviors - acceptance, rejection, harsh parenting, and control - with the mental (stress, depression, and anxiety) and physical health (general health perceptions, pain, and somatization) of MENA American youth. Confirmatory factor analysis tested new items informed by preliminary focus groups with original items from the Child Report Parenting Behavior Inventory (CRPBI) to create culturally-informed parenting factors. Results indicated that youth-reported higher maternal acceptance was associated with fewer mental health symptoms, higher maternal harsh parenting with higher mental health symptoms, and higher maternal rejection with worse physical health; father rejection was associated with higher mental health symptoms and worse physical health. Further, the associations between parenting and physical health were moderated by youth Arabic orientation, such that those with higher Arabic orientation showed the best physical health at higher levels of acceptance, and the worst physical health at higher levels of rejection, harsh parenting, and control. Associations between parenting and health did not differ by youth gender. The current findings suggest cross-cultural similarities in the beneficial functions of parental acceptance, and detrimental functions of parental rejection and harsh parenting, with MENA American youth. The associations between parenting and health were exacerbated, for better or for worse, for more Arabic-oriented youth, suggesting these youth may be more greatly impacted by perceptions of their parents’ behaviors. Findings have implications for family interventions working with MENA populations.
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