Family and Peer Stress During Early Adolescence: Phenotypic and Genetic Moderation of Pubertal Development, Sleep and Internalizing Symptomatology

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Various physical and psychological forms of development take place during the transition from childhood to adolescence, including the onset of puberty, delayed sleep-wake behavior patterns, and increases in internalizing symptomatology. Theory suggests that pubertal processes influence the onset of internalizing

Various physical and psychological forms of development take place during the transition from childhood to adolescence, including the onset of puberty, delayed sleep-wake behavior patterns, and increases in internalizing symptomatology. Theory suggests that pubertal processes influence the onset of internalizing symptoms, and this association may differ between boys and girls. The contextual amplification hypothesis suggests that pubertal development interacts with contextual or dispositional factors to impact risk for psychopathology. Family stress and peer stress are two critical factors during early adolescence that have potential moderating effects on the association between pubertal development and internalizing symptoms. In line with the biopsychosocial framework, the current study examined various psychosocial (e.g., family stress, peer stress) and biological (e.g., sleep, genetics) factors that may have effects on the puberty-internalizing relation. Participants were a racially/ethnically and socioeconomically diverse sample of twins who were part of an ongoing longitudinal study (N=818 children; Arizona Twin Project; Lemery-Chalfant et al. 2019). The current study examined the association between puberty and internalizing symptoms, with stress (i.e., family, peer) as potential moderators, and sleep indicators (i.e., objective and self-reported sleep) as potential mediators. Behavior genetic analyses explored the moderated heritability of family stress on internalizing symptoms. Findings revealed that greater pubertal development predicted higher internalizing symptoms in boys, but not girls. For girls, peer stress interacted with pubertal development to predict internalizing symptoms, but simple slopes were not significant. Sleep indicators were not significant mediators between pubertal development and internalizing symptoms for boys or girls. Univariate twin models revealed environmental influences on internalizing symptoms, and both genetic and environmental influences on peer stress. Family stress did not significantly moderate the genetic and environmental influences of internalizing symptoms.
Date Created

Program Facilitator Effects on Engagement with Different Intervention Modalities: A Multilevel Moderation Analysis

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Attendance and engagement in available parenting interventions in both research and community settings is often inconsistent. Recent research suggests that varying the delivery modality of the intervention (i.e., in-person, telehealth, or online) has the potential to increase engagement with evidence-based

Attendance and engagement in available parenting interventions in both research and community settings is often inconsistent. Recent research suggests that varying the delivery modality of the intervention (i.e., in-person, telehealth, or online) has the potential to increase engagement with evidence-based parenting programs. However, while it is known that both facilitator and parent characteristics also influence engagement, no study has evaluated whether those characteristics moderate the influence that modality has on engagement. Utilizing data from the randomized controlled comparative effectiveness trial of the After Deployment, Adaptive Parenting Tools intervention, this study aimed to assess whether facilitators’ gender, military background, and competence moderated the effect of modality on parents’ engagement. Results suggested that parents were significantly more likely to have attended when they were randomized to the telehealth condition. Additionally, while there were no moderating relationships, female facilitators and facilitators who were more competent had overall higher attendance. Additionally, in the group format, facilitators with military backgrounds had higher engagement than those who did not. Understanding the effects that delivery modality and facilitators have on parental engagement is critical to continue and amplify implementation efforts in community settings.
Date Created