On Thin Ice: Experimental Spectroscopy and Ice Mechanics in Support of Ocean World Exploration

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Water ice is a fundamental planetary building block and ubiquitous in the outer solar system. On Ocean worlds like Europa, convecting ice may transport material from a subsurface ocean (a potential habitat) to the surface, depositing ices and salts. Evaluating

Water ice is a fundamental planetary building block and ubiquitous in the outer solar system. On Ocean worlds like Europa, convecting ice may transport material from a subsurface ocean (a potential habitat) to the surface, depositing ices and salts. Evaluating the habitability of Ocean Worlds, requires either unraveling the history of ice on the surface to contextualize biosignatures, or probing the ocean for direct access. There are, however, challenges to both exploration strategies. How can recent exposures of subsurface ice be identified? How can a probe penetrate beneath an ice shell and still communicate with the surface? I have developed techniques to address these questions, and pose new ones, using a two-part approach to exploration of Ocean Worlds, viewed as both remote sensing targets, and sites for in-situ analysis. First, I combined investigations using laboratory spectroscopy and Hapke modeling to identify the diagnostic limits of existing datasets, collected optical and spectral measurements of candidate ices at relevant conditions, and identified the effects of grain size, sample thickness, and thermal cycling on water ice absorption features. I designed this dataset to enable better interpretation of Galileo and upcoming Europa Clipper mission spectra, with a focus on characterization of surface properties. To demonstrate its efficacy, I determined the bulk crystallinity of Europa’s leading hemisphere, the environmental conditions required to meet current age estimates, and developed a criterion for selection of regions of recent exposure. Second, I simulated conditions in Europa’s interior and ice shell faults using cryogenic shear experiments, to evaluate the mechanical behavior of ice and explore the limitations of communication tethers for deployment by a melt probe transiting the ice shell. Surprisingly, I find that these tethers are robust across the range of temperature and velocity conditions expected on Europa and offer capabilities as potential science instruments to detect ice-quakes and characterize the thermal profile of the ice shell. Together, these studies improve the ability to probe the thermomechanical and compositional properties of dynamic ice shells, characterize the environments likely to be encountered by landed missions, and guide future technology development for assessing the habitability of Ocean Worlds.
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Modeling layered accretion and the magnetorotational instability in protoplanetary disks

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Understanding the temperature structure of protoplanetary disks (PPDs) is paramount to modeling disk evolution and future planet formation. PPDs around T Tauri stars have two primary heating sources, protostellar irradiation, which depends on the flaring of the disk, and accretional

Understanding the temperature structure of protoplanetary disks (PPDs) is paramount to modeling disk evolution and future planet formation. PPDs around T Tauri stars have two primary heating sources, protostellar irradiation, which depends on the flaring of the disk, and accretional heating as viscous coupling between annuli dissipate energy. I have written a "1.5-D" radiative transfer code to calculate disk temperatures assuming hydrostatic and radiative equilibrium. The model solves for the temperature at all locations simultaneously using Rybicki's method, converges rapidly at high optical depth, and retains full frequency dependence. The likely cause of accretional heating in PPDs is the magnetorotational instability (MRI), which acts where gas ionization is sufficiently high for gas to couple to the magnetic field. This will occur in surface layers of the disk, leaving the interior portions of the disk inactive ("dead zone"). I calculate temperatures in PPDs undergoing such "layered accretion." Since the accretional heating is concentrated far from the midplane, temperatures in the disk's interior are lower than in PPDs modeled with vertically uniform accretion. The method is used to study for the first time disks evolving via the magnetorotational instability, which operates primarily in surface layers. I find that temperatures in layered accretion disks do not significantly differ from those of "passive disks," where no accretional heating exists. Emergent spectra are insensitive to active layer thickness, making it difficult to observationally identify disks undergoing layered vs. uniform accretion. I also calculate the ionization chemistry in PPDs, using an ionization network including multiple charge states of dust grains. Combined with a criterion for the onset of the MRI, I calculate where the MRI can be initiated and the extent of dead zones in PPDs. After accounting for feedback between temperature and active layer thickness, I find the surface density of the actively accreting layers falls rapidly with distance from the protostar, leading to a net outward flow of mass from ~0.1 to 3 AU. The clearing out of the innermost zones is possibly consistent with the observed behavior of recently discovered "transition disks."
Date Created