Formation of Topological Defects in Palladium intercalated Erbium Tritelluride


This thesis focuses on how domain formation and local disorder mediate non-equilibrium order in the context of condensed matter physics. More specifically, the data supports c-axis CDW ordering in the context of the rare-earth Tritellurides. Experimental studies were performed on

This thesis focuses on how domain formation and local disorder mediate non-equilibrium order in the context of condensed matter physics. More specifically, the data supports c-axis CDW ordering in the context of the rare-earth Tritellurides. Experimental studies were performed on Pd:ErTe3 by ultra-fast pump-probe and x-ray free electron laser (XFEL). Ginzburg Landau models were used to simulate domain formation. Universal scaling analysis on the data reveals that topological defects govern the relaxation of domain walls in Pd:ErTe3. This thesis presents information on progress towards using light to control material domains.

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Numerical Simulations of Heavy Quark Exotica

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The first numerical predictions of the dynamical diquark model of multiquark exotic hadrons are presented. Using Born-Oppenheimer potentials calculated from lattice QCD and phenomenological diquark(triquark) masses, mass eigenvalues that are degenerate in spin and isospin are computed from numerical solutions

The first numerical predictions of the dynamical diquark model of multiquark exotic hadrons are presented. Using Born-Oppenheimer potentials calculated from lattice QCD and phenomenological diquark(triquark) masses, mass eigenvalues that are degenerate in spin and isospin are computed from numerical solutions to both coupled and uncoupled Schroedinger equations. Assuming reasonable estimates of the fine-structure splittings, we find that the band structure of our mass spectra agrees well with the experimentally observed spectrum of charmonium-like states. Using our best fits, we predict a number of unobserved states, such as pentaquark states that lie below the charmonium-plus-nucleon threshold.
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Renormalization of Twist-Four Operators in Light-Cone Gauge

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We compute one-loop renormalization group equations for non-singlet twist-four operators in QCD. The calculation heavily relies on the light-cone gauge formalism in the momentum fraction space that essentially rephrases the analysis of all two-to-two and two-to-three transition kernels to purely

We compute one-loop renormalization group equations for non-singlet twist-four operators in QCD. The calculation heavily relies on the light-cone gauge formalism in the momentum fraction space that essentially rephrases the analysis of all two-to-two and two-to-three transition kernels to purely algebraic manipulations both for non- and quasipartonic operators. This is the first brute force calculation of this sector available in the literature. Fourier transforming our findings to the coordinate space, we checked them against available results obtained within a conformal symmetry-based formalism that bypasses explicit diagrammatic calculations and confirmed agreement with the latter.

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Quantum Mechanics of Null Polygonal Wilson Loops

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Scattering amplitudes in maximally supersymmetric gauge theory are dual to super-Wilson loops on null polygonal contours. The operator product expansion for the latter revealed that their dynamics is governed by the evolution of multiparticle GKP excitations. They were shown to

Scattering amplitudes in maximally supersymmetric gauge theory are dual to super-Wilson loops on null polygonal contours. The operator product expansion for the latter revealed that their dynamics is governed by the evolution of multiparticle GKP excitations. They were shown to emerge from the spectral problem of an underlying open spin chain. In this work we solve this model with the help of the Baxter Q-operator and Sklyanin's Separation of Variables methods. We provide an explicit construction for eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of GKP excitations. We demonstrate how the former define the so-called multiparticle hexagon transitions in super-Wilson loops and prove their factorized form at leading order of 't Hooft coupling for particle number-preserving transitions that were suggested earlier in a generic case.

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On Factorization of Multiparticle Pentagons

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We address the near-collinear expansion of multiparticle NMHV amplitudes, namely, the heptagon and octagons in the dual language of null polygonal super Wilson loops. In particular, we verify multiparticle factorization of charged pentagon transitions in terms of pentagons for single

We address the near-collinear expansion of multiparticle NMHV amplitudes, namely, the heptagon and octagons in the dual language of null polygonal super Wilson loops. In particular, we verify multiparticle factorization of charged pentagon transitions in terms of pentagons for single flux-tube excitations within the framework of refined operator product expansion. We find a perfect agreement with available tree and one-loop data.

Date Created

Nonsinglet Pentagons and NMHV Amplitudes

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Scattering amplitudes in maximally supersymmetric gauge theory receive a dual description in terms of the expectation value of the super Wilson loop stretched on a null polygonal contour. This makes the analysis amenable to nonperturbative techniques. Presently, we elaborate on

Scattering amplitudes in maximally supersymmetric gauge theory receive a dual description in terms of the expectation value of the super Wilson loop stretched on a null polygonal contour. This makes the analysis amenable to nonperturbative techniques. Presently, we elaborate on a refined form of the operator product expansion in terms of pentagon transitions to compute twist-two contributions to NMHV amplitudes. To start with, we provide a novel derivation of scattering matrices starting from Baxter equations for flux-tube excitations propagating on magnon background. We propose bootstrap equations obeyed by pentagon form factors with nonsinglet quantum numbers with respect to the R-symmetry group and provide solutions to them to all orders in 't Hooft coupling. These are then successfully confronted against available perturbative calculations for NMHV amplitudes to four-loop order.

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Nonperturbative Enhancement of Superloop at Strong Coupling

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We address the near-collinear expansion of NMHV six-particle scattering amplitudes at strong value of the 't Hooft coupling in planar maximally supersymmetric Yang–Mills theory. We complement recent studies of this observable within the context of the Pentagon Operator Product Expansion,

We address the near-collinear expansion of NMHV six-particle scattering amplitudes at strong value of the 't Hooft coupling in planar maximally supersymmetric Yang–Mills theory. We complement recent studies of this observable within the context of the Pentagon Operator Product Expansion, via the dual superWilson loop description, by studying effects of multiple scalar exchanges that accompany (or not) massive flux-tube excitations. Due to the fact that holes have a very small, nonperturbatively generated mass mh which is exponentially suppressed in the 't Hooft coupling, their exchanges must be resummed in the ultraviolet limit, T <<1/mh. This procedure yields a contribution to the expectation value of the superloop which enters on equal footing with the classical area — a phenomenon which was earlier observed for MHV amplitudes. In all components, the near-massless scalar exchanges factorize from the ones of massive particles, at leading order in strong coupling.

Date Created

Matrix Pentagons

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The Operator Product Expansion for null polygonal Wilson loop in planar maximally supersymmetric Yang–Mills theory runs systematically in terms of multi-particle pentagon transitions which encode the physics of excitations propagating on the color flux tube ending on the sides of

The Operator Product Expansion for null polygonal Wilson loop in planar maximally supersymmetric Yang–Mills theory runs systematically in terms of multi-particle pentagon transitions which encode the physics of excitations propagating on the color flux tube ending on the sides of the four-dimensional contour. Their dynamics was unraveled in the past several years and culminated in a complete description of pentagons as an exact function of the 't Hooft coupling. In this paper we provide a solution for the last building block in this program, the SU(4) matrix structure arising from internal symmetry indices of scalars and fermions. This is achieved by a recursive solution of the Mirror and Watson equations obeyed by the so-called singlet pentagons and fixing the form of the twisted component in their tensor decomposition. The non-singlet, or charged, pentagons are deduced from these by a limiting procedure.

Date Created

From Correlation Functions to Event Shapes

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We present a new approach to computing event shape distributions or, more precisely, charge flow correlations in a generic conformal field theory (CFT). These infrared finite observables are familiar from collider physics studies and describe the angular distribution of global

We present a new approach to computing event shape distributions or, more precisely, charge flow correlations in a generic conformal field theory (CFT). These infrared finite observables are familiar from collider physics studies and describe the angular distribution of global charges in outgoing radiation created from the vacuum by some source. The charge flow correlations can be expressed in terms of Wightman correlation functions in a certain limit. We explain how to compute these quantities starting from their Euclidean analogues by means of a nontrivial analytic continuation which, in the framework of CFT, can be performed elegantly in Mellin space. The relation between the charge flow correlations and Euclidean correlation functions can be reformulated directly in configuration space, bypassing the Mellin representation, as a certain Lorentzian double discontinuity of the correlation function integrated along the cuts. We illustrate the general formalism in N = 4 SYM, making use of the well-known results on the four-point correlation function of half-BPS scalar operators. We compute the double scalar flow correlation in N = 4 SYM, at weak and strong coupling and show that it agrees with known results obtained by different techniques. One of the remarkable features of the N = 4 theory is that the scalar and energy flow correlations are proportional to each other. Imposing natural physical conditions on the energy flow correlations (finiteness, positivity and regularity), we formulate additional constraints on the four-point correlation functions in N = 4SYM that should be valid at any coupling and away from the planar limit.

Date Created

Fermionic Pentagons and NMHV Hexagon

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We analyze the near-collinear limit of the null polygonal hexagon super Wilson loop in the planar N = 4 super-Yang–Mills theory. We focus on its Grassmann components which are dual to next-to-maximal helicity-violating (NMHV) scattering amplitudes. The kinematics in question

We analyze the near-collinear limit of the null polygonal hexagon super Wilson loop in the planar N = 4 super-Yang–Mills theory. We focus on its Grassmann components which are dual to next-to-maximal helicity-violating (NMHV) scattering amplitudes. The kinematics in question is studied within a framework of the operator product expansion that encodes propagation of excitations on the background of the color flux tube stretched between the sides of Wilson loop contour. While their dispersion relation is known to all orders in 't Hooft coupling from previous studies, we find their form factor couplings to the Wilson loop. This is done making use of a particular tessellation of the loop where pentagon transitions play a fundamental role. Being interested in NMHV amplitudes, the corresponding building blocks carry a nontrivial charge under the SU(4) R-symmetry group. Restricting the current consideration to twist-two accuracy, we analyze two-particle contributions with a fermion as one of the constituents in the pair. We demonstrate that these nonsinglet pentagons obey bootstrap equations that possess consistent solutions for any value of the coupling constant. To confirm the correctness of these predictions, we calculate their contribution to the super Wilson loop demonstrating agreement with recent results to four-loop order in 't Hooft coupling.

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