Crises in the Taiwan Straits during the 1950s: The Issue of Balance of Power Between the United Stated, People's Republic of China on Taiwan

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During the 1950s, there were many events that defined the Asian Cold War. This academic thesis has set out to distinguish the reason for the Republic of China's continued survival on the island of Taiwan during the 1950s. All three

During the 1950s, there were many events that defined the Asian Cold War. This academic thesis has set out to distinguish the reason for the Republic of China's continued survival on the island of Taiwan during the 1950s. All three crises provided the answer to the question why and how did the Republic of China survive on Taiwan. The Korean War conflict could have expanded into a global war if the United States 7th Fleet had not intervened. The First Taiwan Strait Crisis from 1954-1955 was an attempt by the People's Republic of China to enter formal diplomatic negotiations with the United States. The Second Taiwan Strait Crisis of 1958 was similar to the First Taiwan Strait Crisis in which the united States government contemplated the use of nuclear weapons to deter Chinese communists Both crises had Taiwan's sovereignty protected. The answer provided from each crisis stated that is was American military and diplomatic presence in the region. If the United States 7th Fleet were not ordered to deter the Chinese communists in the Taiwan Straits, then the Republic of China would have been lost.
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Scandal-driven regulation of China's stock market: dynamics among the state, market, and stockizens

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Since it was officially established, China’s stock market has witnessed rapid cultural, social, economic, and legal transformations during the last two decades. But the development of China’s stock market brought with it the frequent occurrence of securities crimes and other


Since it was officially established, China’s stock market has witnessed rapid cultural, social, economic, and legal transformations during the last two decades. But the development of China’s stock market brought with it the frequent occurrence of securities crimes and other types of white-collar crimes that harmed vast numbers of public retail stockholders.

This study reviews sociolegal theories, especially law and finance theories, to shed light on the construction of regulatory mechanisms for the Chinese stock market. The critical point for stock market regulation is to curb securities irregularities and protect investors. This study applies white-collar criminological theories, especially crime-as-choice theories, to link the theoretical analyses of the causes of securities crimes to the laws, policies and practices governing the Chinese stock market. Historical, documentary and policy analyses, case analyses, and analysis of interviews, and observations of weibos and blogs are employed in this study. The data sources consist of: (1) historical information on the development of China’s stock market and its regulation, both in terms of legislation and practice; (2) interviews with 40 retail stockholders, each of whom has more than ten years of experiences in stock trading, in two Chinese cities, Shenzhen and Haikou; and (3) online statements and comments of 30 well known Chinese economists, law scholars, financial commentators, lawyers, and securities experts in Sina weibos (microblogs) and blogs.

Based on the analyses, this study suggests revising relevant laws and establishing supporting mechanisms to reduce securities irregularities and crimes in China’s stock market and strength the protection of stock investors. My study also draws attention to the growth of rights consciousness of public retail stockholders, which has potential to propel political and legal reform for the development of the Chinese stock market.
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Locating counting sensors in traffic network to estimate origin-destination volumes

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Improving the quality of Origin-Destination (OD) demand estimates increases the effectiveness of design, evaluation and implementation of traffic planning and management systems. The associated bilevel Sensor Location Flow-Estimation problem considers two important research questions: (1) how to compute the best

Improving the quality of Origin-Destination (OD) demand estimates increases the effectiveness of design, evaluation and implementation of traffic planning and management systems. The associated bilevel Sensor Location Flow-Estimation problem considers two important research questions: (1) how to compute the best estimates of the flows of interest by using anticipated data from given candidate sensors location; and (2) how to decide on the optimum subset of links where sensors should be located. In this dissertation, a decision framework is developed to optimally locate and obtain high quality OD volume estimates in vehicular traffic networks. The framework includes a traffic assignment model to load the OD traffic volumes on routes in a known choice set, a sensor location model to decide on which subset of links to locate counting sensors to observe traffic volumes, and an estimation model to obtain best estimates of OD or route flow volumes. The dissertation first addresses the deterministic route flow estimation problem given apriori knowledge of route flows and their uncertainties. Two procedures are developed to locate "perfect" and "noisy" sensors respectively. Next, it addresses a stochastic route flow estimation problem. A hierarchical linear Bayesian model is developed, where the real route flows are assumed to be generated from a Multivariate Normal distribution with two parameters: "mean" and "variance-covariance matrix". The prior knowledge for the "mean" parameter is described by a probability distribution. When assuming the "variance-covariance matrix" parameter is known, a Bayesian A-optimal design is developed. When the "variance-covariance matrix" parameter is unknown, Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach is used to estimate the aposteriori quantities. In all the sensor location model the objective is the maximization of the reduction in the variances of the distribution of the estimates of the OD volume. Developed models are compared with other available models in the literature. The comparison showed that the models developed performed better than available models.
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Emotional design research of tableware in Chinese restaurants: a research on interrelationship of tableware, emotion and culture

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The process of this study involves conducting empirical tests on consumer's emotional responses toward tableware designs by statistic measurements (PrEmo), including both Chinese and American cultures. The objective to this study is to research the correlation between consumers' cognitive analysis

The process of this study involves conducting empirical tests on consumer's emotional responses toward tableware designs by statistic measurements (PrEmo), including both Chinese and American cultures. The objective to this study is to research the correlation between consumers' cognitive analysis of Chinese tableware designs and their emotional responses. The author proposes that the correlationship between consumers' cognition of Chinese tableware and emotional responses will lead to a new opportunity in the industrial design industry. Fifty-seven people responded to sixty-seven invitations to join the research project at Chinese restaurants in both China and America. Throughout the process of coding and organizing the survey data, a finding shows that there is a connection between consumer sensitivity toward the products and their emotional bonds to the assigned product designs. The data showed that more people in China are expending greater effort in choosing suitable tableware designs compared to the people in the U.S. Key words: Emotion, Cognition, Culture, Tableware design, Chinese restaurants
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Independent candidates' participation in the 2011-12 local people's congress elections and their implications for democratization in China

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Chinese activists came forth in unprecedented numbers to compete as independent candidates in the 2011-12 local people's congress elections throughout China, directly challenging the ruling Chinese Communist Party within the electoral arena. In response, the government threatened, harassed and obstructed

Chinese activists came forth in unprecedented numbers to compete as independent candidates in the 2011-12 local people's congress elections throughout China, directly challenging the ruling Chinese Communist Party within the electoral arena. In response, the government threatened, harassed and obstructed the campaigns of these candidates, and as a result only a handful of independent candidates made it onto the official ballots, let alone win the elections. Despite their lack of success, independent candidates have been promoted by media sources as the latest movement with the potential to bring about democratic reform within China. However, independent candidates as a collective have not been sufficiently analyzed in order to determine the extent of these candidates' shared desire for democratic reform or their powers to effect such reform. Therefore, within the theoretical framework of electoral authoritarianism and utilizing a single-case, exploratory case study, this thesis explores the potential of the 2011-12 independent candidate movement to initiate democratic reform in China. Relying upon the statements of the candidates as reported by English-language news media, I create a typology of the movement and examine the candidates' goals and motives, as well as their interactions with the local people's congresses and the Chinese Communist Party, in hopes of revealing a clearer picture of the balance of power between the movement and the current regime. I conclude that due to the inability of independent candidates to win a significant number of seats, the limited power of deputies on local people's congress to effect structural change, and the lack of unity and organization among independent candidates, the 2011-12 independent candidate movement will not immediately result in structural democratic reform in China. Nevertheless, I contend that the increased awareness of electoral rights and democracy in China as a result the independent candidate movement will, in the coming years and decades, compel the ruling Chinese Communist Party to take significant steps to appease the ever-growing demand for political participation in China.
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