Connectivity control for quad-dominant meshes

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Quad-dominant (QD) meshes, i.e., three-dimensional, 2-manifold polygonal meshes comprising mostly four-sided faces (i.e., quads), are a popular choice for many applications such as polygonal shape modeling, computer animation, base meshes for spline and subdivision surface, simulation, and architectural design. This

Quad-dominant (QD) meshes, i.e., three-dimensional, 2-manifold polygonal meshes comprising mostly four-sided faces (i.e., quads), are a popular choice for many applications such as polygonal shape modeling, computer animation, base meshes for spline and subdivision surface, simulation, and architectural design. This thesis investigates the topic of connectivity control, i.e., exploring different choices of mesh connectivity to represent the same 3D shape or surface. One key concept of QD mesh connectivity is the distinction between regular and irregular elements: a vertex with valence 4 is regular; otherwise, it is irregular. In a similar sense, a face with four sides is regular; otherwise, it is irregular. For QD meshes, the placement of irregular elements is especially important since it largely determines the achievable geometric quality of the final mesh.

Traditionally, the research on QD meshes focuses on the automatic generation of pure quadrilateral or QD meshes from a given surface. Explicit control of the placement of irregular elements can only be achieved indirectly. To fill this gap, in this thesis, we make the following contributions. First, we formulate the theoretical background about the fundamental combinatorial properties of irregular elements in QD meshes. Second, we develop algorithms for the explicit control of irregular elements and the exhaustive enumeration of QD mesh connectivities. Finally, we demonstrate the importance of connectivity control for QD meshes in a wide range of applications.
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Generating and exploring design variations for architectural and urban layouts

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This thesis focuses on generating and exploring design variations for architectural and urban layouts. I propose to study this general problem in three selected contexts.

First, I introduce a framework to generate many variations of a facade design that look similar

This thesis focuses on generating and exploring design variations for architectural and urban layouts. I propose to study this general problem in three selected contexts.

First, I introduce a framework to generate many variations of a facade design that look similar to a given facade layout. Starting from an input image, the facade is hierarchically segmented and labeled with a collection of manual and automatic tools. The user can then model constraints that should be maintained in any variation of the input facade design. Subsequently, facade variations are generated for different facade sizes, where multiple variations can be produced for a certain size.

Second, I propose a method for a user to understand and systematically explore good building layouts. Starting from a discrete set of good layouts, I analytically characterize the local shape space of good layouts around each initial layout, compactly encode these spaces, and link them to support transitions across the different local spaces. I represent such transitions in the form of a portal graph. The user can then use the portal graph, along with the family of local shape spaces, to globally and locally explore the space of good building layouts.

Finally, I propose an algorithm to computationally design street networks that balance competing requirements such as quick travel time and reduced through traffic in residential neighborhoods. The user simply provides high-level functional specifications for a target neighborhood, while my algorithm best satisfies the specification by solving for both connectivity and geometric layout of the network.
Date Created

Development and verification of a library of future fitting algorithms for CMMs

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Conformance of a manufactured feature to the applied geometric tolerances is done by analyzing the point cloud that is measured on the feature. To that end, a geometric feature is fitted to the point cloud and the results are assessed

Conformance of a manufactured feature to the applied geometric tolerances is done by analyzing the point cloud that is measured on the feature. To that end, a geometric feature is fitted to the point cloud and the results are assessed to see whether the fitted feature lies within the specified tolerance limits or not. Coordinate Measuring Machines (CMMs) use feature fitting algorithms that incorporate least square estimates as a basis for obtaining minimum, maximum, and zone fits. However, a comprehensive set of algorithms addressing the fitting procedure (all datums, targets) for every tolerance class is not available. Therefore, a Library of algorithms is developed to aid the process of feature fitting, and tolerance verification. This paper addresses linear, planar, circular, and cylindrical features only. This set of algorithms described conforms to the international Standards for GD&T.; In order to reduce the number of points to be analyzed, and to identify the possible candidate points for linear, circular and planar features, 2D and 3D convex hulls are used. For minimum, maximum, and Chebyshev cylinders, geometric search algorithms are used. Algorithms are divided into three major categories: least square, unconstrained, and constrained fits. Primary datums require one sided unconstrained fits for their verification. Secondary datums require one sided constrained fits for their verification. For size and other tolerance verifications, we require both unconstrained and constrained fits
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Drosophila stage annotation using sparse learning method

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Drosophila melanogaster, as an important model organism, is used to explore the mechanism which governs cell differentiation and embryonic development. Understanding the mechanism will help to reveal the effects of genes on other species or even human beings. Currently, digital

Drosophila melanogaster, as an important model organism, is used to explore the mechanism which governs cell differentiation and embryonic development. Understanding the mechanism will help to reveal the effects of genes on other species or even human beings. Currently, digital camera techniques make high quality Drosophila gene expression imaging possible. On the other hand, due to the advances in biology, gene expression images which can reveal spatiotemporal patterns are generated in a high-throughput pace. Thus, an automated and efficient system that can analyze gene expression will become a necessary tool for investigating the gene functions, interactions and developmental processes. One investigation method is to compare the expression patterns of different developmental stages. Recently, however, the expression patterns are manually annotated with rough stage ranges. The work of annotation requires professional knowledge from experienced biologists. Hence, how to transfer the domain knowledge in biology into an automated system which can automatically annotate the patterns provides a challenging problem for computer scientists. In this thesis, the problem of stage annotation for Drosophila embryo is modeled in the machine learning framework. Three sparse learning algorithms and one ensemble algorithm are used to attack the problem. The sparse algorithms are Lasso, group Lasso and sparse group Lasso. The ensemble algorithm is based on a voting method. Besides that the proposed algorithms can annotate the patterns to stages instead of stage ranges with high accuracy; the decimal stage annotation algorithm presents a novel way to annotate the patterns to decimal stages. In addition, some analysis on the algorithm performance are made and corresponding explanations are given. Finally, with the proposed system, all the lateral view BDGP and FlyFish images are annotated and several interesting applications of decimal stage value are revealed.
Date Created

Multimodal data fusion as a predictior of missing information in social networks

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Over 2 billion people are using online social network services, such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. Users update their status, post their photos, share their information, and chat with others in these social network sites every day; however,

Over 2 billion people are using online social network services, such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. Users update their status, post their photos, share their information, and chat with others in these social network sites every day; however, not everyone shares the same amount of information. This thesis explores methods of linking publicly available data sources as a means of extrapolating missing information of Facebook. An application named "Visual Friends Income Map" has been created on Facebook to collect social network data and explore geodemographic properties to link publicly available data, such as the US census data. Multiple predictors are implemented to link data sets and extrapolate missing information from Facebook with accurate predictions. The location based predictor matches Facebook users' locations with census data at the city level for income and demographic predictions. Age and relationship based predictors are created to improve the accuracy of the proposed location based predictor utilizing social network link information. In the case where a user does not share any location information on their Facebook profile, a kernel density estimation location predictor is created. This predictor utilizes publicly available telephone record information of all people with the same surname of this user in the US to create a likelihood distribution of the user's location. This is combined with the user's IP level information in order to narrow the probability estimation down to a local regional constraint.
Date Created

A fast fluid simulator using smoothed-particle hydrodynamics

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This document presents a new implementation of the Smoothed Particles Hydrodynamics algorithm using DirectX 11 and DirectCompute. The main goal of this document is to present to the reader an alternative solution to the largely studied and researched problem of

This document presents a new implementation of the Smoothed Particles Hydrodynamics algorithm using DirectX 11 and DirectCompute. The main goal of this document is to present to the reader an alternative solution to the largely studied and researched problem of fluid simulation. Most other solutions have been implemented using the NVIDIA CUDA framework; however, the proposed solution in this document uses the Microsoft general-purpose computing on graphics processing units API. The implementation allows for the simulation of a large number of particles in a real-time scenario. The solution presented here uses the Smoothed Particles Hydrodynamics algorithm to calculate the forces within the fluid; this algorithm provides a Lagrangian approach for discretizes the Navier-Stockes equations into a set of particles. Our solution uses the DirectCompute compute shaders to evaluate each particle using the multithreading and multi-core capabilities of the GPU increasing the overall performance. The solution then describes a method for extracting the fluid surface using the Marching Cubes method and the programmable interfaces exposed by the DirectX pipeline. Particularly, this document presents a method for using the Geometry Shader Stage to generate the triangle mesh as defined by the Marching Cubes method. The implementation results show the ability to simulate over 64K particles at a rate of 900 and 400 frames per second, not including the surface reconstruction steps and including the Marching Cubes steps respectively.
Date Created

A smoothing algorithm for the dual marching tetrahedra method

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The Dual Marching Tetrahedra algorithm is a generalization of the Dual Marching Cubes algorithm, used to build a boundary surface around points which have been assigned a particular scalar density value, such as the data produced by and Magnetic Resonance

The Dual Marching Tetrahedra algorithm is a generalization of the Dual Marching Cubes algorithm, used to build a boundary surface around points which have been assigned a particular scalar density value, such as the data produced by and Magnetic Resonance Imaging or Computed Tomography scanner. This boundary acts as a skin between points which are determined to be "inside" and "outside" of an object. However, the DMT is vague in regards to exactly where each vertex of the boundary should be placed, which will not necessarily produce smooth results. Mesh smoothing algorithms which ignore the DMT data structures may distort the output mesh so that it could incorrectly include or exclude density points. Thus, an algorithm is presented here which is designed to smooth the output mesh, while obeying the underlying data structures of the DMT algorithm.
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Offline and online adaboost for detecting anatomic structures

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Detecting anatomical structures, such as the carina, the pulmonary trunk and the aortic arch, is an important step in designing a CAD system of detection Pulmonary Embolism. The presented CAD system gets rid of the high-level prior defined knowledge to

Detecting anatomical structures, such as the carina, the pulmonary trunk and the aortic arch, is an important step in designing a CAD system of detection Pulmonary Embolism. The presented CAD system gets rid of the high-level prior defined knowledge to become a system which can easily extend to detect other anatomic structures. The system is based on a machine learning algorithm --- AdaBoost and a general feature --- Haar. This study emphasizes on off-line and on-line AdaBoost learning. And in on-line AdaBoost, the thesis further deals with extremely imbalanced condition. The thesis first reviews several knowledge-based detection methods, which are relied on human being's understanding of the relationship between anatomic structures. Then the thesis introduces a classic off-line AdaBoost learning. The thesis applies different cascading scheme, namely multi-exit cascading scheme. The comparison between the two methods will be provided and discussed. Both of the off-line AdaBoost methods have problems in memory usage and time consuming. Off-line AdaBoost methods need to store all the training samples and the dataset need to be set before training. The dataset cannot be enlarged dynamically. Different training dataset requires retraining the whole process. The retraining is very time consuming and even not realistic. To deal with the shortcomings of off-line learning, the study exploited on-line AdaBoost learning approach. The thesis proposed a novel pool based on-line method with Kalman filters and histogram to better represent the distribution of the samples' weight. Analysis of the performance, the stability and the computational complexity will be provided in the thesis. Furthermore, the original on-line AdaBoost performs badly in imbalanced conditions, which occur frequently in medical image processing. In image dataset, positive samples are limited and negative samples are countless. A novel Self-Adaptive Asymmetric On-line Boosting method is presented. The method utilized a new asymmetric loss criterion with self-adaptability according to the ratio of exposed positive and negative samples and it has an advanced rule to update sample's importance weight taking account of both classification result and sample's label. Compared to traditional on-line AdaBoost Learning method, the new method can achieve far more accuracy in imbalanced conditions.
Date Created

Generalized statistical tolerance analysis and three dimensional model for manufacturing tolerance transfer in manufacturing process planning

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Mostly, manufacturing tolerance charts are used these days for manufacturing tolerance transfer but these have the limitation of being one dimensional only. Some research has been undertaken for the three dimensional geometric tolerances but it is too theoretical and yet

Mostly, manufacturing tolerance charts are used these days for manufacturing tolerance transfer but these have the limitation of being one dimensional only. Some research has been undertaken for the three dimensional geometric tolerances but it is too theoretical and yet to be ready for operator level usage. In this research, a new three dimensional model for tolerance transfer in manufacturing process planning is presented that is user friendly in the sense that it is built upon the Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) readings that are readily available in any decent manufacturing facility. This model can take care of datum reference change between non orthogonal datums (squeezed datums), non-linearly oriented datums (twisted datums) etc. Graph theoretic approach based upon ACIS, C++ and MFC is laid out to facilitate its implementation for automation of the model. A totally new approach to determining dimensions and tolerances for the manufacturing process plan is also presented. Secondly, a new statistical model for the statistical tolerance analysis based upon joint probability distribution of the trivariate normal distributed variables is presented. 4-D probability Maps have been developed in which the probability value of a point in space is represented by the size of the marker and the associated color. Points inside the part map represent the pass percentage for parts manufactured. The effect of refinement with form and orientation tolerance is highlighted by calculating the change in pass percentage with the pass percentage for size tolerance only. Delaunay triangulation and ray tracing algorithms have been used to automate the process of identifying the points inside and outside the part map. Proof of concept software has been implemented to demonstrate this model and to determine pass percentages for various cases. The model is further extended to assemblies by employing convolution algorithms on two trivariate statistical distributions to arrive at the statistical distribution of the assembly. Map generated by using Minkowski Sum techniques on the individual part maps is superimposed on the probability point cloud resulting from convolution. Delaunay triangulation and ray tracing algorithms are employed to determine the assembleability percentages for the assembly.
Date Created

Standardization of CMM algorithms and development of inspection maps for geometric tolerances

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The essence of this research is the reconciliation and standardization of feature fitting algorithms used in Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) software and the development of Inspection Maps (i-Maps) for representing geometric tolerances in the inspection stage based on these standardized

The essence of this research is the reconciliation and standardization of feature fitting algorithms used in Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) software and the development of Inspection Maps (i-Maps) for representing geometric tolerances in the inspection stage based on these standardized algorithms. The i-Map is a hypothetical point-space that represents the substitute feature evaluated for an actual part in the inspection stage. The first step in this research is to investigate the algorithms used for evaluating substitute features in current CMM software. For this, a survey of feature fitting algorithms available in the literature was performed and then a case study was done to reverse engineer the feature fitting algorithms used in commercial CMM software. The experiments proved that algorithms based on least squares technique are mostly used for GD&T; inspection and this wrong choice of fitting algorithm results in errors and deficiency in the inspection process. Based on the results, a standardization of fitting algorithms is proposed in light of the definition provided in the ASME Y14.5 standard and an interpretation of manual inspection practices. Standardized algorithms for evaluating substitute features from CMM data, consistent with the ASME Y14.5 standard and manual inspection practices for each tolerance type applicable to planar features are developed. Second, these standardized algorithms developed for substitute feature fitting are then used to develop i-Maps for size, orientation and flatness tolerances that apply to their respective feature types. Third, a methodology for Statistical Process Control (SPC) using the I-Maps is proposed by direct fitting of i-Maps into the parent T-Maps. Different methods of computing i-Maps, namely, finding mean, computing the convex hull and principal component analysis are explored. The control limits for the process are derived from inspection samples and a framework for statistical control of the process is developed. This also includes computation of basic SPC and process capability metrics.
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