Analysis and implementation of polyphase alternating current bi-ionic propulsion system for desalination of water

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Scarcity of potable water is one of the major problems faced in the world today. Majority of this problem can be solved if technology is developed to obtain potable water from brackish or saline water. The present desalination methods face

Scarcity of potable water is one of the major problems faced in the world today. Majority of this problem can be solved if technology is developed to obtain potable water from brackish or saline water. The present desalination methods face challenges such as high costs in terms of energy consumption and infrastructure, physical size of the system, requirement of membrane and high pressure systems and hence have been facing various issues in implementation of the same.

This research provides a new low pressure, low energy, portable method to desalinate water without the need for separation membranes, heat or chemical reactions. This method is energy efficient, cost effective, compact, environment friendly and suitable for portable desalination units. This technology, named as Polyphase Alternating current Bi-Ionic Propulsion System (PACBIPS) makes use of polyphase alternating current source to create a gradient in salt concentration. The gradient in salt concentration is achieved due to the creation of a traveling wave which attracts anions on its positive peak (crests) and cations on its negative peak (troughs) and travels along a central pipe thereby flushing the ions down.

Another method of PACBIPS is based on Helmholtz capacitor which involves the formation of an electric double layer between the electrode and electrolyte consisting of equal and opposite ions which can be approximated as a capacitor. Charging and discharging this capacitor helps adsorb the ions onto a carbon electrode which has high surface area and electrical conductivity. This desalinates seawater and provides pure water. Mathematical modeling, analysis and implementation of the two methods have

been presented in this work. The effects of zeta potential, electric field screening, electric mobility on desalination have been discussed.
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Design of a low power and delay multi-protocol switching system for I/O and network virtualization

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Data centers connect a larger number of servers requiring IO and switches with low power and delay. Virtualization of IO and network is crucial for these servers, which run virtual processes for computing, storage, and apps. We propose using the

Data centers connect a larger number of servers requiring IO and switches with low power and delay. Virtualization of IO and network is crucial for these servers, which run virtual processes for computing, storage, and apps. We propose using the PCI Express (PCIe) protocol and a new PCIe switch fabric for IO and switch virtualization. The switch fabric has little data buffering, allowing up to 512 physical 10 Gb/s PCIe2.0 lanes to be connected via a switch fabric. The switch is scalable with adapters running multiple adaptation protocols, such as Ethernet over PCIe, PCIe over Internet, or FibreChannel over Ethernet. Such adaptation protocols allow integration of IO often required for disjoint datacenter applications such as storage and networking. The novel switch fabric based on space-time carrier sensing facilitates high bandwidth, low power, and low delay multi-protocol switching. To achieve Terabit switching, both time (high transmission speed) and space (multi-stage interconnection network) technologies are required. In this paper, we present the design of an up to 256 lanes Clos-network of multistage crossbar switch fabric for PCIe system. The switch core consists of 48 16x16 crossbar sub-switches. We also propose a new output contention resolution algorithm utilizing an out-of-band protocol of Request-To-Send (RTS), Clear-To-Send (CTS) before sending PCIe packets through the switch fabric. Preliminary power and delay estimates are provided.
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Cognitive communications in white space: opportunistic scheduling, spectrum shaping and delay analysis

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A unique feature, yet a challenge, in cognitive radio (CR) networks is the user hierarchy: secondary users (SU) wishing for data transmission must defer in the presence of active primary users (PUs), whose priority to channel access is strictly higher.Under

A unique feature, yet a challenge, in cognitive radio (CR) networks is the user hierarchy: secondary users (SU) wishing for data transmission must defer in the presence of active primary users (PUs), whose priority to channel access is strictly higher.Under a common thread of characterizing and improving Quality of Service (QoS) for the SUs, this dissertation is progressively organized under two main thrusts: the first thrust focuses on SU's throughput by exploiting the underlying properties of the PU spectrum to perform effective scheduling algorithms; and the second thrust aims at another important QoS performance of the SUs, namely delay, subject to the impact of PUs' activities, and proposes enhancement and control mechanisms. More specifically, in the first thrust, opportunistic spectrum scheduling for SU is first considered by jointly exploiting the memory in PU's occupancy and channel fading. In particular, the underexplored scenario where PU occupancy presents a {long} temporal memory is taken into consideration. By casting the problem as a partially observable Markov decision process, a set of {multi-tier} tradeoffs are quantified and illustrated. Next, a spectrum shaping framework is proposed by leveraging network coding as a {spectrum shaper} on the PU's traffic. Such shaping effect brings in predictability of the primary spectrum, which is utilized by the SUs to carry out adaptive channel sensing by prioritizing channel access order, and hence significantly improve their throughput. On the other hand, such predictability can make wireless channels more susceptible to jamming attacks. As a result, caution must be taken in designing wireless systems to balance the throughput and the jamming-resistant capability. The second thrust turns attention to an equally important performance metric, i.e., delay performance. Specifically, queueing delay analysis is conducted for SUs employing random access over the PU channels. Fluid approximation is taken and Poisson driven stochastic differential equations are applied to characterize the moments of the SUs' steady-state queueing delay. Then, dynamic packet generation control mechanisms are developed to meet the given delay requirements for SUs.
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PCI express-based ethernet switch

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A new type of Ethernet switch based on the PCI Express switching fabric is being presented. The switch leverages PCI Express peer-to-peer communication protocol to implement high performance Ethernet packet switching. The advantages and challenges of using the PCI Express

A new type of Ethernet switch based on the PCI Express switching fabric is being presented. The switch leverages PCI Express peer-to-peer communication protocol to implement high performance Ethernet packet switching. The advantages and challenges of using the PCI Express as the switching fabric are addressed. The PCI Express is a high-speed short-distance communication protocol largely used in motherboard-level interconnects. The total bandwidth of a PCI Express 3.0 link can reach as high as 256 gigabit per second (Gb/s) per 16 lanes. Concerns for PCI Express such as buffer speed, address mapping, Quality of Service and power consumption need to be considered. An overview of the proposed Ethernet switch architecture is presented. The switch consists of a PCI Express switching fabric and multiple adaptor cards. The thesis reviews the peer-to-peer (P2P) communication protocol used in the switching fabric. The thesis also discusses the packet routing procedure in P2P protocol in detail. The Ethernet switch utilizes a portion of the Quality of Service provided with PCI Express to ensure guaranteed transmission. The thesis presents a method of adapting Ethernet packets over the PCI Express transaction layer packets. The adaptor card is divided into the following two parts: receive path and transmit path. The commercial off-the-shelf Media Access Control (MAC) core and PCI Express endpoint core are used in the adaptor. The output address lookup logic block is responsible for converting Ethernet MAC addresses to PCI Express port addresses. Different methods of providing Quality of Service in the adaptor card include classification, flow control, and error detection with the cooperation of the PCI Express switch are discussed. The adaptor logic is implemented in Verilog hardware description language. Functional simulation is conducted in ModelSim. The simulation results show that the Ethernet packets are able to be converted to the corresponding PCI Express transaction layer packets based on their destination MAC addresses. The transaction layer packets are then converted back to Ethernet packets. A functionally correct FPGA logic of the adaptor card is ready for implementation on real FPGA development board.
Date Created

Design of a switching system for 10GBASE-T Ethernet

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Ethernet switching is provided to interconnect multiple Ethernets for the exchange of Ethernet data frames. Most Ethernet switches require data buffering and Ethernet signal regeneration at the switch which incur the problems of substantial signal processing, power consumption, and transmission

Ethernet switching is provided to interconnect multiple Ethernets for the exchange of Ethernet data frames. Most Ethernet switches require data buffering and Ethernet signal regeneration at the switch which incur the problems of substantial signal processing, power consumption, and transmission delay. To solve these problems, a cross bar architecture switching system for 10GBASE-T Ethernet is proposed in this thesis. The switching system is considered as the first step of implementing a multi-stage interconnection network to achieve Terabit or Petabit switching. By routing customized headers in capsulated Ethernet frames in an out-of-band control method, the proposed switching system would transmit the original Ethernet frames with little processing, thereby makes the system appear as a simple physical medium for different hosts. The switching system is designed and performed by using CMOS technology.
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