Relational Macrostate Theory for Understanding and Designing Complex Systems

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Scientific research encompasses a variety of objectives, including measurement, making predictions, identifying laws, and more. The advent of advanced measurement technologies and computational methods has largely automated the processes of big data collection and prediction. However, the discovery of laws,

Scientific research encompasses a variety of objectives, including measurement, making predictions, identifying laws, and more. The advent of advanced measurement technologies and computational methods has largely automated the processes of big data collection and prediction. However, the discovery of laws, particularly universal ones, still heavily relies on human intellect. Even with human intelligence, complex systems present a unique challenge in discerning the laws that govern them. Even the preliminary step, system description, poses a substantial challenge. Numerous metrics have been developed, but universally applicable laws remain elusive. Due to the cognitive limitations of human comprehension, a direct understanding of big data derived from complex systems is impractical. Therefore, simplification becomes essential for identifying hidden regularities, enabling scientists to abstract observations or draw connections with existing knowledge. As a result, the concept of macrostates -- simplified, lower-dimensional representations of high-dimensional systems -- proves to be indispensable. Macrostates serve a role beyond simplification. They are integral in deciphering reusable laws for complex systems. In physics, macrostates form the foundation for constructing laws and provide building blocks for studying relationships between quantities, rather than pursuing case-by-case analysis. Therefore, the concept of macrostates facilitates the discovery of regularities across various systems. Recognizing the importance of macrostates, I propose the relational macrostate theory and a machine learning framework, MacroNet, to identify macrostates and design microstates. The relational macrostate theory defines a macrostate based on the relationships between observations, enabling the abstraction from microscopic details. In MacroNet, I propose an architecture to encode microstates into macrostates, allowing for the sampling of microstates associated with a specific macrostate. My experiments on simulated systems demonstrate the effectiveness of this theory and method in identifying macrostates such as energy. Furthermore, I apply this theory and method to a complex chemical system, analyzing oil droplets with intricate movement patterns in a Petri dish, to answer the question, ``which combinations of parameters control which behavior?'' The macrostate theory allows me to identify a two-dimensional macrostate, establish a mapping between the chemical compound and the macrostate, and decipher the relationship between oil droplet patterns and the macrostate.
Date Created

Towards Model Predictive Control for Acrobatic Quadrotor Flights

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Acrobatic maneuvers of quadrotors present unique challenges concerning trajectorygeneration, control, and execution. Specifically, the flip maneuver requires dynamically feasible trajectories and precise control. Various factors, including rotor dynamics, thrust allocation, and control strategies, influence the successful execution of flips. This research introduces an

Acrobatic maneuvers of quadrotors present unique challenges concerning trajectorygeneration, control, and execution. Specifically, the flip maneuver requires dynamically feasible trajectories and precise control. Various factors, including rotor dynamics, thrust allocation, and control strategies, influence the successful execution of flips. This research introduces an approach for tracking optimal trajectories to execute flip maneuvers while ensuring system stability autonomously. Model Predictive Control (MPC) designs the controller, enabling the quadrotor to plan and execute optimal trajectories in real-time, accounting for dynamic constraints and environmental factors. The utilization of predictive models enables the quadrotor to anticipate and adapt to changes during aggressive maneuvers. Simulation-based evaluations were conducted in the ROS and Gazebo environments. These evaluations provide valuable insights into the quadrotor’s behavior, response time, and tracking accuracy. Additionally, real-time flight experiments utilizing state- of-the-art flight controllers, such as the PixHawk 4, and companion computers, like the Hardkernel Odroid, validate the effectiveness of the proposed control algorithms in practical scenarios. The conducted experiments also demonstrate the successful execution of the proposed approach. This research’s outcomes contribute to quadrotor technology’s advancement, particularly in acrobatic maneuverability. This opens up possibilities for executing maneuvers with precise timing, such as slingshot probe releases during flips. Moreover, this research demonstrates the efficacy of MPC controllers in achieving autonomous probe throws within no-fly zone environments while maintaining an accurate desired range. Field application of this research includes probe deployment into volcanic plumes or challenging-to-access rocky fault scarps, and imaging of sites of interest. along flight paths through rolling or pitching maneuvers of the quadrotor, to use sensorsuch as cameras or spectrometers on the quadrotor belly.
Date Created

Simultaneous Navigation And Mapping (SNAM) Using Collision Resilient UAV

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Navigation and mapping in GPS-denied environments, such as coal mines ordilapidated buildings filled with smog or particulate matter, pose a significant challenge due to the limitations of conventional LiDAR or vision systems. Therefore there exists a need for a navigation algorithm and

Navigation and mapping in GPS-denied environments, such as coal mines ordilapidated buildings filled with smog or particulate matter, pose a significant challenge due to the limitations of conventional LiDAR or vision systems. Therefore there exists a need for a navigation algorithm and mapping strategy which do not use vision systems but are still able to explore and map the environment. The map can further be used by first responders and cave explorers to access the environments. This thesis presents the design of a collision-resilient Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), XPLORER that utilizes a novel navigation algorithm for exploration and simultaneous mapping of the environment. The real-time navigation algorithm uses the onboard Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs) and arm bending angles for contact estimation and employs an Explore and Exploit strategy. Additionally, the quadrotor design is discussed, highlighting its improved stability over the previous design. The generated map of the environment can be utilized by autonomous vehicles to navigate the environment. The navigation algorithm is validated in multiple real-time experiments in different scenarios consisting of concave and convex corners and circular objects. Furthermore, the developed mapping framework can serve as an auxiliary input for map generation along with conventional LiDAR or vision-based mapping algorithms. Both the navigation and mapping algorithms are designed to be modular, making them compatible with conventional UAVs also. This research contributes to the development of navigation and mapping techniques for GPS-denied environments, enabling safer and more efficient exploration of challenging territories.
Date Created

3D Printed Heat Pipe Structures Use Application for Thermal Management on Power Dense Small Satellite Platforms

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The technology and science capabilities of SmallSats continue to grow with the increase of capabilities in commercial off the shelf components. However, the maturation of SmallSat hardware has also led to an increase in component power consumption, this poses an

The technology and science capabilities of SmallSats continue to grow with the increase of capabilities in commercial off the shelf components. However, the maturation of SmallSat hardware has also led to an increase in component power consumption, this poses an issue with using traditional passive thermal management systems (radiators, thermal straps, etc.) to regulate high-power components. High power output becomes limited in order to maintain components within their allowable temperature ranges. The aim of this study is to explore new methods of using additive manufacturing to enable the usage of heat pipe structures on SmallSat platforms up to 3U’s in size. This analysis shows that these novel structures can increase the capabilities of SmallSat platforms by allowing for larger in-use heat loads from a nominal power density of 4.7 x 10^3 W/m3 to a higher 1.0 x 10^4 W/m3 , an order of magnitude increase. In addition, the mechanical properties of the SmallSat structure are also explored to characterize effects to the mechanical integrity of the spacecraft. The results show that the advent of heat pipe integration to the structures of SmallSats will lead to an increase in thermal management capabilities compared to the current state-of-the-art systems, while not reducing the structural integrity of the spacecraft. In turn, this will lead to larger science and technology capabilities for a field that is growing in both the education and private sectors.
Date Created

Combining learning with knowledge-rich planning allows for efficient multi-agent solutions to the problem of perpetual sparse rewards

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This work has improved the quality of the solution to the sparse rewards problemby combining reinforcement learning (RL) with knowledge-rich planning. Classical methods for coping with sparse rewards during reinforcement learning modify the reward landscape so as to better guide the learner.

This work has improved the quality of the solution to the sparse rewards problemby combining reinforcement learning (RL) with knowledge-rich planning. Classical methods for coping with sparse rewards during reinforcement learning modify the reward landscape so as to better guide the learner. In contrast, this work combines RL with a planner in order to utilize other information about the environment. As the scope for representing environmental information is limited in RL, this work has conflated a model-free learning algorithm – temporal difference (TD) learning – with a Hierarchical Task Network (HTN) planner to accommodate rich environmental information in the algorithm. In the perpetual sparse rewards problem, rewards reemerge after being collected within a fixed interval of time, culminating in a lack of a well-defined goal state as an exit condition to the problem. Incorporating planning in the learning algorithm not only improves the quality of the solution, but the algorithm also avoids the ambiguity of incorporating a goal of maximizing profit while using only a planning algorithm to solve this problem. Upon occasionally using the HTN planner, this algorithm provides the necessary tweak toward the optimal solution. In this work, I have demonstrated an on-policy algorithm that has improved the quality of the solution over vanilla reinforcement learning. The objective of this work has been to observe the capacity of the synthesized algorithm in finding optimal policies to maximize rewards, awareness of the environment, and the awareness of the presence of other agents in the vicinity.
Date Created

Real-Time Semantic Mapping of Tree Topology Using Deep Learning and Multi-Sensor Factor Graph

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Physical and structural tree measurements are applied in forestry, precision agriculture and conservation for various reasons. Since measuring tree properties manually is tedious, measurements from only a small subset of trees present in a forest, agricultural land or survey site

Physical and structural tree measurements are applied in forestry, precision agriculture and conservation for various reasons. Since measuring tree properties manually is tedious, measurements from only a small subset of trees present in a forest, agricultural land or survey site are often used. Utilizing robotics to autonomously estimate physical tree dimensions would speed up the measurement or data collection process and allow for a much larger set of trees to be used in studies. In turn, this would allow studies to make more generalizable inferences about areas with trees. To this end, this thesis focuses on developing a system that generates a semantic representation of the topology of a tree in real-time. The first part describes a simulation environment and a real-world sensor suite to develop and test the tree mapping pipeline proposed in this thesis. The second part presents details of the proposed tree mapping pipeline. Stage one of the mapping pipeline utilizes a deep learning network to detect woody and cylindrical portions of a tree like trunks and branches based on popular semantic segmentation networks. Stage two of the pipeline proposes an algorithm to separate the detected portions of a tree into individual trunk and branch segments. The third stage implements an optimization algorithm to represent each segment parametrically as a cylinder. The fourth stage formulates a multi-sensor factor graph to incrementally integrate and optimize the semantic tree map while also fusing two forms of odometry. Finally, results from all the stages of the tree mapping pipeline using simulation and real-world data are presented. With these implementations, this thesis provides an end-to-end system to estimate tree topology through semantic representations for forestry and precision agriculture applications.
Date Created

Automated Geoscience with Robotics and Machine Learning: A New Hammer of Rock Detection, Mapping, and Dynamics Analysis

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Despite the rapid adoption of robotics and machine learning in industry, their application to scientific studies remains under-explored. Combining industry-driven advances with scientific exploration provides new perspectives and a greater understanding of the planet and its environmental processes. Focusing on

Despite the rapid adoption of robotics and machine learning in industry, their application to scientific studies remains under-explored. Combining industry-driven advances with scientific exploration provides new perspectives and a greater understanding of the planet and its environmental processes. Focusing on rock detection, mapping, and dynamics analysis, I present technical approaches and scientific results of developing robotics and machine learning technologies for geomorphology and seismic hazard analysis. I demonstrate an interdisciplinary research direction to push the frontiers of both robotics and geosciences, with potential translational contributions to commercial applications for hazard monitoring and prospecting. To understand the effects of rocky fault scarp development on rock trait distributions, I present a data-processing pipeline that utilizes unpiloted aerial vehicles (UAVs) and deep learning to segment densely distributed rocks in several orders of magnitude. Quantification and correlation analysis of rock trait distributions demonstrate a statistical approach for geomorphology studies. Fragile geological features such as precariously balanced rocks (PBRs) provide upper-bound ground motion constraints for hazard analysis. I develop an offboard method and onboard method as complementary to each other for PBR searching and mapping. Using deep learning, the offboard method segments PBRs in point clouds reconstructed from UAV surveys. The onboard method equips a UAV with edge-computing devices and stereo cameras, enabling onboard machine learning for real-time PBR search, detection, and mapping during surveillance. The offboard method provides an efficient solution to find PBR candidates in existing point clouds, which is useful for field reconnaissance. The onboard method emphasizes mapping individual PBRs for their complete visible surface features, such as basal contacts with pedestals–critical geometry to analyze fragility. After PBRs are mapped, I investigate PBR dynamics by building a virtual shake robot (VSR) that simulates ground motions to test PBR overturning. The VSR demonstrates that ground motion directions and niches are important factors determining PBR fragility, which were rarely considered in previous studies. The VSR also enables PBR large-displacement studies by tracking a toppled-PBR trajectory, presenting novel methods of rockfall hazard zoning. I build a real mini shake robot providing a reverse method to validate simulation experiments in the VSR.
Date Created

Sagittal Plane Dynamic Modeling and Control of Aerial Manipulator for Phytobiopsy

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The ability for aerial manipulators to stay aloft while interacting with dynamic environments is critical for successfully in situ data acquisition methods in arboreal environments. One widely used platform utilizes a six degree of freedom manipulator attached to quadcoper or

The ability for aerial manipulators to stay aloft while interacting with dynamic environments is critical for successfully in situ data acquisition methods in arboreal environments. One widely used platform utilizes a six degree of freedom manipulator attached to quadcoper or octocopter, to sample a tree leaf by maintaining the system in a hover while the arm pulls the leaf for a sample. Other system are comprised of simpler quadcopter with a fixed mechanical device to physically cut the leaf while the system is manually piloted. Neither of these common methods account or compensate for the variation of inherent dynamics occurring in the arboreal-aerial manipulator interaction effects. This research proposes force and velocity feedback methods to control an aerial manipulation platform while allowing waypoint navigation within the work space to take place. Using these methods requires minimal knowledge of the system and the dynamic parameters. This thesis outlines the Robot Operating System (ROS) based Open Autonomous Air Vehicle (OpenUAV) simulations performed on the purposed three degree of freedom redundant aerial manipulation platform.
Date Created

Assessing Non-Rainfall Moisture Sources Through Relative Humidity and Soil Moisture in Dryland Regions

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Drylands make up more than 45% of the Earth’s land surface and are essential to agriculture and understanding global carbon and elemental cycling. This thesis presents an analysis of atmospheric relative humidity (RH) and temperature (T) as they impact soil

Drylands make up more than 45% of the Earth’s land surface and are essential to agriculture and understanding global carbon and elemental cycling. This thesis presents an analysis of atmospheric relative humidity (RH) and temperature (T) as they impact soil moisture and water content at two dryland sites. In particular, this thesis assesses the likelihood and impact of non-rainfall moisture (NRM) sources on dryland soils. This work also includes a discussion of the development and testing of a novel environmental sensing network, using custom nodes called EarthPods, and recommendations for the collection of future data from dryland sites to better understand NRM events in these regions. An analysis of weather conditions at two drylands sites suggest that nighttime RH is frequently high enough for NRM events to occur. Thesis results were unable to detect changes in soil water content based on historical weather data, likely due to instrument limitations (depth and sensitivity of soil moisture probes) and the small changes in soil moisture during NRM events. However, laboratory tests of EarthPod soil moisture sensors indicated strong sensitivity to T. Characterization of these T sensitivities provide opportunities to calibrate and correct soil moisture estimates using these sensors in the future. This work provides the foundation for larger biogeochemical sampling campaigns focusing on NRM in dryland systems.
Date Created

Navigation and Dense Semantic Mapping with Autonomous Robots for Environmental Monitoring

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Autonomous Robots have a tremendous potential to assist humans in environmental monitoring tasks. In order to generate meaningful data for humans to analyze, the robots need to collect accurate data and develop reliable representation of the environment. This is achieved

Autonomous Robots have a tremendous potential to assist humans in environmental monitoring tasks. In order to generate meaningful data for humans to analyze, the robots need to collect accurate data and develop reliable representation of the environment. This is achieved by employing scalable and robust navigation and mapping algorithms that facilitate acquiring and understanding data collected from the array of on-board sensors. To this end, this thesis presents navigation and mapping algorithms for autonomous robots that can enable robot navigation in complexenvironments and develop real time semantic map of the environment respectively. The first part of the thesis presents a novel navigation algorithm for an autonomous underwater vehicle that can maintain a fixed distance from the coral terrain while following a human diver. Following a human diver ensures that the robot would visit all important sites in the coral reef while maintaining a constant distance from the terrain reduces heterscedasticity in the measurements. This algorithm was tested on three different synthetic terrains including a real model of a coral reef in Hawaii. The second part of the thesis presents a dense semantic surfel mapping technique based on top of a popular surfel mapping algorithm that can generate meaningful maps in real time. A semantic mask from a depth aligned RGB-D camera was used to assign labels to the surfels which were then probabilistically updated with multiple measurements. The mapping algorithm was tested with simulated data from an RGB-D camera and the results were analyzed.
Date Created