Atmospheric Chemical Reaction Networks as Tools for Understanding Planetary Processes and the Influence of Biospheres on Their Host Worlds

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With the ability to observe the atmospheres of terrestrial exoplanets via transit spectroscopy on the near-term horizon, the possibility of atmospheric biosignatures has received considerable attention in astrobiology. While traditionally exoplanet scientists looking for life focused on biologically relevant trace

With the ability to observe the atmospheres of terrestrial exoplanets via transit spectroscopy on the near-term horizon, the possibility of atmospheric biosignatures has received considerable attention in astrobiology. While traditionally exoplanet scientists looking for life focused on biologically relevant trace gases such as O2 and CH4, this approach has raised the spectre of false positives. Therefore, to address these shortcomings, a new set of methods is required to provide higher confidence in life detection. One possible approach is measuring the topology of atmospheric chemical reaction networks (CRNs). To investigate and assess this approach, the ability of network-theoretic metrics to distinguish the distance from thermochemical equilibrium in the atmosphere of hot jupiters was tested. After modeling the atmospheres of hot jupiters over a range of initial conditions using the VULCAN modeling package, atmospheric CRNs were constructed from the converged models and their topology measured using the Python package NetworkX. I found that network metrics were able to predict the distance from thermochemical equilibrium better than atmospheric species abundances alone. Building on this success, I modeled 30,000 terrestrial worlds. These models divided into two categories: Anoxic Archean Earth-like planets that varied in terms of CH4 surface flux (modeled as either biotic or abiotic in origin), and modern Earth-like planets with and without a surface flux of CCl2F2 (to represent the presence of industrial civilizations). I constructed atmospheric CRNs from the converged models, and analyzed their topology. I found that network metrics could distinguish between atmospheres with and without the presence of life or technology. In particular, mean degree and average shortest path length consistently performed better at distinguishing between abiotic and biotic Archean-like atmospheres than CH4 abundance.
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The M-dwarf Atmosphere Problem

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Most stars in our galaxy are M–dwarfs, much cooler and smaller than the sun. The ubiquitous nature of these stars is also paired with the formation of terrestrial exoplanets orbiting them. The strategic placement of M-dwarfs between main-sequence stars and

Most stars in our galaxy are M–dwarfs, much cooler and smaller than the sun. The ubiquitous nature of these stars is also paired with the formation of terrestrial exoplanets orbiting them. The strategic placement of M-dwarfs between main-sequence stars and brown dwarfs, their uniqueness as exoplanet analogs, and their dominating presence in the galactic stellar population make them priority targets for study. This work investigates outstanding questions, including the need to acquire constraints on their chemical compositions to decode formation processes, evolution, and interaction with companion objects. Chapter 1 lays out a broad background emphasizing the importance of studying the most populous star in the galaxy, their far-reaching implications, and primarily the numerous challenges in characterizing the atmospheres and environments of these stars. Chapter 2 investigates the influence of M-dwarf star spots propagating into spectra of transiting terrestrial planets, showing that inaccurate modeling of M-dwarf photospheres leads to significant bias when inferring atmospheric properties of companion exoplanets. These biases persist despite correcting M-dwarf spot signatures imprinted onto the exoplanetary spectra, even with high-fidelity JWST observations. This result emphasizes the need for improved stellar atmosphere models as the first step to improving our understanding of the companion planets. To address this, chapter 3 introduces SPHINX—a new stellar atmosphere model grid for M-dwarfs. SPHINX provides improved constraints on fundamental properties of benchmark M-dwarf systems (e.g., temperature, surface gravity, radius, and chemistry). The improvement is significant relative to the state-of-the-art stellar model grid available today. Chapter 4 expands this model, applying it to mid-to-late type M-dwarfs, and investigating chemical trends in their atmospheric properties. Using low-resolution observations, both archival data (from SpeX Prism Library Database) and from previous empirical studies; this chapter presents constraints on fundamental atmospheric properties of 71 low-mass, late-type M-dwarfs to understand spectroscopic degeneracies arising due to stellar activity, cloud/dust condensation and convection. With SPHINX models, the chemical properties of these stars are compared against main-sequence stars to acquire a more holistic understanding of M-dwarfs as a class—in the quest to ultimately characterize their companions.
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Impact of Low-Frequency Antenna Characteristics on Observations of Cosmic Dawn with EDGES and FARSIDE

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Standard cosmological models predict that the first astrophysical sources formed from a Universe filled with neutral hydrogen (HI) around one hundred million years after the Big Bang. The transition into Cosmic Dawn (CD) that seeded all the structures seen today

Standard cosmological models predict that the first astrophysical sources formed from a Universe filled with neutral hydrogen (HI) around one hundred million years after the Big Bang. The transition into Cosmic Dawn (CD) that seeded all the structures seen today can only be probed directly by the 21-cm line of neutral hydrogen. Redshifted by the Hubble expansion, HI signal during CD is expected to be visible in radio frequencies. Precisely characterized and carefully calibrated low-frequency instruments are necessary to measure the predicted ~10-200 mK brightness temperature of this cosmological signal against foregrounds. This dissertation focuses on improving the existing instrumental and analysis techniques for the Experiment to Detect the Global EoR Signature (EDGES) and building capabilities for future space-based 21-cm instruments, including the Farside Array for Radio Science Investigations of the Dark ages and Exoplanets (FARSIDE) concept.Frequency-dependent antenna beams of 21-cm instruments limit the removal of bright galactic foreground emission (~10^3 - 10^4K) from observations. Using three electromagnetic simulation packages, I modeled the EDGES low-band antenna, including the ground plane and soil, and quantified its variations as a function of frequency. I compared simulated observations to sky data and obtained absolute agreement within 4% and qualitatively similar spectral structures. I used the new open-source edges-analysis pipeline to carry out rigorous fits of the absorption feature on the same low-band data and lab calibration measurements as (Bowman et. al. 2018). Using a Bayesian framework, I tested a few calibration choices and found posteriors of the best-fit 21-cm model parameters well within the 1σ values reported in B18. To test for the ``global'' nature of the reported cosmic absorption feature, I performed a time-dependent analysis. Initial results from this analysis successfully retrieved physical estimates for the foregrounds and estimates of the cosmic signal consistent with previous findings. The array layout of FARSIDE, a NASA probe-class concept to place a radio interferometer on the lunar farside, is a four-arm spiral configuration consisting of 128 dual-polarized antennas with a spatial offset between the phase centers of its orthogonal polarizations. I modeled the impact of direction-dependent beams and phase offsets on simulated observations of all four Stokes parameter images of a model and quantified its effects on the two primary science cases: 21-cm cosmology and exoplanet studies.
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A Photometric and Spectroscopic Analysis of the High-Energy Evolution of K Stars

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The balance between relative numbers, lifetime, and habitable zone (HZ) size of K stars (0.6 – 0.9 M⊙) in comparison with M (0.08 – 0.6 M⊙) and G (0.9 – 1.1 M⊙) stars makes them candidates to host “super-habitable” planets.

The balance between relative numbers, lifetime, and habitable zone (HZ) size of K stars (0.6 – 0.9 M⊙) in comparison with M (0.08 – 0.6 M⊙) and G (0.9 – 1.1 M⊙) stars makes them candidates to host “super-habitable” planets. Understanding the high- energy radiation environment of planets around these stars is crucial, since ultraviolet (UV) and X-ray radiation may cause severe photodissociation and ionization of the atmosphere, with the potential for complete erosion. In this thesis, I present the first broad study of the UV and X-ray evolution of K stars. I first focused on Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) and Ro ̈ntgen Satellit (ROSAT) photometric UV and X-ray evolutions of K stars and compared this with the age evolution of both early- (0.35 – 0.6 M⊙) and late-M (0.08 – 0.35 M⊙) stars. I found that the fractional UV and X-ray flux from M and K stars is similar; however, the wider and farther HZs of K stars mean that there is less incident UV radiation on HZ planets. Next, I led a spectroscopic study of 41 K stars using Hubble Space Telescope Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (HST/COS) data to show that the UV line and continua emission show no decrease in flux beyond 650 Myr whereas early-M star flux declines by 150 Myr; therefore, the K star intrinsic UV flux is greater than early-M stars after this time. I suggest that this phenomenon is related to K star rotational spin-down stalling. Lastly, I revisited the GALEX and ROSAT data with newly-available distances from the Gaia mission for both K and M stars. I find that the UV flux for K stars is an order of magnitude higher for M stars at all ages and the flux in their respective HZs is similar. However, K star X-ray flux is an order of magnitude less in the HZ than for M stars. The age of decline shows a dependency on wavelength, a phenomenon which is not seen in either the early- or late-M star data. These results suggest thatK stars may not exhibit quite the advantage as HZ planet host stars as the scientific community originally thought.
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Photometric Color Correction of the Star-Planet Activity Research CubeSat (SPARCS)

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The Star Planet Activity Research CubeSat (SPARCS) will be a 6U CubeSat devoted to photometric monitoring of M dwarfs in the far-ultraviolet (FUV) and near-ultraviolet (NUV) (160 and 280 nm respectively), measuring the time-dependent spectral slope, intensity and evolution of

The Star Planet Activity Research CubeSat (SPARCS) will be a 6U CubeSat devoted to photometric monitoring of M dwarfs in the far-ultraviolet (FUV) and near-ultraviolet (NUV) (160 and 280 nm respectively), measuring the time-dependent spectral slope, intensity and evolution of M dwarf stellar UV radiation. The delta-doped detectors baselined for SPARCS have demonstrated more than five times the in-band quantum efficiency of the detectors of GALEX. Given that red:UV photon emission from cool, low-mass stars can be million:one, UV observation of thes stars are susceptible to red light contamination. In addition to the high efficiency delta-doped detectors, SPARCS will include red-rejection filters to help minimize red leak. Even so, careful red-rejection and photometric calibration is needed. As was done for GALEX, white dwarfs are used for photometric calibration in the UV. We find that the use of white dwarfs to calibrate the observations of red stars leads to significant errors in the reported flux, due to the differences in white dwarf and red dwarf spectra. Here we discuss the planned SPARCS calibration model and the color correction, and demonstrate the importance of this correction when recording UV measurements of M stars taken by SPARCS.

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The Effect of Varying Mass Loss Rate on the Initial-Final Mass Relation of Massive Stars

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Stellar mass loss has a high impact on the overall evolution of a star. The amount<br/>of mass lost during a star’s lifetime dictates which remnant will be left behind and how<br/>the circumstellar environment will be affected. Several rates of mass

Stellar mass loss has a high impact on the overall evolution of a star. The amount<br/>of mass lost during a star’s lifetime dictates which remnant will be left behind and how<br/>the circumstellar environment will be affected. Several rates of mass loss have been<br/>proposed for use in stellar evolution codes, yielding discrepant results from codes using<br/>different rates. In this paper, I compare the effect of varying the mass loss rate in the<br/>stellar evolution code TYCHO on the initial-final mass relation. I computed four sets of<br/>models with varying mass loss rates and metallicities. Due to a large number of models<br/>reaching the luminous blue variable stage, only the two lower metallicity groups were<br/>considered. Their mass loss was analyzed using Python. Luminosity, temperature, and<br/>radius were also compared. The initial-final mass relation plots showed that in the 1/10<br/>solar metallicity case, reducing the mass loss rate tended to increase the dependence of final mass on initial mass. The limited nature of these results implies a need for further study into the effects of using different mass loss rates in the code TYCHO.

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Effect of disk structure on the distribution of water in protoplanetary disks and planets

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The composition of planets and their volatile contents are intimately connected to the structure and evolution of their parent protoplanetary disks. The transport of momentum and volatiles is often parameterized by a turbulent viscosity parameter $\alpha$, which is usually assumed

The composition of planets and their volatile contents are intimately connected to the structure and evolution of their parent protoplanetary disks. The transport of momentum and volatiles is often parameterized by a turbulent viscosity parameter $\alpha$, which is usually assumed to be spatially and temporally uniform across the disk. I show that variable $\alpha$(r,z) (where $r$ is radius, and $z$ is height from the midplane) attributable to angular momentum transport due to MRI can yield disks with significantly different structure, as mass piles up in the 1-10 AU region resulting in steep slopes of p $>$ 2 here (where p is the power law exponent in $\Sigma \propto r^{-p}$). I also show that the transition radius (where bulk mass flow switches from inward to outward) can move as close in as 3 AU; this effect (especially prominent in externally photoevaporated disks) may significantly influence the radial water content available during planet formation.

I then investigate the transport of water in disks with different variable α profiles. While radial temperature profile sets the location of the water snowline (i.e., inside of which water is present as vapor; outside of which, as ice on solids), it is the rates of diffusion and drift of small icy solids and diffusion of vapor across the snow line that determine the radial water distribution. All of these processes are highly sensitive to local $\alpha$. I calculate the effect of radially varying α on water transport, by tracking the abundance of vapor in the inner disk, and fraction of ice in particles and larger asteroids beyond the snow line. I find one α profile attributable to winds and hydrodynamical instabilities, and motivated by meteoritic constraints, to show considerable agreement with inferred water contents observed in solar system asteroids.

Finally, I calculate the timing of gap formation due to the formation of a planet in disks around different stars. Here, I assume that pebble accretion is the dominant mechanism for planetary growth and that the core of the first protoplanet forms at the water snow line. I discuss the dependence of gap timing to various stellar and disk properties.
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The Diversity of Chemical Composition and the Effects on Stellar Evolution and Planetary Habitability

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I present a catalog of 1,794 stellar evolution models for solar-type and low-mass stars, which is intended to help characterize real host-stars of interest during the ongoing search for potentially habitable exoplanets. The main grid is composed of 904 tracks,

I present a catalog of 1,794 stellar evolution models for solar-type and low-mass stars, which is intended to help characterize real host-stars of interest during the ongoing search for potentially habitable exoplanets. The main grid is composed of 904 tracks, for 0.5-1.2 M_sol at scaled metallicity values of 0.1-1.5 Z_sol and specific elemental abundance ratio values of 0.44-2.28 O/Fe_sol, 0.58-1.72 C/Fe_sol, 0.54-1.84 Mg/Fe_sol, and 0.5-2.0 Ne/Fe_sol. The catalog includes a small grid of late stage evolutionary tracks (25 models), as well as a grid of M-dwarf stars for 0.1-0.45 M_sol (856 models). The time-dependent habitable zone evolution is calculated for each track, and is strongly dependent on stellar mass, effective temperature, and luminosity parameterizations. I have also developed a subroutine for the stellar evolution code TYCHO that implements a minimalist coupled model for estimating changes in the stellar X-ray luminosity, mass loss, rotational velocity, and magnetic activity over time; to test the utility of the updated code, I created a small grid (9 models) for solar-mass stars, with variations in rotational velocity and scaled metallicity. Including this kind of information in the catalog will ultimately allow for a more robust consideration of the long-term conditions that orbiting planets may experience.

In order to gauge the true habitability potential of a given planetary system, it is extremely important to characterize the host-star's mass, specific chemical composition, and thus the timescale over which the star will evolve. It is also necessary to assess the likelihood that a planet found in the "instantaneous" habitable zone has actually had sufficient time to become "detectably" habitable. This catalog provides accurate stellar evolution predictions for a large collection of theoretical host-stars; the models are of particular utility in that they represent the real variation in stellar parameters that have been observed in nearby stars.
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Exoplanet meteorology: characterizing the atmospheres of directly imaged sub-stellar objects

The field of exoplanet science has matured over the past two decades with over 3500 confirmed exoplanets. However, many fundamental questions regarding the composition, and formation mechanism remain unanswered. Atmospheres are a window into the properties of a planet, and

The field of exoplanet science has matured over the past two decades with over 3500 confirmed exoplanets. However, many fundamental questions regarding the composition, and formation mechanism remain unanswered. Atmospheres are a window into the properties of a planet, and spectroscopic studies can help resolve many of these questions. For the first part of my dissertation, I participated in two studies of the atmospheres of brown dwarfs to search for weather variations. To understand the evolution of weather on brown dwarfs we conducted a multi-epoch study monitoring four cool brown dwarfs to search for photometric variability. These cool brown dwarfs are predicted to have salt and sulfide clouds condensing in their upper atmosphere and we detected one high amplitude variable. Combining observations for all T5 and later brown dwarfs we note a possible correlation between variability and cloud opacity.

For the second half of my thesis, I focused on characterizing the atmospheres of directly imaged exoplanets. In the first study Hubble Space Telescope data on HR8799, in wavelengths unobservable from the ground, provide constraints on the presence of clouds in the outer planets. Next, I present research done in collaboration with the Gemini Planet Imager Exoplanet Survey (GPIES) team including an exploration of the instrument contrast against environmental parameters, and an examination of the environment of the planet in the HD 106906 system. By analyzing archival HST data and examining the near-infrared colors of HD 106906b, we conclude that the companion shows weak evidence of a circumplanetary dust disk or cloud. Finally, I measure the properties of the low mass directly imaged planet 51 Eridani b. We combined published J, H spectra with updated LP photometry, new K1, K2 spectra, and MS photometry. The new data confirms that the planet has redder than similar spectral type objects, which might be due to the planet still transitioning from to L-to-T. Model atmospheres indicate a cooler effective temperature best fit by a patchy cloud atmosphere making 51 Eri b an excellent candidate for future variability studies with the James Webb Space Telescope.
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