Impact of Low-Frequency Antenna Characteristics on Observations of Cosmic Dawn with EDGES and FARSIDE

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Standard cosmological models predict that the first astrophysical sources formed from a Universe filled with neutral hydrogen (HI) around one hundred million years after the Big Bang. The transition into Cosmic Dawn (CD) that seeded all the structures seen today

Standard cosmological models predict that the first astrophysical sources formed from a Universe filled with neutral hydrogen (HI) around one hundred million years after the Big Bang. The transition into Cosmic Dawn (CD) that seeded all the structures seen today can only be probed directly by the 21-cm line of neutral hydrogen. Redshifted by the Hubble expansion, HI signal during CD is expected to be visible in radio frequencies. Precisely characterized and carefully calibrated low-frequency instruments are necessary to measure the predicted ~10-200 mK brightness temperature of this cosmological signal against foregrounds. This dissertation focuses on improving the existing instrumental and analysis techniques for the Experiment to Detect the Global EoR Signature (EDGES) and building capabilities for future space-based 21-cm instruments, including the Farside Array for Radio Science Investigations of the Dark ages and Exoplanets (FARSIDE) concept.Frequency-dependent antenna beams of 21-cm instruments limit the removal of bright galactic foreground emission (~10^3 - 10^4K) from observations. Using three electromagnetic simulation packages, I modeled the EDGES low-band antenna, including the ground plane and soil, and quantified its variations as a function of frequency. I compared simulated observations to sky data and obtained absolute agreement within 4% and qualitatively similar spectral structures. I used the new open-source edges-analysis pipeline to carry out rigorous fits of the absorption feature on the same low-band data and lab calibration measurements as (Bowman et. al. 2018). Using a Bayesian framework, I tested a few calibration choices and found posteriors of the best-fit 21-cm model parameters well within the 1σ values reported in B18. To test for the ``global'' nature of the reported cosmic absorption feature, I performed a time-dependent analysis. Initial results from this analysis successfully retrieved physical estimates for the foregrounds and estimates of the cosmic signal consistent with previous findings. The array layout of FARSIDE, a NASA probe-class concept to place a radio interferometer on the lunar farside, is a four-arm spiral configuration consisting of 128 dual-polarized antennas with a spatial offset between the phase centers of its orthogonal polarizations. I modeled the impact of direction-dependent beams and phase offsets on simulated observations of all four Stokes parameter images of a model and quantified its effects on the two primary science cases: 21-cm cosmology and exoplanet studies.
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Antenna design and foreground characterization for improved detection of the redshifted 21 cm global signature during the Epoch of Reionization

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The Universe transitioned from a state of neutral hydrogen (HI) shortly after recombination to its present day ionized state, but this transition, the Epoch of Reionization (EoR), has been poorly constrained by observational data. Estimates place the EoR between redshifts

The Universe transitioned from a state of neutral hydrogen (HI) shortly after recombination to its present day ionized state, but this transition, the Epoch of Reionization (EoR), has been poorly constrained by observational data. Estimates place the EoR between redshifts 6 < z <13 (330-770 Myr).

The interaction of the 21 cm hyperfine ground state emission/absorption-line of HI with the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and the radiation from the first luminous sources in the universe can be used to extract cosmological information about the EoR. Theorists have created global redshifted 21 cm EoR models of this interaction that predict the temperature perturbations to the CMB in the form of a sky-averaged difference temperature, Tb. The difficulty in measuring Tb is that it is

predicted to be on the order of 20 to 100 mK, while the sky foreground is dominated

by synchrotron radiation that is 105 times brighter. The challenge is to subtract the much brighter foreground radiation without subtracting the Tb signal and can only be done when the data has small error levels.

The Experiment to Detect the Global EoR Signature (EDGES) is an effort to measure Tb with a single wide field-of-view well-calibrated antenna. This dissertation focuses on reducing systematic errors by quantifying the impact of the chromatic nature of the antenna’s beam directivity and by measuring the variability of the spectral index of the radio sky foreground. The chromatic beam study quantified the superior qualities of the rectangular blade-shaped antenna and led to its adoption over the previously used fourpoint-shaped antenna and determined that a 5 term polynomial was optimum for removing the foreground. The spectral index, β, of the sky was measured, using 211 nights of data, to be −2.60 > β > −2.62 in lower LST regions, increasing to −2.50 near the Galactic plane. This matched simulated results using the Guzm´an et al. (2011) sky map (∆β < 0.05) and demonstrated the exceptional stability of the EDGES instrument. Lastly, an EoR model by Kaurov & Gnedin (2016) was shown to be inconsistent with measured EDGES data at a significance level of 1.9.
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