Game-theoretic Empathetic Parameter Estimation in Two-Vehicle Interaction

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Recent years, there has been many attempts with different approaches to the human-robot interaction (HRI) problems. In this paper, the multi-agent interaction is formulated as a differential game with incomplete information. To tackle this problem, the parameter estimation method is

Recent years, there has been many attempts with different approaches to the human-robot interaction (HRI) problems. In this paper, the multi-agent interaction is formulated as a differential game with incomplete information. To tackle this problem, the parameter estimation method is utilized to obtain the approximated solution in a real time basis. Previous studies in the parameter estimation made the assumption that the human parameters are known by the robot; but such may not be the case and there exists uncertainty in the modeling of the human rewards as well as human's modeling of the robot's rewards. The proposed method, empathetic estimation, is tested and compared with the ``non-empathetic'' estimation from the existing works. The case studies are conducted in an uncontrolled intersection with two agents attempting to pass efficiently. Results have shown that in the case of both agents having inconsistent belief of the other agent's parameters, the empathetic agent performs better at estimating the parameters and has higher reward values, which indicates the scenarios when empathy is essential: when agent's initial belief is mismatched from the true parameters/intent of the agents.
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Semantic keyword search on large-scale semi-structured data

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Keyword search provides a simple and user-friendly mechanism for information search, and has become increasingly popular for accessing structured or semi-structured data. However, there are two open issues of keyword search on semi/structured data which are not well addressed by

Keyword search provides a simple and user-friendly mechanism for information search, and has become increasingly popular for accessing structured or semi-structured data. However, there are two open issues of keyword search on semi/structured data which are not well addressed by existing work yet.

First, while an increasing amount of investigation has been done in this important area, most existing work concentrates on efficiency instead of search quality and may fail to deliver high quality results from semantic perspectives. Majority of the existing work generates minimal sub-graph results that are oblivious to the entity and relationship semantics embedded in the data and in the user query. There are also studies that define results to be subtrees or subgraphs that contain all query keywords but are not necessarily ``minimal''. However, such result construction method suffers from the same problem of semantic mis-alignment between data and user query. In this work the semantics of how to {\em define} results that can capture users' search intention and then the generation of search intention aware results is studied.

Second, most existing research is incapable of handling large-scale structured data. However, as data volume has seen rapid growth in recent years, the problem of how to efficiently process keyword queries on large-scale structured data becomes important. MapReduce is widely acknowledged as an effective programming model to process big data. For keyword query processing on data graph, first graph algorithms which can efficiently return query results that are consistent with users' search intention are proposed. Then these algorithms are migrated to MapReduce to support big data. For keyword query processing on schema graph, it first transforms a keyword query into multiple SQL queries, then all generated SQL queries are run on the structured data. Therefore it is crucial to find the optimal way to execute a SQL query using MapReduce, which can minimize the processing time. In this work, a system called SOSQL is developed which generates the optimal query execution plan using MapReduce for a SQL query $Q$ with time complexity $O(n^2)$, where $n$ is the number of input tables of $Q$.
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Patient-centered and experience-aware mining for effective information discovery in health forums

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Online health forums provide a convenient channel for patients, caregivers, and medical professionals to share their experience, support and encourage each other, and form health communities. The fast growing content in health forums provides a large repository for people to

Online health forums provide a convenient channel for patients, caregivers, and medical professionals to share their experience, support and encourage each other, and form health communities. The fast growing content in health forums provides a large repository for people to seek valuable information. A forum user can issue a keyword query to search health forums regarding to some specific questions, e.g., what treatments are effective for a disease symptom? A medical researcher can discover medical knowledge in a timely and large-scale fashion by automatically aggregating the latest evidences emerging in health forums.

This dissertation studies how to effectively discover information in health forums. Several challenges have been identified. First, the existing work relies on the syntactic information unit, such as a sentence, a post, or a thread, to bind different pieces of information in a forum. However, most of information discovery tasks should be based on the semantic information unit, a patient. For instance, given a keyword query that involves the relationship between a treatment and side effects, it is expected that the matched keywords refer to the same patient. In this work, patient-centered mining is proposed to mine patient semantic information units. In a patient information unit, the health information, such as diseases, symptoms, treatments, effects, and etc., is connected by the corresponding patient.

Second, the information published in health forums has varying degree of quality. Some information includes patient-reported personal health experience, while others can be hearsay. In this work, a context-aware experience extraction framework is proposed to mine patient-reported personal health experience, which can be used for evidence-based knowledge discovery or finding patients with similar experience.

At last, the proposed patient-centered and experience-aware mining framework is used to build a patient health information database for effectively discovering adverse drug reactions (ADRs) from health forums. ADRs have become a serious health problem and even a leading cause of death in the United States. Health forums provide valuable evidences in a large scale and in a timely fashion through the active participation of patients, caregivers, and doctors. Empirical evaluation shows the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
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Efficient processing of skyline queries on static data sources, data streams and incomplete datasets

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Skyline queries extract interesting points that are non-dominated and help paint the bigger picture of the data in question. They are valuable in many multi-criteria decision applications and are becoming a staple of decision support systems.

An assumption commonly made by

Skyline queries extract interesting points that are non-dominated and help paint the bigger picture of the data in question. They are valuable in many multi-criteria decision applications and are becoming a staple of decision support systems.

An assumption commonly made by many skyline algorithms is that a skyline query is applied to a single static data source or data stream. Unfortunately, this assumption does not hold in many applications in which a skyline query may involve attributes belonging to multiple data sources and requires a join operation to be performed before the skyline can be produced. Recently, various skyline-join algorithms have been proposed to address this problem in the context of static data sources. However, these algorithms suffer from several drawbacks: they often need to scan the data sources exhaustively to obtain the skyline-join results; moreover, the pruning techniques employed to eliminate tuples are largely based on expensive tuple-to-tuple comparisons. On the other hand, most data stream techniques focus on single stream skyline queries, thus rendering them unsuitable for skyline-join queries.

Another assumption typically made by most of the earlier skyline algorithms is that the data is complete and all skyline attribute values are available. Due to this constraint, these algorithms cannot be applied to incomplete data sources in which some of the attribute values are missing and are represented by NULL values. There exists a definition of dominance for incomplete data, but this leads to undesirable consequences such as non-transitive and cyclic dominance relations both of which are detrimental to skyline processing.

Based on the aforementioned observations, the main goal of the research described in this dissertation is the design and development of a framework of skyline operators that effectively handles three distinct types of skyline queries: 1) skyline-join queries on static data sources, 2) skyline-window-join queries over data streams, and 3) strata-skyline queries on incomplete datasets. This dissertation presents the unique challenges posed by these skyline queries and addresses the shortcomings of current skyline techniques by proposing efficient methods to tackle the added overhead in processing skyline queries on static data sources, data streams, and incomplete datasets.
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Unsupervised Bayesian data cleaning techniques for structured data

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Recent efforts in data cleaning have focused mostly on problems like data deduplication, record matching, and data standardization; few of these focus on fixing incorrect attribute values in tuples. Correcting values in tuples is typically performed by a minimum cost

Recent efforts in data cleaning have focused mostly on problems like data deduplication, record matching, and data standardization; few of these focus on fixing incorrect attribute values in tuples. Correcting values in tuples is typically performed by a minimum cost repair of tuples that violate static constraints like CFDs (which have to be provided by domain experts, or learned from a clean sample of the database). In this thesis, I provide a method for correcting individual attribute values in a structured database using a Bayesian generative model and a statistical error model learned from the noisy database directly. I thus avoid the necessity for a domain expert or master data. I also show how to efficiently perform consistent query answering using this model over a dirty database, in case write permissions to the database are unavailable. A Map-Reduce architecture to perform this computation in a distributed manner is also shown. I evaluate these methods over both synthetic and real data.
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Representing, reasoning and answering questions about biological pathways various applications

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Biological organisms are made up of cells containing numerous interconnected biochemical processes. Diseases occur when normal functionality of these processes is disrupted, manifesting as disease symptoms. Thus, understanding these biochemical processes and their interrelationships is a primary task in biomedical

Biological organisms are made up of cells containing numerous interconnected biochemical processes. Diseases occur when normal functionality of these processes is disrupted, manifesting as disease symptoms. Thus, understanding these biochemical processes and their interrelationships is a primary task in biomedical research and a prerequisite for activities including diagnosing diseases and drug development. Scientists studying these interconnected processes have identified various pathways involved in drug metabolism, diseases, and signal transduction, etc. High-throughput technologies, new algorithms and speed improvements over the last decade have resulted in deeper knowledge about biological systems, leading to more refined pathways. Such pathways tend to be large and complex, making it difficult for an individual to remember all aspects. Thus, computer models are needed to represent and analyze them. The refinement activity itself requires reasoning with a pathway model by posing queries against it and comparing the results against the real biological system. Many existing models focus on structural and/or factoid questions, relying on surface-level information. These are generally not the kind of questions that a biologist may ask someone to test their understanding of biological processes. Examples of questions requiring understanding of biological processes are available in introductory college level biology text books. Such questions serve as a model for the question answering system developed in this thesis. Thus, the main goal of this thesis is to develop a system that allows the encoding of knowledge about biological pathways to answer questions demonstrating understanding of the pathways. To that end, a language is developed to specify a pathway and pose questions against it. Some existing tools are modified and used to accomplish this goal. The utility of the framework developed in this thesis is illustrated with applications in the biological domain. Finally, the question answering system is used in real world applications by extracting pathway knowledge from text and answering questions related to drug development.
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