Duo“Moonlight Rain (Zi Ye Yan Yu)" by Quanyi Fang: The Creation of a New Work for Double Bass and Guzheng Inspired by Jiangnan Region Music

This is a recording of a new piece for Double bass and Guzheng performer Qingfeng Li, who is internationally renowned. The composer composed this audacious and unique chamber work for double bass and traditional Chinese Guzheng zither in November 2021,

This is a recording of a new piece for Double bass and Guzheng performer Qingfeng Li, who is internationally renowned. The composer composed this audacious and unique chamber work for double bass and traditional Chinese Guzheng zither in November 2021, dedicating it to me and Guzheng virtuoso Prof. Qingfeng Li. The objective of this project is to create a work for the classic Chinese instrument Guzheng that incorporates elements of Chinese folk music. This chamber music will be a duet for double bass and guzheng, with the guzheng's distinctive style and sonic effects blended into the double bass. The project will contain a recording of this new piece, as well as a written research document outlining the work's structure, the composer's collaboration process with me as a performer, and brief analysis of the work. Additionally, the author recorded this piece in a professional audio and video recording made in China, with Guzheng player Qingfeng Li.This is the first combination of a traditional Chinese instrument, the guzheng, and a Western instrument, the double bass. This unusual melodic combination conveys the essence of traditional musical practices unique to the Chinese folk of Jiangnan. To investigate the connections between the pentatonic scale and traditional musical practices, I have studied Jiangnan music manuscripts compiled by ethnomusicologists. To better complement the traditional instrument of the guzheng in the piece, I studied the history of the guzheng and how to use techniques to express emotion in the piece. These connections are discussed in depth in the chapter on structure form, including how to break out of familiar compositional combinations and how to use the unique acoustics and techniques of the double bass to embody the Chinese folk pentatonic scale. I also discuss the process of working with the composer, the rehearsal process, and the incorporation of necessary modifications in this document to make the music effective and idiomatic for the double bass. This new work at the intermedi
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High School of Online Cello Playing: A Quantitative Analysis of Online Music Instruction via Video Conferencing Application

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Video conferencing applications, such as Skype, have long been used in classroom settings. Although musicians have been conducting online lessons for years, and institutions such as the Berklee School of Music and the Manhattan School of Music offer online music

Video conferencing applications, such as Skype, have long been used in classroom settings. Although musicians have been conducting online lessons for years, and institutions such as the Berklee School of Music and the Manhattan School of Music offer online music classes, scholarly research concerning online video conferencing music lessons is limited. Most studies of video conferencing lessons are based on subjective answers, making it difficult to yield conclusive results. As such, the only basis to evaluate the efficacy of video conferencing lessons are those from opinions. This study offers quantitative research on online video conferencing lessons. Between September and December 2017, 22 cello students from Muscatine High School received weekly private online lessons. Students filled out surveys using a Likert scale to rate these lessons and how they felt video and audio quality affected them. Students also received in-person lessons during October 23 or 24 to compare this experience to online lessons. The responses collected throughout the semester were compiled and sorted to reveal data trends. Using information derived from the data, this study concludes that online video conferencing lessons were less productive than in-person lessons but were still effective. In addition, average lesson ratings improved significantly after meeting in-person. In conclusion, this study found that online private lessons are feasible for high school students.
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A new transcription and performance guide for J.S. Bach's Flute Partita, BWV 1013, for Solo Double Bass

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The study and performance of J.S. Bach’s music has long been essential for every string musician. A transcription of the Flute Partita in A minor, BWV 1013, is an excellent addition to the double bass repertoire. This paper includes a

The study and performance of J.S. Bach’s music has long been essential for every string musician. A transcription of the Flute Partita in A minor, BWV 1013, is an excellent addition to the double bass repertoire. This paper includes a performance guide that discusses the technical and musical considerations of each movement, and a new transcription for double bass.

Chapter 1 introduces the goals of the paper. Chapter 2 is an overview of the transcription that covers the reasoning behind the bowings, fingerings, note alterations, ornamentation, articulation, and interpretation included in the transcription. Chapters 3 through 6 discuss these technical and musical elements in the context of each movement of the Partita. There are two other transcriptions of this piece for double bass, both of which take a different approach to transcribing the music of Bach.

The transcription includes two different versions of the Partita: a version with bowings and note alterations, and a second version that also includes fingering suggestions. The bowings are based on Bach’s manuscript of the Violin Partitas in order to accurately recreate bowings that Bach would have written. The suggested fingerings serve as guidance for bassists who study this piece and are included separately to acknowledge that there are other fingering possibilities.
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