Empathy and Relationship Satisfaction among Couples in Long-Term Monogamous Relationships

Healthy relationships are a key contributor toward life satisfaction. Thus, it is important to understand correlates of relationship functioning. Partners high in empathy have been found to experience higher levels of relationship satisfaction. However, it is unclear which facet of

Healthy relationships are a key contributor toward life satisfaction. Thus, it is important to understand correlates of relationship functioning. Partners high in empathy have been found to experience higher levels of relationship satisfaction. However, it is unclear which facet of empathy matters more in determining satisfaction, an individual’s own empathy or their perception of their partner’s empathy. The present study surveyed both members of 54 heterosexual couples (Mage = 38.57, SD = 14.44) on relationship satisfaction and two measures of empathy: self-reported empathy and perceptions of one’s partner’s empathy. Bivariate correlation analyses showed that both higher self-reported empathy scores and higher perceived empathy scores from the female partner were associated with higher relationship satisfaction among men. In women, the same pattern occurred: higher self-reported empathy in women and higher perceived empathy from the male partner were associated with higher relationship satisfaction among women. Moreover, higher empathic discrepancies – defined as the absolute difference between an individual’s self-reported empathy and their partner’s rating of the individual’s empathy – were associated with lower levels of relationship satisfaction among partners. These results lend support for empathy-focused efforts in developing and maintaining satisfying relationships.
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Understanding Alcohol-Facilitated Intimate Partner Aggression in Hispanic Populations


This project investigated how alcohol might affect rates of Intimate Partner Aggression (IPA) within Hispanic populations specifically. Hispanics have the highest rates of IPA broadly speaking in the U.S., and I decided that further insight could be gleaned on why

This project investigated how alcohol might affect rates of Intimate Partner Aggression (IPA) within Hispanic populations specifically. Hispanics have the highest rates of IPA broadly speaking in the U.S., and I decided that further insight could be gleaned on why this might be by looking into how alcohol consumption might affect these rates. Data were gathered from Project IDEA, the research fellowship which this thesis piggybacked off of. Project IDEA was a survey asking couples about their drinking habits and relationship dynamics for the purpose of collecting more data on the connection between alcohol and IPA. My thesis focused more specifically on the Hispanic members of the sample. Ultimately, I found that Hispanics tend to engage in more heavy episodic drinking (i.e., drinking more in one sitting) than non-Hispanics, that heavy episodic drinking was positively correlated with IPA, and that Hispanics engaged more in all forms of IPA except for psychological perpetration than non-Hispanics. This essentially tells me that heavy episodic drinking might have something to do with the higher rates of IPA in Hispanic populations, but there is no definite causal relationship, and more research has to be done in this area.

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The Effectiveness of Math Digital Learning Tools and Their Place in the Classroom

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Digital learning tools have become ubiquitous in virtual and in person classrooms as teachers found creative ways to engage students during the COVID 19 pandemic. Even before the pandemic and widespread remote learning, however, digital learning tools were increasingly common

Digital learning tools have become ubiquitous in virtual and in person classrooms as teachers found creative ways to engage students during the COVID 19 pandemic. Even before the pandemic and widespread remote learning, however, digital learning tools were increasingly common and a typical part of many classrooms. While all digital learning tools are worthy of study, math digital learning tools (MDLTs) designed for K - 8th grade in particular raise questions of efficacy and usefulness for classrooms. This paper shows that MDLTs are an effective tool to raise students’ math achievement across K - 8th grade, and that time spent on MDLTs can lead to better understanding of a topic than traditional, teacher led instruction. However, if the MDLT is being delivered in a language the student is not familiar with, that student will not be able to benefit from MDLTs in the way other students do. This is also true of students who receive Special Education services. Additionally, higher quality MDLTs that provide feedback that attaches meaning to students’ work creates a better learning environment for students than one with simpler feedback. Based on my experiences with student teaching this year and using the popular MDLT IXL frequently, I recommend that MDLTs not just be used for independent practice time, but for whole class, problem solving sessions where students have to use mathematical thinking in new content areas. This will build deeper conceptual learning and a greater sense of achievement in students.

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Binge Drinking Behaviors among College Fraternity Members: An Exploration Using Theory of Planned Behavior

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Research indicates members of college Fraternities binge drinking at higher rates than their peers. Given the health and social consequences of binge drinking, it may be beneficial to explore binge drinking behaviors in this specific population. This study examined if

Research indicates members of college Fraternities binge drinking at higher rates than their peers. Given the health and social consequences of binge drinking, it may be beneficial to explore binge drinking behaviors in this specific population. This study examined if the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) predicts binge drinking behaviors of Fraternity students at Arizona State University. In a cross-sectional design, male Fraternity members (n=49) completed an online survey measuring their drinking behaviors and associated constructs of the Theory of Planned Behavior (i.e. attitudes, subjective norms, descriptive norms, behavioral control, and self-efficacy). Results indicated all participants reported drinking alcohol over the previous 30 days. TPB variables of attitudes (r =.658, p <0.01), subjective norms (r =.384, p <0.01), and self-efficacy (r =.487, p <.01) were significantly associated with the construct of intention to binge drink. Variables of descriptive norms (r=-.045, p>.05) and perceived control (r=-.060, p>.05) were not significantly associated with intention to binge drink. Binge drinking intention (r =.538, p <0.01) was also significantly associated with binge drinking behaviors in this population. Findings indicate favorably for TPB to describe binge drinking behaviors in University Fraternity students. Researchers designing interventions to prevent binge drinking may consider targeting TPB constructs attitudes, subjective norms, and self-efficacy, as the current study indicates these are important factors associated with intention to binge drink, as well as actual binge drinking behaviors.
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Free Bird: Preventing Sexual Assault on College Campuses

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Sexual assault affects hundreds of thousands of individuals every year. College students are especially at risk as women ages 18-24 are 3 times more likely to be a victim of sexual assault than other females (Campus Sexual Violence, n.d.). Because

Sexual assault affects hundreds of thousands of individuals every year. College students are especially at risk as women ages 18-24 are 3 times more likely to be a victim of sexual assault than other females (Campus Sexual Violence, n.d.). Because victims of sexual assault can experience negative sequelae for weeks, months, and even years after the incident occurs, it is critical to provide them with easily accessible help and guidance. For my thesis project, I investigated how sexual assault influences these victims' lives as well as what help is readily accessible to them. After researching sexual assault in college students and reading through many websites, articles, and journals, I researched the types of information provided to sexual assault victims through the websites of national sexual violence organizations. I then coded the websites of Arizona colleges and universities (N = 10) for the topics covered in their sites. Because several of these colleges had inadequate material on their websites, I developed a website that would provide additional information to sexual assault survivors. The idea of Free Bird is to establish a safe space for victims of sexual assault to find information that will allow them to heal along their journey. I learned a lot while completing this project, and I hope that the creation of this website will allow others to become more educated on the topic and realize what a problem sexual assault is in our society today.
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Ramon Garavito, tuba

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