An Evolutionary Perspective on Neoplastic Disease Across the Tree of Life

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Cancer is a disease of multicellularity, with deep evolutionary origins. As such, the forces of both evolution and natural selection operate on multiple scales to govern tumor dynamics. As multicellular organisms increase in complexity, cellular-level fitness must be controlled in

Cancer is a disease of multicellularity, with deep evolutionary origins. As such, the forces of both evolution and natural selection operate on multiple scales to govern tumor dynamics. As multicellular organisms increase in complexity, cellular-level fitness must be controlled in order to maintain organismal-level fitness. Mutations that might provide a benefit at the cellular level by allowing for rapid proliferation are subject to the same forces that function on the organismal level, wherein cancer suppression is a benefit – especially as organisms increase their body size and lifespan. In order to maintain these large cellular bodies and long lifespans, organisms must increase their means of cancer suppression, and it is likely that these two phenomena co-evolved together. On a smaller scale, the cooperative dynamics of circulating tumor cell (CTC) clusters engage in cooperation to form networks of connected single cells that provide protection, stability, and cooperative sharing of resources to enhance their survival as they detach from a primary tumor and metastasize at secondary sites. This work seeks to explore the phenomenon of multi-level selection in neoplastic disease by examining A) the mechanisms of cancer suppression at multiple scales, B) the ecological resilience and stability of cooperating cellular clusters and C) a large-scale dataset on cancer prevalence across mammals, sauropsids (birds and reptiles), and amphibians, illuminating the evolutionary life history characteristics that explain the tradeoffs between cancer suppression and overall organism fitness. By taking an ecological and evolutionary approach to understanding cancer, novel strategies of cancer treatment may be discovered alongside fundamental discoveries about the fundamental forces of selection that govern evolutionary dynamics from the cellular to the organismal scale.
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How the West Was Won: The Impact of Railroad Tourism on the Development of Pipe Organ Recitals at the Salt Lake Tabernacle

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Organ culture of the late nineteenth century played an important role in the development of cities on the American Western Frontier. By 1869, the transcontinental railroad connected cities across the United States, enabling coast-to-coast travel and spawning a new tourist

Organ culture of the late nineteenth century played an important role in the development of cities on the American Western Frontier. By 1869, the transcontinental railroad connected cities across the United States, enabling coast-to-coast travel and spawning a new tourist industry. Rail travelers stopping in Utah frequently visited the Tabernacle and were impressed by the organ, requesting to hear it played. The Salt Lake Tabernacle free daily organ recital program was initiated to meet that demand. This came at a critical time in the growth of the city as it sought to develop a positive image of itself. These organ recitals became a highlight of travelers’ journeys across the United States, shaping the image of Utah as a place of culture and refinement. Although free daily organ recital programs sprang up across the country during the early twentieth century, very few persisted for more than a decade. Today, the only two remaining continuous free daily organ recital series are given on the Salt Lake Tabernacle organ and on the Wanamaker organ in Philadelphia. Location, promotion, purpose, and programming were key factors vital to the early and continued success of the program. At a time when attendance is in decline for organ recitals, and indeed for all classical art music, the elements of this uniquely successful program may suggest new approaches for sharing organ music.
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ASU Biodesign Clinical Testing Laboratory: Let's Go Save Some Lives

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Under the direction of Dr. Carolyn Compton, a group of seven Barrett honors students have embarked on a truly unique team thesis project to create a documentary on the process of creating a COVID-19 testing laboratory. This documentary tells the

Under the direction of Dr. Carolyn Compton, a group of seven Barrett honors students have embarked on a truly unique team thesis project to create a documentary on the process of creating a COVID-19 testing laboratory. This documentary tells the story of the ASU Biodesign Clinical Testing Laboratory (ABCTL), the first lab in the western United States to offer public saliva testing to identify the presence of COVID-19.

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A survey of cancer prevalence within birds (the clave Aves).

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Cancer is a disease that occurs in many and perhaps all multicellular organisms. Current research is looking at how different life history characteristics among species could influence cancer rates. Because somatic maintenance is an important component of a species' life

Cancer is a disease that occurs in many and perhaps all multicellular organisms. Current research is looking at how different life history characteristics among species could influence cancer rates. Because somatic maintenance is an important component of a species' life history, we hypothesize the same ecological forces shaping the life history of a species should also determine its cancer susceptibility. By looking at varying life histories, potential evolutionary trends could be used to explain differing cancer rates. Life history theory could be an important framework for understanding cancer vulnerabilities with different trade-offs between life history traits and cancer defenses. Birds have diverse life history strategies that could explain differences in cancer suppression. Peto's paradox is the observation that cancer rates do not typically increase with body size and longevity despite an increased number of cell divisions over the animal's lifetime that ought to be carcinogenic. Here we show how Peto’s paradox is negatively correlated for cancer within the clade, Aves. That is, larger, long-lived birds get more cancer than smaller, short-lived birds (p=0.0001; r2= 0.024). Sexual dimorphism in both plumage color and size differ among Aves species. We hypothesized that this could lead to a difference in cancer rates due to the amount of time and energy sexual dimorphism takes away from somatic maintenance. We tested for an association between a variety of life history traits and cancer, including reproductive potential, growth rate, incubation, mating systems, and sexual dimorphism in both color and size. We found male birds get less cancer than female birds (9.8% vs. 11.1%, p=0.0058).
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