French Court Music: A Modern Performance Approach, Compendium to P.D. Philidor’s Trio Suite No. 2 in E Minor

This document serves as a comprehensive project centering on a new performing edition of Pierre Danican Philidor’s (1681-1731) Trio Suite No. 2 in E Minor of 1722, one of a collection of six trio suites presented to the French court,

This document serves as a comprehensive project centering on a new performing edition of Pierre Danican Philidor’s (1681-1731) Trio Suite No. 2 in E Minor of 1722, one of a collection of six trio suites presented to the French court, following a series of earlier, more well-known suites (1716-1718). The project itself contains a performance edition with a fully realized harpsichord part, a recording featuring entirely modern instruments in modern pitch with a special attention to period affect and style, and finally a written document contextualizing the Philidor family, the French court establishment, and helpful performance practice guidelines for musicians. The purpose of this project is: to both bring to light and make accessible the music of this member of the Philidor clan, to encourage a greater understanding of this family and their musical place in the French establishment, and to build a bridge between the specialization of Historically Informed Performance (HIP) and the modern instrumentalist, particularly conservatory students and professionals unfamiliar or uncomfortable with this material. Ideally, the result will be more frequent programming of French court chamber repertoire such as this work in non-specialist settings and venues. Such programming goals should not detract from HIP and the period instrument field, but rather help this music to expand in interest across a wider classical music audience, and thus by extension also expand interest in the historical performance movement.
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Driven-Dissipative Dynamics of the Hubbard Model Attached to a Fermionic Bath

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In this project, we created a code that was able to simulate the dynamics of a three site Hubbard model ring connected to an infinite dissipative bath and driven by an electric field. We utilized the master equation approach, which

In this project, we created a code that was able to simulate the dynamics of a three site Hubbard model ring connected to an infinite dissipative bath and driven by an electric field. We utilized the master equation approach, which will one day be able to be implemented efficiently on a quantum computer. For now we used classical computing to model one of the simplest nontrivial driven dissipative systems. This will serve as a verification of the master equation method and a baseline to test against when we are able to implement it on a quantum computer. For this report, we will mainly focus on classifying the DC component of the current around our ring. We notice several expected characteristics of this DC current including an inverse square tail at large values of the electric field and a linear response region at small values of the electric field.
Date Created