Bio-Inspired Control for Robot Hand Catching and Grasping

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This thesis focused on grasping tasks with the goal of investigating, analyzing, and quantifying human catching trends by way of a mathematical model. The aim of this project was to study human trends in a dynamic grasping task (catching a

This thesis focused on grasping tasks with the goal of investigating, analyzing, and quantifying human catching trends by way of a mathematical model. The aim of this project was to study human trends in a dynamic grasping task (catching a rolling ball), relate those discovered trends to kinematic characteristics of the object, and use this relation to control a robot hand in real time. As an ultimate goal, it was hoped that this research will aide in furthering the bio-inspiration in robot control methods. To achieve the above goal, firstly a tactile sensing glove was developed. This instrument allowed for in depth study of human reactionary grasping movements when worn by subjects during experimentation. This sensing glove system recorded force data from the palm and motion data from four fingers. From these data sets, temporal trends were established relating to when subjects initiated grasping during each trial. Moreover, optical tracking was implemented to study the kinematics of the moving object during human experiments and also to close the loop during the control of the robot hand. Ultimately, a mathematical bio-inspired model was created. This was embodied in a two-term decreasing power function which related the temporal trend of wait time to the ball initial acceleration. The wait time is defined as the time between when the experimental conductor releases the ball and when the subject begins to initiate grasping by closing their fingers, over a distance of four feet. The initial acceleration is the first acceleration value of the object due to the force provided when the conductor throws the object. The distance over which the ball was thrown was incorporated into the model. This is discussed in depth within the thesis. Overall, the results presented here show promise for bio-inspired control schemes in the successful application of robotic devices. This control methodology will ideally be developed to move robotic prosthesis past discrete tasks and into more complicated activities.
Date Created