Reaching Gen Z: Alcohol Industry Leveraging Influencer Marketing


Through research into Generation Z (Gen Z) as a consumer group, influencer marketing tactics and current usage, and the alcohol industry as a whole, I have worked to identify how alcohol brands can use influencer marketing to capitalize on Gen

Through research into Generation Z (Gen Z) as a consumer group, influencer marketing tactics and current usage, and the alcohol industry as a whole, I have worked to identify how alcohol brands can use influencer marketing to capitalize on Gen Z profits as Gen Z increasingly ages over 21 years old. Gen Z is a very connected generation of digital natives that value deals, honesty, sustainability, and activism from brands. Influencer marketing is a form of digital word of mouth marketing in which brands partner with or hire established influencers and work with them to expose their brand name and products to the influencer’s audience directly in hopes to reach the brand’s target audience. Influencer marketing is effective for Gen Z consumers because advertisements are easily scrolled past on most social networking sites, and influencer marketing is viewed as more honest and less intrusive to consumers. The alcohol industry should take advantage of the benefits of using influencer marketing to appeal to Gen Z consumers now and in the future as an increasing percentage of this generation is of legal drinking age. There are many rules and regulations set out by government organizations, other voluntary organizations and nonprofits, and social media websites that limit advertising of alcoholic products. Alcohol advertising is also regulated by individual social media policies as well. Brands should remain cognizant of these limitations, but work with influencers to build a Gen Z consumer base now as Gen Z members are growing up. Based on Gen Z values, there are a few recommendations to consider. Alcohol brands should stay away from unnecessary additives and colorings, be respectful of the cultural roots of the type(s) of alcohol they sell, use affiliate marketing programs and promotional codes with influencers, interact with other beverage brands on social media, and send product to influencers for honest reviews to appeal to Gen Z consumers.

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Embracing Identity:
The Importance of Intersectional Dialogue and
Collaborative Relationship Building
Between Student Groups on College Campuses.


In this project, I explored the need for increased efforts towards intersectional dialogue and collaborative relationship building between student groups on college campuses and at Arizona State University specifically. We tend to stay within our "racially homogeneous subcultures" in college.

In this project, I explored the need for increased efforts towards intersectional dialogue and collaborative relationship building between student groups on college campuses and at Arizona State University specifically. We tend to stay within our "racially homogeneous subcultures" in college. There should be more efforts toward engaging across all segments of campus, regardless of background, race, ethnicity, sex, gender, etc., cultivating an environment with increased support and allyship. We should embrace the opportunity and rich diversity at Arizona State University.

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An Analysis of Migrant Education in Arizona and Legislation to Help Support Migrant Talent


The paper analyzes migrant education in Arizona. For the purposes of this paper, migrant students are children of farm workers. The paper analyzes the challenges this student demographic faces in obtaining an education. Included is also a bill proposal for

The paper analyzes migrant education in Arizona. For the purposes of this paper, migrant students are children of farm workers. The paper analyzes the challenges this student demographic faces in obtaining an education. Included is also a bill proposal for the Arizona State Legislature to enact. The bill proposes that there be a migrant scholarship program for students attending a university in the Arizona Board of Regents.

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The Impact of Technology on Transparency within Supply Chains


The purpose of this thesis was to understand the importance of supply chain visibility (SCV) and to provide an analysis of the technology available for achieving SCV. Historical events where companies lacked efficient SCV were assessed to understand how errors

The purpose of this thesis was to understand the importance of supply chain visibility (SCV) and to provide an analysis of the technology available for achieving SCV. Historical events where companies lacked efficient SCV were assessed to understand how errors in the supply chain can have detrimental effects on a company and their reputation. Environmental, social, and governance standards within the supply chain were defined along with the importance of meeting the legal and consumer expectations of a supply chain. There are many different organizations dedicated to helping companies meet ESG standards to achieve ethical, sustainable supply chains. Examples such as the Responsible Business Association and the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development were considered. A government solution to SCV, called the Freight Logistics Optimization Works Initiative, considered the importance of data sharing for large companies with complex supply chains, and this solution was assessed for understanding. Current companies and technologies available to achieve SCV were examined for understanding as to how the issue of SCV is currently addressed in the industry. A case study on the company Moses Lake Industries looked at how their complicated chemical manufacturing supply chain has adapted to achieve SCV. This included understanding supplier location, manufacturing processes, and risks. Future technologies that are currently being developed which could further benefit the supply chain industry were considered. Other future considerations, such as the movement of manufacturing out of high risk areas and the need for centralization of SCV solution, were also discussed.

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In what ways does social media help college students cope during the COVID-19 pandemic?

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Due to the sudden outbreak of COVID-19, communities were forced to isolate themselves in their homes and take many safety precautions. Through this isolation, people experienced a lack of social interactions on a daily basis and increased boredom. Due to

Due to the sudden outbreak of COVID-19, communities were forced to isolate themselves in their homes and take many safety precautions. Through this isolation, people experienced a lack of social interactions on a daily basis and increased boredom. Due to the new feelings of the pandemic experience, many found themselves to be engaging significantly more with technology and social media. Doing so helped many to interact with others or spend their extra time. Since people were engaging so much more with technology, there were distinct positive and negative outcomes. Some social media use helped cope with experiencing feelings of isolation by the COVID-19 pandemic, while it may have caused feelings of anxiety for others. Engaging with others helped humanize the experience of relying on social media as a replacement for receiving human interaction on a daily basis (Zhen, 2021). College students were specifically impacted by isolation in a social manner, but were also affected in other areas such as in their academic life. Social media became a critical tool for college students in coping with the challenges of the pandemic (Zhao, 2020). This paper will explore some of the ways in which social media has helped college students cope during the COVID-19 pandemic and how it may have had more negative effects on others. This will be explored through reviewing current literature and research. Research findings will be compared to interviews conducted for the purpose of this project. Three different college students were interviewed and asked a series of questions regarding their personal experience with COVID-19, mental health, and social media. The interview responses will be reviewed according to current research to spot any similarities in findings.

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Converting to Judaism: Processes and Political Implications


Three main affiliations fall under the umbrella of American Jewry: Orthodox, Reform, and Conservative. Each differs in practice, but remains connected by the basis of their beliefs, ארון הספרים (Ah-rohn ha-sefarim). It is important to note that the term

Three main affiliations fall under the umbrella of American Jewry: Orthodox, Reform, and Conservative. Each differs in practice, but remains connected by the basis of their beliefs, ארון הספרים (Ah-rohn ha-sefarim). It is important to note that the term ‘Orthodox’ encompasses a vast and diverse group of Jews that vary in practice. Here, I will discuss two Orthodox subgroups, Hareidi Jews and Modern Orthodox Jews. In this essay, I discuss and explore the topic of Israeli and American conversion to Judaism, the relationship between conversion and Israeli politics, and its effect on Jews around the world. I utilize an array of sources, including political and religious texts, modern interpretation, and my own experience. I begin by briefly describing Jewish roots in the United States and Israel. Next, I rigorously outline American and Israeli Jewish affiliations, followed by a generous explanation of Jewish identity and conversion practices in the United States and in Israel. I end by sharing the effects of conversion practices on the global Jewish community and potential solutions to the problems that arise.

Date Created

ASU Farmers Market

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The implementation of a farmers market on the Arizona State University Tempe campus would benefit student helath, the local community, and the environment. A 2009 survey of university students states that "over 60 percent [of students] eat two or fewer

The implementation of a farmers market on the Arizona State University Tempe campus would benefit student helath, the local community, and the environment. A 2009 survey of university students states that "over 60 percent [of students] eat two or fewer servings of fruits and vegetables a day," which falls below the health standard. A campus farmers market would give students easier access to fresh produce. Through purchasing products from local vendors, students will establish better connections with the community while supporting the local economy. In addition, farmers markets encourage sustainable practices. According to a survey conducted by Farmers Markets Today, "85% of farmers market vendors traveled fewer than 50 miles to sell at a famers market [while]... nationwide, food travels an average of 1,500 miles before reaching its consumer." Thus, greenhouse gas emissions can be significantly reduced through purchasing local products. The purposes of a campus farmers market act in conjunction with ASU's intentions to become a New American University, which values students' well-being, the local community, and sustainability.
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