Reaching Gen Z: Alcohol Industry Leveraging Influencer Marketing


Through research into Generation Z (Gen Z) as a consumer group, influencer marketing tactics and current usage, and the alcohol industry as a whole, I have worked to identify how alcohol brands can use influencer marketing to capitalize on Gen

Through research into Generation Z (Gen Z) as a consumer group, influencer marketing tactics and current usage, and the alcohol industry as a whole, I have worked to identify how alcohol brands can use influencer marketing to capitalize on Gen Z profits as Gen Z increasingly ages over 21 years old. Gen Z is a very connected generation of digital natives that value deals, honesty, sustainability, and activism from brands. Influencer marketing is a form of digital word of mouth marketing in which brands partner with or hire established influencers and work with them to expose their brand name and products to the influencer’s audience directly in hopes to reach the brand’s target audience. Influencer marketing is effective for Gen Z consumers because advertisements are easily scrolled past on most social networking sites, and influencer marketing is viewed as more honest and less intrusive to consumers. The alcohol industry should take advantage of the benefits of using influencer marketing to appeal to Gen Z consumers now and in the future as an increasing percentage of this generation is of legal drinking age. There are many rules and regulations set out by government organizations, other voluntary organizations and nonprofits, and social media websites that limit advertising of alcoholic products. Alcohol advertising is also regulated by individual social media policies as well. Brands should remain cognizant of these limitations, but work with influencers to build a Gen Z consumer base now as Gen Z members are growing up. Based on Gen Z values, there are a few recommendations to consider. Alcohol brands should stay away from unnecessary additives and colorings, be respectful of the cultural roots of the type(s) of alcohol they sell, use affiliate marketing programs and promotional codes with influencers, interact with other beverage brands on social media, and send product to influencers for honest reviews to appeal to Gen Z consumers.

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