In vitro and in vivo proteome analysis of Coccidioides posadasii

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Coccidioidomycosis (valley fever) is caused by inhalation of arthrospores from soil-dwelling fungi, Coccidioides immitis and C. posadasii. This dimorphic fungus and disease are endemic to the southwestern United States, central valley in California and Mexico. The Genome of Coccidioidies has

Coccidioidomycosis (valley fever) is caused by inhalation of arthrospores from soil-dwelling fungi, Coccidioides immitis and C. posadasii. This dimorphic fungus and disease are endemic to the southwestern United States, central valley in California and Mexico. The Genome of Coccidioidies has been sequenced but proteomic studies are absent. To address this gap in knowledge, we generated proteome of Spherulin (lysate of Spherule phase) using LC-MS/MS and identified over 1300 proteins. We also investigated lectin reactivity to spherules in human lung tissue based on the hypothesis that coccidioidal glycosylation is different from mammalian glycosylation, and therefore certain lectins would have differential binding properties to fungal glycoproteins. Lectin-based immunohistochemistry using formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded human lung tissue from human coccidioidomycosis patients demonstrated that Griffonia simplificonia lectin II (GSL II) and succinylated wheat germ agglutinin (sWGA) bound specifically to endospores and spherules in infected lungs, but not to adjacent human tissue. GSL II and sWGA-lectin affinity chromatography using Spherulin, followed by LC-MS/MS was used to isolate and identify 195 proteins that bind to GSL-II lectin and 224 proteins that bind to sWGA lectin. This is the first report that GSL II and sWGA lectins bind specifically to Coccidioides endospores and spherules in infected human tissues. Our list of proteins from spherulin (whole and GSL-II and sWGA binding fraction) may also serve as a Coccidioidal Rosetta-Stone generated from mass spectra to identify proteins from 3 different databases: The Broad Institutes Coccidioides Genomes project, RefSeq and SwissProt. This also serves as a viable avenue for proteomics based diagnostic test development for valley fever. Using lectin chromatography and LC MS/MS, we identified over 100 proteins in plasma of two patients and six proteins in urine of one patient. We also identified over eighty fungal proteins isolated from spherules from biopsied infected lung tissue. This, to the best of our knowledge, is the first such example of detecting coccidioidal proteins in patient blood and urine and provides a foundation for development of a proteomics based diagnostic test as opposed to presently available but unreliable serologic diagnostic tests reliant on an antibody response in the host.
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Examining the hypha: a review of growth, cytoplasmic organization, and ultrastructure in select fungi

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The distinguishing feature of the filamentous fungi is the hyphae - tube-like microscopic cells that exhibit polarized growth via apical extension and allow the fungus to interact with its environment. Fungi elongate at the hyphal apex, through the localized

The distinguishing feature of the filamentous fungi is the hyphae - tube-like microscopic cells that exhibit polarized growth via apical extension and allow the fungus to interact with its environment. Fungi elongate at the hyphal apex, through the localized construction of new plasma membrane and cell wall through the exocytosis of secretory vesicles. One population of these vesicles have been identified as chitosomes, containing chitin synthase isoenzymes, which are responsible for the polymerization of N-acetylglucosamine from UDP N-acetylglucosamine into chitin, the primary fibrillar component of the fungal cell wall. The chitosomes, in addition to other vesicles, can be observed aggregating in the hyphal tip in most filamentous fungi. In the Ascomycota and Basidiomycota, this collection of vesicles exhibits discrete organization and has been termed a Spitzenkörper. Although accumulations of vesicles can be observed in the hyphal tip of many growing filamentous fungi, some debate continues as to what precisely defines a Spitzenkörper. This study reports the details of three separate projects: first, to document the effects of deleting a single chitin synthase, CHS-1 and CHS-6 in Neurospora crassa with regards to hyphal ultrastructure, cytoplasmic organization, and growth in comparison to the wild-type. Given the importance of chitin synthesis in fungal cell growth, deletion of a critical chitin synthase presumably impacts cell wall structure, fungal growth and cytoplasmic organization. Second, an examination of the ultrastructure of four zygomycetous fungi - Coemansia reversa, Mortierella verticillata, Mucor indicus, and Gilbertella persicaria has been conducted. Utilization of cryofixation and freeze-substitution techniques for electron microscopy has produced improved preservation of cytoplasmic ultrastructure, particularly at the hyphal apex, allowing detailed analysis of vesicle size, contents, and organization. Lastly, hyphal tip organization was reviewed in a broad range of fungi. Previous studies had either focused on a few select fungi or representative groups. Vesicle organization, composition and size do appear to vary among the classes of fungi, but some trends, like the vesicle crescent in the zygomycetous fungi have been documented.
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Exposure to engineered nanomaterial results in disruption of brush borders in epithelia models in vitro

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Engineered nanoparticles (NP; 10-9 m) have found use in a variety of consumer goods and medical devices because of the unique changes in material properties that occur when synthesized on the nanoscale. Although many definitions for nanoparticle exist, from the

Engineered nanoparticles (NP; 10-9 m) have found use in a variety of consumer goods and medical devices because of the unique changes in material properties that occur when synthesized on the nanoscale. Although many definitions for nanoparticle exist, from the perspective of size, nanoparticle is defined as particles with diameters less than 100 nm in any external dimension. Examples of their use include titanium dioxide added as a pigment in products intended to be ingested by humans, silicon dioxide NPs are used in foods as an anticaking agent, and gold or iron oxide NPs can be used as vectors for drug delivery or contrast agents for specialized medical imaging. Although the intended use of these NPs is often to improve human health, it has come to the attention of investigators that NPs can have unintended or even detrimental effects on the organism. This work describes one such unintended effect of NP exposure from the perspective of exposure via the oral route. First, this Dissertation will explain an event referred to as brush border disruption that occurred after nanoparticles interacted with an in vitro model of the human intestinal epithelium. Second, this Dissertation will identify and characterize several consumer goods that were shown to contain titanium dioxide that are intended to be ingested. Third, this Dissertation shows that sedimentation due to gravity does not artifactually result in disruption of brush borders as a consequence of exposure to food grade titanium dioxide in vitro. Finally, this Dissertation will demonstrate that iron oxide nanoparticles elicited similar effects after exposure to an in vitro brush border expressing model of the human placenta. Together, these data suggest that brush border disruption is not an artifact of the material/cell culture model, but instead represents a bona fide biological response as a result of exposure to nanomaterial.
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Genetic analysis of signal transduction regulation in Drosophila melanogaster

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Proper cell growth and differentiation requires the integration of multiple signaling pathways that are maintained by various post-translational modifications. Many proteins in signal transduction pathways are conserved between humans and model organisms. My dissertation characterizes four previously unknown manners of

Proper cell growth and differentiation requires the integration of multiple signaling pathways that are maintained by various post-translational modifications. Many proteins in signal transduction pathways are conserved between humans and model organisms. My dissertation characterizes four previously unknown manners of regulation in the Drosophila Decapentaplegic (Dpp) pathway, a pathway within TGF-beta family. First, I present data that the Dpp signal transducer, Mothers Against Dpp (Mad), is phosphorylated by Zeste-white 3 (Zw3), a kinase involved in the Wingless pathway. This phosphorylation event occurs independently of canonical phosphorylation of Mad by the Dpp receptor. Using ectopic expression of different alleles of Mad, I show that Zw3 phosphorylation of Mad occurs during the cell cycle in pro-neuronal cells and the loss of phosphorylation of Mad by Zw3 results in ectopic neuronal cells. Thus, Mad phosphorylation by Zw3 is necessary for cell cycle control in pro-neuronal cells. Second, I have shown that the regulator dSno, which has previously been shown to be a TGF-beta antagonist and agonist, is also a Wingless pathway antagonist. Loss of function flip-out clones and ectopic expression of dSno both resulted in changes of Wingless signaling. Further analysis revealed that dSno acts at or below the level of Armadillo (Arm) to inhibit target gene expression. Third, I have demonstrated that the protein Bonus, which is known to be involved in chromatin modification, is required in dorsal-ventral patterning. Further experiments discovered that the chromatin modifier is not only a necessary Dpp agonist, but it is also necessary for nuclear localization of Dorsal during Toll signaling. Last, I showed that longitudinal lacking-like (lola-like) is also required in dorsal-ventral patterning. The loss of maternally expressed lola-like prevents dpp transcription. This shows that lola-like is integral in the Dpp pathway. The study of these four proteins integrates different signaling pathways, demonstrating that the process of development is a web of connections rather than a linear pathway.
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Improvement strategies for the production of renewable chemicals by Synechocystis sp PCC 6803

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Synechocystis sp PCC 6803 is a photosynthetic cyanobacterium that can be easily transformed to produce molecules of interest; this has increased Synechocystis’ popularity as a clean energy platform. Synechocystis has been shown to produce and excrete molecules such as fatty

Synechocystis sp PCC 6803 is a photosynthetic cyanobacterium that can be easily transformed to produce molecules of interest; this has increased Synechocystis’ popularity as a clean energy platform. Synechocystis has been shown to produce and excrete molecules such as fatty acids, isoprene, etc. after appropriate genetic modification. Challenges faced for large–scale growth of modified Synechocystis include abiotic stress, microbial contamination and high processing costs of product and cell material. Research reported in this dissertation contributes to solutions to these challenges. First, abiotic stress was addressed by overexpression of the heat shock protein ClpB1. In contrast to the wild type, the ClpB1 overexpression mutant (Slr1641+) tolerated rapid temperature changes, but no difference was found between the strains when temperature shifts were slower. Combination of ClpB1 overexpression with DnaK2 overexpression (Slr1641+/Sll0170+) further increased thermotolerance. Next, we used a Synechocystis strain that carries an introduced isoprene synthase gene (IspS+) and that therefore produces isoprene. We attempted to increase isoprene yields by overexpression of key enzymes in the methyl erythritol phosphate (MEP) pathway that leads to synthesis of the isoprene precursor. Isoprene production was not increased greatly by MEP pathway induction, likely because of limitations in the affinity of the isoprene synthase for the substrate. Finally, two extraction principles, two–phase liquid extraction (e.g., with an organic and aqueous phase) and solid–liquid extraction (e.g., with a resin) were tested. Two–phase liquid extraction is suitable for separating isoprene but not fatty acids from the culture medium. Fatty acid removal required acidification or surfactant addition, which affected biocompatibility. Therefore, improvements of both the organism and product–harvesting methods can contribute to enhancing the potential of cyanobacteria as solar–powered biocatalysts for the production of petroleum substitutes.
Date Created

Mechanism of the F₁ ATPase molecular motor as revealed by single molecule studies

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The F1Fo ATP synthase is required for energy conversion in almost all living organisms. The F1 complex is a molecular motor that uses ATP hydrolysis to drive rotation of the γ–subunit. It has not been previously possible to resolve the

The F1Fo ATP synthase is required for energy conversion in almost all living organisms. The F1 complex is a molecular motor that uses ATP hydrolysis to drive rotation of the γ–subunit. It has not been previously possible to resolve the speed and position of the γ–subunit of the F1–ATPase as it rotates during a power stroke. The single molecule experiments presented here measured light scattered from 45X91 nm gold nanorods attached to the γ–subunit that provide an unprecedented 5 μs resolution of rotational position as a function of time. The product of velocity and drag, which were both measured directly, resulted in an average torque of 63±8 pN nm for the Escherichia coli F1-ATPase that was determined to be independent of the load. The rotational velocity had an initial (I) acceleration phase 15° from the end of the catalytic dwell, a slow (S) acceleration phase during ATP binding/ADP release (15°–60°), and a fast (F) acceleration phase (60°–90°) containing an interim deceleration (ID) phase (75°–82°). High ADP concentrations decreased the velocity of the S phase proportional to 'ADP-release' dwells, and the F phase proportional to the free energy derived from the [ADP][Pi]/[ATP] chemical equilibrium. The decreased affinity for ITP increased ITP-binding dwells by 10%, but decreased velocity by 40% during the S phase. This is the first direct evidence that nucleotide binding contributes to F1–ATPase torque. Mutations that affect specific phases of rotation were identified, some in regions of F1 previously considered not to contribute to rotation. Mutations βD372V and γK9I increased the F phase velocity, and γK9I increased the depth of the ID phase. The conversion between S and F phases was specifically affected by γQ269L. While βT273D, βD305E, and αR283Q decreased the velocity of all phases, decreases in velocity due to βD302T, γR268L and γT82A were confined to the I and S phases. The correlations between the structural locations of these mutations and the phases of rotation they affect provide new insight into the molecular basis for F1–ATPase γ-subunit rotation.
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Involvement of PKCzeta, GSK3beta, and MAPK in maintenance of the mitotic spindle

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In somatic cells, the mitotic spindle apparatus is centrosomal and several isoforms of Protein Kinase C (PKC) have been associated with the mitotic spindle, but their role in stabilizing the mitotic spindle is unclear. Other protein kinases such as, Glycogen

In somatic cells, the mitotic spindle apparatus is centrosomal and several isoforms of Protein Kinase C (PKC) have been associated with the mitotic spindle, but their role in stabilizing the mitotic spindle is unclear. Other protein kinases such as, Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3â (GSK3â) also have been shown to be associated with the mitotic spindle. In the study in chapter 2, we show the enrichment of active (phosphorylated) PKCæ at the centrosomal region of the spindle apparatus in metaphase stage of 3T3 cells. In order to understand whether the two kinases, PKC and GSK3â are associated with the mitotic spindle, first, the co-localization and close molecular proximity of PKC isoforms with GSK3â was studied in metaphase cells. Second, the involvement of inactive GSK3â in maintaining an intact mitotic spindle was shown. Third, this study showed that addition of a phospho-PKCæ specific inhibitor to cells can disrupt the mitotic spindle microtubules. The mitotic spindle at metaphase in mouse fibroblasts appears to be maintained by PKCæ acting through GSK3â. The MAPK pathway has been implicated in various functions related to cell cycle regulation. MAPKK (MEK) is part of this pathway and the extracellular regulated kinase (ERK) is its known downstream target. GSK3â and PKCæ also have been implicated in cell cycle regulation. In the study in chapter 3, we tested the effects of inhibiting MEK on the activities of ERK, GSK3â, PKCæ, and á-tubulin. Results from this study indicate that inhibition of MEK did not inhibit GSK3â and PKCæ enrichment at the centrosomes. However, the mitotic spindle showed a reduction in the pixel intensity of microtubules and also a reduction in the number of cells in each of the M-phase stages. A peptide activation inhibitor of ERK was also used. Our results indicated a decrease in mitotic spindle microtubules and an absence of cells in most of the M-phase stages. GSK3â and PKCæ enrichment were however not inhibited at the centrosomes. Taken together, the kinases GSK3â and PKCæ may not function as a part of the MAPK pathway to regulate the mitotic spindle.
Date Created

Seasonal changes in cell neogenesis in the brain and pituitary gland: a study in the adult male frog, Rana catesbeiana

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Though for most of the twentieth century, dogma held that the adult brain was post-mitotic, it is now known that adult neurogenesis is widespread among vertebrates, from fish, amphibians, reptiles and birds to mammals including humans. Seasonal changes in adult

Though for most of the twentieth century, dogma held that the adult brain was post-mitotic, it is now known that adult neurogenesis is widespread among vertebrates, from fish, amphibians, reptiles and birds to mammals including humans. Seasonal changes in adult neurogenesis are well characterized in the song control system of song birds, and have been found in seasonally breeding mammals as well. In contrast to more derived vertebrates, such as mammals, where adult neurogenesis is restricted primarily to the olfactory bulb and the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus, neurogenesis is widespread along the ventricles of adult amphibians. I hypothesized that seasonal changes in adult amphibian brain cell proliferation and survival are a potential regulator of reproductive neuroendocrine function. Adult, male American bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana; aka Lithobates catesbeianus), were maintained in captivity for up to a year under season-appropriate photoperiod. Analysis of hormone levels indicated seasonal changes in plasma testosterone concentration consistent with field studies. Using the thymidine analogue 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine (BrdU) as a marker for newly generated cells, two differentially regulated aspects of brain cell neogenesis were tracked; that is, proliferation and survival. Seasonal differences were found in BrdU labeling in several brain areas, including the olfactory bulb, medial pallium, nucleus accumbens and the infundibular hypothalamus. Clear seasonal differences were also found in the pars distalis region of the pituitary gland, an important component of neuroendocrine pathways. BrdU labeling was also examined in relation to two neuropeptides important for amphibian reproduction: arginine vasotocin and gonadotropin releasing hormone. No cells co-localized with BrdU and either neuropeptide, but new born cells were found in close proximity to neuropeptide-containing neurons. These data suggest that seasonal differences in brain and pituitary gland cell neogenesis are a potential neuroendocrine regulatory mechanism.
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Study of Edwardsiella ictaluri conserved genes towards the development of an attenuated recombinant vaccine for fish host

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Teleosts have the most primitive adaptive immune system. However, in terms of functionality the teleost immune system is similar to birds and mammals. On the other hand, enteric bacterial pathogens of mammals and birds present conserved regulatory mechanisms that control

Teleosts have the most primitive adaptive immune system. However, in terms of functionality the teleost immune system is similar to birds and mammals. On the other hand, enteric bacterial pathogens of mammals and birds present conserved regulatory mechanisms that control virulence factors. In this context, deletion of conserved genes that control virulence factors have been successfully used as measure to construct live attenuated bacterial vaccines for mammals and birds. Here, I hypothesize that evolutionary conserved genes, which control virulence factors or are essential for bacterial physiology in Enterobacteriaceae, could be used as universal tools to design live attenuated recombinant bacterial vaccines from fish to mammals. The evolutionary conserved genes that control virulence factors, crp and fur, and the essential gene for the synthesis of the cell wall, asd, were studied in Edwardsiella ictaluri to develop a live recombinant vaccine for fish host. The genus Edwardsiella is one of the most ancient represent of the Enterobacteriaceae family. E. ictaluri, a host restricted pathogen of catfish (Ictalurus punctatus), is the causative agent of the enteric septicemia and one of the most important pathogens of this fish aquaculture. Although, crp and fur control different virulence factors in Edwardsiella, in comparison to other enterics, individual deletion of these genes triggered protective immune response at the systemic and mucosal level of the fish. Deletion of asdA gene allowed the creation of a balanced-lethal system to syntheses heterologous antigens. I concluded that crp, fur and asd could be universally used to develop live attenuate recombinant Enterobacteriaceae base vaccines for different hosts.
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How cyanobacteria bore

Some cyanobacteria, referred to as boring or euendolithic, are capable of excavating tunnels into calcareous substrates, both mineral and biogenic. The erosive activity of these cyanobacteria results in the destruction of coastal limestones and dead corals, the reworking of carbonate

Some cyanobacteria, referred to as boring or euendolithic, are capable of excavating tunnels into calcareous substrates, both mineral and biogenic. The erosive activity of these cyanobacteria results in the destruction of coastal limestones and dead corals, the reworking of carbonate sands, and the cementation of microbialites. They thus link the biological and mineral parts of the global carbon cycle directly. They are also relevant for marine aquaculture as pests of mollusk populations. In spite of their importance, the mechanism by which these cyanobacteria bore remains unknown. In fact, boring by phototrophs is geochemically paradoxical, in that they should promote precipitation of carbonates, not dissolution. To approach this paradox experimentally, I developed an empirical model based on a newly isolated euendolith, which I characterized physiologically, ultrastructurally and phylogenetically (Mastigocoleus testarum BC008); it bores on pure calcite in the laboratory under controlled conditions. Mechanistic hypotheses suggesting the aid of accompanying heterotrophic bacteria, or the spatial/temporal separation of photosynthesis and boring could be readily rejected. Real-time Ca2+ mapping by laser scanning confocal microscopy of boring BC008 cells showed that boring resulted in undersaturation at the boring front and supersaturation in and around boreholes. This is consistent with a process of uptake of Ca2+ from the boring front, trans-cellular mobilization, and extrusion at the distal end of the filaments (borehole entrance). Ca2+ disequilibrium could be inhibited by ceasing illumination, preventing ATP generation, and, more specifically, by blocking P-type Ca2+ ATPase transporters. This demonstrates that BC008 bores by promoting calcite dissolution locally at the boring front through Ca2+ uptake, an unprecedented capacity among living organisms. Parallel studies using mixed microbial assemblages of euendoliths boring into Caribbean, Mediterranean, North and South Pacific marine carbonates, demonstrate that the mechanism operating in BC008 is widespread, but perhaps not universal.
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