Understanding the Regulation of Endothelial-bound Lipoprotein Lipase Activity in Humans at Risk of Type 2 Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease

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Elevated triglycerides (TG) are a hallmark of insulin resistance, which is generally caused by lower lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity in the vasculature. LPL hydrolyzes TGs into free fatty acids in plasma for use and/or storage in tissues (i.e., adipose tissue,

Elevated triglycerides (TG) are a hallmark of insulin resistance, which is generally caused by lower lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity in the vasculature. LPL hydrolyzes TGs into free fatty acids in plasma for use and/or storage in tissues (i.e., adipose tissue, skeletal muscle). Plasma apolipoproteins (Apos) C3 and C2 interact with LPL to modulate its function, and by inhibiting or activating LPL, respectively. Therefore, these proteins play key role in plasma lipid metabolism, but their role in regulating LPL activity in human insulin resistant (IR) (i.e., pre-diabetic) state is not known. Thus, the purpose of this research was to evaluate the concentrations of ApoC3 and ApoC2 in plasma along with the endothelial-bound LPL availability and activity in IR humans and in healthy, insulin sensitive (IS)/control humans. Insulin resistance was evaluated from plasma insulin and glucose responses to an oral glucose tolerance test, and by calculating the Matsuda index. Subjects were placed in the following groups: IR subjects, Matsuda index <4.0 (N=7; 4 males, 3 females); IS, Matsuda index >7.0 (N=11, 9 males, 2 females). IR and IS subjects received an intravenous infusion of insulin (1 mU/kg/min and 0.5 mU/kg/min, respectively) for 30 minutes to stimulate LPL activity. Whole-body endothelial-bound LPL was released from the vasculature by intravenous infusion of heparin. Plasma samples were collected 10 minutes after heparin infusion and analyzed for LPL concentration and activity, and ApoC3 and ApoC2 concentrations. Although plasma LPL concentrations were not different between groups (IR = 457 ± 17 ng/ml, IS = 453 ± 27 ng/ml, P = 0.02), plasma LPL activity was higher in the IR subjects (IR = 665 ± 113 nmol/min/ml, IS = 365 ± 59 nmol/min/ml, P = 0.02). IR subjects had higher concentrations of plasma ApoC3 (IR = 3.6 ± 0.5 mg/dl, IS = 2.7 ± 0.2 mg/dl, P=0.03). However, ApoC2 concentration was not different between groups (IR = 0.15 ± 0.03 mg/dl, IS = 0.11 ± 0.01 mg/dl, P = 0.11). These findings suggest that circulating APOC3 and ApoC2 are not key determinants regulating LPL activity during hyperinsulinemia in the vasculature of insulin resistant humans.
Date Created

Persistence of Weight Gain, Energy Intake, and Feed Efficiency in a Rat Population Inclusive of Obesity Prone and Obesity Resistant Male Sprague-Dawley Rats with Controlled Environmental Factors

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Obesity has reached epidemic proportions all around the world, and it has doubled in prevalence in both adults and children in over 70 countries from 1980 to 2015 (Afshin et al., 2017). Excessive weight gain in this proportion has been

Obesity has reached epidemic proportions all around the world, and it has doubled in prevalence in both adults and children in over 70 countries from 1980 to 2015 (Afshin et al., 2017). Excessive weight gain in this proportion has been shown to negatively affect human cognition, reward neurocircuitry, stress responsiveness, and quality of life (Morris et al., 2015). Obesity is an example of a complex interaction between the environment (i.e., high-fat diets) and heredity (i.e., polygenic patterns of inheritance). The overconsumption of a high-fat diet (HFD) is an environmental factor that commonly induces weight gain (Hariri & Thibault, 2010). Two dietary-induced phenotypes have been observed in rats as a bimodal distribution of weight gain: obesity-prone (OP) and obesity-resistant (OR). Levin et al. (1997) investigated male and female HFD-fed Sprague-Dawley rats designated as OR when their weight gains were less than the heaviest chow-fed controls, and OP when their weight gains were greater than the heaviest chow-fed controls. OP rats showed greater weight gain, similar energy intake (EI), and similar feed efficiency (FE) compared to OR rats. Pagliassotti et al. (1997) designated male HFD-fed Wistar rats as OP and OR based on upper and lower tertiles of weight gain. OP rats displayed greater weight gain and EI than OR rats. These investigations highlight a predicament regarding rodent research in obesity: independent variables such as rat age, gender, strain, distribution of dietary macronutrients, and fatty acid composition of HFD and chow vary considerably, making it challenging to generalize data. Our experiment utilized outbred male Sprague-Dawley rats (5-6 weeks) administered a chow diet (19% energy from fat; 3.1 kcal/g) and a lard-based HFD (60% energy from fat; 5.24 kcal/g) over eight weeks. Separate rat populations were examined over three consecutive years (2017-2020), and independent obesogenic environmental variables were controlled. We investigated the persistence of weight gain, EI, and FE in HFD-fed rats inclusive of a population of designated OP and OR rats based on tertiles of weight gain. We define persistence as being p > 0.05. We hypothesize that the profiles (periodic data) of the dependent variables (weight gain, EI, FE) will be similar and persistent throughout the three separate years, but the magnitudes (cumulative data) of the dependent variables will differ. Our findings demonstrate that HFD, OP, and OR groups were persistent for periodic and cumulative weight gain, along with FE across the three consecutive independent years. Our findings also demonstrate impersistence for periodic EI in all groups, along with impersistence in cumulative EI for CHOW, OP, and OR groups. Therefore, our results allude to an inconsistent relationship between EI and weight gain, indicating that EI does not completely explain weight gain. Thus, the weakness between EI and weight gain relationship may be attributed to a polygenic pattern of inheritance, possibly signaling a weight setpoint regardless of EI.

Date Created

Persistence of Weight Gain, Energy Intake, and Feed Efficiency in a Rat Population Inclusive of Obesity Prone and Obesity Resistant Male Sprague-Dawley Rats with Controlled Environmental Factors

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Obesity has reached epidemic proportions all around the world, and it has doubled in prevalence in both adults and children in over 70 countries from 1980 to 2015 (Afshin et al., 2017). Excessive weight gain in this proportion has been

Obesity has reached epidemic proportions all around the world, and it has doubled in prevalence in both adults and children in over 70 countries from 1980 to 2015 (Afshin et al., 2017). Excessive weight gain in this proportion has been shown to negatively affect human cognition, reward neurocircuitry, stress responsiveness, and quality of life (Morris et al., 2015). Obesity is an example of a complex interaction between the environment (i.e., high fat diets) and heredity (i.e., polygenic patterns of inheritance). The overconsumption of a high-fat diet (HFD) is an environmental factor that commonly induces weight gain (Hariri & Thibault, 2010). Two dietary-induced phenotypes have been observed in rats as a bimodal distribution of weight gain: obesity-prone (OP) and obesity-resistant (OR). Levin et al. (1997) investigated male and female HFD-fed Sprague-Dawley rats designated as OR when their weight gains were less than the heaviest chow-fed controls, and OP when their weight gains were greater than the heaviest chow-fed controls. OP rats showed greater weight gain, similar energy intake (EI), and similar feed efficiency (FE) compared to OR rats. Pagliassotti et al. (1997) designated male HFD-fed Wistar rats as OP and OR based on upper and lower tertiles of weight gain. OP rats displayed greater weight gain and EI than OR rats. These investigations highlight a predicament regarding rodent research in obesity: independent variables such as rat age, gender, strain, distribution of dietary macronutrients, and fatty acid composition of HFD and chow vary considerably, making it challenging to generalize data. Our experiment utilized outbred male Sprague-Dawley rats (5-6 weeks) administered a chow diet (19% energy from fat; 3.1 kcal/g) and a lard-based HFD (60% energy from fat; 5.24 kcal/g) over eight weeks. Separate rat populations were examined over three consecutive years (2017-2020), and independent obesogenic environmental variables were controlled. We investigated the persistence of weight gain, EI, and FE in HFD-fed rats inclusive of a population of designated OP and OR rats based on tertiles of weight gain. We define persistence as being p > 0.05. We hypothesize that the profiles (periodic data) of the dependent variables (weight gain, EI, FE) will be similar and persistent throughout the three separate years, but the magnitudes (cumulative data) of the dependent variables will differ. Our findings demonstrate that HFD, OP, and OR groups were persistent for periodic and cumulative weight gain, along with FE across the three consecutive independent years. Our findings also demonstrate impersistence for periodic EI in all groups, along with impersistence in cumulative EI for CHOW, OP, and OR groups. Therefore, our results allude to an inconsistent relationship between EI and weight gain, indicating that EI does not completely explain weight gain. Thus, the weakness between EI and weight gain relationship may be attributed to a polygenic pattern of inheritance, possibly signaling a weight setpoint regardless of EI.

Date Created

Two Stimuli of Hyperphagia: High Fat Diet and Weight Regain

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As obesity continues to grow across the world, better understanding of the disease, treatments, and outcomes becomes increasingly important. Animal models used to study these aspects of obesity have 3 phases: experimental (EXP), caloric restriction (CR), and weight regain (WR).

As obesity continues to grow across the world, better understanding of the disease, treatments, and outcomes becomes increasingly important. Animal models used to study these aspects of obesity have 3 phases: experimental (EXP), caloric restriction (CR), and weight regain (WR). For this study an ad libitum high-fat diet (HFD) was used to induce hyperphagia and weight gain in Sprague-Dawley rats in the experimental period. Rats then transitioned to a chow (CH) diet and energy intake (EI; kcal/day) was reduced 40-60% during the caloric restriction period. In weight regain, rats were given chow ad libitum. This protocol was run 3 times, once every academic school year (2017-2018, 2018-2019, and 2019-2020). Sample sizes listed in the order of high fat (HF) rats then chow (CH) rats for each year were as follows: 2017-2018 (n=11, n=8), 2018-2019 (n=12, n=8), 2019-2020 (n=14, n=10). Analysis of energy intake was performed on the first week of the experimental phase and the first week of the weight regain phase. <br/><br/>HF EXP rats showed hyperphagic average daily EIs compared to CH EXP rats for all 3 years (p<0.01-0.0001). HF WR rats were similar to CH WR rats in all applicable years in terms of average daily EI. However, both HF WR and CH WR rats were hyperphagic. HFD caused hyperphagia to be highest at the beginning of the first week of EXP and then EI decreased significantly as days went by. However, in WR, hyperphagia (HF WR and CH WR) was flat throughout the week. Obesity prone (OP) rats during EXP had similar EI behavior to obesity resistant (OR) rats during EXP within the same year. During WR though, OP rats had significantly greater average daily EI (p<0.05-0.001) compared to WR OR rats within the same year for 2 out of the 3 years. <br/><br/>These results suggest that HFD induces hyperphagia during weight gain. In weight regain, where HFD is absent, HF rats and CH rats are both hyperphagic. This suggests that WR induces hyperphagia in both rat groups. WR also induces a greater increase in EI for OP rats compared to OR rats. Therefore, hyperphagia seems to be driven by 2 mechanisms (HFD and WR). The profiles of the responses are different however. HFD induces hyperphagia that decreases over the first week and the level of hyperphagia is similar between OP and OR rats. WR induces hyperphagia that remains stable in the first week and is more pronounced in OP rats compared to OR rats.

Date Created

Does Dietary Menthol (0.5%) Increase Energy Expenditure and Facilitate Maintenance of Weight Loss Following Caloric Restriction? A Pilot Study

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Excessive weight gain, otherwise known as obesity, has become a pervasive medical condition throughout the world. Though caloric restriction (CR) results in weight reduction, this weight loss is often unsustainable in the long term. As such, the goal is to

Excessive weight gain, otherwise known as obesity, has become a pervasive medical condition throughout the world. Though caloric restriction (CR) results in weight reduction, this weight loss is often unsustainable in the long term. As such, the goal is to find a treatment that can maintain the results of restricted energy intake (EI). Studies have found that dietary menthol could be a possible treatment and preventative measure for excessive weight gain. While several studies have found that, as an agonist of TRPM8, dietary menthol increases the energy expenditure (EE) of the body without impacting EI, they have not studied the efficacy of dietary menthol in preventing weight regain (WR) following a period of CR. Methods used in this experiment include studying young Sprague-Dawley rats during 24-hour periods towards the end of the following three phases: (1) an experimental phase of 12 weeks, comprised of ad-libitum feeding of high fat diet (HFD) to 10 rats and chow diet to 4 rats, (2) a CR phase of 4-weeks with controlled feeding of the HFD rats with either a chow diet (n=4) or chow diet + 0.5% dietary menthol (n=6) and keeping the other rats on chow (n=4), and (3) a WR period of 4-weeks with ad libitum feeding of the same diets as in CR. EI and EE (via indirect calorimetry) were measured over 24-hour periods and were divided by the rat’s respective body weight (BW) on testing day to normalize the sample population. The energy gap (EG) was determined by subtracting EE from EI. The experimental and WR phase revealed a positive EG or energy balance (EI > EE) whereas CR yielded a negative EG or energy balance (EI
Date Created

The Effect of Dietary Menthol on Weight Regain after Caloric Restriction

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This study was conducted to observe the effects of varying diets on weight regain after caloric restriction. Touted as a potentially effective non-invasive treatment to obesity, caloric restriction uses the gradual decrease in caloric intake to aid in weight loss.

This study was conducted to observe the effects of varying diets on weight regain after caloric restriction. Touted as a potentially effective non-invasive treatment to obesity, caloric restriction uses the gradual decrease in caloric intake to aid in weight loss. However, once a patient is taken off caloric restriction, a marked regain of weight regain occurs, nullifying the weight loss from caloric restriction. To find ways to suppress this weight regain, this study observed the effects of four different diets: low-fat diet (chow), high-fat diet (HFD), 0.5% concentration menthol infused chow, and 1% concentration menthol infused chow. Over a span of 3 years, 43 male Sprague-Dawley rats were placed through a strict feeding protocol: 3 weeks of chow food (3.1 kcal/gram), 8 or 12 weeks of HFD (5.42 kcal/gram), and caloric restriction for 4 weeks. Separate data analysis was conducted for the year 2017-2018, due to a slightly different protocol when compared to 2018-2019 and 2019-2020.

In 2017-2018, the results showed that 0.5% menthol (n=4) suppressed weight gain more effectively than both the baseline chow diet (n=4, p=0.022) and the HFD (n=4, p=0.027). Again in 2018-2020, the 0.5% menthol (n=6) showed promising results, showing significant suppression of weight gain when compared to chow (n=13, p=0.022). Unfortunately, the difference in weight gain in 1% menthol (n=6) was inconclusive when comparing to both chow and HFD. Although 1% menthol was inconclusive in its efficacy in suppressing weight regain, the promising results on 0.5% menthol show that menthol has the potential to be an effective treatment to both prevent rapid weight gain and maintain weight loss from caloric restriction.
Date Created

The Prevention of Excessive Weight Gain Through the Induction of Mild-Hyperthermia in Rodents: A Pilot Study

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Preliminary studies indicate that the use of dietary menthol may prevent excessive weight gain through the activation of the transient receptor potential melastatin family member 8 (TRPM8) ion channel. It has also been expressed that elevation of the core temperature

Preliminary studies indicate that the use of dietary menthol may prevent excessive weight gain through the activation of the transient receptor potential melastatin family member 8 (TRPM8) ion channel. It has also been expressed that elevation of the core temperature (Tc) inducing mild hyperthermia via an increase in ambient temperature aids in a marked reduction of the drive to eat and weight gain. While caloric restriction (CR) aims to treat obesity and secondary sicknesses, weight regain is a common result during long term weight maintenance. The goal of these studies was to evaluate and identify if the menthol and mild hyperthermia mechanisms could couple synergistically to reduce or abrogate weight gain. Ambient temperature (Ta) was increased incrementally to identify the threshold in which rodents display mild hyperthermia. Our initial attempts at hyperthermia induction failed because of limitations in the environmental chamber. These trials fail to note a threshold at which elevated Tc is sustained for any period of time. The data suggests an ambient temperature of 36-38 °C would be appropriate to induce a mild hyperthermia. A mild hyperthermia is described as the elevation of Tc 2-3 ° above the hypothalamic set point. To facilitate future hyperthermia studies, an environmental chamber was designed. A wine cooler was converted to withstand the desired temperatures, through the use of heat tape, a proportional controller, and a translucent Plexiglas custom fit door. Beyond leveraging temperature to regulate weight gain, dietary changes including a comparison between standard chow food, high fat diet, and menthol supplemented chow food treatment illustrate a strong likelihood of weight gain variability. In this pilot study, weight gain expression when given a diet supplemented with menthol (1%) showed no statistical significance relative to a high fat diet nor chow food, however, it revealed a trend of reduced weight gain. It is assumed the combination of supplemental menthol and mild hyperthermia induction will exacerbate their effects.
Date Created

Effects of Menthol on Weight Regain and Maintenance of Caloric Restriction: A Pilot Study

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The prevalence of excessive weight gain (obesity) has steadily increased since about 1980. Excessive weight gain is associated with many comorbidities; thus, a successful treatment is needed. The most common form of non-surgical treatment for excessive weight gain is caloric

The prevalence of excessive weight gain (obesity) has steadily increased since about 1980. Excessive weight gain is associated with many comorbidities; thus, a successful treatment is needed. The most common form of non-surgical treatment for excessive weight gain is caloric restriction with the intent to reduce body weight by 10%. Though this treatment is successful at reducing body weight, it often fails at maintaining the weight loss. Dietary menthol has been suggested as a possible treatment for excessive weight gain and has produced promising results as a preventative method for excessive weight gain. Our studies aimed at reducing weight regain and maintaining caloric restriction by feeding male Sprague-Dawley rats 0.5% dietary menthol during a period of caloric restriction, aimed at reducing their body weight by 10%, following an experimental period where the rats were fed a high-fat diet (HFD) or low-fat diet (LFD). The effects of the dietary menthol were observed during the weight regain period following the caloric restriction period. Two studies were conducted, and both were unable to achieve a maintenance of weight loss following caloric restriction, although our first study was able to produce a delay in weight regain and did not show any evidence of increased thermogenesis in menthol-treated rats. Our findings differ from the findings of previous studies on dietary menthol which could possibly be due to species effects, differences in procedures, age effects, or effects of different fatty acid compositions. The contrasting results in our studies could be due to genetic differences between litters used or a difference in manufacturing of the menthol diet between studies. Given the partial response to menthol in the first study, it can be suggested that the concentration of 0.5% may be below the threshold of menthol sensitivity for some rats. Future research should focus on increasing the concentration of dietary menthol from 0.5% to 1%, since the current concentration did not yield a reduction in weight regain or maintenance of caloric restriction.
Date Created

Insulin Resistance: Insulin and Glucose Metabolism in Rats Fed a High Fat Diet

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In post-industrialized societies, increased consumption of fat-rich diets has been correlated to increasing rates of metabolic disorders, such as Type II Diabetes, which is further linked to insulin resistance. Due to this modern epidemic, it has become exceedingly important to

In post-industrialized societies, increased consumption of fat-rich diets has been correlated to increasing rates of metabolic disorders, such as Type II Diabetes, which is further linked to insulin resistance. Due to this modern epidemic, it has become exceedingly important to learn more about these disorders with the ultimate goal of developing more effective treatments. With an overall focus on insulin resistance, the main purposes of this study were to (1) differentiate between two types of insulin resistance and their corresponding measurements and to (2) demonstrate metabolic changes that occur in response to overconsumption of a calorically dense diet. This was accomplished over a 23-week timespan by applying statistical analysis to periodically measured fasting insulin and blood glucose levels in rats fed either a high fat diet or low fat (chow) diet. Body weights were also recorded. The results of this study showed that rats fed a high fat diet experienced fasting hyperinsulinemia, hyperglycemia, and insulin resistance compared to rats fed a chow diet, and that the homeostatic model assessment (HOMA) scale and insulin-stimulated glucose disposal (ISGD) measure different types of insulin resistance. This study was unique in the fact that hepatic insulin resistance and peripheral insulin resistance were differentiated in the same rat.
Date Created

A Pilot, Longitudinal Study of the Effect of a High Fat Diet Compared to a Chow Diet on the Energy Gap Between Energy Intake and Energy Expenditure

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This is a pilot study testing a new indirect calorimeter device. This project was designed to determine the effect of a high fat versus a standard chow diet and age on the energy gap (the difference between energy intake and

This is a pilot study testing a new indirect calorimeter device. This project was designed to determine the effect of a high fat versus a standard chow diet and age on the energy gap (the difference between energy intake and energy expenditure). Measurements of energy expenditure and oxygen consumption were obtained over a 23-hour period from a group of rats fed a high fat diet and a group of rats fed standard chow diet. The experiments were repeated during an experimental phase for 12 weeks, a phase of caloric restriction for 4 weeks, and a phase of weight regain for 4 weeks. We found energy expenditure and oxygen consumption to decrease in the caloric restriction phase and increase with excessive weight gain. Rats fed a high fat diet and obesity prone rats had a wider energy gap than rats fed a standard chow diet and obesity resistant rats. The caloric restriction phase closed the energy gap between energy expenditure and energy intake for all of the rats. The weight regain phase shifted the rats back into positive energy balance so that the energy intake was greater than the energy expenditure. The rats showed greater weight gain in the weight regain phase than in the experimental phase for all groups of rats. The indirect calorimeter device would require further testing to improve the accuracy of the measurements of respiratory quotient and carbon dioxide production before being used in future clinical research applications. The indirect calorimeter device has the potential to record respiratory quotient and carbon dioxide production.
Date Created