Academic Integrity among University Journalism Students An Action Research Project to Study the Impact of Online Educational Modules

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Academic integrity among college students continues to be a problem at colleges and universities. This is particularly important for journalism students where ethical issues in the profession are critical, especially in an era of “fake news” and distrust in the

Academic integrity among college students continues to be a problem at colleges and universities. This is particularly important for journalism students where ethical issues in the profession are critical, especially in an era of “fake news” and distrust in the media. While most journalism students study professional ethics, they do not necessarily make the connection between their future careers and their academic career. In fact, at Western Washington University (Western) a recent exploration into academic dishonesty revealed that violations were increasing, and that journalism was one of the top three majors where violations occurred (based on percent of majors). To address this problem of practice, an online academic integrity resource – specific to journalism – was developed to see whether it could increase students’ knowledge as it relates to academic integrity and decrease violations. The mixed methods action research (MMAR) study took place during summer and fall quarter at Western Washington University, a state university located in Bellingham, Washington. Participants included students who were pre-majors, majors, and minors in the three tracks of journalism: news-editorial, public relations, and visual journalism. They were given multiple opportunities to self-enroll in the Resource for Ethical Academic Development (READ) Canvas course for academic integrity. Self-efficacy theory and social learning theory provided a framework for the study. Data was collected through pre- and post-innovation surveys as well as qualitative interviews. Quantitative results suggest that there is work yet to do in order to educate students about academic integrity and potential consequences of behavior. Qualitative results suggest that one avenue may be through an online resource that provides concise and comprehensive information, models behavior relevant to the student’s own discipline, and is easily accessible. It also suggests that a culture change from a systemic emphasis on grades to a focus on growth and individual learning may be beneficial.
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Personal Narratives of Health by TV Anchors and Reporters: Issues of Control Over Social Media and Professional Expression

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Broadcast journalists often report on people dealing with illness or physical hardship, their difficulties and triumphs. But what happens when journalists personally experience those kinds of health-related issues? This study explores how 24 local and national on-air journalists share how

Broadcast journalists often report on people dealing with illness or physical hardship, their difficulties and triumphs. But what happens when journalists personally experience those kinds of health-related issues? This study explores how 24 local and national on-air journalists share how they manage life with illness and hardship using personal narratives shared on their professional social media pages, detailing how the journalists navigate sharing a deeply personal experience while maintaining a professional journalistic persona. Thematic analysis found the journalists’ performed three acts when sharing personal health information in a public forum: they reported on their illness, they were transparent, and they justified their actions. Within the three themes a range of expression – from personal to professional – and influences over content were found, leading to the final overarching theme, implications and consequences on content creation. This dissertation finds a complicated struggle to maintain a professional self while acknowledging the urge to connect with others through a deeply personal experience.
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Gatekeeping practices of participants in a digital media literacy massive open online course (MOOC)

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Long before “fake news” dominated the conversation within and about the media, media literacy advocates have championed the need for media literacy education that provides the tools for people to understand, analyze, and evaluate media messages. That the majority of

Long before “fake news” dominated the conversation within and about the media, media literacy advocates have championed the need for media literacy education that provides the tools for people to understand, analyze, and evaluate media messages. That the majority of U.S. adults now consume news on social media underscores the importance for students of all ages to be critical users of media. Furthermore, the affordances of social media to like, comment, and share news items within one’s network increases an individual’s responsibility to ascertain the veracity of news before using a social media megaphone to spread false information. Social media’s shareability can dictate how information spreads, increasing news consumers’ role as a gatekeeper of information and making media literacy education more important than ever.

This research examines the media literacy practices that news consumers use to inform their gatekeeping decisions. Using a constant comparative coding method, the author conducted a qualitative analysis of hundreds of discussion board posts from adult participants in a digital media literacy Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) to identify major themes and examine growth in participants’ sense of responsibility related to sharing news information, their feeling of empowerment to make informed decisions about the media messages they receive, and how the media literacy tools and techniques garnered from the MOOC have affected their daily media interactions. Findings emphasize the personal and contextual nature of media literacy, and that those factors must be addressed to ensure the success of a media literacy education program.
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Social Media Across Europe: The Cronkite Euro Experience

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Cronkite Global Initiatives' philosophy is "To see the world. To know the world. To report the world." According to the Cronkite School, Cronkite Global Initiatives is designed to build connections between students, staff, faculty and media professionals internationally. The Cronkite

Cronkite Global Initiatives' philosophy is "To see the world. To know the world. To report the world." According to the Cronkite School, Cronkite Global Initiatives is designed to build connections between students, staff, faculty and media professionals internationally. The Cronkite study abroad programs have been built under this mission. The Cronkite Study Abroad Program originated in the summer of 2003 with students traveling to London, Paris and Rome. Since then students have had the opportunities to travel to Barcelona, China, Brazil, Paris, Milan, Berlin and London. While abroad, these students have had many different opportunities, including the chance to cover the Summer Olympics in London. In 2016 students will be able to travel to Jordan, Greece and Israel to study social media and its impact in the Middle East and social justice within these counties. Cronkite Euro 2014 visited London, Paris and Milan, studying social media and how media organizations in each country utilize it. Cronkite Euro 2015 visited Berlin, Milan and London, also looking at social media and news organization abroad. Cronkite Euro is a three week study abroad program put on by the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism & Mass Communication during the summer semester. The focus of the program is to look at news organizations across Europe and how they utilize social media to reach their audience. Over the span of the trip students work as journalists in the field reporting on stories within each city. Throughout the trip students consistently tweet, write Facebook posts, created Storifys and do stand-ups abroad. Students experienced what it is like to live in each of these cities as well as what it is like to work as a journalist overseas. Over the three weeks students have the opportunity to visit over 10 news organizations across Europe, meeting with journalists and learning how these news organizations implement social media into their reporting. The trip is designed to teach students about social media and help them develop a strong social media presence while they are abroad. While abroad students have the opportunity to explore the cities both journalistically as well as culturally, visiting locations such as the Louvre, Big Ben and the Berlin Wall. The purpose of this thesis project is to put together a comprehensive video portraying how the trips affected student and faculty's view on journalism across the globe. The video can be viewed at this link:
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Positioning the Canyon Suites: A Case Study of a Boutique Luxury Resort

The Canyon Suites at The Phoenician is blazing a new trail in the luxury hospitality industry, but is still facing challenges garnering widespread recognition by consumers. Located on the world-renowned Phoenician Resort property in Scottsdale, Ariz,. The Canyon Suites is

The Canyon Suites at The Phoenician is blazing a new trail in the luxury hospitality industry, but is still facing challenges garnering widespread recognition by consumers. Located on the world-renowned Phoenician Resort property in Scottsdale, Ariz,. The Canyon Suites is the first "boutique resort within a resort," of its kind in the nation. It shares restaurants, pools, golf courses and a spa facility with the 583-room Phoenician, while also offering exclusive, higher-end amenities and services of its own. In February 2013, The Canyon Suites became the first Forbes Five Star Hotel in Arizona since 2002, and one of just 76 hotels worldwide. So why aren't its occupancy rates higher? The Canyon Suites is struggling to distinguish itself as a unique world-class resort, while still remaining loyal to its roots at The Phoenician. One key strategy to reach target audiences is through public relations efforts. For purposes of this study, external messaging in the form of press releases were evaluated, as well as a content analysis of print media coverage about the resort. The objective was to determine if the content and frequency of PR tactics corresponds with resort occupancy rates over the course of one year (Summer 2012 through Spring 2013), and to make recommendations on how it can improve future public relations outreach.
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Terrorism And The Media: A Study Of Journalism Ethics In The Attack On The U.S. Consulate In Benghazi, Libya

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On September 11, 2012, terrorists attacked the American Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi, Libya. Four men died in the attack, including a U.S. ambassador, and 10 others were injured. As has become customary with terrorist attacks, there was constant coverage of

On September 11, 2012, terrorists attacked the American Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi, Libya. Four men died in the attack, including a U.S. ambassador, and 10 others were injured. As has become customary with terrorist attacks, there was constant coverage of the attack by newsrooms all over the world. And as terrorism has become a more prevalent occurrence, newspapers have been confronted with unique ethical issues. This study examines how four international newspapers – The New York Times in the United States, The International Herald Tribune in France, The Gulf Times in Qatar and The Guardian in Britain— responded to the attack in Benghazi and whether they violated journalism ethical codes in three specific areas. A content analysis of 140 print articles published in a little more than three weeks after the attack revealed that The New York Times and The International Herald Tribune were more likely to frame the attack around politics, whereas The Guardian and The Gulf Times focused on international ramifications of the attack. It also found that all four newspapers changed their stories on what was to blame for the attack as time went on. In this study, a total of 41 violations of ethical codes were displayed. The Guardian presented the highest number with 15. These findings suggest that the newspaper’s geographic separation from the incident and Britain’s lack of personal involvement may have influenced its coverage. Additionally, the findings revealed that journalism ethics codes need to be updated to reflect some of the moral dilemmas that are unique to terrorist attacks.
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CLS Study Abroad in Japan: Ways Students Succeed

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The purpose of this paper is to explore different aspects of participating in a study abroad program with a focus on the 2013 Critical Language Scholarship Program in Himeji, Japan. I had always wanted to study in Japan and was

The purpose of this paper is to explore different aspects of participating in a study abroad program with a focus on the 2013 Critical Language Scholarship Program in Himeji, Japan. I had always wanted to study in Japan and was finally able to when I was selected for the CLS Program. The eight weeks I spent studying in Japan had a significant impact on my life, and I wondered if studying abroad has as much of an influence on other students too. The key questions in this research are: 1. What do students gain from studying abroad in Japan? What are the biggest benefits? 2. For what reasons do students decide to study in Japan? 3. What qualities make for a successful and beneficial language-learning program? The research was conducted through a fixed group who participated in in-depth qualitative interviews. The purposeful sample consisted of nine participants in the CLS Program (Japan 2013 institute) and several ASU faculty members. This paper also examines previous research that has been conducted relating to study abroad.
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Debunked and Overloaded: A Look Into The Anti-Vaccine Movement

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Physicians generally agree that immunizations save lives, but parents are starting to opt out of vaccinations for their children at alarmingly high levels. This has caused a debate. Some feel that full immunization coverage is essential to this country's future.

Physicians generally agree that immunizations save lives, but parents are starting to opt out of vaccinations for their children at alarmingly high levels. This has caused a debate. Some feel that full immunization coverage is essential to this country's future. Others are choosing alternative medicines and taking their chances with deadly diseases. I first became truly aware of the vaccine debate when my baby cousin, Jacob, passed away in 2002. He was 1 years old. Jacob contracted seizures soon after receiving the routine MMR vaccine. Doctors signed papers contributing his death to a severe reaction to the MMR vaccine, and my aunt and uncle were given a $250,000 settlement for their pain and suffering. My family has been involved in the vaccine world for nearly 15 years, and it is this involvement that drove me to want produce a documentary about immunizations. To view the documentary visit:
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The purpose of this thesis is to analyze how colleges and universities throughout the United States market its study abroad programs to students. The author reflects not only on this central question but also explores the evolving digital age in

The purpose of this thesis is to analyze how colleges and universities throughout the United States market its study abroad programs to students. The author reflects not only on this central question but also explores the evolving digital age in which we are consumed and how it has changed the marketing environment entirely.
The following research questions spurred the curiosity for this knowledge. These questions are:
1. How does Arizona State University market its study abroad programs?
a) How does ASU most effectively market its study abroad programs to students—what marketing tools are needed and used?
2. How do other college and universities throughout the United States market its study abroad programs?
b) How do they best market its study abroad programs to students—what marketing tools are needed and used?
3. How has this new digital age shaped the marketing environment today?
4. How do you develop relevant marketing strategies for a specific study abroad program in order to increase participation?
Before answering the preceding questions, this thesis first examines the origin of international education and its history.
Additionally, the author of this thesis created a series of questions that was sent via to various college and university study abroad offices, directors, advisors and marketing specialists throughout the U.S (a total of 18 schools from various parts of the region responded to the 37 question survey). This in turn allowed the author to answer a large portion of the above research questions. See attached documents (Appendix A) for a list of all the questions asked via survey, as well as each school’s response.
After a thorough analysis of the above research questions, the author focuses on the development of marketing strategies to help promote a specific faculty-led study abroad program at Arizona State University’s Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication (the official name for that program: “Cronkite Euro: Social Media Across Cultures: The European Perspective”). It is the analysis of the above research questions that in turn helped the author create marketing strategies that were tailored to this specific faculty-led study abroad program.
These marketing activities included the expansion of Cronkite Euro’s social media presence, specifically by creating an Instagram account for the study abroad program (@asucronkiteuro). Another major marketing activity included the expansion of Cronkite Euro’s online presence. The author of this essay completely revamped the study abroad program’s website so as to adequately keep up with the tech-savvy, digital natives of today ( The importance of implementing these specific marketing strategies will be later discussed in part IV of the thesis.
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The Evolving Journalist

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Abstract The intent of this research is to understand what it means to be a journalist in the 21st century. As technology continues to advance at an accelerated pace, industries must adapt in order to sustain business and keep people

Abstract The intent of this research is to understand what it means to be a journalist in the 21st century. As technology continues to advance at an accelerated pace, industries must adapt in order to sustain business and keep people employed. Journalism is a field that has struggled to find a way to monetize the services it provides with the overwhelming abundance of information that is now accessible for anyone on the Internet. As a result, journalism has expanded to become more than a source for news and information; it is an area of interest, topic of discussion, and connector for both consumers and producers to create, interact with, share, and engage in. The goals for this study are focused around three main research questions that aim to uncover differences in the journalism field today compared to 10-20 years ago, what skills and traits are required for students to become journalists in the 21st century, and how this data and information should affect journalism education. 1. How does the change from tradition mediums to digital change journalism jobs? 2. What skills and traits are required for students to become successful journalists? 3. How should this data affect journalism education? The research for this thesis was collected using a variety of methods including observation, interviews, and surveys from a sample data population of journalism students, recent journalism graduates, journalism professors and professionals from the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication. While there are many ways to interpret and analyze why and how the journalism field has changed, most of the research uncovers what young journalists moving forward in the field can do to prepare for the changes they will face in the future. While striving to uncover what the most important traits for young journalists to have entering the journalism field today, the data showed the answer varied depending on the individual. Across all three categories of the data sample of students, graduates, and professionals/professors, honesty, curiosity, and hardworking were important traits needed to be successful in the journalism field. According to the sample of data recorded in the survey, writing was the number one skill journalists need to be successful in the 21st century. This study also revealed how the evolution of the journalism field allows opportunities for new ideas and innovation for journalism education. According to interviews with professors and professionals, journalism education should focus on a hands-on learning approach that spans across multiple disciplines like business, design, communication, technology, science, etc. Because it is important for journalists to be multi-disciplinary in their field, journalism schools must teach multi-disciplinary skills and allow for new ideas and creativity in media innovation.
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